203 players online

Thooorn | KPD Application


Level 2

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name)

Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
None. This is my first time applying for a faction.

Describe your activity on the server.
Daily if i have any motivation, though it can narrow down to 4-5 times a week for a couple hours depending on my availabilities and interest. Keep in mind that my motivation would most likely skyrocket if my application is accepted, so my activity would most likely soar up to daily for a few hours unless IRL obligations conflict with it.

What is your motivation for applying?
The main reason is of course to get involved in a type of roleplay that is foreign to me- as i’m the type of person that loves to explore and discover new things. I've felt i need a breath of fresh air to add to my SchoolRP experience for a while now, since my interest in general StudentRP has been on a downwards slope as of late. To add, I've been thinking of eventually joining KPD ever since i first started playing 2 years ago, but i wanted to wait until i felt like i had gotten enough experience and roleplaying skills before i actually applied. I’m very interested in police work in real life, which of course would make me very interested in being part of the police force in SRP given i’ve been loving engaging in all types of roleplay on the server already. I’ve been part of similar factions before on different games such as Garry’s mod DarkRP servers to only cite one, and i’ve loved the sense of comradeship and unity it provides- the only semblance of this i've experienced in SchoolRP being gangs. I also consider the police faction in SRP to be of a higher standing within the community, one with elevated standards in matter of roleplay and behavior, and as such i am of course ready to uphold them as best i can. Besides this, i of course aim to leave my own imprint by providing whatever ideas come to mind to better the experience for everyone involved as i’m someone that is overflowing with ideas and creativity. I’ve been loving developing the ZEROS unverified gang with my creative input and i believe i can do the same with KPD, assuming my opinion is inputted- and i of course understand if i need to keep to myself, as i’ll remain a rookie and will of course remember that. I consider myself as easygoing and easy to be around, so i have no doubts i will integrate myself within the group smoothly. I also believe to have seen most of what there is available when it comes to DelinquentRP or casual StudentRP, and while i haven't engaged in ''classic'' GangRP much, my love for P2L has developed too much and i don't think i would be able to have fun within its current community due to it. I've heard that its heavily encouraged within KPD however, which heavily contributes to my interest in the faction as well. Though my experience lacks in comparison to the true veterans of this server i believe i’ve seen enough to be satisfied and move on to the next step, which i hope with all my heart will be KPD. I also consider this faction to be the next logical step in the character i'm applying on's development- one that i've been working on through ICly interactions and events for well over a year now- as it is the direction that completes the vision i have for him the best. I can be very dedicated with things i develop an interest in, and it has been the case for KPD for around 2 years now- therefore i assure you that my commitment to the faction shouldn't need to be put into question. Beside of course doing my very best to play my role accurately, i will do the utmost to add my own personal touch of originality to my character's behavior, in order to ensure each player's interaction with my character will be memorable- my ultimate goal on this server being to leave my mark as an examplary roleplayer.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
I consider myself to have a pretty good general idea of how the police force operates- although that knowledge stems from various works of fiction and not from actual facts and research. I will however make sure to inform myself as best i can if i am found to be lacking in that department, as i am committed to playing my role as accurately as i can. I believe a multitude range of skills are needed to succeed as an officer, ranging from interpersonal relationship skills to assertiveness and critical thinking. From my current knowledge, the police engages in several type of interventions, listed below in detail ;

Law enforcement - A police officer’s primary duty is to make sure the law is respected and upheld, and make use of this authority to issue warnings and arrest felons, even detaining them should they be found guilty of the crimes they stand accused of. They also contribute actively to the gathering of evidence in order to help prosecutors build their cases with interrogations and incriminating footage or objects.

Prevention - In an ideal world, criminals are dissuaded from ever perpetrating their illicit acts before they get to put their plans in action, and this can be achieved with members of the taskforce conducting prevention programs to the general population to ensure everyone is aware that their actions have consequences.

Public safety - Police officers are expected by citizens to maintain order and create a safe space for them, and this is achieved by patrols, rigorous protocols and the consistent addressing of public safety concerns.

Investigations - Members of the taskforce have a duty to get to the bottom of every case and suspicions that comes to them, and this is achieved by the gathering of various pieces of evidence, questionings and rigorous ****ysis of crime scenes. Officers work closely with specialized units such as detective inspectors and must put particular efforts in their investigations as these operations are crucial in the battle against organized crime.

