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Pending TheMuffinMam's (Ali's) Reporter Application


Level 10
OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts:

TheMuffinMam (The one I am applying with), Alistarstruck, Altistarstruck

Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:
Alistarstruck, and yes I do!

List your timezone and country:
EST (UTC - 5) and USA!

Describe your activity:
On the days that I don’t work, I’m on easily from anytime of the day! Whether it's a time I should be asleep or middle of the day, I am happy to hop on whenever! When I do work, it is in the mornings, so you will find me active from around 4 pm - 10 pm! Especially on my Priest account, but I am SUPER excited to have the opportunity to be a reporter!

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):

(I do not have an application, but my alt Altistarstruck has the [club-lead] role!)
Lore Application (Pending)
Priest Application (Accepted)

Teacher Application (Accepted)
Teacher Application (Accepted)
Teacher application (Denied)

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:
I thought about this long and hard. It’s always been something on the back of my mind. From the beginning of this year, I had gotten closer with someone on the reporter’s team and got to know more about what reporters do, how they act, and the fun they have on the server!

The most important thing I have seen when it comes to being a reporter is knowing how to write. As someone who grew up writing silly fanfictions, books, and taking classes about reading and writing, that aspect has always been one that allured me. From reports about SRP events to questions asked to the population, I have found the idea of reporting to be exciting!

However, I was always hesitant to apply. “What if someone better than me applies?” or, “What if my writing secretly sucks?” - thoughts like these were always a constant hindrance in my time thinking about applying whenever a spot became available. So what changed this time? Well, after applying and getting into the Shrine Faction, I found that it doesn’t matter who else applies. I just needed to focus on my own application, and doing my best. So, with my hopes and dreams ready to be crushed, I have submitted this application to you! (In all seriousness, I am very excited to be presented with this opportunity. If I get denied, I will simply apply again, and again, and make my application as good as possible until I am let in. I am not one to quit or give up easily!)

Other than for the writing aspects, I have had the opportunity to meet most of the reporters on the team as of the present. And I love each and every one of them. From the amazing yet questionable Publisher to Saola Everest - the woman who’s always there but absent at the same time, I have seen unique aspects all over the faction. There is something so unique and wonderful about it, and the idea of adding to the dynamics of the faction is something that brings me joy.

I am so excited to write reports, to practice my writing abilities and add my character’s personality with each inky word typed on the screen. Of course, if you’ll allow me!

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:

Writing is honestly like that ex you can’t avoid. I love writing, to be able to spill my thoughts onto a page and somehow make it make sense is so magical to me. At the same time, it can be pressuring, and finding that line between stressing yourself out with writing and actually enjoying it can be hard sometimes. But as of recently, I have found that line and expanded it. Writing is no longer a chore, but a passion that I manage careful. I tend to the flame that is my skills while making sure not to overdo it, although knowing that I sometimes need breaks.

I love writing so much that I’m actually going to college for it. As I had mentioned before, writing is something I had started back when I was 13 with a group of friends who invited me to write a book with them. We had a lot of fun, too! Until we randomly dropped it one day. They stopped writing, I didn’t. I moved on to my own projects - going to fanfictions of shows and games I enjoyed and even creating my own stories that blossomed into universes I still expand to this day.

I took creative writing, advanced english, british literature - any kind of “writing” class I could get my hands on back in high school and I don’t plan to stop. My dream is to one day write and code my own universe into stories and games that people can enjoy and cry to when they read it. To me, all of that starts here - a text based roleplay server where I write daily and practice with every day I log on!

Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:
Yes! I am more than aware of the set of rules provided, and will continue to follow them as a reporter dedicated to my position!

Why should we accept you over others?:
I am no perfect man. I probably will make mistakes, but I will do my best to be a valuable member to your team. From getting along with most everyone in the faction to considering myself a fairly okay writer, I can’t say I will be better or worse than others applying. Despite this, I can offer you assurance I won’t be going anywhere anytime soon. I have thought about applying to other factions such as EMS and KPD, and deciding whether or not I even should as a Shrine worker already, but I feel this is the right move for me. This feels right to me. I hope this feels right to you, too!

