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Accepted toodlekim's Art Teacher Application

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Level 71
IGN (In Game Name): toodlekim
Previous bans: None that I recall.

Describe your activity on the server: Mostly on Fri, Sat, Sun. For at least 2 hours minimum. Been playing on this server for a little over a month.

Do you have TeamSpeak3?

Do you have a microphone? Yes.

List your current and past applications: None, this is my first official application.

What is your motivation for applying?:
Seeing the quirky and unique characteristics of certain teachers, I became quite interested. The way they speak, the way they handle certain situations, it was all so entertaining. I would love to be a part of that. So carefree, yet worried. So happy, yet stressed. So nervous, yet kind. So confident, yet blunt. All the different personality kinks/traits. Yes, students have the same case, but not exactly. The teachers, whenever I come across one, they have this aura that no other players have. I want someone else to feel that way about me. My motivation, to be someone else's.

Summarize your previous experience (both in general and teacher wise):
In real life: At this moment in time, I'm too young to actually have a qualified full-time job, although, my grammar and knowledge goes high. Particularly in Art and English. The teachers, not to brag, favours me very much, It's quite obvious. I always, always, get praised for my hard work and determination, and of course, constructive criticism. Since I'm applying for an Art Teacher position, I will continue to talk about those experiences. At my school, I frequently get chosen to participate in art competitions, I have medals and certificates with my full name and the head teacher's sign along with the head of art department's. As for in-game experience: In this server, I haven't really got an important position. I'm quite friendly with everyone and love to interact and, I guess, 'grass' out any of the naughty students to the teachers (only if valid of course). The amount of roleplay servers I have joined, MANY. I was first introduced to roleplaying when I came across a video of SamGladiator's. I was in love with the Yandere High series, and so I searched for a public Multiplayer Server, and here I am.

Your Teachers In Game Name (Make it relevent to your Minecraft Name): Ms. Toodle
Your Teachers In Game Age: 24
Teachers Subject: Art

Have you read & understood the megathread?
Certainly. I have read it through and understood each and every word.

From your perspective as of right now, identify one thing you would change about the Teacher Group. Why would you change that?
Fortunately, I had nothing annoying happen to me about the teacher's. From other people, I have seen complaints about some teachers randomly going afk, although I have no problem with that, they have their real lives outside of the internet world, it would be nice to interact with them more frequently, but I can't really say anything or blame them because I would probably do the same.


Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in game and out of game, what purpose to they serve, what salary they get. Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in there spare time in general.
Teachers in game, unarguably less serious. There isn't really any need for real life money. But as a hardcore roleplayer and gamer, it would be important to keep in character and stay in their roles. The purpose they serve, well, to teach the uneducated children that even on video games, you can't escape school. To sit down and be serious. To listen and to learn about how annoying punishments can be, so you can avoid them.

I know friends that hate school, always bunk, and never, ever concentrate in lessons, but at home they instantly go on their computers and start tap tap tapping away on their loud keyboards. I use to be like that, but now, in my household, I have strict rules and I'm only allowed to play with electronics on Fri/Sat/Sun. If I get caught on any other day, my punishment is to write 24 lines, in korean, "I will not disobey". That's how I set myself straight.

In game, It would definitely be harder to discipline players and get them to listen, but maybe the fact that strangers are lecturing them may put some sense or ideas into their minds.

Now, to get an insight of a teacher's mind. (In real) my private tutor, a retired full time English teacher, she said she loved to teach. She loved the expressions on her student's faces when they know the answer to a question, when they smile and greet her, and especially when someone who normally slacked, took part and put effort in. Indeed, there would be irritating and annoying moments such as unneeded calling out, immaturity, swinging on chairs, swearing (but she just ignored them secretly, pretending she didn't hear), picking on people (that really upset her, since she's all about positivity) and disrespect.

The purpose she served was to increase the size of the brain's mental conscious, in simple words, make them more open minded. The students missing out on someone else's imagination, to make their own incredible mixture of thoughts, feelings and obsessions.

Sometimes, the way teacher's teach are extremely boring. They don't take notice of the class's capability, always pushing them too far and maybe sometimes not even trying to make anything challenging. School is a place to learn, and not getting challenged is the same as not learning.

On the other hand, there are spectacular teachers. The really common sensed (I don't know if that's a word) ones. They know who's who and what's what, people hate strict teachers, but I personally think they really make the naughty ones listen, and that's a good thing.

As for spare time, If it was in school break time or lunch time, set up class presentations and print out worksheets. Out of school spare time, well, refreshing strolls to the park, stone skipping at the beach, walking their dogs, looking after their children, sending thoughtful emails to their older children's in college, but what I hear, they mark homework and set up weekend detentions for extremely bad behaved students.
Woah, I just realised how much I wrote. Seems like I'm very dedicated.

