Level 2
Toby Sailor-mikage

Basic Information
First Name: Toby
Surname: Sailor-mikage.
Preferred Name:
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Height: 6'2 | 187.96
Weight: 170 lb | 77.1107
Skin Color: White.
Eye Color: It used to be blue, but now it is grey.
Hair Style: messy and medium-short.
Hair Color: grey/black.
Date of Birth: January 24
Place of Birth: Vancouver, BC/British Columbia. | Canada.
Nationality: British-Canadian.
General Appearance
Personality: Shy, and is usually scared.
He owns a phone, and is usually wearing a flower crown.
Clothes: a greenish grey sweater and ripped blue-jeans.
Hobbies: he likes to wander around, although he gets lost when he does it.
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: He is compleatly blind, and has Phagophobia (fear of being eaten. its also the fear of swallowing or eating). He's also nervous about being arrested. He has PTSD and hates alcohol because of bad experiences.
skills: He is able to hear your breathing if u are less than 2ft away. he's also a decent singer.
Family: He is apart of the mikage clan/family. He has a blood family that lives in Canada.

Basic Information
First Name: Toby
Surname: Sailor-mikage.
Preferred Name:
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Height: 6'2 | 187.96
Weight: 170 lb | 77.1107
Skin Color: White.
Eye Color: It used to be blue, but now it is grey.
Hair Style: messy and medium-short.
Hair Color: grey/black.
Date of Birth: January 24
Place of Birth: Vancouver, BC/British Columbia. | Canada.
Nationality: British-Canadian.
General Appearance
Personality: Shy, and is usually scared.
He owns a phone, and is usually wearing a flower crown.
Clothes: a greenish grey sweater and ripped blue-jeans.
Hobbies: he likes to wander around, although he gets lost when he does it.
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: He is compleatly blind, and has Phagophobia (fear of being eaten. its also the fear of swallowing or eating). He's also nervous about being arrested. He has PTSD and hates alcohol because of bad experiences.
skills: He is able to hear your breathing if u are less than 2ft away. he's also a decent singer.
Family: He is apart of the mikage clan/family. He has a blood family that lives in Canada.
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