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Accepted D.T. Teacher Application | Fine_By_Me


Level 12

Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

Do you have a microphone?:

What is your time zone?:

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I do acknowledge and accept that if I was to become inactive, I would be demoted and removed from the teacher faction.

Describe your activity on the server:
On my main account, I come online every day for about 2-3 hours to just enjoy SRP, I have around 15 weeks within 2 years on that account. I have added a timetable to this so you may see my schedule; Availability is subject to change within the seasons.​
10AM - 9:00PM​
3:30PM - 9:00PM​
2:30PM - 9:00PM​
2:30PM - 9:00PM​
2:30PM - 9:00PM​
2:30PM - 9:00PM​
10AM - 9:00PM​

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server:

What are your current roles on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
Blossom789 - [College][B][Cheerleader]
Blossom789 - [Adult]
Fine_by_me - [Grade-12] (Applying on)


What subject are you applying to teach?:
Design Technology (D.T.) Specifically I would like to teach culinary

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
I have thought of applying for either teacher or professor for awhile, especially culinary! After weighing the pro's and con's of each role, I have come to the conclusion of applying for the role of teacher. I would much love to help new players around with this server as being one of the first roles they will see when attending their first school day. The thought of taking the time and initiative to take on the responsibility of helping other players out has always been something I always enjoyed doing. After being the past chef HD, I do wish to return to faculty but as a teacher whom will actually directly roleplay out with student's and their amazing adventures! I would love to continue to roleplay out cooking and nutrition as it is something I have an interest in OOCLY, so why not bring such talents and interests right here to SRP? I also enjoy the fact of having a little bit of power within the school to keep the delinquent's in check. SchoolRP is my place of personal enjoyment, and I would like to continue with this under a new role I have never tried before.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT?
In short; Yes, I do realize that I will be applying for the position of unqualified teacher until I have successfully completed teacher training and host a few guided classes and classes on my own.

Do you understand if your application is accepted, you will have to undergo teacher training?:
Yes, I do understand that I will undergo teacher training.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
Teachers logs are that of which helps the teachers themselves and higherups track how many classes this teacher has hosted in a month. There must be 10 classes logged each month or there will be an inactivity strike unless the teacher had set an inactivity log in place. Teachers class logs also determine any overtime a teacher had worked so that they may be paid fairly for there hard work earning up to 500k for max quota. Teacher class logs are important because they acknowledge the face that the teacher is indeed active and that they are completing their quota on time.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:

As a teacher, I would have some class rules that I will recite at the start of each class so that the players that join my class, are aware of the rules and the outcome if they so do wish to break these rules.

1. No yelling, raise your hand

I do realize that there are new players within schoolrp who have yet to realize that /yell or spamming is very annoying to the faculty, and it surely will not be accepted by me. I will icly be telling the class of this rule as to keep an indoor voice and to not yell or repeatedly say the same thing 1000 times. Students must action to raise their hands or use /rh to get my teacher characters attention anything other will not be accepted and the player will be once again reminded of this rule.

2. Stay at your own station

Running around a classroom with no point is distracting to other players in the class, this is why I have set a rule to stay in the station you choose at the beginning of the class. The only times when the players can leave their stations are to collect or submit assignments to me or I tell them to for any other reason to move.

3. Phone usage

No teacher likes it when a character plays music or makes a phone call in class, its down right distracting! Phones will remain in the characters backpacks, pockets or on the front of the teachers desk until class ends (They keep the phone in their inventory). If this rule is broken, then my character will indeed confiscate the phones until the end of the class where the character will then get their phone back. Just to make it clear, the player will keep their phone in their inventory as they just can not take it out for the rest of the class if it has been confiscated ICLY.

