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TheMelonQueen1's KPD Application #3


Level 9
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):
I’m applying for my main account, TheMelonQueen1

TheMelonQueen1 (Main Account)

TheMelonQueen2 (Grade-12 Alt)
TheMelonQueen3 (Reporter Alt)

Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?
CDT or Chicago Time!

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
Applications V

Accepted Applications to other factions.
Reporter Application [CLICK TO VIEW] Accepted!

Describe your activity on the server:
I have an overall activity if described from out of 10, it would be a 7. I take breaks between school and work, and recently I’ve been understanding and caring for my mental health. So I will have adequate breaks (If needed) for that as well.

What is your motivation for applying?:
This is an application I’ve attempted applying for MULTIPLE times, Two times so far, this current application being number three! I have always found KPD extremely interesting, and as a past gangrper I’ve had PLENTY of encounters with KPD. I always intended on joining no matter the cost, and almost every wave Since the last two my application has seemed to appear. I long for another chance and have an unwavering dedication to getting into this faction. So here I am once again, my reasoning for this dedication is to get into other factions, I wish to let’s say “Take a crack at” police work. I was a past gangrper and moving to KPD sounds even more fun than that. I want to climb up the ranks, and also just broaden my horizon of RP. This is why my dedication is so STRONG, this is my motivation.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
My knowledge of police work only derives off of my encounters as a gangrper, the ranks I have NO CLUE, but I do know that each officer carries a taser, this being used if a suspect is running or potentially dangerous, alongside that a police ID, a breathalizer to inspect those drunk kids, a pair of handcuffs, pepper spray and a tranquilizer on the higher ranking police. I know that if a metal detector is set off it’s probable cause for a search, or if a person has a mask on in public, and if the person is masked with a weapon out that’s all cause for searches. My knowledge is very limited, and I hope to learn all I can once I join. They say if you are gonna be ignorant, you better be a fast learner.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Police are a vital part to Srp this being, To stop gang violence: Gang's are all over the town, if the police weren't there to stop them the streets would be filled with chaos, not only would it be chaos but, there would be so much violence that you couldn't walk around icly without getting mugged!

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, yes I do!

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:
Alonzo Takahara

How old is your character (if accepted)?:
He will be the age of thirty-nine.

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
He/Him and Male

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:


What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
He currently knows, Spanish, JSL, and Russian.

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
A male standing at exactly seven foot, three inches! The male was quite tall and covered in scars, he would also be missing his left eye. What made him look unique? His pale white skin, he had ghost white hair, and paper skin. The male clearly had albinism. He also looked quite attractive as a small smile always filled his face. A friendly sense of protection expelled from the male's being. Dyed would be his eyebrows, a color of black so they were visible, and half of his hair to add contrast to his being. The male seemed to mostly be dressed formally as so his actions were, though he also seemed to know how to have fun. He was an amazing listener as he stared intently at anything being said.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
I would say I tend to stick to professionalism, alongside that friendliness in both situations, I try to always be kind, as most say “A little kindness goes a long way.” So in any type of professional situation, I try to remain kind, calm and overall happy, I can be serious if needed and I ALWAYS get my work finished. In a casual situation? Well I usually just dress less up tight, and enjoy my time as a person? Always ready to help anyone in need whether needed from my work or a civilian! Uhhh I don’t quite have much more to put in this, it’s hard to talk about yourself without sounding really uh . . Egotistical? Or like too down. So I guess, my main attitude for both situations, whether professional and Casual, Always ready to help if needed and always kind!

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
I love Co-Workers! If there is any chance I can get teamwork is always useful, now I’m not stating that I’m useless to work alone, I can still get the job done of course, but with a little extra help from my friends, or co-workers it always makes it so much more fulfilling. I plan to get to know my co-workers well and remain a likable person between them. Truly I just am a social person, and would prefer a team, but still capable of doing it all by myself.

