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Accepted Tomatsu Roko - DT Teacher


Level 0

Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?
My main account's username is 7w77, though I'd like to have the role on my other account, Xyev!

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
I do! My discord account I use for SRP is: xyev#7777

I am almost always on discord and am able to respond to answer questions, take suggestions and more! I am also familiar with how to use discord and as classroom logs are usually noted within the discord, I would be able to format and create and appropriately labelled classroom log for students to view after the class has been completed.

Do you have a microphone?:
I do ! But due to my disability, I am mute and cannot talk. Though despite this, I am a fast typer and am able to use this resource to help me communicate when in call with others!

How old are you? (Optional):
I am 17 years old, turning 18 in July.

What is your time zone?:
GMT, soon to be BST. I live in the UK

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

I acknowledge this and am aware that I must give hints to inactivity and make my superiors aware that if I am away for a more inactive time, for example 4+ days that this will mean I will lose my role and be demoted from teaching. This is something I have picked up on and am completely prepared to do to fulfil this role.

Describe your activity on the server:

At the moment, I am on everyday for at least 4 hours! This is during a time when I am busy, if it is a day that I am off, as I only work about 3-4 days a week at the moment, I am able to get on for up to 12 hours at a time and actively engage with the community and those who I am close to! I try to be as active as possible and have time to put aside for my RP projects, and luckily it has been relatively long periods that I have been able to log onto the server so far.

Do you have any previous bans?:
I do not have any previous bans! I have not been banned previously, but have been warned when I first started playing in 2019 for things such as FailRP, when I was first getting used to the rules of the server.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
My previous applications have been wiped completely for privacy concerns, but I have held many roles on the server previously. I have been playing since 2019.
(Can be discussed in DMs)

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):


What subject are you applying to teach?:

Design Technologies, specifically I'd like to teach textiles! Textiles includes things such as plush toys and clothes making, also working around designing different ideas and product advertising. Textiles will teach students how to handle sewing, choose fabrics, create basic to more complicated designs, repair their own cloth items and maybe even start up their own career in textiles for their futures.

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
My motivation for teaching is at foremost to try something new that will challenge me. Teaching is not a role I have thought of previously, but have been incredibly interested in. When choosing this role out of many others I decided that it would be more interesting to go into teaching as I myself do some teaching OOC and find the unique dynamics of characters, meeting different ones and also providing knowledge to different people interesting. Not only this, the specific subject of textiles has always interested me greatly and I have not yet seen a textiles class under the DT teaching classes yet; so I thought it may be something unique for students to experience! Maybe in RPing this out, students can create things for others and express their creativity in not only writing the descriptions for the items they have created, but coming up with ideas in general. This can not only spark inspiration IC, but also OOC, creating inspiration is incredibly important to me and it may help someone unlock their full artistic potential.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT & If your application is accepted, you may have to undergo teacher training?:
I completely understand that I will undergo training, I have been trained ICly and OOCly previously and am happy to review any material needed to pass the training I am given. Learning is an extremely prominent part of my enjoyment and I would be happy to take on any extra training or learning necessary to progress in the teaching role. I have already began seeking advice for classes and have been researching into the specific subject of textiles to build upon my already present knowledge!

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
Teacher logs are important as publicly they allow the students to view their grades and possibly go to tutors for support, or other individuals that can provide learning support to help their grades in preparation for college. Not only this but they give specific details to other staff members of who's attending certain classes, and to higher departments how many classes teachers are doing throughout the month.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
- Be quiet when the teacher or another student is talking.
This rule is important to keep order in the classroom. It teaches the students courtesy and prepares their communication skills for further education and their careers.

- No Swearing.
Another instance of courtesy, this rule goes for most workplaces and is not only inappropriate for a school environment but it will allow them to learn restraint.

- Do not touch sewing machines / machinery when not instructed to.
Due to the nature of the working environment for DT, it's important for untrained students to touch or prod at machinery when they are not supposed to. This is specific to the subject but prevents major injury of the individual and other students.

- Do not mess around with equipment
Like machinery, sewing needles, scissors and even cutting knives can be a huge risk to student safety and should not be taken lightly. It's important for the class to follow the guidelines so the school works under the safety at work or in education act.

- Remain seated until activities start.
Some people may need to stand to attend sewing machines or get materials, this rule is here to ensure there is order and no students are tripping over each other or getting in the way for materials or getting projects sorted.

- When you hear the teacher's specific call, stop immediately.
The call is to be perhaps a bell or certain voice command to enforce safety and ensure that the teacher can regain control at any point in time. This can be important as if an injury occurs, an incident happens, the teacher can quickly return the other students to safety while dealing with the situation as to divert the possibility of panic and ensure that all students are tended to equally.

