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ThatBurningFox | KPD Application


Level 8
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

Discord Name & Tag:

Which time zone are you in?

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications: - Student Council, Accepted - Teacher, Accepted

Describe your activity on the server:
Activity wise, I get on semi-daily, for varying amounts of time. Typically, I can squeeze in a couple hours, the timing of which tends to be a little sporadic, but, it is what it is! I believe it should suffice for quotas and activity regardless. I have been on the server for a solid year and a half as of writing; a year of which has been in the council which was a role that I pursued basically instantaneously on the server when I signed up - it was actually the reason I joined in the first place! Alas, after a lot of eventful development and IC interaction, things have started to take a steady shift into the prospects of the future rather than the present. I have two accounts, with me splitting the attention between both as well as I can manage, with the main played characters on each account being Miyako Sakai and Kazane S. Tokugawa respectively as of this moment. The playtime of both accounts is roughly equal in hours.

What is your motivation for applying?:
My biggest motivation for applying is probably that it fits my character to a stellar degree to jump into the KPD; with the natural progression she’s went through over the time on the server, it feels all too perfect for that step to be taken after the strong love she has expressed for justice and consequences to be imparted upon criminals. Initially, she was much more interested in going down the lawyer road, but things changed through IC developments that led to her desiring a much more hands on approach; a subtle bitterness motivating her to step up and do the best job she could on the streets. Which leads to my next motivation, being that I just genuinely really like police and the work that they do - in games, in reality, the likes. I love watching bodycam videos and seeing the ways that police forces work in various countries and areas. Some of my favourite characters in fiction are police characters too! From someone as light-heartedly professional and (debatably) silly as Judy Hopps - to someone as washed up and embittered as Hank Anderson, I hold a deep love for the forces and the tense situations they can get into and the creative ways that they plot to tackle them. A sturdy heart and heavy discipline all culminate together to make the ideal officer, with reality constantly testing that resolve in the face of trying times. It’s simply amazing to write from the perspective of an officer and what it really means to be an enforcer of the law - as there can be so many avenues to tackle. From an officer that is more lax and carefree, to one that is extremely professional and strict, the contrasting dynamics are wonderful to explore. That doesn’t even begin to factor in the dangers and day to day events that they can be exposed to, forced to learn and grow in response!

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
Police work is a broad field, with a variety of different responsibilities. Investigations of crime scenes (particularly in the detective division in the case of KPD) and patrols about the streets (likely more suited for the general officer division in KPD) and taking 110 calls, keeping the peace, searching suspicious individuals and striving for a better city where people can feel safe (which applies to all divisions). A police force exists to deter crime, to prevent it from happening in the first place by acting as a warning of consequence to all! Good old “crime doesn’t pay” being the central message. The utilisation of various equipment and protocol is pivotal to the police force: handcuffs are used to restrain, tasers are utilised to deter those that are getting physical, pepper spray being another method of subduing those that are non-compliant in a situation that desperately requires it. Training is provided to officers to ensure they know what to do in all the various situations they can find themselves in, with a briefing of equipment and the penalty for misdemeanour always looming overhead. With great power comes great responsibility. Additionally, in many established police forces, the 10 code system is utilised to keep radio communication concise and avoid cluttering of the channels - with one of the most iconic ones being “10-4”, which is essentially just a quick way of saying “acknowledged” (I do not know if ten codes are used on the server).

When it comes to server-specific knowledge, my familiarity is extremely limited, but I have done a fair bit of research by checking around the forums. For one, hierarchy is a fairly simple one to grasp; the force is split into two main divisions, with a particular ranking structure put in place to give a sense of progression and to distinguish the more senior/experienced members from one another (much like in reality).

A lot of this knowledge is paraphrased and may not be wholly accurate, but here goes:

Main Division
Cadet - Square one, the very beginning of the journey into the KPD faction, a Cadet is a new blood officer in training that is held under intense scrutiny. They have the least experience and consequently are expected to fall in line with others in the force, prohibited from leaving the station without another officer. A minor misstep in this role can lead to requiring another session of training, or even outright removal. The standard is two weeks training, which is concluded by an exam, where if successful will result in a promotion to Patrol Officer. A failure in the exam means another week of training and a second and final attempt at the exam, which if failed results in their dismissal from the force.

Patrol Officer - Still a rookie in the force, but holding a bit more autonomy, a Patrol Officer is capable of leaving the station with permission from higher ups. They are not really expected to do much overseeing of Cadets as they are still functionally rather inexperienced and getting their bearings (reflected by the fact that they gain no further equipment at this point), but they can still impart limited wisdom. Getting bearings further is commonplace amongst those of this rank, with the option to progress into the detective division being presented at this point should there be space - essentially marking this rank as a crossroads between divisions. Fledgling officers decide their future in the force in this step.