4. Behavior

Students are expected to stay civil in class, and to not fight with each other. If any sort of conflict between students does occur, then the students will be threatened detention and removal from class

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
Being on this server for 2 years now, I have a firm understanding and fun experience within the server and its terminology. I have experienced multiple factions of HS fem basketball, 2x Col fem basketball, chef HD, and currently Col cheer! So it is safe to say that I have had my experiences within the server. I do plan to continue to grow my knowledge and roleplay journey for many years to come etc. This role was only an invite to experience a new type of roleplay and add on to my list of experiences, as it would do me well! Writing actions and communicating with other players on the server is only one of the many things I enjoyed and improved on over the years of experience within the server.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:

- HD
↳ Meaning:
Head Of Department
↳ Description: The head of department's job is to oversee the current teachers and take care of any questions/needs they may have. They will also be the ones to train the newly accepted teachers and have a say in who gets accepted for the applicants, as the most higherup stage of all 4 stages of a teacher right under the SLT. The HD is someone who is active, knowledgeable and looked up to by the teacher faction! they may also be open and able to listen to the teachers requests and assure that they are properly doing their job to the fullest of their ability.

- QT
↳ Meaning:
Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: The QT is a teacher whom has plenty of experience with the subject they teach and have completed the necessary training and completed quota multiple times to teach this rank. They are are to help students and oversee UT's classes once they complete their introduction to assure they are hosting classes and doing them properly! Qualified teachers are one rank under the HD as they are still regular teachers/faculty of KHS!

↳ Meaning:
Newly Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: The newly qualified teacher is one who has completed the necessary training and introduction given by the HD. They are free to host their own classes now that they have completed their UT stage! To achieve this tag, you must be actively in the teacher faction for a little over a month to show that you are able and willing to host your own classes successfully and know what to do in scenarios such as bullying, detention and much more.

- UT
↳ Meaning:
Unqualified Teacher
↳ Description: The unqualified teacher is the tag you receive once you first get accepted into the teacher faction, this tag will stay with you until you have successfully completed your teacher introduction and training. It is highly advised that the UT has the HD or QT shadow them for their first few classes to assure that the UT does the necessary procedures etc correctly! The UT must remain professional along with all the rest of the faculty to remain in their positions and prove themselves to be hardworking individuals to earn themselves the tag of a NQT.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Upon completing 10 classes as the minimum quota a month as a UT, teachers will receive 350,000 yen. each 5 classes they do overtime, will receive 50,000 extra with the max quota being 500,000 yen. However, QT's will receive 400,000k as minimum quota is reached. Teachers have access to their own classroom upon acceptance, where they will host their classes! When hosting a class, they will generally open the class for around 30 players to come in and learn. Teachers will detail their speech so that the students may understand and follow given instructions as told, open to questions at the end of their speech/class ends. Teachers may give out assignments and quizzes in class with notebooks that they will create, and preferably mark and post students grades on the high school class bulletin. Teachers may stay in their classroom with doors open for any additional questions or time to finish an assignment a student may need. On a teacher's free time, they will be given the chance to monitor the school's halls and give out detention or warn students for misbehavior. Teachers may also be given a small break so that they may lounge in the faculty lounge, have a cup of coffee or simply have a short chat with fellow co-workers!

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
Teachers are one of the most important roles in the schoolrp server. As the same suggests, SRP is all about school. Without teachers, what type of server will this be? Teachers are one of the first faces and school experiences a new player may encounter, as they deal with the high school side of srp, the role new players have.. Teachers have to have enough knowledge about the server itself to help guide the new players on their new srp journey!! Teachers hosting classes will also help high school role to reach the future goal of college with enough collected classes to boost players chances at passing college exams! In conclusion, teachers are one of the most necessary and to put it frankly, quite an under-rated role within the SRP community that deserves way more respect.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
The lesson planning system works on MoSCo. This is Must have, should have and could have. This method gives teachers a guide on how their lesson could be better and what makes a lesson good.

Character Information

Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different?

Description :
A 5'3 graceful Ivorian girl, her braided hair cascading in intricate patterns, embodies elegance and a slight charm. Her demeanor and warm smile reflect a sophisticated personality, blending tradition with modern grace. Each gesture and glance showcases her refined taste, making a captivating presence.

