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[ TEACHER EIICHIRO HIRAG || WHOTFAREU_ ] - Biography / character profile.


Level 82
This Document deals with sensitive topics under the line of abuse AND uses strong language, in the PAST LIFE section and again strong lang in other sections. . Nothing is heavily detailed. I will soon update this and add a shortened summary for those who still want to know his story!!

♚ G E O M E T R I C S ♚

↬ Full name ↫
Eiichiro Asher Hiragi

↬ Nickname ↫
Eiichiro likes to be called ‘STAR’ as this was his nickname back in the acting industry.

↬ Age ↫
As of currently he is twenty - seven years old!

↬ Birthday ↫
Born on the 30th of june, year 19xx

↬ Birthplace ↫
The male was born in England. A hot humid day.

↬ Height ↫
Stood at 6’3ft!

↬ Gender ↫

↬ Orientation ↫
As of currently he has no idea. Though he mentally says his a BISEXUAL

♚ A P P E A R A N C E ♚

↬ Skin color ↫
He’d have somewhat of a light tanned white skin.

↬ Eye color ↫
Light honey-ish color.

↬ Hair color ↫
The male’s hair is dark purple. It’s actually black but since he failed daying it once the color didn’t stick too well. Gaining the dark purple-blackish color.

↬ Hair style ↫
His hair was shoulder length and slightly curly.

↬ Facial hair ↫
He had a small WHITE beard growing at the end of his chin.

↬ Body Type ↫
Eiichiro had a STRAWBERRY body build! Where he’d have broad shoulders and a relatively small waist.

↬ Scars ↫
Star has a rather big scar across the left side of his body. This was gained during a fire where he was trying to save his FOURTEEN years old daughter back when he was twenty years old.

He also has multiple scars across his arms and chest. Nothing too major but that burn scar that was mentioned earlier.

♚ C L O T H I N G ♚

↬ Outfits ↫
Eiichiro is often seen wearing something casual out of school grounds. He likes wearing a brown jacket, An unbuttoned black shirt and tight dark-blue jeans. Coming with him his yellow pikachu bag.

On school grounds however, he is rarely seen wearing something casual. He’ll often wear a suit and reading glasses aswell.

♚ P E R S O N A L I T Y ♚
↬ Normal mood ↫
Really on default Eiichiro is pretty laid back. He zones out a lot due the massive amounts of thoughts going through his memory-flooded head.

↬ Temper ↫
Yelling and speaking loudly for no reason. This pisses the life out of Eiichiro even though he has a smile on all the time. He can in-turn scream or even trash something in order to make whoever is making the noise to shut the fuck up. If he was lucky he’d manage to keep within himself and walk away.

Another thing that can get on his nerves is distant people. People who don’t communicate with him on an emotional level. He doesn't lash out or anything. Its just something that bothers him silently.

↬ Discipline ↫
If Eiichiro was never kidnapped he’d grow up not listening to rules and acting in a ‘bad-boy’ manner. However, due the kidnapping he grew fear in EVER breaking the commands of anyone. This had forced him into honesty towards anyone he remotely fears. He still gets jumped whenever police is nearby because he’ll get so paranoid that he’s doing something wrong.

Often ending up in him staring at the ground.

However on a self-level He tends to procrastinate at times. However, He tries his best to tend to everything in time.

↬ Strengths ↫
Eiichiro might not be the strongest mentally. Getting stressed out way too often during just school time, or whenever someone is being stubborn. Eiichiro didn’t have enough time to mentally mature well. He has the mentality of an eighteen-year old who's trying to stay mature under stress.

The male had a strong build physically. He could fight well and defend himself and beloved once.

↬ Weaknesses ↫
Something that’ll fuck Eiichiro up is insults or negative criticism. He was never able to handle those well and can really get upset if someone insulted him or gave him some negative criticism.

In the case of an insult he’d probably snap at that person and hide somewhere. Even if he thinks its stupid of him to get upset over some younger insulting him or even an older person.

If its a negative criticism The man would go into overdrive perfectionist mode.

↬ Drive/dreams ↫
“ I would like to answer that.. But I think it’s better to keep it hidden. “

↬ Fears ↫
Eiichiro’s mostly scared from betrayal. There's no source behind it really. But it’s just a thing that exists.

