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the server is down?


Level 0
On mine and the behalf of people who are wondering about what is going on with the serer right now i think we all have the same question. Why is it down? Now i would like to hopefully shed some possible light on this topic my friends. There have been scenarios in the past were this has happened some more severe and more time consuming than others but none the less obliviously the server has came back online. anyways it could possibly be some new updates they are testing like the plane and car update. maybe the bus is being worked on. maybe even some texting possibly :DD. anyways to put you all up maybe there was not enough money to keep the server up so they are working on that problem. and quite possibly there are just some minor or major issues being tweaked. either way for those of you still in school by the end of the school day tomorrow. Have a good day everybody and if you have any questions or theories on why it could be down put them in the comments to help people or get answers.

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