Monitoring of traffic and road safety - Officer’s are expected to oversee traffic laws and enforce them by responding to accidents, making sure the speed limits are respected and punishing any infringement of traffic-related laws.

Crisis intervention - While criminal activity is a large part of an officer’s work, they are responsible for public safety as a whole- and therefore are needed to intervene when natural disasters or tragic accidents happen. They coordinate with other emergency services such as the EMS and their primary duty in this setting is to secure the area and guide the victims to safety.

Community work
- Police officers are meant to be the guardians of the people, and as such must ensure to create strong bonds of trust with their local community. This can be achieved by collaborations with contributors of the community, organizations and political figures.

Administrative paperwork
- An officer’s duty extends further than their time spent in action. They are required to maintain records, attend trainings, prepare reports and stay involved with ongoing developments to make sure they are up to date with new techniques and legal changes that come up.

There's also a diverse range of ranks and divisions within the faction, and while this information is available to everyone on the forum, i will list it below with moderate detail to prove my good faith ;

Main Division - They are the police department's most populated division, and as such are also required to go on regular patrols around the city. They involve themselves headfirst in crisis situations or crime scenes, as they are the first responders to emergency calls- and may be required to arrest suspects. The main division is separated in 6 ranks, listed below in order of authority ;

  • Captain - The highest-ranking member of the main division, and such second only to the Commissioner in matters of authority. They may stand-in for the latter in case they are unavailable.
  • Lieutenants - The second-highest ranking members of the main division. They are tasked with the examination of new Cadets, and act as the bridge between the rest of the division and the higher-ranking members of the station. They are allowed to go off-duty without someone else's approval.
  • Sergeants - The third-highest ranking members of the main division. They oversee the general efficiency of the main taskforce and ensure that they remain in a functional environment, and as such are responsible with the direct supervision of the Cadet's trainings.
  • Corporals - The fourth-highest ranking members of the main division. The corporals are directly assigned to the new Cadets that enter the station with their physical and educational trainings.
  • Officers - Once a cadet has proven themselves capable, they are promoted to this rank. As such, they form the great majority of the police department's firepower, and are granted privileges such as the ability to go off-duty with a higher-up's permission, and have the right to patrol by their lonesome.
  • Cadets - The rank assigned to all fresh recruits that join the police department. They are expected to take an exam that summarizes the training that they are required to go through for a period of around 2 weeks after joining in order to choose between the Main and Detective divisions. Their privlieges are very limited, and as such they are not allowed to go on patrols without the presence of a higher-up. Should they fail the exam, they will be given additional training before being granted the ability to retake it- but should they fail a second time, they will be removed from the force.

Detective division - This division of the police department are assigned with complex cases that require extensive investigations, and as such are heavily responsible with the gathering of evidence and the interrogation of suspects. While they handle all types of crimes, they are the police department's principal weapon against organized crime. Members of this division are also separated in different ranks, listed below in order of authority ;

  • Detective Superintendent - The division's highest-ranking rank. Their authority matches the Main Division captain's within the entire taskforce, and their primary task in the Detecive division is to appoint and oversee chief inspectors.
  • Detective Chief Inspector - The second highest-ranking individuals of the division. They exerce authority over the rest of their division, but also act as higher-ups to Main Division members, matching the Lieutenants' authority. Although they don't directly appoint Detective Inspectors, their voice is valued and inputted in the process.
  • Detective Inspectors - The third-highest ranking individuals of the division. They are responsible with the training of new Detective Constables before they get evaluated by the Detective Superintendent. They additionally lead interrogations.
  • Detective Constable - The rank assigned to Cadets that have chosen the Detective Division after passing their exam. They are trained in the division's specific protocols by Detective Inspectors, and finally evaluated by the Higher-Ups to be promoted as official detectives.

Additionally, i pledge to adequately learn any and all concepts i may be required to learn should my application be approved.