Lilivati Irie upon first glance would hold a rather stoic look on her face, her walk long slow strides with a more antagonistic aura. Although, her looks may not always be accurate to her personality. Irie would have a more soft, kind heart. empathetic to most, as long as they do not get in her way or exasperate her in any means. Irie has a unique way to say anything, as she loves to incorporate light sarcasm, leaving those she speaks to with a quite unique experience. In serious situations, Irie will always be on guard and up for anything she may help with or do herself, as she like to take control of situations rather often, being the quick thinker she is. She is also one to take a stand for her believes but willing to listen to those who have different opinions and weigh the pro's and con's, ensuring a fair and accurate outcome to any situation she may be in.

What is their outlook on students and their co-workers?
Lilivati Irie's outlook on her co-workers is professional and etiquette, as she expects nothing less and nothing more of that! She will always address her co-workers by the professional surname first as she expects them to do the same to remain on the more traditional and professional way to greet someone. When it comes to the students of KHS, Irie knows that they can be rather disruptive, especially the younger ones. Irie has a very short patience and gets rather annoyed on students being a distraction to her or other students and will kindly ask then to stop. Although in general, Irie does enjoy working with the students as long as they do not annoy her. She will often compensate the students needs and requests before anything else unless it is to much to ask of her. In conclusion, she does go by the saying, "treat others the way you would like to be treated." As this is something she expects nothing more and definitely nothing less of!

What are their plans for the future?
Lilivati Irie plans to continue her title as a Teacher among the pupils of KHS, continuing to serve and strive for her place as a QT. Irie also plans to expand her knowledge on the works of culinary arts with new recipes and different techniques by learning from others and hopefully be able to teach these to her students. For now, she will remain content to her place as an adult in this server until she shall be accepted as a teacher.

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
Upon seeing a gang of delinquent's in the hallway, saying such foul language, Lilivati Irie would not be that happy. Irie would calmly approach the student's and kindly ask them to stop using such language, If they are to continue, then Irie would follow the following instructions: Two warnings, threaten detention then give detention for continuing to swear upon being asked to stop. These students will then be called to detention at the end of the day to complete one of three tasks.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
If the class was to refuse to listen to a word my character is saying, I would kindly ask them to lower they're voices and listen. If they are to refuse to hear her out the first time, Irie would threaten to give the class a pop quiz or a simple assignment to recap what they had just learned. Simple yet affective way to keep student's from misbehavior as such. Irie could also warn them if they do not take the class seriously, then they would be kicked out and not be welcomed back until the period has ended.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
Irie would spend her breaks in the teachers lounge, sitting down at a table to prepare her next lesson, enjoy a cup of coffee from the coffee machine, prepare herself some lunch from the staff kitchen beside the door or simple have a chat with her co-workers about their day and classes. If she was to relax there for a few moments she would often be caught reading the latest news reports or a students journalist report, keeping up to date on anything and everything that may be important to the school and the city that they happen to be living on in a total. Irie would be very nonchalant about her surroundings as it is her time to relax unless she is called upon by the radio or help is simply needed within the school where she would then exit the lounge.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

Nodded her head, her eyes gazing over the children positioned at their stations. With a soft huff, she clasped her hands together and gave a subtle smile. "Welcome to culinary class! Reminder to turn all your phones off, stay at your stations the whole class and raise your hand if you have any questions or concerns." Irie Released her sweaty hands, gesturing to the stove off to the side of her desk as she continued to speak. "Today for class, we will be discussing cooking safety and learning to properly use the stove." tapped her rounded nails on the desk, looking down on a small sheet of paper she was to hand out...

/me Let out a small tired huff, looking up at the students then back down at the fire extinguisher beside her. Picking up the extinguisher, Irie held it up for the whole class to see! "This class, is a fire extinguisher. This tool is necessary to have in your home, and especially close to your kitchen incase of fires!" Pointing to the pin on the top half of the extinguisher, Irie continued her speech. "To use this, you would need to pull the pin. This would allow you to push the lever so you can dispense the extinguisher inside! Be careful though, this is very cold!" Irie set the extinguisher down with a loud CLANK! Blinking a few times at the canister. . opsies!