Eiichiro has a trigger towards injuries and blood. Having been in horrible situations before doesn't help this. The male would panic whenever he himself is injured or others are.

↬ Likes ↫
Eiichiro has an unnatural love to flowers and the environment in general. You can find him always going to the middle of the tree in school just to see the green. Laying down in the grass and inhaling the fresh air.

He likes acting alot. Star was an actor for two years and acted for over eight movies. This interest burst from a young age when he was and still is inlove with theaters.

↬ Dislikes ↫
As we’ve established before he hates loud noises. The male also dislikes salty food, wine or alcohol and alcoholics in general. Becoming very bothered whenever someone is drinking. And even more upset with himself when he results to it at rare cases of pure agony.

↬ Soft spot ↫
A soft spot.. Well it’s quite easy. Jasmine. His daughter. The male would do anything for her and her safety. Feeling quiet lonely without her, and his other kid Zakkirya.

He has another soft spot for children in general. Especially those who went through abuse or violence and experienced more or equal to what he went through.

↬ Depression ↫
“ Too curious.. “

↬ Role model ↫
Eiichiro used to look up to be like His father, Minato as a six year old boy. That then shifted to his mother and then to Kaitom His big brother. The man as of currently doesn’t have any Role models. But he hopes someone is looking up to him.

↬ Mental disorder ↫
Panic attack disorder || Panic disorder.
General anxiety disorder || GAD
Paranoia || -

He has a rare condition called Hypethymesia

♚ R A T I N G S ♚
(5 Stars means very high strength, 1 star means very low strength aka weak)
↬ Psychological strength ↫
3.7 / 5

↬ Physical strength ↫
4.8 / 5

↬ Close quarter combat ↫
5 / 5

↬ Distanced combat ↫
2 / 5

↬ Leadership ↫
2.5 / 5

↬ Wisdom ↫
2 / 5

↬ Intelligence ↫
4 / 5

↬ Confidence ↫
5 /5

↬ Endurance ↫
5 / 5

♚ R E L A T I O N S H I P S ♚
↬ Father ↫
[?] BIOLOGICAL FATHER - Asher B. Jomes
“ He gave me up to take care of my mother. But I know that he has more than enough money to take better care of BOTH of us. What a liar “

[A] ADOPTIVE FATHER - Minato Hiragi
“ Father who had gotten me out of the orphanage. I don’t know really, but in all honesty he never harmed me. And I’m grateful for that. “

↬ Mother ↫
[?] BIOLOGICAL MOTHER - Ophelia M. Jomes
“ I remember how she was taking chemotherapy. It wasn’t the best option but it was the closest and easiest to reach. I miss her voice when she first named me. “

[A] ADOPTIVE MOTHER - Kim Mingyung
“ Mom, She’s like the miracle flower in the movie Tangled. Her voice is similar to my mother’s and even softer.. Although she did get angry when I was first adopted. Which is funny because I remember how confused I was. “

[A] MOTHER FIGURE - Aoife O’Sullivan
And before I saw my mom. And like, Had no mental support whats so ever it .. - well, there she was. I really didn’t want to throw myself at her but to be honest. She’s easy to open too.. As if she was - I can’t describe. “

↬ Brother(s) ↫
[A] STEP BROTHER - Kaito Hiragi
“ I’m going to be honest here. He is, emotionally distant. It’s kind of why I couldn’t tell him anything going on with me in my life.. It’s kind of upsetting that I can’t figure anything about him. It sometimes feels hard to call him.. Brother when I know so little of him. And it hurts me so much to just think of that. I think i’m just too self aware of the fact I’m adopted or something. That doesn’t mean he’s a bad person!!! Infact I wouldn’t ask for anyone to be MY older brother other then him.!! I just wish he’d open up to me. “

↬ Sister(s) ↫
[?] STEP SISTER - Aubrey Hiragi
“ I have a sister???????????????? “

↬ Other relatives ↫
[A] NEPHEW - Morimoto Hiragi
“ He’s annoying, Annoying, more annoying and i’m so happy he isn’t my kid oh my god I swear if he said to me something else i will slap him and god forbid I will tell kai to HANDLE HIS GODDAMN KID “