Corporal - Ranking up from Patrol Officer and sticking to the Main Division, Corporals are slightly more senior than their lower ranked comrades. They are capable of supervision tasks at the basic level in the field, expected to impart some degree of their experience upon newer recruits. They have proved themselves in the field with time and thus earned a promotion, therefore, with trust comes responsibility. Corporals are even capable of providing training outright and gain a bonus to their equipment loadout: A crowbar that can be utilised for breaching doors or containers. Corporals are not quite senior enough to instil direct punishment to subordinates, however - they must report misdemeanour/present evidence of misconduct to higher-ups.

Sergeant - Ascending further, Sergeants are a more veteran role in the faction. Not quite in the higher echelon, but very much close, Sergeants are able to issue orders to Corporals and below. They are also experienced enough in the faction and its workings to be able to issue their own punishments to lower ranks (obviously with proper reasoning) and are even trusted to handle mediation in the event of a hostage situation if present. Sergeants also gain another piece of equipment over the prior rank; a tranquilliser which is an extremely volatile piece of equipment used to subdue targets of far distances, typically reserved for critical situations and requiring sensible judgement Sergeants are expected to have. Their reliability is unquestionable, but the pressure in this role will certainly be much higher.

Lieutenant - In the Main Division, Lieutenant is where a senior, exceptional officer finally breaches into the higher echelon and is functionally treated as a higher-up. Given there are only three slots to be filled, the individuals in this role are unquestionably held to immense quality and scrutiny - capable of issuing orders to those below them as expected, but also in charge of overseeing Cadet training itself. They also watch over the exams and have their own respective offices to use within the department.

Captain - Functionally the final rank in the Main Division, the Captain is the most experienced and trusted officer in the division in charge of overseeing all of the lower ranks in the division, as well as dictating tactics and strategy. It is no question that they hold immense power, consulting directly with the Commissioner of the faction as what is functionally a right-hand that operates closer to the field on a regular basis.

Detective Division
Constable - Functionally the same level as a Patrol Officer in the Main Division, a Constable is the start of the journey into the Detective Division. Their responsibilities differ to their counterpart; where a Patrol Officer embarks in, well, patrolling - a Constable is more suited to shadowing in detective duties - from gathering evidence in crime scenes, to interrogating those that have garnered suspicion in a criminal light.

Detective Sergeant - A Detective Sergeant is more akin to a Corporal of the other department, with their responsibility shift mainly being a further bump of authority. They supervise in the field at the basic level, acting as a figure for lower ranks to shadow and learn from in the division. Where a Constable may gather evidence and interrogate, a Detective Sergeant is expected to ensure it goes properly and professionally, or step in and set a proper example of procedure.

Inspector - Once again, a bump in authority; they are similar to Sergeants in that they are a step away from the higher echelon in the Detective Division, but not quite there yet. Trusted with a tranquilliser much like their counterparts, they are susceptible to the same scrutiny and expectation all the same - simply in a different field of expertise.

Chief Inspector - Another step up and sliding into the upper echelon of the ranking structure, a Chief Inspector is basically in charge of overseeing those below them. They are similar to Lieutenant in the fact that they are functionally a higher-up of the force in the literal sense. With only two slots in this role, the quality is unquestionable.

Superintendent - Essentially the Captain of the Detective Division, the Superintendent is in charge of management of the entire division and working more closely with the Commissioner of the entire force. If the Captain is the right hand, the Superintendent is more akin to the left hand. Working in tandem, they ensure the faction operates smoothly, like clockwork.

Commissioner - Rather than directly belonging to a set division, the Commissioner is much more than that; they are the one that oversees the entire police force in the Karakura department. Their significance cannot be understated - the pressure and experience even more so. They bear the responsibility of management at the highest level; resources, budgeting and PR. While a police force obviously cannot function without everyone doing their parts, the Commissioner is arguably the most important cog, as their existence alone takes off a monumental pillar of responsibilities from the roles below them so they can function at the optimal level.

Why is the Police important to SchoolRP?
A police force is crucial to the SRP server due to the fact that it is not just a server about school. Obviously it is the focal point, but there is life outside of it - a bustling city full of various types of people with crime around every corner. This results in KPD becoming necessary to maintaining the streets, a deterrent force to those that would otherwise act unchecked, especially those who have sworn allegiance to gangs or no good organisations. From the very first day I joined the server, I recognised that the existence of the police force added so much to the world building and immersion of the city; it provided a semblance of security in the actual streets themselves and opened up a lot of possibilities for sweet juicy drama. From the setup of CCTV to the frequent patrols and presence in the KPD, it makes the city feel more realistic and functional. Frankly, the only way the server could properly function without the police is if the entire city side was dropped - and nobody wants that!

