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The Concord Family & Project DOVE.


Level 25

Created by xansder | tarxan#2467

"Who are we?"
The Concords are a family of independent individuals that are incredibly strong as a whole. Educated in almost all fields spread across each member, the combined knowledge makes them extremely successful in everything they do. Varying from fighting techniques to the medical field, the Concords are a group of talented people. Most commonly known for the launch of Project DOVE, an organization created to help with that extra step to peace around the globe. They spend their time in Karakura as a normal family outside of work, enjoying all that the city has to offer.

"How did we get here?"
During M. Concord's travels, he visits Karakura in the early 2000s for business purposes. That 'business' being Project DOVE. He was notified via the UN of rising crime rates within the small city and took up the opportunity of scoping out the area and hoping to make a change. Bringing along his stepchild and allowing him to grow up within the city, he allows him to stay once he turned 14. Over the coming years, the child forms new connections and grows the family himself with the approval of his stepfather from America, as well as taking the responsibility for running the Karakura division of Project DOVE.

"What is our purpose?"
As direct heirs to the DOVE organization as a whole, we spend our time here going about through Karakura as a normal family for the most part but also being sure to look out for those in need and helping them out. That is the purpose of DOVE, after all. Project DOVE, being a semi-experimental organization, tries their best to go about doing nothing but good and make the world a friendlier place. The motive may sound childish, but it's moreso psychological reasoning.

"What is DOVE?"
Project DOVE is a community-based organization and business, its main focus being to make the world a bit more peaceful. We do this through all sorts of ways, whether it be charity events, giving to the less fortunate, or simply just going around and trying to make someone's day a bit better. Anyone can become a Dove, and it's up to them to work their way up from there.

Want to find out more about Project DOVE? Be sure to join our discord server.

Current member count: 18 (Not including pets)

'KING' Concord age 26 | Xaxvi

Overseer, often out of town due to his main branch being in America.

Alejandro Jamison Concord, age 19 | xansder

Stepson to the Overseer, calls the shots within the family. Tends to act as a father figure to the rest out of instinct.

Dallas Concord, age 19 | Azarxz

Everyone's favorite gay, adoptive sister of Alejandro.

Drew Concord, age 32 | Bramvanzjip3

Brother to M.C., currently employed as a vet at Karakura Hospital.

Francesco 'Fran' Salucci Concord, age 18 | Fiume

Mitchell Uchiha Concord, aged 18 | yourgaylmao

Sakura Concord, age 19 | AriaDude
The family bean, probably the most looked after member due to her vulnerability. Adopted into the family by M.C.

Oliver 'Ollie' Huri Concord, age 25 | Kai_RP

Jake Concord, age 18 | E_xcli
Jade Concord, age 18 | Cell1

'Cell one', they would call her. Twin to Jasmine.
Jasmine Concord, age 18 | Cell2
'Cell two', this one goes by. Twin to Jade.


None as of now, huzzah!

Fluffy Concord, age 2 | TheSquishyBean

A small, fluffy, gray rat. Personally AJ's favorite pet.
Frito Concord, age 1 |
A stray dog, initially belonging to 'Kari'. Due to her not having space and time to take care of him herself, she leaves him under the Concords' care.
Shirudo Concord, age 4 | Bramvanzjip2
Big brother to Sheruta, a strong and independent dog that seems to never leave his little sister's side.
Sheruta Concord, age 1 | Cryptic_Hunter
Little sister to Shirudo, a timid but mischevious pup.
Loa Concord, age 2 | innocxnt_devil

Edison Concord, passed at age 83.

The initial founder of Project Dove. He died from blood loss within the hospital after being stabbed in his abdomen by an unknown attacker on his way home from a DOVE exhibition.
Evelyn Quinn, passed at age 95.
Wife to Edison, pursued him after one of his first exhibitions and was extremely intrigued with his vision and how he was to execute it. Unexpectedly died during a heart transplant surgery even though all was going well.
Jason Concord, passed at age 18.
Son to Richard Concord, died of a drug overdose during a college frat party he wasn't supposed to attend.
Evan Concord, passed at age 16.
Another son of Richard's, died immediately upon being attacked by a gang member within Karakura with a knife to his throat. Well known for being extremely good at guitar.

Wanting to Join the Concords? Join the discord server previously mentioned above and DM me. I'll guide you along from there.
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Level 142
Cool family background and members, also that project dove sounds good - to make Karakura a better place... Good luck!


Level 86
Community Team
Lore Team
hooray for a peace group!!

It's honestly a great idea, especially with the whole gang situation in Karakura. Project Dove is an interesting take on it and I hope you all get to do something neat with it!!


Level 231
the family thing is just a big block of text, you should make it have images and make it more simplistic


Level 25
Thread starter
the family thing is just a big block of text, you should make it have images and make it more simplistic
aaa i was thinking of adding images but i wasnt sure if that would make it seem super long- but ty for the tip!!

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