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)
Yes! I am fully aware of this. I promise not to let any bias towards groups get in the way of my reports. I will refuse any reports that may include groups of a personal level to me or my character unless I know I can remain unbiased and ask for personal opinions on reports should I fear that they might include such!

Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:
I do! Despite working at the Monastery on my main account, it is not hard to gain quota on it at all! Not only that, but writing reports is something I am extremely looking forward to. I have figured out a schedule that works well for me when it comes to logging on between both accounts and ensuring I get my quota done! I am more excited for the roleplay aspects when it comes to expanding my horizons as well!

Summarise what you imagine work as a reporter is:

Desk Work: Reporters have the responsibility to set up interviews and answer questions from those who are interested at the desk daily for at least one hour. This can give them quota points along with the opportunity for reports should something interesting arise.

Reports: If I remember from my observations with the faction, everyone is required to do at least one report per month! This is important, as reporters, it is the mainstream of what we are known for.

Forecast: Along with the weather forecast (usually foreseen by checking the current tokyo weather status), reporters might offer song recommendations for the day based on what they like and know is popular!

Socializing: When it comes to talking to people, it is important to interact with fellow coworkers and interviewees. Outside of that, however, we should be interacting with others to ensure we stay in the loop of what is happening in Karakura! You never know which person could be your next big report!

IC (In-Character) Information:
Treat this section like it is your own character answering it

Full Name:
“My name is Tokko Delarosa-Zennix”
Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr)

Current Age (25+):
“At the time of applying, I am 25 years old.”

Past job/work experience:
“I have no previous experience in work other than internships at previous Reporter locations during my years in college, along with my experience in the Zennix Corporation.”

“I have a Master’s in Journalism and Writing, along with two Minors in Speech and Business.”

Nationality and born location:
“I was born on the Solomon Islands, considered a part of Australia. Therefore, I am australian.”

Phone Number:
"My phone number is 030-708-3834. Feel free to contact me at any time."

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:
“I know I am a rather quiet person, which is surprising considering the job I am aiming for. Outside of this, I do work hard and well to achieve my goals and consider myself a fast learner when it comes to picking up skills or tasks given to me.”

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
“I am interested in writing about the daily lives and events that transpire in Karakura. Outside of occasional events, touching on the issues that get ignored by Karakurans everyday due to their normalcy in the city is important as Reporters, for it is the epitome of what we do. As a person who was never social, stepping into a position all about socializing with the public and working in a space with others is plenty stepping out of my comfort zone. However, I also find writing reports to be very brave and something new as they are created for the public to judge.”

What are your expectations for the job?:
“Obviously, other than money, I also expect to have many new experiences with a team to work with as I step into a new social life. I expect to improve in my work life and find stability in my position as I become a steady reporter under your care.”

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:

Fluent Languages (Underline your native):
English, Italian, Japanese, Chinese and JSL.”

You will have to write two reports about a topic of your choice. Here we can see how pronounced your writing is and how creative you are. Use your own formatting and your own report idea. (If you're found plagiarizing an actual report or another applicant, you will be denied.)

#1 - General report. Report about a topic, informing players about an event or significant issues to Karakura.

#2 - Interview. It's important to have well-rounded questions. Create your own interview with ten questions or more. And answer them yourself.

“Today, I sat down with Amei Ichiyama, an ex-teacher of Karakura and Historian who has expert knowledge when it comes to our little island.”

[!] The sound of a page flipped and the click of a tape recorder was heard as Reporter Zennix tapped the mic twice to ensure it was working. [!]

Reporter Zennix: “Good morning Miss Ichiyama, I want you thank you for joining me here today. I have with me a list of questions about Karakura that I feel you would best be able to answer!”