- Respect and inclusivity is important
The base of textiling for the teacher is built across encouraging creativity and sharing ideas, any sort of hostility shouldn't be tolerated in a school environment.

Another basic rule will be safety briefing, for each student or at the start of a class the rules should be explained along with, if applicable, the safety towards using the tools provided to the students. The rules should cater not only to keeping students safe and preparing them for life but also teach them how to respect their tools and machinery, while respecting each other as well. These are incredibly important in keeping order in the classroom.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
In general I have 10 years of RP experience, 4 of which being related to high school/teaching roles, while mostly being experienced in playing older unemployed characters and PoliceRP, I have previously played a student role for many years and have become accustomed to how teaching works in various RP scenarios with many different rules in turn. While I have this experience and have been writing since I was very young, I admit I am still always able to learn from this and am happy to expand my knowledge of writing actions for this specific role.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:

- HD
↳ Meaning:

Head of Department

↳ Description:
Someone with the HD rank is the leader of their given department, this could be DT, English, Mathematics, History, PE or another umbrella of particular subjects. Their rank shows they have some of the highest levels of experience and highest authorities below the overruling principals and their vice counterparts.

- QT
↳ Meaning:

Qualified Teacher

↳ Description:
A Qualified Teacher is a member of the team that has not only successfully passed training, but have stayed on the team for a long enough amount of time that they have been recognised to be competent to work more independently and thus have been granted the next step up in their training towards becoming the head of the department they are working for. They still remain under the HD, but are more qualified and recognised than a NQT.

↳ Meaning:

Newly Qualified Teacher

↳ Description:
A teacher that has freshly passed their teacher training and has been recognised for it.

- UT
↳ Meaning:

Unqualified Teacher

↳ Description:
A new hire, they have not yet passed their given teacher training or it may be in progress.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.
The teaching role on SRP is comprised of four main elements.

- The IC Teaching

- IC Off-Time

- OOC Planning

- OOC/IC Grading


IC teaching is the main area of the role, the execution of the mix of IC and OOC preparing and planning that the teacher has done in their spare time. This is the presenting of the class to students and most basic area to understand. Following the main plan made beforehand, a teacher will present information to the students through actions, speech and a mix of interactive experiences within the classroom that not only allow for the development of students characters, but for the teaching characters to develop their own sense of teaching style to. It is important as it is the main role of the job, but is also important as it may be quite daunting at first, but doing it truly allows you to begin developing and getting a feel for the role. it is important to spend your time during teaching to begin to get a grip on the IC rules and how you should be conducting your character, working out any flaws that may hinder work in a negative way.

They give the student characters a reason to go to school and learn something and unlock unique interactions that don't force students to solely interact with other students and never attend any classrooms, which is the main point of the RP experience. And makes it more immersive to have different teaching characters to become familiar with.


As teachers aren't always on schoolgrounds and do not immediately log off as soon as school is over for the most part, the IC character development continues even outside of the schoolgrounds and your characters actions can still reflect back onto the school positively or negatively, it is essential that any gangRP is ruled out for this reason and most teachers will still remain professional in public but will still be able to see family members privately. All IC off time should be within the law and have your characters best interests in mind. This also allows students to have a parent in teaching, which is another unique dynamic, even if slightly chaotic at times.


OOC planning includes the background efforts of being a teacher, this is planning out lessons, making plans using the Moscow system SRP uses for learning and ensuring that you have a wide array of classes that keep the topic refreshing so students enjoy attending your classes and choose to come back in the future for more from you. You can ask other teachers for suggestions, do your own research into the topic and create unique experiences for certain classes or days of the week.


The response stage of teaching, reviewing in handed out work that was hopefully planned in the OOC planning section and feeding back to students. Grades can be posted to the Discord's bulletin board and can be relayed to students ICly.

For pay, teachers can gain up to a maximum of ¥500,000 per month after exceeding the minimum quota. The starting wage is ¥350,000 for 10 classes from Newly Qualified Teachers, whereas Qualified teachers can obtain ¥400,000 base pay with + ¥50,000 per extra class after the main 5 for the maximum of ¥500,000.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
They come naturally important to the server as it gives students a reason to engage with the RP and have something stopping them from breaking every rule they see. They give an IC authority and something to do within the schoolgrounds. Not only hosting classes, but assisting in events, club activities and giving school trips to students is incredibly important for not only immersion but for activity throughout the server and why I believe there is such high retention.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
After looking through discord and attempting to find this out, I have learned that they should be conducted under a 'Moscow' System, which is an acronym for Must have, Should have, Would have, Will not have. I'm not exactly experienced with this system but am willing to learn more and will most likely undergo this training if I am accepted.