↬ Friends ↫
[A] Aoife O’Sullivan
“ And before I saw my mom. And like, Had no mental support whats so ever it .. - well, there she was. I really didn’t want to throw myself at her but to be honest. She’s easy to open too.. As if she was - I can’t describe. “

[A] Oscar Hamilton
“ There are only two people from the Hamilton family that I trust. one is Yamaro, the 2nd is this guy. Look. I won't sAY what is our relationship, I myself don't know, but. ill give him this, that man is literally something else. like I never EVER got so much affection and he pops into existance. “

[A] Kataline Vetali
“ We met in college. Became friends there and now here we are!! Both teachers!! And also she’s chaotic assss fffuuucckkk … “

[A] Katsuo Marie
I WOULD start fanboying over him but I want to spend more time with this guy before anything. So like, y-yeah!! - anyhow. “

↬ Best friend ↫
[A] Aoife O’Sullivan
[A] Kataline Vetali

↬ Love interest ↫
hell yes

↬ Marital status ↫
he isn't married b but he is dating someone.

↬ Children ↫
[A] Jasmine Hiragi

A very timid shy girl at the age of eighteen. She was legally adopted by Eiichiro at the age of fourteen but taken care of by him from the age of eleven
“ I tried to protect her from everything. four or so years of her life was chaos and gang activities and I .. tried my best not to have that effect on her .. I guess I didn't do much. But at least she’s not harmed .. She’s my daughter and I don’t want anything but her safety. “

[A] Zakkariya Hiragi
An eighteen-year old Arabic boy sent into Karakura by Eiichiro’s adoptive father Minato. Eiichiro had legally adopted him from sixteen year old. Zakkariya has a rather flirty-ish laid back persona.
“ I have no clue why did father send a sixteen ear old on his own out in the city .. I decided to take him under my wing. Fun fact is that I can’t pronounce his name correctly so I say Zak all the time. He calls me baba which I find is a cute word - its like baaabaaaa. He said its the arabic word for dad !! “

[A] Hyousuke Hiragi

An eighteen year old male who wore a helmet at .. well, most times. He was adopted by Eiichiro over six months ago. Hyousuke has a rather child-like persona. independent and a strong fella. The two clicked together ! It's easy for them to find something to do in the middle of the chaos.
“ this kis is literally so- independent and in teh same time balanced. like you know when parents go : ah I wish my kids are independent and take care of them selves.. - but then I dont want them to forget me?? thats literally Hyousuke's personality. I can actually trust him to be on his own and choose things wisely. expect when he nearly got detention that one time. “

♚ P A S S - T I M E ♚
↬ Hobbies ↫
In his free time Eiichiro is most likely going to lay down in the grass and relax. It’s just .. sort of a hobby of his to shut his brain and think of nothing but the breeze of wind.. His mind is often busy with an overflow of memories that he can’t wipe out.

The male might go to an open field somewhere and start naming flowers or classifying them. It’s a simple thing he does time to time that brings joy to his world. The male just adores flowers and admires them.

↬ Talents ↫
Eiichiro’s pretty good in acting. He was a rather famous actor for two years before quitting his job!! The male worked hard to get that golden chance.

↬ Occupation ↫
He works as a DRAMA teacher at karakura Highschool & College in Japan. Luckily a big portion of students took liking to him !


*P.S >
This backstory is updated and changed after I applied for a teacher dRASTICALLY. However, it is the same outcome for Eiichiro. Both stories end up with the same man! PLEASE DON’T KICK ME OUT OF THE FACTION I’LL CRY


♚ L I F E S T O R Y ♚

↬ Age 0-4 ↫

“ look at him.. So pretty. “ The father mumbled softly at the sleeping newborn. He had washed the infant and cleaned him. Having no balance to afford a hospital. “ c.. can i .. see him.. ? “ The weak mother uttered. She cried tears of joy knowing her son had survived such a tiring and dangerous birth while holding him. Her weeps and sobs caused the infant to start crying again.

“ Eiichiro.. “ the mother whispered. Naming her child.