To prove that i've made the minimal research when it comes to the tools available to KPD officers, here is a brief description of each item available to a member of the taskforce :
  • A police radio. It can be destroyed with anything labelled as a weapon, and is used to allow officers to communicate with each other over long distances. It cannot be stolen.
  • A breathalyzer. It’s accuracy varies depending on how far the test is made from the police station. It’s use lies in the detection of potentially intoxicated suspects. It cannot be stolen.
  • A riot shield. It is a defensive tool, therefore you cannot use any weapons simultaneously. It negates damage coming from the side or front of it. It needs to be in the main hand to be effective. It’s only offensive use is to push targets out of range. It can be stolen with permissions and if the holder is unconscious.
  • A tranquilizer. It will render any target hit unconscious for 2 minutes, should it hit. It requires a successful roll to be taken out. It’s maximum range is of 30 blocks, and you need to reload every 2 shots with a successful roll. It cannot be stolen.
  • A pepper spray. It can only be used 3 times, and will blind any target should the roll be successful unless they are wearing a gas mask. It cannot be stolen.
  • A stun blaster. It requires a successful hit to stun its target for 60 seconds.It’s maximum range is 8 blocks. It cannot be stolen.
  • Handcuffs. It requires a roll if the target chooses to resist. It’s range is 1 block. It cannot be stolen.
  • A police baton. It’s range is 2 blocks, and it requires 2 hits to the head to successfully knock out a target. It can be stolen with permissions.

Additional equipment, to be used using ItemRP;

Latex gloves.
Fingerprint scanner.
First-Aid kit.
Luminol spray.
Body Camera.

Note that items such as gas masks and crowbars are also provided to KPD officers.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
I believe the police faction is among the most important if not the single most important one on the server due to a very high amount of people engaging in what is referred to as GangRP/CrimeRP- and it’s population is ever growing due to its very high popularity. New gangs and petty criminals emerge daily- and so it is essential that a proper counter-intuitive is well-grounded and executed to maintain the balance and ensure that everyone has a good time on the server. Without the police department, criminals could go rampant and do as they please without any sense of danger and people who simply want to roleplay casually as a student or an honest citizen would effectively not be able to catch a break. KPD is a way for the in character laws of SchoolRP to be reliably enforced without completely cutting off the breaking of those laws, so in truth while KPD keeps CrimeRP in check it is also vital to its existence- and so to the entire server's.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, i am aware of the commitment i am making and pledge to uphold it. I will additionally do my best to get online for trainings specifically.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?
Heo Tokugawa

How old is your character (if accepted)?
He would be 25 years old.

What are your character's gender and pronouns?
Male, He/Him.

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

Grade 12.

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?
Korean, as his native language. He learned basic Japanese as a hobby in Korea before taking classes once he arrived in Japan.

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

AI generated example of what he'd look like.

Heo is of Korean lineage- and as such, he has uncharacteristically pale skin. His natural hair color is a deep brown- though he’s dyed it many times, from blonde to now black- with dashes of gray sprinkled throughout. His hair is now long, straight and well kept- as Heo is someone who knows the value of appearances. His body’s well toned, though lean, and his complexion would be rather smooth- with no acne or blemishes to be seen. He’s of average height, standing at a humble 5’10- rather short for the average Karakura citizen. He primarily wears darker colors, though mainly browns and marine blue to complement his hazel eyes. His casual clothes may even look on the formal side due to his upbringing and frequentations, though they will almost always be oversized in order to cover his tattoos. Though he may be proud of their origin and significance, he knows well that should they be revealed, he'd be in serious trouble. Why? Try and find out- though he's very secretive and careful on the matter, and won't hesitate to make up something on the spot should he be somehow found out.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Heo is a very well behaved man, having learned from the traditionalists of the Tokugawa family. He knows to be polite with strangers and acquaintances, and knows how to let loose without overstepping with his closer friends. He’s very careful when it comes to respect, as his tongue used to be loose- and he was brutally corrected one too many times due to it. However, despite Heo knowing how to act in a professional setting, he can seem awkward and even a bit cold at first to new acquaintances- though it doesn't take too long for him to get comfortable, and once he does, he doesn't shy away from cracking sometimes (often) goofy jokes- though they are rarely to be taken seriously. One thing to note is that despite his good behavior, Heo is quite clumsy- in more ways than one. This means that he's prone to messing up in one way or another, though it often just makes people laugh. He rarely truly screws something up- though it does happen despite his good will.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Due to his past in the delinquent crew of Rakkiyatsu, Heo knows full well about the importance of teamwork and how meaningless strength and equipment is when faced with overwhelming numbers. As such, he knows to build meaningful and good relationships with his surroundings to ensure that, should he need assistance with anything, someone would be ready to lend him a hand. He is of course aware that this goes both ways, and will do the same for anyone on the taskforce. He knows to remain humble, always- but won't shy away from holding people accountable should he deem it necessary, which can be interpreted as him speaking out of place.