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:
Miyako Sakai

How old is your character (if accepted)?:
25 years old

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Female, she/her

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
College (Bachelor)

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
German (Near Fluency), French (Novice)

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Miyako Sakai is a 5’2” Japanese woman with fiery ginger hair, carrying herself with an air of immense professionalism and an aura of self-discipline; even from her early years in school she always carried that same perfectionist attitude in regards to her attire and presentation. Always ensuring not even a crease would be on her uniform in school, that carries itself over to her general attire and sense of self, something that she takes an immense pride in maintaining. Following a spur of sheer commitment and training, the young woman has become particularly lean, with a notable definition of muscle having culminated from the routine she put herself under to be capable of both defending herself and others. Her hazel gaze, sharp and alert, always seeks out trouble with a vigilant attentiveness. Observing like a hawk, the attitude she had in her youth has returned with a vengeance and much less compromise. No longer will she tolerate nonsense - she will end it, with her OWN hands.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Ever-pushing for a solidified and professional presentation among herself and those around her, Miyako in a work-setting would bring a sense of duty to the table that would know little in the grounds of restraint. Having been a stickler for rules and punishing those that step out of line since her days in the Student Council, hounding those even in the Council itself that became too lax or carefree - butting heads with even the Presidents when they did things that were questionable. Her attitude has always been particularly intense, earning her notoriety among her friends and strangers alike. Depending on the various situations that she would find herself in within the working environment, Miyako would tackle things as many steps ahead as she reasonably could. However, if it is impossible to do so, she will strive to maintain her core values of indomitable spirit in her beliefs and values, bestowing discipline to those receptive to it, due respect to all - and welcoming warmth to those that need it most. Outside of a working environment, Miyako’s beliefs do not simply up and leave: They are maintained with an iron fist, leading to her being branded as particularly uptight and perhaps even a little controlling sometimes amongst peers, a trait which comes from a good place and believing she has the best interests of everyone in heart. She tends to be a good listener and does her best to be someone that people can feel safe and secure talking to, something she always aimed for in life, professionally or casually. Her eyes are always scanning for ways to help people be the best they can be. It can be hard for her to settle and relax as she always believes herself to have to be pushing for that next step, always seeking betterment, leading to her never truly feeling fulfilled or satisfied and feeding the cycle. Alas, Karakura does not give her much choice but to double, even triple down, for the sake of maintaining some semblance of sanity - lest she join those that are lost in the madness as a by-product of indulging in lenience.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
With a strong resolve for her own way of handling things, Miyako tends to struggle with team based settings due to wanting to do things her way. However, she understands the importance of co-workers and does greatly enjoy working with other people, listening and following directives to ensure smooth running operations are more than fine by her, so long as her co-workers are operating reasonably and not being idiots, where she will be more than happy to speak out against misdemeanour. Regardless, at its core, she is more than content to work with others to achieve a common goal; like-minded individuals working toward the same outcome are much more efficient than a single person after all! With experience working part-time jobs and assisting in volunteer work with others, it goes without saying that Miyako endeavours to function in a team based setting as well as possible… Even if she would prefer to be the one calling the shots.

What's your character's backstory?
Born and raised in the mountainous town of Hakone, Miyako Sakai was brought up by her mother and father in a particularly quiet home, diligently raised and praised by the family as their only child. Her parents had wanted to try for another child, but finance concerns and the instability of her mother's health were factors that opted to result in the decision for them to avoid it. Thus, Miyako was barraged with the love of both parents - their world, their focus. Someone that was destined for greatness, Miyako was planted with the small seeds of grandeur from a young age, the young girl not quite shifting as a result of it. Not just yet. Instead, life was good. Simple, steady, perhaps a bit tight on money and not all too luxurious... But happy. The small household had each other, the Sakai home was a warm and cosy environment.

With ties to the rest of the Sakai family in the case of true emergency, things were good. Great, even: The house was never in any serious financial trouble, it would be perfectly capable of supporting itself. Though, her parents were fairly prideful and wished to be able to support themselves, particularly her father. Alas, none of them had any issues with it - Miyako was brought into a house with very little in the means of technology, but that was fine by her. A simple television was more than enough for her in the main room to occasionally watch some shows, otherwise she got into reading. Secluding herself a bit in her room to read, constantly. Growing up, she would see her grandparents often and engage with the local shrine regularly. It was from here that she got her sense of commitment. The seeds planted in her mind of her capability grew into buds of confidence and she found a desire to take what her mother had showed her over the years to get herself out there. To volunteer, to give extra to the community out of a sense of honest care.

