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Denied toranekos lore team application


Level 79
Good morning, cool cats and kittens. Most specifically, my homeslice on the lore team, Demurity. Please, in this forum post, find my application. I hope my writing delights you.


What is your discord name and tag (name#0000)?:

Additionally, do you have a microphone and can speak via discord?
Luckily for you.. Yes, I can!

Your time zone and current country of residence:
BST - England

Link any previous community team applications if applicable:
Please be fully aware that I CURRENTLY am on E-T and have no intention of leaving, which means that I'm just peachy with being denied in case someone with lesser roles would like the opportunity.

Do you recognize you could be removed from the community team?
Of course.

List a few things that may obstruct your progress/development on the Lore Team.
- Writer's block! It's unlikely I get it but it's pretty much just a wave of lacking motivation, we all get it.
- Timezones, I cannot always attend wacky meetings at 10pm EST or something - which I doubt will happen.
- Events. My other roles may come with events I gotta do or attend. Also, I have an entire team to manage which will be my top priority!

What makes you passionate about writing?:
I expect my writing to be an experience for the reader. What you should find in my writing is an immersive experience that is unlike any other. This motivates me beyond belief. The sheer concept of a make-believe world that I can construct upon a page whilst achieving and providing others a sense of wonder is appealing to me. Even characters which I shelve or no longer have purpose for, live on through my writing. Writing has been something dear to me.. for it is what I recognize as one of my main and possibly only credible talents and most likely intend to make a living off someday. If you are once praised for something you work hard for, you will want to continue reaching new heights with that skill. I am not oblivious to the fact that my writing is even merely above average, and others have praised me for this factor, which is why I strive to write more and feed not only my mind but also those who are willing to read my work.

Do you have any previous experience with writing lore or creative writing as a general aspect?:
I usually just write for school assessments.. I have been meaning to completely re-write Miyu Masayoshi's (my character) biography because my writing style, since then, has changed but that project is something I have dropped because it is not my top priority right now.. Other than that, I am pretty new to lore but think it is within my capacity. But, I think that writing in general is sufficient experience when it comes to lore. If it is not, your girl is always willing to learn and improve her writing!

In your own words, give your definition of lore:
It would be a lie to say that I have a specific emotional connection with lore as it is. There may be specific lore written around events or characters which may move me - but the writing style as it is, simply something I wish to dabble in. I have always taken it to be an outsider’s view, not a knowledgeable character of any sort - because that would range into storytelling - lore is a form of storytelling which does not give you every single insight on emotion, whilst still telling you the vital information to remember the event.. Or to properly explain it. There is no way I can put this other than that. This is one of those things that is hard to define.

I ask that you spare me the VERY heavy criticism, for lore has.. NEVERRR been my thing - but I would like to be taught how to improve if you take me under your wing! This also may be more story-like than I anticipated whilst writing. #Whoops.

Summarize a character conflict, roleplay conflict, or event that you experienced (server-wide, personal, etcetera- there is no bar for how ‘interesting’ or ‘impactful’ it is). Be sure to follow the above guidelines.

As per usual, the morning sun has risen in exactly the same place it does every day. Though, there are no early roosters to wake up the Sorority household, only the ringing of flip-phone alarms which tend to play the same 8-bit tune of either Sailor Moon or Shape of you by Ed Sheeran.

Some members of the house may reluctantly roll out of bed and begin all their morning pleasantries such as dumping piles of laundry outside of their doors, shouting good morning at a neighbour a little too loud, and brushing their teeth. The latter will remain in bed, whining for five more minutes despite the fact it had been well over an hour.

Zara Zabroda and Miyu Masayoshi.. The only thing similar about them is their names which both have alliteration - other than that, they are polar opposites.
Today, in the sorority, it happens to be Miyu’s laundry day. Despite all of her efforts to manifest more effort, the cycle repeats and she does not do the laundry. Alas, the responsibility is left on Zara, once more.

Except, today strayed far from a normal day in the sorority household.

“Double Z”, as known by a few of her colleagues, chose to commit her laundry rounds far.. Far later into the night. Which, could pass as totally normal, had it not been done a few hours prior.

Upon her entrance to the room decorated by a scruffy sign, reading “miyu kura room”, the least she expects is the burning flame of a rockstar to be present, even if that is what she wished for deep down.

Pleasantries need not be exchanged. Miyu knew why Zara was here, Zara knew why she was here.. Miyu did not want her to be here.

And so, as if all of the gods she half-believed - half-feared compelled her to initiate this cynical interaction, the two began to talk.
An evening moon soon began to swell, indicating that they had been speaking not long since sundown.

Most likely anyone could be curious about why Zabroda had oh-so dreaded this conversation with Miyu Masayoshi in the flesh. The only truth which you could not sugar coat, for it would then make you sick to the stomach, like your mouth was stuffed with confectionary til you could take it no longer..

She was dying.

“How long do you have left?”

The night seemed like a blur from there. The strangely obscure yet softly spoken words by your very own physical manifestation of a tired wine-mom, they turned what could have been awkwardly comforting small talk into a scary obstacle.

