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Denied Tokki-Yo [Shop Application | ItzSteak13]


Level 7
Where Tommorrow Begins.gif

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
I am online as much as possible! SRP is my life and I am usually online on Wednesdays Fridays and Saturdays. I am expecting for my schedule to change soon, and I know that it will allow me to be online more frequently. While I am on the server, I am either fooling around with my friends, or trying to earn some Yen. During the summer, my activity increases. I am available for three hours on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. During Vacation i will most likely not be able to go online.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes. I acknowledge that if i am inactive, I will be demoted.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

Max Tsuyoi-Whifeld | Language Application

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
[Grade 12]
Max Tsuyoi-Whitfeld
[Grade 12] Kai Fujimoto

All my characters are Grade 12, with no other tags. The character I am applying for is my alt account, Kai Fujimoto. I would like to skip his collage role and get the adult role immediately.

Shop Information

What shop are you applying for?:
I am applying for Tokki-yo

Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
Recently, I have been there thinking about of being a shopkeeper in Karakura, owing to the numerous interactive opportunities it presents. When I first got involved in SRP at the beginning of 2020, I was a noob first and foremost, and I did not even know the most basic things like what SRP is, let alone how roleplaying works. After many days of nonstop Roleplaying, I grew so much and consequently began to be submerged in SRP. Nevertheless, I have always faced financial difficulties as one of my main problems. Absence of a job for all of my characters became a real problem as the engagement was not that full as usual. I’ve never had the money to buy something from a shop, find a place to stay, and most of all, have something to eat. Although money is the one of the main factors that leads to the assumption of the role of a shopkeeper, the aspect of gaining the nostalgic moments that RP provides has equally the same impact.

As a storekeeper, individuals are given the independence that is not found in most jobs: own store management. Getting this coveted job will be a difficult task, but still it is quite possible. To be able to immerse myself fully into the game, to gain patience and to develop a skill that will always be with me, my ability to be interactive with a community. Being a shopkeeper is all about activities such as planning events and selling items to demanding customers. Being a shopkeeper will allow me to reflect on broader aspects of my character like my family background. It could also guide me through the character's personal growth and further lift the story up. Yet, it is the potential of such experiences that pulls me toward taking the role. When players enter my store, I want to experience the nostalgia of first joining SRP and making new friends.

Untitled design 5.png
Kai's EDU
Kai Fujimoto lives in a family of 3, his mom, dad, and himself. Kai has always been perceived as "smart". During his school years in Vietnamese, where he grew up, he passed every single class with no effort. With Straight A+, Kai wanted more from his education. So he and his parents decided to take him to a quiet town on a remote island in Japan, Karakura. There he joined the local high school and again, passed every single class. Soon enough, he had a high enough GPA to go to college early. And so he did. Kai decided to major in Marketing, as he'd always wanted to own his own business when he grew up. He got a master's in math and science, and not long after, graduated college.

A New Life in Karakura
After Kai graduated college, he was kind of in a "slump". He knew EXACTLY what he wanted to do, but he didn't know how to do it. After a couple of years of studying the ways of Marketing, campaigning, Advertising and even How to get involved in the stock market, Kai was finally ready. With imagination and courage, Kai knew that he was ready to open his shop. So Kai looked around the market for a space to get started. Not long after, he stumbled upon "Tokki-yo". It was perfect. The name, the location, EVERYTHING WAS PERFECT. Kai then knew that he wanted to run some sort of Tech Store. He was good at math and science, so this type of thing would be perfect! Kai soon applied for ownership of the shop and awaited for a response. (and now here I am, writing my application ;p)

What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
If I become Shopkeeper, my store will be based off of the innovative future of Karakura. My store will be futuristic, new, and colorful. I plan to make my shop sell devices, and tech related toys. My shop will be different than all the rest because from the moment you step inside, you will feel like you’re in a completely new world. You will experience and immersive and interactive store, where you can hang with friends, purchase items and even trade. Now a days, most stores don’t offer the option to trade. But we do. For a small price, you can trade your item in for a different variant, or even model. (This will be explained more thoroughly later in the application)

The interior of my shop will be simple and futuristic. I plan for it to feel clean and fresh, but at the same time, I want it complex and decorative. My shop will consist of three sections. Cashier stands, item shelves/displays, and tech support booths. When you walk in, You will see items displayed in front of you. These items will be exclusive items/seasonal items. (These items will also be displayed out front) When you enter, you will have the option to go left or right. To your left will be the main store, Where the items are shelved and the cashier stands are located. To your right, there will be 3 tech support booths. Each of them will have 1 tech support employee, where you can trade and ask questions about the specified item(s). In the main store, there will be a downstairs and an upstairs. The downstairs section will consist of the cashier stands, and items that are not as expensive. These items will be sold for 10-65k and will consist of toys and electronics. Upstairs is where the more expensive items lay. The upstairs won't be the full length of the store, but instead, will be like a lounge, only covering around half. the room will be open, only divided by a glass-like railing. The items up here will also be on shelves, but the prices will range from 65k-100k. (100k could be the max I'll sell items at. It might change due to time) The interior will be made of different types of birch woods(logs, planks etc.), quarts, Blue and black materials and different blocks for various decorations.