What's your character's backstory?
Heo has a very extensive history- both in Karakura and before his arrival. It is a combination of asphalt burns and bruised knuckles, fenced with redemption.
As the son of a Korean cartel executive, Heo found himself ensnared in familial obligations, as unfortunately his father’s legacy wasn’t one of wealth; it was a crushing debt owed to the organization he served. When his father passed away, the burden unfortunately fell on Heo’s shoulders, and now a wanted man, he fled Korea with the aid of his older brother. This left Heo with a great disdain for criminals, though he'd soon be forced to follow a similar path...

Karakura welcomed Heo with both open arms and concealed dangers. One day, while wandering the streets, he crossed paths with Emiko Tokugawa—an outgoing and social woman who didn’t hesitate to chat him up. She eventually became his mentor, revealing the city’s criminal side and under her wing, Heo learned the basics of survival, petty errands, and the price of loyalty. But eventually, Emiko vanished without warning and so for months, Heo was alone and distraught before he met his first circle of friends—fellow misfits. Together, they balanced student life with petty crimes, their everyday life fueled by stolen lunch money and stolen alcohol sold to minors.

Just when Heo settled into his predicament, Emiko reappeared, but this time with adoption papers. Back under her wing, he entered the world of high-speed races by meeting Jjujustu, a Rakkiyatsu executive who sought fresh talent for their clandestine races. Heo of course took hold of the opportunity, signing up and stealing his own ride- a humble vassal that altogether did the job.
Mere weeks flew by before an anonymous text message led Heo to the Toge tunnel, where he was met face to face with the vice-leader, Koji Hiroshima. Provoked, Heo had no choice but to raise his fists- and whilst he fought valiantly, he suffered an excruciating defeat. His resilience impressed the crew despite all, and he earned his stripes as a Rakkiyatsu hooligan.
Though his new lifestyle had its fair share of consequences, and so things turned sour when he was forced to knock out Valhalla’s second-in-command during a street brawl. He remained unaware of the target painted on his back by Valhalla, the ruthless criminal syndicate, who now wanted revenge. Weeks of hiding followed, the comrades who assisted him falling one after the other- yet Heo emerged unscathed thanks to the help of his many connections who kept him hidden until Valhalla ultimately gave up.
Of course, this event had left it’s imprint on Heo’s psyche, sprouting doubts all over his mind. Was it all worth it? What drove him to risk his limbs daily? These questions echoed- though they weren't enough to sever his loyalty to his comrades.
Then came the day when Rakkiyatsu, the crew that had become his family, crossed the line by hijacking a police cab, and Heo of course was part of the main perpertrators. As a passenger among four, they smashed through the abandoned power plant’s grid- the fiery explosion that followed hid him from the police in a veil of smoke, and Heo slipped away, his identity hidden by a motorcycle helmet. The authorities searched in vain, and he was never indicted for this crime, though the same couldn't be said for his accomplices.
Eventually though, Rakkiyatsu crumbled unexpectedly. Their leader, Ryota suddenly retired out of the blue from the delinquent world- which left Heo lost and without purpose. Loneliness took its toll on him, and left him drifting aimlessly, that is until, admittedly expectedly, Emiko reached out her hand with an offer to send him off to her family's hometown in Uji, mainland Japan. It was a place where Heo could leave his troubled past behind and where the Tokugawa family’s wealth and influence would mold him into an upstanding citizen. It was an opportunity, a chance to reclaim lost time spent in Karakura’s streets.
Heo embraced education as the catalyst that would guide him to service. Wisdom and knowledge molded his transformation- the police, once adversaries, now stood as role models. Heo’s resolve solidified and led him to pursue a criminal justice bachelor degree, as well as a major in criminology and sociology. He dreamt of wearing the uniform and play his part in creating a safer world one day.
And as such- someone who started from the bottom would perhaps finally become a functioning member of society, fueled by his redemption and the promise of a brighter tomorrow.

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
No, you cannot. This particular sharp weapon is illegal to bear.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription.
  • Paracetamol - Medication available in most pharmacy shelves. It's primary use is to numb minor pain such as headaches, and it can also be used to treat fever symptoms.
  • Eyepatches - Used to treat eye injuries by covering the wound to prevent infection.
  • Melatonin supplements - A natural hormone produced by your body to induce sleep. Supplements help with problems like insomnia and frequent waking up through the night.
  • Iron supplements - Available to treat iron deficiency, a common health issue in most people.
  • Bandages - Used to cover wounds in order to prevent infection or stop bleeding.