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What are their plan for the future?

Tomatsu Roko is a towering Japanese male standing at an impressive 6'5, towering above most individuals in his area. His broad and heavyweight stature is quite remarkable, and he is usually described as having a "dad" physique. He has a square built shoulder, slightly muscular with a mix of chub on his body, especially on his stomach. His expression is different from most, as he chooses to be a quiet learner in most circumstances, but can easily fulfil a leadership role when it is required of him.

Despite his age, Roko handles himself well, although he bears several scars across his legs, torso, and arms, which tell a story of his deployment. He is nimble, but struggles to move from a sitting position or when led down. His deep brown hair, which is greying at the roots, adds to his mature appearance.

When he isn't working, Roko enjoys shopping, hoping to stand out through his appearance rather than his personality. He has a keen interest in clothes making and design, and he always dresses in smart suits and outfits with a more modern style, which helps to bring out his personality through clothing rather than his voice. He uses the money from his job and outside commissions to support his daughter through College and hopes to settle down in his home. Roko wishes to get married and adopt another child, believing it will be the best way to spend his later years after supporting others' education.

Although mostly independent in his work, Roko is used to hours of teamwork from being in the army. He always looks to increase morale and uplift his co-workers in a professional yet friendly manner. Despite being so quiet, Roko is quick to warm up to people, and he is able to provide the morale that most people need in a stressful work environment. He even handcrafts gifts for his co-workers, which is a testament to his friendly nature.

Overall, Tomatsu Roko is an impressive character with an inspiring story. Despite his physical injuries, he remains strong and committed to his family and colleagues. His quiet nature and leadership qualities make him a valuable asset in any situation. He is a man of many talents, with a passion for clothing and design, and a heart full of love for those around him.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
Approach assertively with the intent of helping, it is important to find out the root of the problems if you ever wish to resolve anything, discern the issue; if it is an individual, encourage them to disperse and go their own ways. Though, sometimes it is possible that the individuals are simply wishing to cause distress or trouble, in such a situation they should be warned before given detention. [Given that they are not baiting it.]

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
Use the rules as given before, the certain chime that should hopefully return the students attention to the teacher, if this is not successful, then the teacher can move on to vocal interventions, using a countdown and finally if not listening hand out sanctions to the offending students, whether this be a lecture after class or detention depending on severity.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
Roko will generally stick to himself and get his work done, though is happy to ask other co-workers about their days and provide support and class ideas when prompted. He is not one to be too loud overshare, he hopes to be respectful in public spaces.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

would step to the front of the classroom, when fully planted behind his desk he would lift a small yet rather echoey bell from his desk, ringing it three times to alert his students that it was time to cease the talk and begin the lesson. While ringing he brushed his hair back, sitting his laptop down and plugging it in. "Class is in session, if you would all be seated and we can begin." He would then explain the classes subject. "Though, before we get started." He would pick himself back up. "We need to understand how to work respectfully and safely in the classroom. I will go over our rules so you can work safely, not following will result in one warning before a detention. I take safety very seriously in this environment."

/me listened to the students enquiry with a sharp nod. "I see, what you can do to change this design to be a bit easier to construct is to change the size of the seams..." He would then continue to explain an answer to the students question, listening intently to any follow up questions and keeping his responses concise and to the point as to quell any sort of confusion the student may face. "Is that all? If needed you can call for me. Don't worry about it. If you have any concerns we can talk after class too."

/me took the bell from his desk ringing it. "Class is ending shortly! Make sure to finish any work up.." He'd glance to the clock. "Within the next 5 minutes, otherwise you will have to continue next lesson and may forget! Before you leave ensure it is as it was when you first entered the classroom or else you may be kept behind!" He called once he had their attention, absently bringing his hands together with a warm smile.

/me let out a sharp, disappointed sigh, looking to the student with a hushed yet sharp tone. "You've been disrupting other's learning and concentration in a highly inappropriate way, take this as a warning that if you continue afterwards to be a disruption that you will be sanctioned and given detention as a result. I know you are a capable individual so do your best so I don't have to sanction you, I'd really dislike to see you there after all."

Tomatsu Roko was born into a small town called Ine, nestled within the heart of Japan. His mother and father were both born into families that had been serving others for generations, and they continued the tradition by working hard to provide for their family of seven, which included Tomatsu and his four siblings.