Eiichiro was a healthy kid! Except one problem.. He didn’t speak at all. The little boy simply used gestures and noises. Growing up in a poor family wasn’t a big bother for the kid. But.. It was for the father. The kid had seen Asher unlocking a case before.. When he woke upon one rainy night. A case full of money that seemed to be more logically saved across the years.

Asher was an unemployed father. He did singing on the streets for a living in the streets of london. The mother on the other hand suffered from cancer. Eiichiro was the only child. He understood his surroundings pretty early on. He started putting his hands in work from one years old. Although he did fail most of the time, he was getting noticeably better.

He rarely spoke to his mother however, Asher told him he isn’t allowed to do so unless she asks him to come in. Which rarely happened due her sickness . The little boy had so little time to spend with his mother, earning him a full time with his father who was .. a nice guy. Yeah, not abusive or anything.

Things started to get slowly worse as Ophelia started getting chemotherapy. Large amounts of money being spent on solely that left the father and the kid starving at nights. Getting kicked out of the apartment complex soon after and sleeping with the mother that had to sleep at the hospital, the reason being her bad health.

Eiichiro woke up every night to the sound of his mother crying in pain of what's happening to the family. Blaming herself and decreasing health. The child would sit up and hug his mother. Making small whines as he started to tear up from seeing her in such a terrible state.

In one fateful night the parents had decided something painful. They decided they could not afford living like this, especially with a kid in their hands. Asher, leading the child to an orphanage doorstep, had left him there. Promising to come get him in an hour. ..

It didn’t happen. The orphanage had taken the child in.

↬ Age 4-12 ↫


↬ Age 12-20 ↫

The pre-teen boy opened his eyes to pure darkness. A fabric wrapped around his eyes and mouth. Leaving only his nose to breathe. Terror filled his soul as he heared screams of agony and pain. His body started shaking and breathing quickened.

“ HE’S AWAKE. “Announced a man as he untied the blindfold from the twelve year old. Eiichiro blinked a few times, adjusting to the bright light before looking with horrified eyes at the tattooed man. The male smiled creepily at the younger boy who was mortified.

“ hey kid. Eiichiro was it? “ Eiichiro didn’t answer the man. Beginning to sniff instead. The male’s face turned stone cold before landing his hand on the younger’s cheek harshly. Causing a choked sob to be heard. “ If you're that soft you won’t survive here a DAY. “ The elder laughed heartlessly before moving on with the other knocked out children.

The next few years of his life were pure misery. Nothing but Harsh treatment that could be described as slavery or child labor.

Eiichiro was seventeen by now, His body held a rather muscular build. Soft eyes and harsh words. He was set as the lead of the kidnapped children and he was not by any means kind.

The male- @#$%^&^%$#@#$%^&*&^%$#$%^&^%$##$%^%$#@#$%^%$#$%^&*&^%$#@#$%^&*(*&^%$#$%^&*&^%$#$%^&*&^%$^%&$^&#%^@%^$%^&$^&$^&^$&^&^*&(&^^&&%^$%$%#$#$#$$%%^^&&**(&^%$#@!@^%$#$#$#



On one night a rather … teen kid arrived at the base. Blindfolded and beaten up which really, hasn’t shook Eiichiro one bit. The male waited for the kid to wake up, start crying, whine and scream. Which naturally, happened. He fed the probably eleven year old girl..

A small thin girl with a somewhat thin weak body and tired eyes that lacked sleep. At a young age that is. It confused Eiichiro a little. All the kids who arrived here were in good shape and health. This one looked tired and almost depressed. Eiichiro glanced at his kidnapper, giving him a side glance. “ do you love weak kids or something? This one’s clearly fucked.. “ He mumbled silently.

“ It’s your job to unfuck it then. No discussions about that. “ The man replied, whose name was Tsukio. Eiichiro groaned in annoyance. “ well then don’t expect it to work until a month or so atleast. Both ways its too weak. “ Tsukio rolled his eyes at Eiichiro. Eiichiro flipped him off, which didn’t phase the elder.

With a heavy sigh Eiichiro carried the weeping teen and put her in his room. The male tilted his head a little. The memories he never forgot flicked into the light. An eleven year old him staring right back into his eyes. The girl crawled into the corner and under the somewhat old blanket shaking in fear. The seventeen year old frowned a little.