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
''I would first make sure to get proof of my co-worker’s wrongdoings in order to make sure punishment can be issued without any trouble by ensuring my body cam is functional- before of course intervening to ensure that the inmate’s physical wellbeing is stable and stop it from worsening. The abuse of an inmate is considered as an assault, and so the adequate punishment shall be issued to the perpetrator after a report is made and sent to the competent authorities, preferably the commissioner himself as this is an internal matter.''
Example of an ICly situation : Upon witnessing this horrifying sight, Heo would ensure that he remained quiet while he checked on his body camera, ensuring that proper evidence would be gathered before he acted. Once this was over with, Heo would move to the scene and interpose himself between the officer and the victim, ensuring that further harm was not done. If the officer remains aggressive, he would attempt to neutralize them, and in the likely case that they simply stop, he would check the inmate's body for any injuries and make sure they are treated. Once this was over with, Heo would compile the evidence he had gathered into a filed report and send it to the commissioner and higher-ups.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
''I swiftly contact my fellow members of the taskforce for back-up before intervening myself and doing my very best to ensure that the threat is put under control, making sure to stall for time for my coworkers to arrive should the odds be against me. Should i manage to subdue the assailant, i would first ensure that the physical wellbeing of the assaulted officer is stable and contact the EMS should there be any abnormalities. Once that is over with, i’d follow standard procedure by cuffing the culprit and making sure they are not carrying anything illegal that could add additional charges to their arrest, and finally bring them to headquarters for questioning.''
Example of an ICly situation : Upon seeing his comrade in a dire situation, Heo would make haste and open his radio to request back-up at his location as soon as possible. He'd then swfitly move to aid the victimized officer in neutralizing the threat at hand, ensuring to stall the opposition for as long as he can so that the reinforcements could shift the tides in their favor. Once the assailant subdued, Heo would move to check for any wounds on the victim and call the EMS should he find anything out of the ordinary before shifting his focus on the neutralized threat, cuffing him and searching for any illicit possessions that could be added onto their criminal charges.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
''I would first and foremost make sure that i get the proper evidence so that they can be brought to justice adequately, the most obvious and practical tool at my disposition being my body camera. Once i deem the evidence i have gathered to be sufficient, i shall mount a report with it attached and send it to the commissioner directly so that proper measures can be taken. I would not be hasty with this and go directly to a colleague with only my word as this could easily be labelled as a mere rumor and not taken seriously.''
Example of an ICly situation : Barely believing what he had just heard, Heo tried his best to remain calm as he made sure his body camera had recorded everything. He'd make sure he treaded lightly and swiftly- avoiding direct confrontation with the culprit as he walked away to shut himself into his office where he could mount a detailed report with the evidence attached in order to communicate it to the commissioner.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
''I would remain calm and firmly decline the offer, as it is betrayal to the taskforce and goes against the oath that is made before entering active duty. Moreover, i would add bribery to the list of charges made against them.''
Example of an ICly situation : Upon hearing the culprit's outrageous offer, Heo would make sure to hide his agitation before firmly denying him. ''I'm afraid that won't be possible. You will come with me.'' He'd take note of this as evidence to add bribery to the suspect's list of charges.


Simply a thank you for reading this application in it's entirety, and i truly hope you've enjoyed it. I hope to see you soon as a cadet of SchoolRP's police department.

Thooorn / Heo Tokugawa - Naoya Nakajima.

Last edited:


Level 331
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team has decided
to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.

Why have I been denied?
We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but we have
made this decision based on the following reason(s)
Thank you for applying, however your application has been denied on the basis of reputation & your application's detail.

What can I do to increase my chances to be accepted?
The fact that you've been denied this time doesn't mean that you can't be accepted
anymore! If you're interested, below are some pieces of advice that could improve
your chances to be accepted during future application waves.
- Feel free to apply for factions in the meantime to help gauge yourself with faction experience.
- Your 'General Knowledge' section could be contextualised (brought to the point) the next time you apply, and if you do, good luck!

Due to the large influx of applications, any DMs concerning your application
will be ignored or referred back to this response. Remember that this decision
is a collective agreement between all the higher-ups in the faction, meaning
that this decision hasn't been taken by one single player.

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