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The Bird situation


Level 2
What's your Minecraft Username?: Sorge1059
What's the title of your suggestion?: The Bird situation

What's your suggestion?:
Can you make it so that a bird can be carried. it would look cool that the owner of the bird would have a bird on their shoulder. Also, can we allow pets in the school.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
It would look cool and the bird wouldn’t have to wait for the owner to catch up.
For the allowing birds/pets inside the school that would be nice and the pets could watch people.


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team
You are able to carry animal whitelists, it is not possible to change the positioning of the animal(Defaults on the head) since it goes off the Player model.

As for allowing animals in the school, -1
Birds are able to go into the open area like the front and back of school, rooftop, the center courtyard. We do not allow any animals inside school besides Service Dogs(which you have to apply for on a dog whitelist to have access to) but even then, the dogs arent able to go everywhere and must be with their owner. You cant take your pet to school, so it doesnt make sense for us to allow animals to go into school unless they are providing a service(Service dogs)


Level 2
Thread starter
It says some sh*t that they can’t carry me.. I don’t know what you mean by “You are able to carry animal whitelists”.


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team
It says some sh*t that they can’t carry me.. I don’t know what you mean by “You are able to carry animal whitelists”.
When they are doing '/carry', they need to look at the PLAYER not the ANIMAL. Meaning, to carry someone in the whitelist, you need to look over the animal model as the hitbox doesn't change from player to animal

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