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THE AI MANOUR || - [ _ImHere4You_ || WhoTfAreU_]


Level 82
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ᴀʀʀɪᴠᴀʟ ..​

_On a gloomy night following the death of Lady Ai .. A decree was sent to the biggest branches of the Ai Manour. . A letter, sent to the head of Tokyo branch, likewise for every single member with the Ai last name ..
Untitled design (4).png


✦┈➤ Finally, After a few ten hours of workshopping it .. The Ai family is now in pre-action phase. This is an invite-based family, heavy in the lore that had shaped it's members, current- and future. Currently, We are open for FAMILY ALLIENCES! If you have a lore-based family, please, join the server or DM me at [LoveMe7777_] on discord or _ImHere4You_ on forums. I am delighted to bring you this family of mine. For those who are also interested in joining the family, please DM me! .. I am looking for those who are well acquainted with the workings of SRP.

All the children, and adults, are biological. Therefor, applying to be part of the family sadly, wouldn't work.

This family is based in JAPAN - With the main branch being in YUKUSHIMA ISLAND and the second largest being in based in TOKYO. Smaller branches will be added whenever the roaster is full, if it ever reaches that.

and lastly, anyone is welcome to join the server and have a chat! Please heed the OOC-rules in the server before anything.

Aaron out.

TRAGEDY has struck amongst us .. The unseen hand had reached for our family once more. The death of the beloved Lady Ai of the Yukushima manour, has shaken us to the core.

As such, I, Lord Madara of the Yukishima Branch- hearby decree that our family shall reunite. A remote island in Japan .. close to home, the city of KARAKURA .. Here, we shall rise once more.

We will not allow the curse that plaqued our family to resurface. We will not allow it to break us apart. We might be small in numbers, but we are beyond capable of rising to face any challanges ..

Unfortunatly, I must be left behind. Matters following the cursed fire that caused my wife's death is something that cannot be left to its devices. I shall find the cause of this, and they shall be punished.

For now, the family will be under the direct care of Chuuya Ai. A curious individual from the Tokyo Branch- He will work to set up a life for all of you. However, you all must assist him to do so. He has the Watchers' name, may they be of help.

We will bare through this. The unseen hand will not destroy our will.. for we are the Ai family, the proud bloodline of Zakai Ai.

Stay safe, dear children and beloved.

- Lord Madara Ai || Yukushima Branch

The family is officially in the PRE-ACTION Phase!! In this, we will collect members, set roles and organize everything with the entering and trinkling of new members, fingers crossed! Of course, once fully accepted- you are free to roleplay your character.

It has completely escaped my mind how having Chuuya in the watchers' family will mess up the lore. For this, Chuuya is no longer part of the Ai family. The character that is part of the Ai family is TSUYOSHI WATCHER. Thank you. This has been done to avoid having children mix ups.
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Level 163
I'm so excited for this family!!! ImHere4You has definitely put in a lot of work and I'm looking forward to what this family can accomplish as it grows!!!


Level 82
Thread starter
- Important announcement!

As of currently, the PRE-ACTION Phase will be FINISHED on the 31th of January- 11:30PM [GMT+4] That means that the roster will be LOCKED. therefore, invites from anyone expect me will be stopped and the discussions regarding backstory and lore will begin.

If you know anyone who might be interested in joining, are well acquainted on SRP- or have a history of joining factions, DM me.

We have slots open for :
1 ELDEST CHILD - College Student
1 YOUNGER CHILD - Red / green tags.
  • and the slots for FAMILY STAFF are yet to be decided, so- If you have an adult rank, and are interested in becoming a BUTLER, GUARD, and so- let me know. This role has much more leniency and does not have a set date for acceptance like the rest of the family.
If you know a FAMILY or have FAMILY (or clan) that are based in japan and lore-reliant, DM me for any ALLIANCES! (if you are interested) ALLIANCES role follow the same rules as FAMILY STAFF.

Afterwards, the family members' OFFICIAL roster will be published on DISCORD. I'd like to thank everyone who had joined thus far, we have a unique collection of such talented and wonderful people on here. I quiet enjoy watching discussion regarding lore, suggestions and events happen. I did not anticipate this interest when I began the server, and it is such a wonderful way to start. God bless.
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Level 82
Thread starter
If you still have some interest, there are FAMILY ALLIENCES and FAMILY STAFF roles open!! <3.
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