The young Sakai didn't stop there, the constant praise was simply fuel for the fire to keep going. She adored praise, always, her beliefs in traditional values cemented by her family ties. Her school life was the next big step in this field: Studious, she took the knack she had for reading and taking information in to hone skills at a rapid pace. A reputation was quickly garnered by the Sakai for her diligence and know-it-all nature. Applying herself, she grew to become fairly suffocating, having had no real resistance to avoid doing so, the fire was starting to grow a bit too hot. Leading to her being the one to chastise others, to getting people in trouble. A teacher's pet, to say the very least, as she had garnered an iron-clad sense of duty to her peers.

From disciplinary committees, to the Student Councils, Miyako continued seeking perfectionism, to be the perfect ideal. From the outside, it seemed to simply be all from a good place. Sourced from an innate desire to be the best she could be. This was mostly true, but in reality, Miyako was actually quite an anxious girl. Her desire for approval was applied strongly toward her parents and peers, especially toward teachers and older figures in life.

Her desire has always been to be successful, to be great, in order to take the burden off of her family. Her mother and father always worked so hard and she knew it, she saw it. She didn't get to spend much time with her father because of it and she tended to be fairly lonely some days, deep down. Thus, she wanted to take that burden away from them in the best way she could, by finding the strongest success possible. Making connections, making friends and helping everyone would help with that, too, even if those mostly came from a desire to take what her mother had imparted upon her and apply it. Kindness went a long way. Alas, she grew to become a fair bit bossy, pushy, perhaps even insensitive on the surface despite every attempt to not be. A fearful reputation among troublemakers, Miyako grew to be the literal definition of an 'ideal' student.


However, due to a decline in her mother's health and a major stability dip, financial troubles arose among the family. Miyako transferred schools to help with that, something she was a bit sad to do, but the new prospect of seeing a different part of the country and spreading her wings further was enticing enough to her. The location? Karakura, of course - thus, a train ride every morning started the cycle of coming to and from Hakone to the 'humble' city of Karakura. The fees for Karakura were exceptionally cheap and the reputation was decent! ...If only the reports were actually accurate outside of the city.

Culture shock. Needless to say, Miyako was exposed to a LOT of it when she first turned up in Karakura. But, she put her mind to it, all the same - meeting a variety of different faces in her time in the city. To say that she grew up in Karakura would be a bit of an overstatement... Yet it certainly influenced her life extremely strongly, as she was humbled often out of her views and challenged by peers as opposed to uplifted.

The delinquency problem in the city was unlike anywhere she had ever seen, her first week in Karakura had her bullied relentlessly for it and resulted even in a broken leg. Her parents were adamantly horrified at her getting her leg broken in an accident outside of home, understandably so... She lied to them about what had happened in order to prevent them from worrying and having to worsen the financial situation she was much too privy to. It was always looming over her back. The loss of her mother happened not too long after these events, with her health finally deteriorating much too far to come back from. Miyako was heavily upset by it, but it only cemented her self-destructive tendencies and anxiety to support her father.

Alas, she kept working hard, making friends. It wasn't too long before she had found her place among the Student Council of Karakura's school, building a reputation once again for being a total nerd. Yet, thanks to the wisdom of a certain Tokugawa, her attitude took a change for the better - albeit a bit too late for the good of some people she used to associate with. Still, instead of being suffocating toward others, she would back off. She'd stop being as pushy to those that wouldn't listen to her. They were never worth the effort in the first place, after all.

That, and with high school and soon college in the equation, she had to focus on her field of expertise - what she wanted to do in life.

Always interested in law and justice, Miyako was leaning heavily toward the more mental work based field of being a lawyer: Particularly a stickler for rules, it always made sense to her and the dangers of the police force never felt like they warranted her taking risks needlessly. Thus that was her focus for a few more months in Karakura, until she reached her college years and got hit by loss after loss after loss of her friends. Murders, people turning out to be the worst type of criminal, weapons, alcoholics in even the most secure of spaces breaking the law. It sickened her, terrified her deep down in her core, even. Crime was everywhere in Karakura. While crime had to exist to some capacity in the world, the level of it was much too cruel, much too unchecked. Miyako grew to feel a strong resentment, a hatred, toward criminals. Her desire thus changed. Instead of becoming a lawyer, she would dedicate her time to pursuit of a role in the police force to be as directly involved with the active suppression of crime itself, out of a sense of intense desire to actively help shape the city with her own hands and stop them by pulling crime out at its roots.