Outside that store, my goal is to create an uncluttered and clean aesthetic by blending minimalism with the concept of "simple living." This will be a new chapter in the story of the Karakura shops, a cleaner and more exciting one. The way in which I am going to approach that is to make my business stand out so much that it will be too hard of a person to pass by it without at least looking at the shop window. In other words, the main target is to establish a storefront which is so impressive that a customer will say to themselves, "Wow! How is this even possible?”. This can be accomplished by casually moving through the beautifully displayed products every now and then. Each item will exhibit the luxury and the advanced technology “Tokki-yo” presents. Every single item has been a choice in terms of either the trend of the moment or the price tag. Matching the aesthetic and the contemporary feel of the shop, the outdoor material will be a mixture of bricks, wood, and quartz to produce shape and the sensation of coldness. This brilliant mix of materials is designed to lure the passers-by and at the same time to indicate that the shop offers quality and the business runs smoothly.


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What will you sell in your shop?:
I plan to sell Devices, Tech related cosmetics/toys and other items like backpacks and plushies.
-Flip Phones
-Computer Towers
-Arcade machine
-All types gaming devices
(Nintendo Switch, NDS, Gameboy)
-My Customs (below spoiler)
Ear pods
-Apple Watch
-Other items already on the server

Tech Related Items
-Tech Related Toys
(Ex: Futuristic Toy gun)
(Ear pods, Apple Watch, etc.)

(I am selling backpacks because literally I can’t find any in any store :p)
-Gaming chair
(Idk if I'm allowed to sell furniture this so your gonna have to tell me)

Custom Items/Seasonal Items

1. Blue Swirl Phone
2. Royal Phone
Blue swirl phoneimages 4.jpeg

1. Marble Laptop
2. Monochrome Laptop
images 1.jpegimages 2.jpeg

*I also need a laser gun or smth you'll see why soon*

How many employees do you plan to have?:

: 1/22
Shopkeeper 1/1:
As the shopkeeper, I will be responsible for many tasks. First, I will be in charge of hiring staff. I will also be able to fire staff and promote and/or demote staff. Second, I will be in charge of paying taxes for the items in my shop. Third, I will be in charge of planning and monitoring shop events. This job takes a lot of responsibility and I will take it very seriously. As the shopkeeper, I am responsible for my employees. That’s why I will host a training once or twice every few months. During the training, you employees will learn how to greet and handle our customer's requests. They will learn all about their jobs and what’s expected of them. They will be trained specifically for their job. (for example, the cashiers will learn how to do their job, while the tech support will learn something completely different. This is because these employees will most likely have to say different things to their customers and/or act differently around them. The RP situation will be completely different because they have different jobs).

Manager 0/3:
The manager will be responsible for several activities. First they will be allowed to open/close the shop when the shopkeeper is unavailable ONLY if the shop has not reached at least 12 openings that month. Second, they will be in charge of monitoring the staff. This includes their actions and their behaviors. If a staff member is working inappropriately, it is the managers job to report them to the shopkeeper after the shop has closed. Also, The manager will be responsible for checking in on the staff at different parts of the store. For example, they will need to check in with the tech support, security and cashier staff AT LEAST once per opening. They will be expected to ask wether they are doing good or bad, if they need break and what not. This role will be the HARDEST role to apply for as it requires a lot of accountably and responsibility.

Security 0/5:
Security will be accountable for the following; Watching the shelfs/stock, making sure ALL rules are being followed, handling any conflicts/fights between customers in the store and out front, and watching the cctv footage. This role is pretty straight forward and will be pretty easy to apply for.

Cashiers 0/10:
The cashiers will be responsible for the following; welcoming customers to the store when they are in line for checkout, (aka Greet them) and Checking out items. To check out items, the Cashiers must first ask the customers what they would like to purchase. If they say 1 item, ask if they would like to purchase anything else. If they say "no" find the desired item requested by the customer in the back. All items will be categorized in chests with sign's next to them stating what they are. Inside the chest, there will be a paper next to the categorized item stating what it is and how much it cost. You are then expected to grab that item, return to the stand, and do /payreq "___" Yen. DO NOT give them the item first. Have them pay.

Tech Support 0/3:
As you can see, I have added the role of tech support. These employees will be stationed at their own desk, located near the left side of the store, where players can either, ask questions about items they own, or even trade in items (tech related) for a different model of the same item. Basically, If I had an orange phone and I wanted a black one, I could trade my phone for the desired one for 10-20k. The prices range because some phones are more expensive than others. This includes phones, laptops, pc towers and different colors of gaming chairs.

