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Accepted Teacher application Tippie (Subject Switch)


Level 169
Senior Admin
College Sports Lead
Event Coordinator
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?: Tippiee [other accounts: Tippie_ , Tippieeeee , Tippieee , Tippieeee, some more]
How old are you?: 17 years old
Do you have any previous bans?: No, I do not.
What Country are you from?: The Netherlands, Speaking English fluently
Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord username?): Tippie#7823
Do you understand that most answers are found in the roleplay documents?: Yes, I do.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Yes, I understand and I would stay active.
Do you understand that all classroom activity must be documented on the "Teacher Roster" thread?: Yes, and I will document it all if I get the position.

Describe your activity on the server & the forums?: At the moment of writing this application, I am mostly active on being 'Toshi' Fusanosuke (IGN: Tippie_). As 'Toshi' I am active for the Football Team and all the types of RP involved with it. On the forums, I am active to just read posts written by others, most times I do not reply since I do not feel the need for it or writing applications for whatever I need to. I'm also very active on the official Discord server by posting screenshots in #screenshots and talking with people in the voice channels. Overall on a normal school day, I'm online on discord/forums from 8 AM GMT till around midnight GMT and on the server, I log on at around 3 PM BST.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?:
Maths Teacher - [Accepted]
DID application - [Accepted]
Staff Application - [Denied]


What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?: ICly and in the future OOCly I am motivated to be a teacher. IRL I love to help people with homework and help new students at my school with their problems. ICly I would like to do original activities with my class so the students would be interested even more in the subjects I give. I am also very active on both the server as the forums (weekdays around 4 hours, Saturday and Sunday around 8-12 hours). I would also like to contribute to the school by being a very active teacher. So in short, I think I would enjoy being a teacher and would also make free time for the job.

Do you have any experience in Roleplaying?: Yes I do, I have been playing roleplay on a different server as a family. Because the server is dead and very toxic I decided to leave that server and going to SchoolRP. In the first few days, I was not familiar with the rules of schoolRP so I played the server with the rules open on my second window and asking the staff about the rules I did not understand. Now I do understand all the rules and enjoying the SchoolRP roleplays. I have played schoolRP for almost a year now and have been a teacher for quite a long time.

Have you read the Faculty Handbook?: Yes, I have and I will and have followed it.

What are the classroom logs and why is it important?: The classroom logs is a document that describes everything that happens in a classroom and what the teacher does. This is very important to see if the teacher is doing their job well and fulfils their position and maybe earns a promotion.

You want to start a school field trip; how do you do that?: If I would want to start a school field trip, I would plan a meeting with one of the VP's to discuss what is necessary, what the school field trip is about and to get approval for the school field trip. I would also discuss the things that are needed for the school field trip. Besides that, I would try to get assistance from a teaching-assistant to have extra eyes to not lose any students. When this all is discussed and the trip is approved by the VP I would inform my students before the trip is happening and write them all down so we won't lose any student while we are doing the field trip. We would meet at a discussed place, wait till everyone is there and start the field trip.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?: Strict rules that a teacher need to follow when being in a class are:
- A teacher shall never use physical nor shall they use mental violence against any student.
- A teacher shall never discriminate any student in any way.
- A teacher shall never favourite any student and will never give any student the feeling that another student is better than him/her.
- A teacher shall never put a student at risk.
- No teacher shall use any type of illegal contraband in class or on the school grounds.
- A teacher shall never accept a bribe from any student.

Summarize your previous RP experience's (both in general and on SchoolRP): I have a lot of RP experience's. I started playing RP's around 4 years ago on a weird survival RP server, where you could start a family and RP like its a normal life. After that, I have played several CityRP's on Gmod and Roblox. because I did not like those games, I switched back to Minecraft RP servers and played some more/other CityRP servers. I don't play on those servers anymore because or they are not online anymore or no-one plays on it anymore. Besides that, I also hosted a private RP server to play with my IRL friends. On SchoolRP I play mostly as my main character 'Toshi' and got a lot of roleplaying experiences with both that character and a lot of my older characters such as Liam Q. Dot and Nanami Mawij.

Describe the ranking system of teachers:

- HD: Head of Department - The teacher with this role is in charge of their respective department. If there is a dispute on how a certain subject must be taught, they get the final say. They also should get the final say in other similar matters where the rest of the applicable teachers don’t agree.

- QTLS: Qualified Teacher with Learning Skills - Teachers who have this badge thoroughly understand the subject and have teaching experience.