I live in London, and the teacher's salary's are up to £22,000 to £33,000. I don't know the exact numbers, because that's a bit ridiculous, but that's about it. Also, whoever reading this, well done, you reached the end.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server:

Seriously? It should be self explanatory. The goal or purpose for a school is to learn and to teach. Without the teach, there would be no learn, and to achieve learn, we need the teachers. They help the higher authorities to help control and manage the 200+ students and to let them know where they are placed in terms of permissions and order.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does he look like? What makes him unique and different? What is his outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his personality like? What is his plan for the future?
Kimmy Toodle/Ms. Toodle (My character) is a pale North Korean immigrant. She has long brown hair, deep brown eyes, held in a different dimension. She's very curvaceous, but doesn't tend to notice it. Normally she wears a light blue dress, that reaches over her knees. Matching blue socks along with blue shoes. All appropriate for a teacher. What makes her unique is her extreme innocence and kindness, with a tinge of acceptance.

She loves everyone, and she strongly believes in the phrase 'Never judge a book by it's cover' because of her disturbing past. Notices things very quickly, she has a quick sense.
For example, when someone is picking on someone else. She's been through such a thing to recognise the action and effect, also she has a lot of secrets, she's very mysterious and normally zones out when alone. She thinks about things deeply and carefully before answering or stating.

If anyone disrespects her, she would never say anything back, she would ignore them or smile at them, pretending to not have heard anything. She's strong, confident and happy.

Ms. Toodle loves the creativity of Ms. Manic and the interesting way she orders her words in her sentences, the adjectives she uses and the day-dreamy aura of her strut.

Ms. Toodle's plan for the future is to find someone she can connect with. A man, a woman, someone special and to travel the world with them to research every single art culture and to merge with their senses.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:

Walk up to them slowly, eyeing each one of them until they quiet down. I ask them to explain to me what the situation is, and to why they were doing it. Most of the time, it wouldn't be a valid answer and I would give them a warning, if I catch them again after the first warning, detention.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
I would sit there, waiting for them to notice that I'm waiting for them to notice me, once they have noticed me, I will tell them "The next person to start a conversation chain will get an immediate detention. Raise your hand if you object." If they don't notice me, I will shout at a reasonable yet loud tone for them to clearly hear me "STUDENTS." If they still don't react and continue their chattering, I will start to name usernames and give them a detention until other people stop, realising detentions are being handed out generously.

When in a teacher lounge, how does your character act?:
Very talkative. Will cooperate in any kind of ideas if related to creativity and improving learning. If it's something out of her league, she will give her opinions, but stay quiet with making decisions. She will brew coffee for the other staff, and offer her seat to an elder teacher if no other seats are being spared.

Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom.:
/me Checks through the register.
/me Walks around the classroom to catch any cheating students.
/me Sips coffee.
/me Looks around the room for a raised arm.
/me Marks tests.

Kimmy Toodle, being an immigrant, was always teased in Primary School by the older kids. Picking on her for being different, imitating her unique accent, and angling their eyes with their fingers to make it look like hers.

Sometimes, she wouldn't know what they were saying, what they were teasing her about because of the language barrier. She went through severe teasing and bullying until one day, at the age of 13, she had ENOUGH. Everyday after school, she would have a bit of a cry to let it out of her system and then with determination she would bring her dictionary, thesaurus and language books out. She studied through day and night, until her eyes reeked, yes, reeked, of pure redness. She was wanted to study until she was fixed, fixed. Fixed. A human, fixed? She wanted to be like everyone else, everyone who had friends, with a pure british accent and proper grammar.

She used broken, non-understandable english which everyone laughed at, every single word. As she grew older and older, she started to understand herself more. Her english creativity was exceptional and incredibly advanced, during her rough times, she moved schools to start afresh.

Finally, she made friends, done well in school and had self confidence. She found herself, but she wasn't fixed. She didn't need to be. She knew that being fixed wasn't important, it was about enjoying yourself and catching up to her happiness. Since she had a friendship group, her personality became more expressed. She was known as constantly being happy, confident and kind to everyone.

No, she definitely didn't want to be like any of the bullies, she wanted to make people happy. To bring out the best in people. She fell in love with her Art teacher, not that kind of love, but more of an admire. The way she spoke very softly, the verbs and adjectives she used for certain things that aren't normally categorised and pretty or special. The way she spoke made everything and everyone feel special. Her Art teacher encouraged her to get into art, after seeing the immense creativity tucked deeply inside her brain. Of course she was over-joyed to participate. And miraculously, it fit her very well. She knew how to navigate the paint brushes, the pencils, the smooth or hard swipes, the shading and highlighting, the expressive and neutral colours used in a very clever fashion. Her and Art were the perfect match.

Additional notes about your application (if any):
Extremely thankful for your time, this application took me about 2-3 hours. It is now your decision to see if I am suited for this job.
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