He ruffled through his pikachu stolen bag and pulled out a small stuffed bunny that was untouched for years. The male dusted it off thoroughly before putting it near the girl. “ I’ll be back in a few hours. Don’t dare leave this room if you want to stay safe. “ He instructed harshly.

Eiichiro then left the room. For the next two months it was the same. The girl who’s name was Jasmine slept in the same room on Eiichiro’s bed. While the elder slept on the ground.

On one day Jasmine was crying in the night. Eiichiro woke up ‘cause of it. In that moment a memory flicked into light. For a second. He saw himself. That hopeless kid he was. A heavy sigh escaped his being. Scooting closer to the teen and patting her.

“ there there.. I won’t hurt you, yeah? “ He spoke in a surprisingly soft voice. The girl wrapped her arms around him weakly. Sobbing and shaking in fear. The teen’s eyes widened a little, arms wrapping around the girl in pure hesitance. Eiichiro .. teared up a little… then few more. He hugged the girl a little bit tightly. His being shaking.

“ So, how’s the girl. “ Tsukio asked, a week later. Eiichiro shook his head, “ not too good. She’s still weak. “ Well that was a lie.

Tsukio tsk’d. “ get working then. Every one of them needs to work or we know it all too well. “ His filthy lips tugged to a sick smile. Eiichiro rolled his eyes, “ Hiro, just get moving yeah? You don’t want to get a beating for not moving those legs of yours. “ Eiichiro felt like he was babied around and rolled his eyes, making a gag noise before stuffing his hands in his pockets and walking to the basement.

The male didn’t harm Jasmine in any way. Nor enslaved her in any manner. which , clearly angered Tsukio. He started giving Eiichiro more heavy tasks. Exhausting the teen physically and soon to follow it mentally. When that didn’t work, he resulted to violence.

Tsukio had managed to get afew attacks behind Eiichiro’s back on Jasmine, Who was elevan by the time. Those attacks never ended well. Eiichiro landing attacks against Tsukio and opposite.

This went on for four whole years. Eiichiro protecting Jasmine with all that he had.

On a cold night. The 7th of december.

Eiichiro, now a twenty year old man. Had manifested a plan to escape with Jasmine. He gave the fourteen year old a gas mask and helped her wear it. Doing the same for himself. “ were gonna escape jazz. Yeah? Out of here for good. “ He glanced around one last time. Picking his Pikachu bag and sliding it on his shoulder.

The male had stabbed a pipe open, causing a toxic gas to leak.. What he didn’t know that the gas was flammable. A small metal spark as Tsukio opened the door and the place was up in flames. Eiichiro, using a rope wrapped his waist with Jasmine’s. He held her hand tightly and carried her.

“ cover your eyes. “

Were his words.

Eiichiro ran asfast as he could but the fire made it faster. He heard screams of agony as the flames grew wild. A piece of melted metal fell on his head. He himself let out a bloody scream. Throwing the metal away.

He wasn’t able to see with his right eye. Panic set it. He ran up the stairs with an arm wrapped around the teen against his chest.

“ hang on Jasmine. It’ll be over soon. “

A pipe exploded into flames right next to him. Lighting his shirt and skin on fire. He stumbled out of the underground base and threw his bag, following it the girl on the bag. The left side of his shirt was burnt off and the fire was put out by the heavy rain outside. Jasmine staring in horror at the scene before her.

He watched the whole thing go up in flames. Soon the police and firefighters arriving at the sight from the people seeing black smoke in the air.

Eiichiro and jasmine were escorted to the hospital. Treated and taken care off there. Jasmine had minor burns. Eiichiro on the other hand had his left arm lose sensation down to his elbow. His hair was somewhat burnt away on the left side of his face.

Heavy burn marks trailed from his forehead down to his elbow. With a few minor once on his right thigh and left leg. It took two months to release Eiichiro from the hospital. The whole time jasmine was taken care off by the hospital staff since Eiichiro wasn’t really able too.

“ … what now .. “

↬ Age 21-23.5 ↫

Eiichiro had managed to get money from the bank. Soon getting identification cards for him and Jasmine, legally adopting her to be his daughter. “ Jasmine Hiragi. “ He spent a year at first under a bridge. Doing nothing but stealing books to educate the fourteen to some degree, to prepare her to be enrolled in school.

