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temptism's Journalist Application


Level 57
Community Team
Lore Team
[OOC Section]

IGN (In Game Name):

Previous bans:
I got falsebanned for bypassing, nothing else.

Describe your activity on the server:
I spend about 3-4 hours on SchoolRP on a weekday ( when I have school ) and 4-5 on a weekend. On the forums, I check the General discussion every hour or so, and interacting with threads etc.

Do you have Discord?
I do indeed have discord. Tempt#5847

Do you have a microphone?
I have a working microphone.

List your current and past applications:
I recently have been falsebanned on the forums in which my posts got deleted, but I do remember that I applied for:
Spanish Language - DENIED
Filpino Language - ACCEPTED
College Application - DENIED
College Application (2) - ACCEPTED

What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation for applying comes from my SRP friends. Without their support, I wouldn't be applying for such position. Another motivation of mine is my love for English Literature! I enjoy writing because it helps my imagination run free.

What knowledge do you have of journalist Work?:
A journalist's job is to report any activity whether it be a gang on the loose or maybe even an event such as the fright night dance. Their job is to give important information to the reader so that if necessary, do something to stop it from happening.

Why are Reporters important to SchoolRP?
Reporters are important to SchoolRP in two ways. ICly and OOCly. ICly, It can inform players ( as stated before ) with important info they need. OOCly, this tells the person to change their characters feelings to suit the situation. Without this, it wouldnt make roleplay effective in the slightest.

[IC Section]


Tell us about your character, how do they look, what makes them unique? What are they like on and off the job? Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?:
Yanasa's personality is mainly laid-back. However, if an important situation occurs he is the opposite. Yana is unique because of his joy for school. Most people, ( surprisingly ) don't like school/feel average about it. Whenever that bell rings, Yanasa's face lights up. His favourite subjects are Digital Art and Performing Arts. Yanasa is always open to help his colleagues when they need it the most. He's good at giving feedback and improving other people's work. Off the job, Yana would go for a run round the track etc. He's a really sporty person and is always free to play a game of volleyball.


Yanasa Minoru was brought up in Osaka, Japan with both his parents and his brother. Yanasa leads a pretty normal life, attending his school's writing club. He'd average about a B in Math and an A in Japanese, taking Psychology and Triple Science as his subjects. His aunt and uncle decided to adopt. Her name was Ayako. She was 5 years younger than Yana at the time, but his parents still got him to look after her. In the best way possible, Yana would think of it as a practice job. A few years later, he met this girl outside a fish market. They got to know each other well and got closer to the point where they'd talk every day. Then one day, the girl went on a trip back home to her hometown, Bordeaux. She never came back. Surprisingly, it hasn't had a huge affect on him, yet he still tears up about it. In recent times, Ayako has been through a few deaths at a young age, so Yanasa's new job that's related to Ayako is to stop her from doing anything stupid. In 2016, Yana took a degree in psychology and has been counciling abroad at the Philippines.

[SECTION 1: Personal Details]

Full Name:
Yanasa Minoru (Japanese name format)


Given Name(s):
Minoru, Yanasa

Preferred Name:



Native Languages:

Other Languages:


Current Location:
Osaka, Japan

Phone Number:
Last edited:


Level 53
❏. Your application is lacking in a lot of detail and your answers are short.
❏. You may apply again anytime if you're interested.​

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