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Level 1
What is your Minecraft username?: ihaveacrophobia

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):N/A

Do you have a microphone?:N/A

What is your time zone?: CST
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Yes, I understand!

Describe your activity on the server: I play all day but on school days, prob not that much! But mostly I play all day,

I think morning until Uh I think the afternoon, I Have been playing for 2022 but I'm still grade-12, Because I quitted for a while, I Think I would mostly play on my teacher char!
Link(s) to any previous applications on the server: N/A
What are your current roles on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level): I only have 2 chars their Zay Sato-Agapov, and Damien Yui, Their both grade 12.

What subject are you applying to teach?: I am
hoping to teach History! As I love finding about back in the old days! I cannot ignore my chance to help others explore their talents and the history of the subject I love with all my heart! I hope to offer classes about point perspective and the rule of 3rds! I'm excited to explore the creative minds of the students and come up with fun ways to entertain and teach my class! Days right now, my history teacher always came up with fun ways to keep the students focused. I hope to re-introduce some of those ideas into SRP, to help keep the essence that I enjoyed alot the community, even if it is just a roleplay server.

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?: From a young age I always wanted to be a teacher in Srp! as I want to help people as a teacher It has been one of my goals for ages, during right now which is still my fav teacher is Tsukaimon Ichiyama I want to be just like him, Being a teacher has been one of my goals for ages sense I started playing, Hés like the best teacher in the world! I love to give him stickers Hehe but I do want to do history!

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT? Yes, I do understand!

Do you understand if your application is accepted, you will have to undergo teacher training?: I may need help with commands that are teacher like because I don't really know them Prob like radio and intercom! and class and grading all etc.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:

The class logs are managed by the SLT (Senior Leadership Team) and used to keep track of how many classes the teachers have hosted. These logs also include information on how long the classes lasted, how many students attended, and even the star reviews the students leave for the teacher! These logs are a good way for the SLT to keep track of how much to pay the teachers at the end of the month, as well as keeping track of the general attendance of students and teachers alike. There is certainly more to teacher class logs, but this was all of the information I could gather for now! I hope to learn more with the chance given!
As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
No Cellphones - This rule is to ensure that the teacher and students can have a good time and learn from the lectures or instructions given with no interruptions. He might be slightly lenient if the student is using a reference photo, or maybe print it out for them, but otherwise, he is headset on this rule. If there is an emergency, he`d will allow the student to step aside for a moment, but there will be no further usage!

2. No talking during lectures without raising one's hand - The teacher, expects respect from the students and will give respect in return. Due to this, no talking should be occurring that could potentially interrupt the learning experience! There may be exceptions of course, such as if he is playing a game with the students, or he didn't see a hand raised!

3. Toleration - This is meant to be a fun classroom, and while not everyone is expected to get along, tolerance is to be expected within the school walls to ensure that everyone has a fun time! Whatever drama is between two students is to be left at the classroom doors.

4. No Illegal Activity - There is to be no illegal activity in this classroom; this includes drinking, smoking, carrying illegal items, etc. This, of course, is both a rule for the classroom and a law that people should follow. Damien has a no-tolerance philosophy when it comes to such crimes. For example, if a student is spotted with alcohol, it will be reported and dealt with immediately.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay? I Have been roleplaying for so long Sense I was 5! I would do Roblox roleplays all the time they would be family roleplays mostly school roleplays then I was on google and I searched good school roleplays, and this is how I found Srp I said oh this looks fun, and I used to do roleplays with my friends we all had good times I can't believe I still remember all of this.
In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning: Head of department.
↳ Description: The head of departments are the highest rank in the school. This group of teachers has much knowledge of the school and has delt with alot of stuff in their days of being a teacher they each teach, and they help the low teachers who need help or who just started! or they just help with training in
- QT
↳ Meaning: qualified teacher.
↳ Description: The Qualided Teachers are part of the faction that has shown perseverance through their training and gained experience throughout their time! They have completed many classes and proved themselves to be deserving of the rank given.
↳ Meaning: New qualified teacher.
↳ Description:

Description: This group does not have much experience, however they are from training, but they still might need help, but they no longer need to ask to host classes on their own!

- UT
↳ Meaning: Unqualified teacher
↳ Description: These teachers are technically trainees in that they need to be supervised and shown how to work the ropes of the classroom! The will be the one to host classes for them and train the teacher on how classes work, along with ensuring they can properly manage, host, and teach classes through lesson plans and lectures!