The male soon got a job. Not the best out there but the thing he was able to get was a simple cashier at a rather busy Cafe. Jasmine of course wasn’t left alone. He set her in the staff room with his stuffed bunny between her arms and a private teacher.

Eiichiro worked a double shift. Once getting enough money renting a small apartment, enrolled Jasmine in a school, and enrolled himself in an adult school. He didn’t take long to actually graduate. Being a smart student there and never. NEVER. Forgetting a thing. Seems a little unrealistic even to him but his memory served him well.

This meant his whole day was busy. Being back at 12AM. Spending one hour with Jasmine at night..

“ then.. We’ll go to korea. Then Japan and settle there .. in better conditions “ Eiichiro was twenty-four by the time. Leaving Jasmine to be nearly fifteen years old. The girl nodded with a smile. Excited with this plan.

↬ Age 24-26 ↫

Foot in south-korea.

Eiichiro had rented a new apartment. Somewhat bigger then the one he had in England. The male and his daughter lived there for a week, just basically having fun in Korea and relaxing. Jasmine’s been enrolled in a new school. Eiichiro in college. During that time he started participating in theaters and plays. Following his passion for once now that he found time for it. The male got into the acting industry.

He had his lectures recorded by his professors who were very supportive of his situation! He grew to be a famous actor . The male graduated college at the age of twenty-six. When jasmine was just turning seventeen. A teen now.

He wasn't the best parent out there but he was trying to develop mentally. He had terrible breakdowns at times whenever he was at college. He half wished he had PTSD or memory loss, brain damage or any shit. No one being there during those times but his friend, Kataline. A college student who was a few years older than him.

Eiichiro and Jasmine took a huge breather in Korea. Away from all the kidnappers chaos. When Jasmine turned eighteen, her and Eiichiro left Korea to japan.

↬ Age 27 ↫

Jasmine and Eiichiro split.. Well not that dramatically. Jasmine being able to afford an apartment did that. Eiichiro was working at Tokyo first, He enrolled Jasmine into karakura high school.

Jasmine rented an apartment there, to make it easier for her to go to school. Eiichiro was EXTREMELY worried. He signed in Karakura highschool & college for the soul purpose of at least being there at her school. He quit his time in the acting industry.

The male got accepted as a drama teacher in that school.

After a month of working there he saw a new face. Someone who looked pretty darn similar to Kaito Hiragi. Kaito stared at Eiichiro. .

They had a small conversation that soon led to Kaito dragging Eiichiro to an empty classroom. Both of them realized. It is them. It is Kaito Hiragi and it is Eiichiro Hiragi.

The two brothers.

Eiichiro was.. Pretty awkward about it. Listening to a panicked professor. The younger man hugged his brother who started crying. Until this day.. Eiichiro really has no idea on why he was awkward that day. Not only awkward but even silent.

The male soon went to his father. Meeting him after such a long period of time.

Everything was awkward to him. And then so, His story continues in Karakura.

↬ Darkest secret ↫

Eiichiro froze. His eyes widened at what he just heard. Slowly turning his head to face the person. Glancing at them with such pain and agony that he didn’t bother trying. “ .. you heard me. Eiichiro. “ The twenty-seven year old’s eye twitched. Rushing to the person and tackling him. “ how the FUCK do you know that. “ He didn’t mean to harm the individual.

“ YOU STILL HAVE IT IN YOU. look at yourself. “ The male blinked. Before terror struck his face. He stood up, stumbling backwards and letting out a shaky sigh. Unsure anymore. The other stood up and dusted off his clothes, glaring at the shaking male. “ exactly. You freak of nature. “ With that they walked off. Not knowing the amount of damage that was done.


♚ T H E M E S O N G ♚
song by AJR - The Trick

♚ O T H E R I N F O ♚

♚ C R E D I T ♚
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[A] MOTHER FIGURE - Aoife O’Sullivan
And before I saw my mom. And like, Had no mental support whats so ever it .. - well, there she was. I really didn’t want to throw myself at her but to be honest. She’s easy to open too.. As if she was - I can’t describe. “
HELP. Aoife loves him so much <3

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