- NQT: New Qualified Teacher - These teachers are new in their teaching career. They must consult the Head of Department on how and when they are teaching.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

OOC Teachers are some of the most important people in modern society. They are the ones preparing children and young adults for their jobs. They prepare children for being an adult and have a large influence on the path the student choose in their future. IC Teachers are very important since there would no schoolRP without teachers. They serve the purpose of teaching students subjects ICly but more importantly, teachers are serving an essential position in the SchoolRP since there would be no school without teachers.

About how the teachers teach, OOC teachers should teach students to the best of their ability. They should also keep them motivated to pay attention during the lessons. They will also give out tests every once in a while to check if they have acquired sufficient knowledge about the thought subjects. If the student does not possess the required knowledge, the teacher should help them with it and give them extra work. In my IRL school, the lessons are mostly lectures and if there is extra time we will begin working on our homework or preparing for the test. ICly, teachers would also teach students things, but this is way less serious than OOC. IC teachers should not copy the same lessons over and over again like OOC teachers sometimes do. Because the students can decide to go to the same lesson more often than other students, all lessons should be as unique as possible to keep the players interested in going to lessons. So in short, OOC teachers teach to prepare students for the future and the upcoming tests. IC teachers teach less seriously to make sure the students are interested in the classes given.

About what salary they get. In my country (the Netherlands) real-life teachers get an average of 3.306 EUR each month, to their opinion they are underpaid. They are demonstrating and going on strike because of this. ICly teachers get 250.000 YEN.

Out-of-game teachers would do nothing special in their spare time, they just do things that other adults do. Though there is a minor difference. If teachers don't get the work done they have to do, they will have to spend time outside of their normal hours to finish it. Think of checking tests or homework from students, or creating practise material. ICly is there not a big difference. On my cat character, I am owned by an English teacher and he is doing the same. A large difference between out-of-game and in-game is that you don't have to sleep in-game, so teachers have more time to do other activities like the other adults would do.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?: Teachers are important to SchoolRP servers because this type of roleplay is based on a school. A school has two main aspects, teachers and students. If there were no teachers on a school-based server, you could not say it is a school-based server. Besides that do teachers also have an important role in guiding students, if a student has a question, this student would likely ask a teacher.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?: The lesson planning system the school works on is the must have, should have and could have system. Also known as the MoSCo method.

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does he look like? What makes him unique and different? What is his outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his personality like? What is his plan for the future?

The name.
Dru W. Wooten is a young man that lives in a city near Karakura, Kuribara. A long time ago his mom (she lived in Kuribara) met his dad, Mr Wooten. When they married they decided to move into Mrs Wooten's house, in Kuribara. This is how Dru got his last name, it's an old English surname. The full name of Dru is Andrew William Wooten.

His appearance.
He would be an average-sized young man. He would be 26 years of age and his exact length would be 5'8". He would have a white skin tone. He would have dark hair and wears glasses (if he had enough money to buy them).

His personality.
Dru is from a very wealthy family, because of this he had a good education in his younger years, both his parents worked hard and Dru was home alone a lot. When Dru finished elementary school and went to high school, he was home alone even more. This made him feel very lonely and shy. He would rather spend time at school than at home. School is where his friends were and people who he can talk with. He made a lot of friends but was not happy. Only a few of those friends actually cared about Dru, that made him feel bad. He did so much for them, but they did not do anything for him in return. When he reached 11th grade he thought a lot about the “friends” and decided that being good for them was better, he changed everything in his life. He felt bad for letting his "friends" down, even though they didn't care about Dru. He wanted to be good, even if they didn't do anything in return. This gave him a good feeling and made him want to meet people again. He tries to keep close contact with all his friends and tries to never let anyone down. Since he is doing this Dru is mostly happy and loves the world he lives in.

Outlook on Students.
Dru finds students some of the most important people in the school. He doesn't like to give bad grades, but sometimes he has too. He knows how hard high school can be and he wants to help the students to make it easier. Because of his history, he tries to always be there for students if they need someone to talk to or if they just help with homework. Dru respects all students and tries to guide them where they need it.

Outlook on Teachers.
Just as Dru finds students some of the most important people of the school, he also thinks this about teachers. Dru also wants to be there for his colleagues and he respects them all. He would also like to learn from more experienced teachers.

What makes Dru special.
Dru is special because of his history. He dealt with it in a unique way. This makes him how he is now. Dru also likes it to make jokes, but most of the times he is too afraid to say them to people, he thinks they could be harmful to some people.

Future plans for Dru
Dru wanted to be a teacher since he got rid of his social problems, currently, Dru's plan is to stay teacher till his retirement, he loves to work with people and wants to help as many people as he can. Dru had a good education and is very good at math and ICT. He wants to share his knowledge about those subjects with the new generation of students.