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

From my observations during my time playing and the research I have found around the forums, the compensation for Teachers varies based on experience. Those with less experience may receive a lower income, albeit not less than 350,000 per month. On the other hand, more experienced teachers (such as HDs or QTs) have the potential to earn a minimum of 400,000, with an additional 50,000 if they meet their quota. Teachers and Professors are from different factions, which means that professors receive higher pay than high school teachers. This did not discourage me from applying for a teacher position instead of a professor!

My research has led me to some information about the training process for new teachers! They need to receive a proper introduction from their Head Director before being sent off to be trained to teach! It can often take from weeks to months for teachers to rise in the ranks, but that varies depending on the teacher and their availability when it comes to hosting classes. However, SLT does advise against spamming classes! In my observations of the teachers in the game, they often host 2 to 3 classes depending on what their lesson is about that day. For example, I noticed that an English teacher has a pattern of hosting his classes during the 2nd and 4th periods, but if he gives out a bigger or longer assignment or lesson, he will plan ahead of time and do three classes instead! I have also noticed that it is not often to see a teacher on for two days in a row, which is important to note due to the idea that they make sure to take breaks to not overwhelm themselves with classes and lesson plans! I have seen less experienced teachers run themselves dry of classes and then be out of lesson ideas by the end of the day.

Outside of teaching lessons, teachers also dedicate time to patrolling the school premises, ensuring that rules are followed! They also frequently hang around the teacher's lounge, taking breaks or focusing on grading assignments when necessary - then again, they also sometimes grade assignments in their classrooms during break periods! Outside of their profession, teachers have lives beyond the classroom. Many of them have families waiting for them at home, showing that they are more than simply teachers in a school. In fact, I have a character that is the son of a teacher, and then another who was adopted by a professor! While they make sure to keep up their appearances at school, the teachers aren't afraid to wind down for the day when that clock hits 4:00! Unless they have to host detention of course, then they have to stay at the school a little later to watch over the students who are in trouble for the day.

The way teachers teach varies across subjects and teachers alike! For example, in English classes, some use fun activities like games or debates, while others focus on writing and assignments, like creating characters! I have been in a very equal amount of both of these types of teaching styles, and both seem to be effective! Art Teachers also have different styles, with some sticking to traditional methods and others specializing in Graphic Design, exploring digital aspects of art. I have seen Art Teachers who do a lesson first and then move on to the assignment for the day, and others who use the art assignment as the student's way to keep track of notes throughout class time!

ICLY, teachers are important to the School Roleplay due to their sheer existence being the main form of entertainment to help most of the population in Karakura (since this is a city that takes on a college-town style) get through the school day! I have also heard, unsure if this is true, that SLT takes certain lessons from the Teachers to implement into the next exams! That means that while some people might find classes and assignments "useless", or a "waste of time", they are actually very necessary to help people prepare ICLY and OOCLY to improve their grade-level!

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?: To help people learn more stuff as myself I have learn alot Srp classes will teach the students how to be better as they do learn more about real life as the teachers ask questions.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:

he Kurakura School runs on MoScOw, which is an abbreviation for "Must Have, Should Have, Could Have, Won't Have".

Character Information

Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different? Damien Yui Would be a male at 5`5 He loves cats and dogs as he`d be missing an eye it looked like he`d got burnt I think what makes Damien unique is his style and his dark blue hair he's into basketball as he`d would do search on history, Damien Yui would act really sweet He`s always wearing suit with baggy pants.

for srp.png

What is their outlook on students and their co-workers? Damien sees himself as a guide for future generations, to help them strive towards a life of education and a brighter future. Being painfully aware of the issues in a high-crime area like Karakura and the high school itself, he hopes to steer students away from a life of crime! He believes that, with proper care and in trying his best, the students he affects can achieve these goals and expectations he sets for them. He treats all the students with kindness and respect, recognizing the potential within each of them! He even refers to the students in his class as Damien also would be bit childish.

What are their plans for the future?

His plans in the future he wants to get married and have a good life Aswell he still wants to be a teacher at Katakura high school as he`d might move to a collage teacher as he`d as 18 so probably he`d but as well in collage.