A sickening atmosphere infiltrated almost everything they felt. It was not the hanging ceiling plants of ominous mushrooms, nor the scarce strips of light which raced across the room each time a car pulled by the building, it was the matter of subject. Those words could have meant anything, it could have been an innocent heads up in terms of an essay! But it was not. Zara Zabroda consciously asked this, with perfectly clear intent.

There was so much to say, yet so little came out. Frustrated frenzies, attempts of avoiding the question.. They all followed throughout the evening like a pathetic cabaret. Miyu, who supposedly was an amazing actress, could no longer act, no longer suspend her despair.

It is in moments like these, where your eyes feel blurry. You feel as if you have lost your sense of reality.. Lost it in general. It is moments like these where you say something that could impact someone for the rest of their life. And that is what she did - perhaps.. The most memorable quote of that night as a whole.


Another disclaimer! This is a rewrite of a pre-existing story I wrote for an event :3

Create a folklore tale based on an existing area in Karakura of your choosing; Tell us a story! Show us how creative you can get. Be sure to follow the above guidelines.

“ Thrill-seekers were no new trend to Karakura.

As the 80s rolled around, it was the prime time to live. Sneaking out, parties, beer… and the paranormal. Every single one of these things was trendy to the youthful population at that point in time.

It was just around that time that the sports movement in the school and college was picking up. The teams had been properly kick-started, with insufferable jocks, crowds of drooling girls and a sparkly new field. It was movie-like.
At this point in time, the college dean had hand-selected a group of senior college students to form the first cheer team that the small town had ever seen. As expected, they fit the stereotype perfectly, shaping the next few generations of teams. Bullies, you could call them. Throwing drinks on the oblivious, name-calling, causing more mischief than any other cliche in the school had ever done.

So, naturally, this brave group were intrigued by the school’s many mysteries. You know, the ones that labelled you a wimp if you’d dare cower from them?

There was one unused classroom in the college building, with no further information. It was not under construction - so what had happened? Was there a freak accident? Had someone ended another’s life? A student went crazy and jumped out of the window?

Countless theories like this spread on the school’s online messageboard. In fact, one student even made a thread for it.
Of course, the school board denied these claims immediately, but nothing stopped the theories.

With this motive of uncovering the secret of the classroom, Karakura College’s cheer squad found a temporary diversion of their regular Friday plans.

They awaited dusk, staying behind past their after-school activities, and met up. Just as if it was in their luck, the window of the classroom they were seeking was open - it always was.

Each cheerleader clambered in, and a girly chatter consisting of pushing and shoving, whispering and giggling filled the chill emptiness of the room. But.. What was there in this room?

Broken stationary, a blackboard with unclear chalk scribbles and dust, chipped tables - nothing of interest.

It was not satisfactory for the adrenaline junkies which had taken the effort to break into the building after-hours. So much effort simply could not be put into one night, just to be left without climax. Thrill was due.

One particular cheerleader foresaw this, and pulled a classic staple of paranormal activities and movies from her bag. The ouija board. The premise was simple… summon some ghosts if you’re brave enough - but make sure to say goodbye! Make sure to say goodbye.

Everyone laid a single finger on the planchette, and the game began. It began at an impressive speed, in fact. Perhaps every offensive question you could ask a ghost was mentioned - “How did you die..?!” .. “Are you going to haunt us?” - all of it.

And the game was fun, until it wasn’t.

Were those footsteps?

Perhaps a member of faculty had caught them.. It made sense, after all.. The footsteps were approaching at rapid speed and they had been pretty loud!

Suckers for mischief, but not suckers for trouble - they began to book it through the window. Girl by girl by girl, every single member of the team began to slip out of the frame and down into the comfort of the ground.
Mei, the runt of the litter, seemed to have been let down last. You may remember her as the specific cheerleader who brought the board. You know, she really wanted to impress her team captain!

She, too, took her leave from the window. So close to the perfect escape.. It appeared the wind had caught her in the wrong place. The last thing she saw was the murky window, which possessed much more force than everyone remembered.. Slamming in towards her neck. “

Kurashiro soon put down the book they were reading from. It was a strange hand-me-down that stayed within the school library for so long.. They had run out of Sorority rush week event ideas, so this was the next best thing. Breaking into the school for a seance.

The event went well, after all. Everyone who had made it thus far left with chills down their spine - and it was a tough choice on who would make the cut!

Regardless, a successful event called for a celebratory photo.

So, Chika, Kurashiro, Zara and Miyu lined up in their blood-red gowns, with quirky poses and wide smiles on their faces. The click of a camera marked their best rush week yet!

But.. the photo was of 4 people, not 5, right?

Woww.. I hope that will do! This was very fun to right, but please take into account that creative writing is moreover my forte.

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Level 138
Good morning, cool cats and kittens. Most specifically, my homeslice on the lore team, Demurity. Please, in this forum post, find my application. I hope my writing delights you.
Flawless work pure perfection. On the chance you're denied by current Lore Coordinator Demurity, I'll demote her myself


Level 35
We thank you for applying, but the team has decided to deny your application.

- Congratulations on staff, we wish you luck on your new endeavors however fear it may take away from being able to put in time for the team along with event team.
- Your writing was lackluster in areas, as well as the second prompt recounting a reaction to folk lore, rather than explaining the folk lore itself.
- We all highly encourage to apply again if you have the time and motivation.

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