Despite the family's large size, they were not wealthy. Most of the Roko family lived in remote areas across the country, but Tomatsu's parents had chosen to stay in Ine. They worked tirelessly to make ends meet and provide for their children, including their newborn son.

Due to their demanding jobs, Tomatsu's parents were unable to take time off work to care for their youngest child. Instead, Tomatsu was looked after by his older siblings, who were extremely fond of him. His cheeks were always rosy, and he had a tendency to turn bright red when embarrassed. His father had learned the English word "tomato" on a business trip and started calling him that, which eventually turned into a nickname that stuck.

Despite the teasing he endured, Tomatsu was an outgoing child who made many friends in the village. Although his education was limited, he learned a great deal through conversations with others, asking questions, and soaking up information like a sponge.

As he grew older, Tomatsu's curiosity and desire to learn continued to flourish. He was fascinated by textiles, and he spent hours watching his mother sew and mend clothes. When he finished primary school, his parents made the difficult decision to allow him to move to Tokyo for further education. It was a difficult decision because they would miss him dearly, but they knew it was the best thing for their son.

Tomatsu was thrilled to be going to the big city, but he was also nervous about the journey ahead. He and one of his adult siblings, who was also interested in furthering their education, set off for Tokyo with a grant left by their late grandparents. They arrived in the bustling city and were immediately struck by its vibrancy and energy. The lights, the sounds, and the people were all so different from anything they had ever experienced before.

Tomatsu had grown up wearing hand-me-down clothes from his older siblings, so he had never paid much attention to fashion. However, he quickly discovered that textiles were his passion, and he decided to pursue further education in the subject after high school. He worked hard to make ends meet, often taking on part-time jobs to support himself and his sibling. But despite the financial struggles, he flourished in his studies, and his love of textiles grew stronger with each passing day.

After graduating, Tomatsu found himself drowning in student debt. He had worked hard to obtain his education, but it seemed as though he would never be able to repay the loans he had taken out. He was forced to take on odd jobs to make ends meet, often struggling to put food on the table.

One day, while he was sorting through his mail, he came across an army enlistment letter. He had never considered joining the military before, but the prospect of a steady income and the opportunity to serve his country was too tempting to pass up. He enlisted and began his training, knowing that this was his chance to achieve something fulfilling other than learning.

Tomatsu served his country for many years, always working hard and keeping his fellow soldiers safe. When he was 45, he decided it was time to return to Tokyo to pursue his true passion: teaching. He enrolled in a teacher training program and worked hard to learn everything he needed to know to become a great educator.

Finally, after years of struggling financially, Tomatsu found himself in a better place. He was able to move one final time, this time to the small town of Karakura.

And if you're interested an alternative view of what could've happened if I wrote more about his time in the city: !

Upon his arrival in Karakura, Tomatsu was immediately captivated by the beauty of the town. The lush greenery, crystal-clear rivers, and friendly people all made him feel right at home. He quickly settled into his new job as a teacher at the local high school and began to make connections with his students and colleagues.

Tomatsu's passion for teaching was evident from the moment he stepped into the classroom. He believed that education was the key to a better future for his students, and he was determined to give them the best education possible. He spent countless hours outside of class preparing lesson plans and grading assignments, always striving to provide his students with the tools they needed to succeed.

As he became more involved in the community, Tomatsu began to notice that there were some issues that needed to be addressed. The town was facing a shortage of affordable housing, and many families were struggling to make ends meet. Tomatsu knew that he had to do something to help.

He began to work with local officials and community leaders to develop a plan to address the housing crisis. Together, they launched a campaign to build new affordable housing units for families in need. Tomatsu spent countless hours attending meetings, organizing fundraising events, and advocating for the cause.

His efforts paid off, and the first new housing units were completed just a few months later. Tomatsu was overjoyed to see families moving into their new homes and was proud to have played a role in making it happen.


In-Character Information

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):

Tomatsu Roko

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s):

Preferred Name:

Age (Minimum is 27):


Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:


Current Location:
Karakura, Japan

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):


Academic Degree:
Teaching (DT)

Year of Graduation:

Public Services (Military)

English Language

Native Languages:

Other Languages:
English (Expert)

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:
Last edited:


Level 120
Thank you for your application! Welcome to the Highschool Teacher faction, you'll start your journey off as an Unqualified Teacher (UT).

Once you have been given your roles in the Academics Discord you will be pinged regarding Teacher Training from a HD (Head of Department), or myself. Once you have completed training you will receive your classroom and access to start your own classes.

* If you have further questions, feel free to contact me via the teacher channels in Academics Discord.

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