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
"I would first observe the group of young students, acquiring the knowledge needed to understand the situation. I would then first attempt to calm down the group and offer a warning of detention if they do not try to cooperate with me. Then, I would figure out what happened, and who the culprits are, and give first and second warnings. If they do not listen, I will offer a warning to hang out detention slips if needed to all who were involved in the dispute. If they still do not listen, I would simply hand out slips and contact SLT if the situation worsens, separating the group and letting them know I do not want to see them together again."
No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?: consider myself a very patient person; however, I am not afraid to give punishments when they are deserved. If the class is not listening to me due to a dispute, I would give detention slips to the two students disputing after two warnings. If the class is simply just being loud and rowdy, I will try to compromise by offering a reward to those who can listen. Whether that is reward tokens or choose part of the lesson for the class! If they are still not listening, I would unfortunately have to resort to warnings and even kicking students out of the class when needed. teacher's lounge, how does your character act: Damien Yui is the type of man to spend his time in the teacher's lounge doing something. Whether that is or eating in his classroom eating lunch, talking to a fellow employee, or working on grading assignments to have more free time at home, he keeps himself busy in the best ways possible. He is not the type to slack off at work too much though, even when he is given the time to. He believes that while he is on the clock, he should be doing something productive with his time. While away from the students, he lowers his guard around his co-workers and will most likely have a coffee while striking up a conversation with a passing colleague, but he is not the type of person to talk of drama that happened within his student's lives to other teachers!
Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me would turn to the wall behind him, holding a white stick of chalk up with his back to the students. As the man wrote, the chalk would slightly squeak in response to the man's quick yet neat hand flying across the green old-school surface. He would stand tall as he turned to the students, giving a slight bow in greeting to them before smiling. Moving aside, the board would show four simple rules, his name, and the lesson of the day! "about how money was made!"
/me would go into the closet, rummaging sounds being able to be heard as the man looked for the specific assignment to give for the day. He came out of the closet barely a minute later barely managing to carry a stack of journals over to his desk, dropping them with a loud accidental
BOOM as he turned to the students with a huff of relief and a smile, holding up one of the assignments "Here is where you're going to tell me about how u think it was made."
/me would shut the door behind the last student and let out a sigh of relief, walking over to the desks and reorganizing anything the students might have left behind-- that being papers, extra assignments, or even random notes he hadn't seen being passed in class. Then, he would grab the assignments he needed to grade and head into the closet, grabbing his phone and coat after putting the items neatly in the chest. This excluded the ungraded assignments, of course.

ad been slightly focused on grading assignments-- but he noticed the student raising their hand out of the corner of his eye and set the current assignment down along with his pen, smiling warmly to the student and nodding, inviting them to ask their question. As they asked, he put the student paintings on the dry rack, listening carefully before making eye contact once again to offer advice on their struggle in their assignments. "Instead of trying to make it look perfect it's your choice it's okay if it's not long, it's okay if u don't know it this is post to be your choice! isn't supposed to be perfect, it's supposed to express you and your what you think it is I find that the best things are the ones where i know everyone else if you need help you can ask someone! Instead of starting over, see what you can do to work with it!"

Damien Yui was born on December 9th, 2005, when he was 5, he`d never had parents his parents adopted him they didn't care he`d always came back bleeding as Damien Yui was 15, he`d started drinking alc he`d was young but it was a stuck but he`d always bought alc from his dealer so he`d didn't have no id as Damien Yui grew. he`d had started smoking as then his brother died on June 3rd, 2021, He`d got his eye burned off. that's why it's still red their but he`d always had a friend named Ayano that was always there for him thought sense he`d was Ayano and They hangout alot they spent their childhood together but Ayano and Damien still hangout alot. When Damien's brother died Ayano was there for him.

In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only): Damien Yui
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr. Damien
Given Name(s): Daniel
Preferred Name: Damien has never really had a nickname.

Age (Minimum is 25): 18.
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: No
Marital Status: Single

Nationality: I am Japanese
Current Location: "Karakura, Japan.

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):

I have never worked anywhere as my past experience I have never just when to school was my job.
Academic Degree: None
Year of Graduation: None yet.
Major(s): History.
Minors: Reading. Japanese Sign language

Native Languages: English or Japanese
Other Languages: Japanese Sign language

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: Nope!


/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?:
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Level 108
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Thank you for applying! However, after careful consideration, I have decided to deny your application

  • Your application lacked detail in comparison to some others.
  • Your application did not match the proper format.
  • You need to have a discord to be in the faction

Please feel free to reapply! Any questions regarding your application, please DM me on discord.

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