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TillDeathParts' Chef Application


Level 0
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):


How old are you? (Optional):


What is your time zone?:


Describe your activity on the server:

I will be seen on the server mostly on weekdays, as I work weekends most of the time. Though if I have off I will play SRP for a few hours on weekends too. I tend to play 3-4 hours daily, or sometimes even more depending on what I am doing.

Here is a list of times Im Free.
Wake up - 5 & All time After 10 PMAll DayAll DayAll DayWake up - 5PM & All time After 10 PMAnytime After 10PMAnytime After 4 PM

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):


Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

Yes, I do.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:


In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:

As A Chef I prepare Breakfast and Lunch to the students, Offering them tasty meals. I will have to make sure to clean all the utensils used to cook the meals. I will have to make sure that the Cafe is fully cleaned, wiped down, including the outdoor tables. If there was leftover trash on the floor from the meals I would proceed to clean it/mop it up if needed. As a Chef I am also expected to keep students in the halls in check and make sure students are on school grounds. I will also give punishments/detention if needed.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:

On SchoolRP not as much, I roleplay within the school most of the time, attending classes and having conversations with students and/or Teachers. I also have knowledge of CombatRP. I have recently been getting tied into GangRP, as there is a massive amount of detail within actions, and there can tend to be heavy amounts of roleplay, depending on who you RP with. I have lots of experience within FiveM, being a Bartender in bars, and also owning a car dealership within other servers. My roleplay experience is passed along to multiple games and multiple servers, as I have been roleplaying since 2018.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:

One of the main reasons I would like to be a part of the School Employee Faction is due to the name of the server, "SchoolRoleplay" The School faction is the main faction within this server, and most likely has the most amount of members within it as many hours of the day is spent within the school zone. I would also like to expand my roleplay knowledge as I have never been a part of any School Faction on any roleplay server, so it is a whole new open world to explore.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):

High-School Student (Grade-12) - Sayo Yong



During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

Al would act calmly, giving the student 2 warnings for language and telling them that is not okay to say to workers. Al would then Radio in what is happening saying "There is a student causing trouble cursing at me" He would walk towards the student, giving him one last chance to apologize, if they did so Al would let him off, but if they continued he would wait till the other employees got there to assess the situation, deciding the student's fate. He'd walk over writing a detention slip and handing it to the student "You just earned detention" (detention for cursing/insulting employees)

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:

Old man Al would first yell telling the students to break apart, and if any of the other students watching were close he would tell them to back up too. If Al had to he would pull them both apart questioning each student on what happened and what the story was and why they were fighting, He would ask anyone watching if there were any. If they both decide to blame each other and they were lying Al would attempt to get SLT to check the CCTV. Either way, both students would receive punishment, but one may receive worse depending on what happened. (detention for fighting)

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:

Al would suggest to the employee to stop doing that as it has risks and the employee can lose their job. Al would attempt to persuade the employee to stop doing so, and depending on the actions, how inappropriate, and how dangerous he is acting, if the employee won't even stop or even consider it, Al might contact a higher-up or SLT to explain the scenario that is going on.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?

Al most of the time keeps to himself, drawing within a notebook or listening to classical music as he is an Unc. If there were multiple people in the room he would gently ask them how is their day, and ask about their job role and if anything interesting happened to them that day. He would either continue the conversation or simply go back to where he was sitting and relax, by either drawing or listening to his music.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

/me [Chef Rossi]
Steps into the kitchen with a strut, He'd roll up his sleeves and wash his hands as he preps for a mean meal. Al would sharpen his Knife, grabbing a potato, and dicing it length-wise, He would soak the Potato Slices in cold water with a pinch of salt. He'd then whip up the fryer filling it up with oil then tossing the Potato Slices in. He wiggled the fries around and grabbed a drainer spoon taking the fries out, as soon as he took them out he began to dust them off with his favorite seasonings, placing them on the tray and preparing them for the students.

/me [Chef Rossi] Quickly placing the last details on each meal, Al would grab the tray as heaps of steam flew off it, handing it to the student before him giving a warm smile indicating that it was a hot and healthy meal. He began to say &f"Hope you Enjoy the meal!"&u then he waited for the next student.

/me [Chef Rossi] yawned as he grabbed some eggs out of the fridge, he'd grab a pan and placed it on the stove, cranking the heat to medium. He would crack the eggs in a mixing bowl, whisking it around and dusting it with seasoning whisking it even more, he would bring it over to the heat pouring it into the pan. He would wait a few minutes then proceeded to flip it with a quick pan toss &f"Perfetto" &uHe would grab some cheese placing it in the center of the flat cooked egg. Al would fold it over and place it on a Plate... Making a perfect cheese omelet.


In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only):

"My full name is Aldo Rossi"

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

"Mr. Rossi"

Preferred Name:

"My close friends call me 'Al'"

Age (Minimum is 25):

"I MIGHT be pushing 40 but I am 39"



Academic Degree:

"I have an Associates Degree"


"My Major is in Culinary Arts"




"Italian, born and raised"

Known Languages:

(currently just applied for)


*the male would have a slight Italian accent as he speaks*

Early Life

Al was Born in the small town of Bosa, Italy. His father owned a small Italian restaurant on the west side of town near the water, His mom passed away during birth but his father made decent money due to owning an Italian restaurant. When he was a small child around 14 years old he would assist the the cooks in washing dishes and plating up orders while getting small tips cause he was so helpful. At the age of 16, his father hired him as the main cook. Aldo would be a cook at his father's place for 2 more years, learning every step from his father and being able to perfect amazing dishes.

College Life/Mid Life

Al would soon learn English hoping to get accepted to The Institute of Culinary Education in New York, At 18 He would get accepted and fly out to America and hope to make his father proud making big in the massive city. He landed in New York, getting a low-wage job at this Italian Sub shop to pay for rent and college. Aldo would keep hitting the books, practicing dishes, warming up with special tricks with silverware in his small apartment, Al would enter a NY cook-off at the age of 19, winning the medal and being one of the best young cooks in the state of New York. Aldo would graduate from College, working at a High-Class restaurant for 5 years saving up enough money to purchase a small building at the bottom of a skysc****r. Al would renovate the area, and open a small Pizza joint, that would break records in the New York area, hitting the papers. Soon after the place would fall, with mass business owners taking over the area, and only giving him a small amount of money to take a hike due to the contract reasons during the purchase.


Aldo would then use his last amount of money to fly out to the city of Karakura, hopefully searching for another chef job to keep him happy.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):

"I have been retired from working in a big business and loud kitchen for a few months now, and I would like to Join the faculty team hopefully being able to inspire students and put a smile on their faces when they eat my meals, It makes me happy that I can share my fathers cooking style to a younger audience. I want to be the reason students stay healthy with my hearty food and I feel I am motivated again to start cooking as I haven't in so many years, I am sure this job will be a lot more relaxing than managing a Business itself but I hope I can help people get over eating disorders by getting things to their liking and be helpful to the overall students and faculty as a whole"

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:


"I am very confident in my cooking ability, and I hope to bring a lot more personality to the faculty team and I think I will be a good addition to you all! Though I think everyone should have a chance to be part of an amazing faculty team"


I am very passionate about cooking in general, as My whole family is Italian and my parents worked as both chefs though I have never been a cook myself I have still learned from both of them in the kitchen. I am also very confident in my roleplay ability, and I'm sure if I would get accepted I will be able to spend most of my time when I'm on being a chef cooking up some bomb meals.


Aldo 'Al' Rossi
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