Ichiyama: “Of course, love. I am happy to be here today, thank you for inviting me.”

Zennix: “Right, well, first of all, why did you quit teaching? You sure seem to love it, and teaching history sounds like so much fun!”

Ichiyama: “Oh of course! The students were lovely, too. I quit for rather personal reasons - I wanted to focus on my time with my son, and it was harder to do so with such a work schedule. Perhaps someday, I will reapply and return to my classroom. For now, however, I am just fine working as a Historian and writing history books.”

[!] There was a pause as the scratch of frantic ink could be heard on paper. [!]

Zennix: “Uh huh, I see! I suppose we will get into the questions now, yeah? I’ll just hop right into it then. . . How about early start of Karakura? What can you tell me about that?”

Ichiyama: “Well, my dear, you’re asking the wrong question here. What isn’t there to say about the start of our Island? Izu-Karakura, or as we call it just Karakura, was founded by Japan and created with a Chinese-inspired government. Of course, this didn’t last very long as we branched off from Japan even early on.”

[!] More notes were jot down by the reporter before he continued to speak. [!]

Zennix: “Branched off? Have we always been so independent from Japan?”

Ichiyama: “Not ‘always’, of course, but for a very long time, yes. Even from early 1232, signs of rebellion from the people of Karakura were shown.”

Zennix: “I see. How about the Itsbyoshi families? Were they a part of all of this from early on?”

Ichiyama: “Indeed! The earlier dating you can find of the Itsbyoshi names when it comes to our history books is the Nashima Clan back during the Kamakura Period. Even from the beginning, these groups have had a heavy influence over our history and government. It is why they demand respect to this day.”

Zennix: “How interesting! Do you think the Itsbyoshi clans are as recognized today as they are in the history books?”

Ichiyama: “Hm.. That’s a complicated one. In my observations as a teacher, not many people know about the Itsbyoshi families anymore. I do with they’d get more recognition. Many people believe the Akihito clans is an Itsbyoshi family - it is not. The Saiky Family gets plenty of recognition due to the estate they well deserve, however other families may not get near as much.”

Zennix: “Do you believe all of the clans deserve respect?”

Ichiyama: “Yes. Even if there are parts of history where these families have made mistakes, they are still our standing foundations that made Karakura what it is today.”

Zennix: “Okay, okay. . . Are all of the families still around?”

Ichiyama: “Of course! Other than the Saiky Family, the Nashimas and Kaedas have also been seen around as well! Outside of them, I’m certain if you searched, you could find them.”

Zennix: “Have you ever met any of the Itsbyoshi Families?”

Ichiyama: “Not personally, though I hope to one day! As a historian, it is my goal to leave the books as accurate as possible, so I do plan to reach out soon.”

Zennix: “Thank you, your cooperation with my report has been very helpful! In the future, where might I find more information on the History of Karakura and, specifically, the Itsbyoshi Families?”

Ichiyama: “It is my understanding that the Saiky Estate has a public library you might be be able to find information in, if you gain access! Outside of that, however, the history book written by Hashirama Takagi also has plenty of information similar to, if not better, than what I have provided for you here today!”

[!] The sound of a pen being placed and a book shutting could be heard over the recorder. [!]

Zennix: “Alright! Would you be open for an interview in the future should I come back with more questions? Or if anyone else wishes you ask you questions, where can they reach you?”

Ichiyama: “Of course I would be! You can always email me questions, or ask to meet up. I try to be as available as possible!”

Zennix: “Wonderful. I believe that wraps up our interview today, thank you once again for coming in!”

[!] The sound of shuffling was heard right before the click of the tape recorder shutting off, concluding the interview. [!]

Additional Information: Thank you for considering my application <3​
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Level 185
News Lead

We appreciate the time and effort you put into your application. However, we preferred other applications this time around, so we have chosen to place you on pending!

- The next time a faction member leaves, you will be DMed about the spot opening
Please DM @ aania on Discord if you have any queries about the application​

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