What are some examples of an advert for your shop?
Here are some examples of [ADVERT] I would post on SRP

* [ADVERT] Tokki-yo Electronics Store is now open! come by to pick up a new phone, console, or even your own arcade machine! If tech doesn't interest you, we have toys, plushy's and some exclusive accessory's! Swing over to the Shopping district to be apart of tomorrow's future!

* [ADVERT] Tokki-yo Electronics Store
is still open! Come quick because our custom items are selling fast! And trust me, you don't want to miss out. Even if you don't want new tech, we have accessory's, toys and some cute and new plushy's! you better run because were closing soon!

* [ADVERT] Tokki-yo Electronics Store is unfortunately now closed. browse on by next time to find exclusive laptops, phones and accessory's all made by Tokki-yo, your favorite tech store.

*these are examples and I will most definitely edit them*

And so we have the uniform. A uniform represents equality and unity between a group of people, just by their outfit. My employees will be expected to wear their uniform to ALL shop openings. A uniform helps employees not to focus on themselves, but on others. That is what I want to achieve at Tokki-yo. I want the customers to feel like they are welcome. It will help develop their characters and will show that Tokki-yo stands for community.

The uniform wil conciest of Gold, blue and white and grey colors. They will wear light blue jeans, along with a White shirt. The shirt will be plain with no logo and they will wear Tokki-yo's custom gold and blue jacket with the logo indented into it on the left.

What events will your shop host?
YES! you heard the question right, Im hosting events at my shop! I want to host events to keep the players not only interested, but to have them experience what its like to be apart of a community. These events will be fun to role-play and certainly make the players DREAD for more!

Event #1: Shopping spree
The first event, Shopping spree is pretty basic and straight forward. Basically, the store will have a 25% discount on items on the bottom floor and a 30% discount on all items on the top floor! This event will keep players up to date with the store because the will defiantly not want to miss this event! This event will probably happen 1-3 times every 2-3 months, to keep the stores income balanced and in-check.

Event #2:The tournament of mobile games
This event is also pretty straight forward, like event #1. In Event #2 tournament of Mobile games, the store will welcome players to desks and seats in the store to sit and have a relaxing time, and ofc, win some money. In the tournament of mobile games, players of come to the store for the event will each be put into one big bracket. This bracket will tell us who's vs who and what round it is (or in this case, what game their playing). This event is a big completion, where players can compete each other on their multiplayer games option on their phones. Each round is a new game.(Ex: Round 1=tic tack toe and Round 2=connect4) Whoever makes it to the top of the bracket will compete against each other for a cash prize of 100,000 (or more) Yen!

Event #3: Lazer Tag!
We all love laser tag, right? That's why I have decided to make laser and event at my store in schoolRP! (yes I will prob need a custom item for this, you could prob just retexture the squirt gun, because I need the chat text that says "you've been squirted by -so and so's- squirt gun, except it needs to say later gun ;p) How it works it players will enter the shop and divide into two teams, Blue and Red. After a short briefing, they will enter the battle grounds! AKA the shop (well some of it because I need room for briefing yk) All players will have a laser gun. If you shoot someone, you win a point for your team! If you get shot, you’re out of the game! Whichever team wins will get a 30% discount on all items and a special reward for their efforts.....

What Rules Will you Have in your Shop?
customer rules
1. No masks, headwear or any accessories covering the face. (Unless it’s a religion or you have been granted permission by a manager or shopkeeper).
2. No fighting within the store or on store property. If you fight, you will be led out by security and will temporarily be blacklisted from purchasing items from the shop.
3.Be respectful to the staff. If you are disrespectful, you will be temporarily blacklisted from entering/purchasing anything from the shop.

Employee Rules
1. You must always greet/welcome our customers. This is to make them feel comfortable and safe in our store.
2. No fighting with your coworkers. If you fight, you will be demoted and or removed from the shops roster.
3. No stealing. If you steal, you will permanently be removed from the roster and will be banned from applying for our shop.
4. Make sure you log all your payments and items that are sold. Then, Dm me the ss. This is to ensure that we have enough stock for the next opening, and if we don’t, we know when to restock. Logging payment is so that I know how much we earned, and how much money I have to pay my employees.

These rules ensure that my customers are safe along with my employees. Rules may change due to time, but as of now, they will not.​

Full Name:

Kai Fujimoto

Character Image:

Character Description:
Kai Fujimoto is a smart and diligent Japanese male. He has ivory skin and brown hair. Kai stands at 5’11 feet tall with courage and independence. He would have light gray eyes and would have a few noticeable scars below his jaw. Kai is a gentle and careful man and strikes beauty wherever he goes.
Gender and Pronouns:
Male | He/him

Age (if accepted):
35 Years Old

75% Japanese | 25% Vietnamese

Marital Status:

Religious Denomination:

Spoken Languages:

Phone Number:

Thanks for reading my application! I hope I get to work with the SRP community soon!
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