No longer was she going to be a simple spectator.

General Knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
A pocket knife is an illegal weapon that would result in a swiftly assigned to the record of whoever is found to possess one; you are not able to own one legally as there are no permits for such a thing.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Iron Supplements - Utilised for treatment of iron deficiency or some cases of anaemia.
Melatonin - Sleeping supplement to help normalise resting patterns.
Wooden Cane - Basic support for walking, to assist those with trouble remaining upright.
Eyepatch - Wrapping bandage that goes around the eye to protect it and help it heal.
Glasses - Assistance for vision in those that struggle to see properly.

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
In the event of an assault on an inmate, I would be obliged to step in as this is unacceptable demeanour. It is needlessly endangering the inmate in question and violates basic human rights; the role of the police is to contain and prevent such violence, not to perpetuate it when a suspect is contained. Therefore, the best approach in this situation is to speak up first and foremost. Given the abuse would be occurring in the station, it would be getting caught on cameras, so there would be evidence of the misconduct already recorded and readily accessible to higher-ups that investigate, meaning it is in my best interest to immediately attempt to halt it rather than quietly collect evidence! I would demand my co-worker to refrain from the abuse and remind them why it is unacceptable, which should be enough to get them to come to their senses. If it isn’t, I would have to request for some assistance from other officers to ensure that the situation doesn’t get any further out of hand in the violent outburst, with the goal of separating the inmate and the co-worker first and foremost. From there, it would be a matter of assessing the condition of both individuals, with a swift call to the EMS being made should their conditions be particularly worrisome. Only after everyone was confirmed to be in a stable condition would I take the proper steps to report the situation, which would have been recorded on the station’s CCTV for review. (...Addendum that I just realised after writing, but, CCTV wouldn’t be necessary as officers all have bodycams, so I would be able to simply use my bodycam footage as proof in these cases.)

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
In the event of an assault on a co-worker, the situation is immediately to be handled with utmost caution. Depending on the level of the situation, the response will slightly differ. In a more closed off space with no possible threat of others jumping in to assist the one that is attacking the co-worker, I would immediately jump in and utilise my taser to prevent further harm coming to my co-worker - there is no reason I should not be able to handle the situation in that case. If it is a public space and I hold a reasonable belief that the conflict could escalate in any manner (by having others show up to assist in the assault) I would call in the location of the assault over the radio and specify what is happening before getting involved in a similar fashion. In the event that there is a whole group jumping an officer, I would immediately radio it in as an urgent emergency situation and specify the location as well as how many are present - as well as if they are armed. Once the call-in is made, that is when I will get involved and use my own judgement to decide which target to prioritise taking down with a taser shot to get them out of the conflict, providing as much cover as possible for the co-worker to get out of the danger zone.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organisations?
Corruption is something that needs to be handled exceedingly delicately. It is important to maintain a level of caution, to try to avoid letting the co-worker catch onto the fact that I have caught them in the act if possible, while I gather as much evidence of the corruption as possible. An effort to remain discreet is invaluable, not only for the sake of ensuring the misdemeanour is punished accordingly - but to also keep my own safety maintained. After all, a corrupt officer that knows they are going to be exposed will do everything in their power to ensure the truth does not leak, which could result in a false counter-report being made in the case of it being a higher-up officer (like a corporal vs. a patrol officer) or even a ‘silencing’, through blackmail or in the worst scenario, direct physical means.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
An attempted bribe would be responded to with a simple professional warning that bribery in itself is against the law and that it would be swiftly added to any charges that have already been accumulated - nobody wants to have to pay a fine. Depending on the situation, I would be more or less lenient with letting it simply slide with a warning - though in the event of more serious crimes, I would be way more strict in explaining, to remind them they are in no position to try to wiggle out of their punishment. Perhaps I would even fine them immediately in the event of someone who has committed a severe crime. No matter the situation, I would request for them to simply move on their way or risk being charged with something even further such as obstruction of justice. Professionalism would of course be maintained the entire process!

Thank you for taking the time to read my application!


Level 317
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to give you a chance at becoming part of our faction!

What now?
In order to proceed, you will need to join the discord server that house
the faction you have applied for. To find it, go to the SchoolRP discord
server (CLICK HERE) and search for our discord server!

We will also need you to be online to receive your introductions and
the necessary equipment to carry out your duties as part of the faction!

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (@Hirathex) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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