After Dru had taught maths for a long time he started combining maths with PE and found out his interests were more on the side of PE. While he was still being a teacher he followed different courses on how to teach PE. After he finished those and gained enough experience to teach PE he applied to switch from subject.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
I would confront them and make sure they stop with what they are doing now. I would warn them that if I see them doing it again there will be consequences. If they still continue with this kind of behaviour I would report them to the VP and make sure they won't harass my students.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
I would calmly start the lesson, hand out the books and give them time to calm down. (OOC this works for my teachers). If they still do not listen to what I say, I would first ask in a friendly manner for everyone to be quiet. If that doesn't work, I would punish the people who are instigating the chaos.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
Dru would try to get to know his colleagues and would always try to have a nice talk with his colleagues about how the day was and other friendly topics. Besides that Dru would be grading tests and assignments the students made or copying books and preparing for his next class.

Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me he'd humming around in the classroom while handing out books to the students.
/me he'd wave his hand before the eyes of [name] to get his attention.
/me he’d write the following with chalk on the school board: “The first one who has the answer on this task will get one point.”
/me he’d sit down on his chair ticking with a pencil while the students are taking the test.
/me he’d look over the class to see if someone has raised their hand.

Dru W. Wooten was born in Japan, this after his grandparents moved here. His grandpa is an Englishman that met Dru’s grandma on a student exchange. After this, they fell in love and married later. They decided to move to grandma’s country, Japan. His grandparents lived their lives there and got 2 children. One of those children married Dru's mom, Dru's parents decided to stay in Japan and they started a family.
Now more about the history of Dru himself: His family was very wealthy, because of this he has had a good education.
In elementary school Dru had a lot of friends, his grades were good and he made it off pretty easily. That all changed when he got to high school, in high school Dru had a hard time. His good friends from elementary school abandoned him and he was all alone. He tried to make new friends, but he got bullied. Almost everyone called him a nerd because he was one of the smartest. He got a lot of help from teachers with this and he got through this hard period of high school. In grade 11, he was placed with a few of his elementary school friends. He was happy with this but his old friends seem to have forgotten Dru. Dru tried to be friends with them again but they didn’t seem to want that. They ignored Dru as much as they could, this made Dru feel bad and it reminded him of the period he got bullied. He wanted to do bad things to them, but he did not. He suffered from it and tried to let it go. After a period of loneliness and sadness, he decided to try to pick up life again. He met some people who were younger than him. They had poor grades and Dru offered to help them with the subjects they were struggling with. He really liked helping them and decided to do this for more people. This is how Dru started tutoring people. He really enjoyed it and decided to put more work into teaching. When he got to grade 12 he had been tutoring a lot of people with maths and ICT, these are the subjects Dru is great at. After he had finished high school he decided to study maths and ICT to prepare himself for being a high school teacher. This education went very well and Dru had a lot of spare time. He decided to spend this spare time to broaden his knowledge with doing a minor for Science. In the final years of the course, he was an intern at a school near Karakura. During this internship, he started out giving private classes to the students who needed extra help. He ended up teaching entire classes. After this he decided to apply for a teacher at this school, he got accepted and worked there for one year. After that year, the school was forced to close its doors because of the lack of students. Dru still wanted to be a teacher and decided to apply at Karakura high school. He had thought maths for almost two years and found out his interests were more on the side of PE. He already combined maths with PE in his classes but ran out of teaching ideas. While he was still teaching maths he followed courses and did another study to prepare for changing his teaching subject to PE. One year later when he finished these courses he applied for the subject change.

In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name: Andrew William Dot Celestial Wooten
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr
Given Name(s): Andrew, William
Preferred Name: Dru

Age: 29
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Not Religious
Marital Status: Single

Nationality: Japanese
Current Location: Karakura
SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years): 6 (one as an intern, five as a teacher)
Working Experience (# of years): 9

Academic Degree: Bachelors

Year of Graduation: 2014
Major(s): ICT, Maths, Physical Education
Minors: Science, Applied Anatomy, Applied Physiology, Care of Athletic Injuries, Coaching Theory, Individual Sports, Team Sports

Native Languages: Japanese
Other Languages: none

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: no
Preferred Teaching Subject: Physical Education


Additional notes about your application (if any):
Reason for Changing subjects:

I don't really enjoy teaching maths anymore. Right now I'm only combining maths with PE but my idea's with interactive fun maths classes, both to host and attend to are limited and I end up teaching the same classes quite often which is not fun to do.
Do you have any questions?: No

Deleted member 5455

- Wonderful application as always, the effort and detail are clear to see. I'm happy you chose to apply for a new subject rather than quit all-together.

Please DM me on Discord to have your roles adjusted - melody#0429.

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