/me Nodded her head at the student, letting out a small smile as she turned around sharply on her heel to face the blackboard. Writing down the correct answer the student had just given her. "That is correct!" Traced two little underlines under the answer; 'get a teacher's attention if an emergency occurs' Irie turned back to face the class, tapping the board twice with the chalk to grab the student's attention before she continued. "Please note that if there is an emergency within the kitchen, then please tell me right away." tossed the chalk back into her little flowery chalk cup, score!

/me Yawned... Lounging in her big awesome teachers chair as she looked out upon the class. "Class is about to end, please finish up what you are doing or clean up your stations!" Nodded her head at the class, then leaning forward to clear her own desk. Giving the desk a gentle sweep, Irie glanced over at the stack assignments, noticing how little assignments were on the pile! "Please, bring your assignments to the front, these will be graded!" Picked up a blank assignment, holding it up for the class to see as reference of what assignment it was.



Early life
Lilivati Irie's life began in the capital of Ivory coast, Yamoussoukro. Irie was brought up by two loving parents who installed a sense of work ethic and modesty to her from a very young age. All was well for Irie, as she continued to do well in her studies. Her father, being a lawyer at the time was very impressed with her intellect from a young age, dreaming of Irie being something that he would consider to make him proud. Irie's father pressured her to get not just good grades; but great grades in school. Putting her through a lot of pressure to do well, a little too much pressure for a child for what anyone with a descent sense of mind would call it. From this, Irie had begun to struggle with making any sort of decent relationship with her peers as she was always under a lot of stress from her studies that she had started to struggle with her communication skills. It was during her preteen years that Irie began to question the life she had been leading. Irie realized that there was more to life then the academic world; A world of creativity and imagination. As a light act of rebellion, Irie had slowed her academic studies to try new things, as she soon realized that she had enjoyed the culinary arts, and she was rather good at it as well! Dreaming of taking on a future profession of a chef. Although, Irie's father did not so much approve of this seeming to be unrealistic 'dream', telling her that she would be wasting all her years of hard work. Seeking a different angle to tackle her dream, Irie had soon come to the realization of a profession that would both satisfy her father's dreams for her and her own; A high-school culinary/D.T. Teacher.

College education and present day
Instead of giving up on her dream of perusing her culinary dream to a profession that her father would 'approve of', Irie had decided to go through with teacher's college and Major in culinary arts, and child development. The culinary side of the majors took care of her future goal of teaching culinary, as it also satisfied her interest. The child development course, she had taken interest in after all that she had been through with her early life struggles, learning on the affects and tolls of emotional trauma. This would help her keep knowledgeable on how to handle the children of a school and how to properly help them if needed. Upon completing her degree at the local college, Irie had searched to find a school that she would be welcomed and needed, and she was willing to go abroad; Searching for just the right location for work. Irie had heard great things from a cousin who had moved to Japan for her studies, that the schools there were awesome and she could find any open positions that Irie may want to take. Soon after, Irie would move to Karakura to live with her cousin permanently in hopes of applying and getting accepted into KHS as a D.T. high school teacher. Perhaps she will get in, only a certain application will determine the fate of Lilivati Irie.

In-Character Information

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):

Lilivati Irie

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s):

Preferred Name:
Miss. Irie

Age (Minimum is 25):


Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:


Current Location:
Japan, Karakura

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):


Academic Degree:

Year of Graduation:

Child development
Culinary arts

Health sciences

Native Languages:
French (To be applied for once accepted)

Other Languages:

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:


Additional notes about your application:


Do you have any questions?:

Last edited:


Level 39
Teacher Lead
Welcome to the Teacher Faction!
Please join the Karakura Academics server to gain your roles and receive further instructions.​

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