What's your Minecraft Username?: UrAJinx
What's the title of your suggestion?: Toaster Function
What's your suggestion?:
I’m proposing we make the toaster item actually be functional to toast bread!
I realized that not even there’s a cooking option just to make toast. You can’t even put the bread in the pan too. So yeah… if we make the toaster item functional then that’d be great for people who just want toast.
How will this benefit the server and community?:
The toaster item will not only just be for decoration but having a functional feature to toast your bread.
What's the title of your suggestion?: Toaster Function
What's your suggestion?:
I’m proposing we make the toaster item actually be functional to toast bread!
I realized that not even there’s a cooking option just to make toast. You can’t even put the bread in the pan too. So yeah… if we make the toaster item functional then that’d be great for people who just want toast.
How will this benefit the server and community?:
The toaster item will not only just be for decoration but having a functional feature to toast your bread.