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Third Vehicle Request... Please...


Level 24
An extremely significant sigh would be heard quite literally through the screen

IGN: Kinyuun
DISCORD: Kinyuun
ISSUE: Another vehicle request! Yay! Unfortunately I do not have as much evidence as I did the last two times, however I believe my inventory was glitched when I logged off last night (8/17/24). Several items I got rid of were back in my inventory, and my Toyota Prius (My beloved) was... gone. Again, as I stated the last time, I keep very good care of my precious, precious vehicle as we all know they're EXPENSIVE and easily bugged. With that said, I've done my best to avoid doing.. well.. what i'm doing right now. Hira, I am on my KNEES absolutely BEGGING for my car back. Why do I keep having this issue? That is honestly between god and the server because I don't know why it's gone AGAIN. I don't even do /vehicle pickupall outside of my vehicle in fear that this will happen... But, enough of my yapping. Here's the evidence that I can provide. Please please please give me my car back, I miss her.


Just a little extra note, the Toyota Prius I bought was a four seater. Last time my vehicle was returned, it was a two seated vehicle

2024-08-18_16.21.14.png 2024-08-10_16.28.36.png
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