What's your character's backstory?
A male from Karakura, Japan born and raised in a large apartment, where he and his family having 2 brothers and two sisters lived, all raised by their mother. His mother was a female of substantial stature standing at exactly 6,8 and his father, who sadly passed from a tumor in his brain, stood at the height of seven foot five inches, the male was living in a family of GIANTS! Seo, one of his brothers who was two years older than him, at age 6 Seo was 5 foot eight. What an amazing height! Alonzo in this family of giants followed in their footsteps, growing taller every day of his life. Alonzo also, like his Mother, had albinism. His whole body was extremely pale, as he went through everyday life occasionally receiving a sunburn here and there, but his life went from casual to hellish. At age 13 his sister would remove his eye from its rightful place. Then shortly after his family was murdered. Alonzo had so much trauma from the experiences, he seeked help with Psychiatrists, and that’s where he found help. He went for 5 years straight, therapy session after therapy session. His past still haunts him, though he is in a much better place, where he has found a right to forgive his sister, and now actively searches for work. At age 19 he graduated highschool, not knowing what to do with his life, he spent a few years doing free lance work, photography, and bodyguarding. He had a resentment for crime gained from his family’s murder, he was sickened by the thought of it. So he had decided to go into criminology at age 29 he spent four years and left with a bachelors degree in this. He had then put in a few applications towards the Karakura Police Department, though he was turned down. That didn’t stop his dedication to end crime, and he continued trying, finally reaching now! I’m Alonzo Takahara, and I’m applying once again to become a police officer! To be honest . . I did this because it’s NEEDED for the application, but it’s really odd talking about myself in the third person . . heh? Whatever it takes to become a police officer I will do! So I guess, enjoy my life’s story!!

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
Absolutely not . . Any blade above regulation of 2.5 centimeters is illegal to own in Japan, let alone Karakura.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Five medical items that do not require a prescription consist of, Cough syrup, eye patches, canes, paracetamol, and melatonin.

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
Co-Workers would do such a thing? Well even if I am friends with them . . criminals, though they’ve done horrible things don’t deserve more than what they’re going to receive in prison. I would pull the off of the inmate, before fussing at them, I’d let my bodycam record their actions, turning it into a higher up, after checking the medical state of the inmate.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
I’d quickly unholster my taser, yelling for them all to back away or else I’d fire my taser at them, If they refuse and continue to attack my co-worker, i’d fire the taser into one, before calling for backup over my radio, I’d then dash to the others pulling them off in hopes to save my co-worker from any more bodily harm, once backup arrives, and the others are arrested I’d run them to the hospital, in hopes of saving him from any sort of permanent damage. I’d protect them at any cost.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
I’d instantly get them to confess their crimes, treating them as I’ve always had, as to not raise suspicion, once I for sure know I’d turn them in to a higher up, to allow their arrest. It boggles my mind why anyone would ever try that . . but a job needs to be done, and good cops are needed to stop it!

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
A criminal bribing me? No!? I’d laugh! Losing my job for a small amount of money? Something that gives me more than anything they can offer in a MONTH? I’d laugh truly!! It’s downright hilarious, though if they continue after I shoot them down, I’d threaten legal action if it becomes annoying!


Level 331
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.​

We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but
we have made this decision based on the following reason(s)

Due to the vast amount of applicants that try their best to get into the
faction, we sometimes have to deny good applicants because there are
others that have been deemed as better choices, whether it's due to
server reputation or due to the detail that was put to their application.

Although we don't deny your will to join the faction, detail is a great
way to show off your interest. Therefore, we recommend spending more
time to try and re-elaborate your application so that it shows off you're
truly engaged in trying to join us!

- A decisive factor that influences our decision is server reputation. We tend
to pick players who have been in the server for a while, and that have a
relatively clean history. We suggest applying for other factions / community
teams to improve how other players see you and boost your chances at
becoming part of our faction!

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (@Yonio) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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