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Toy fight club Application


Level 37
IGN of Club Leader (In-Game Name):


RPName of Club Leader:

Sif “Peach” Aldridge Chu

Discord Tag (Discord#0000#):



What is the Official Title of the Club:

Toy fight club

Your current Members RPName & IGN:

Sif Aldridge Chu I Notdeleting72

Y. ''Oni'' Taiyoko S. | OhNoNate

‘JJ’ Prince I Eboyxan

H “Soba” Antoinette I MaskedMenace4

I “Puppy” S. Chu I DrainingFeeling

Roabella Yoshi I AyoLilShawty

K. "Max" A. Chu I PynkGh0stxe

Kiyoshi Matsuzaki I Vanirsin

What is your Motivation for Creating this Club:

(150 Words)

Well, I’d like for SRP to make more events or parkour such as races to get to a place or “Quests” if you will. That way, people have some things to do that are mini events such as finding one of the club's lost shoes and battling it out for who gets to take the shoe back to the owner of it receiving 50k or more. Also, this will include people that are willing to learn how to DetailRP for the newer players. That way, Roleplaying on School roleplay will be more fun for the more childish characters that are giving into their desire for toys. Such as geeks with Lightsabers and more. Not only that, but I feel like this might get people to buy more customs to the server all together. Right now we have Max, on the club that would like to donate his toy scythe to the club. Not just for a design but it will give players a chance to use their toy weapons instead of just showing them off to other players for roleplay purposes. Right now as I’m filling this out we have a format for the application to join the club. Also, the discord server icon is being made. Also, you know the knock someone into a pit of foam or water? We will have an event for that too. Right now, I’m the current Vice president for the Garden club, I’d love it if this club would be accepted. That way we could do some kind of mash up with them in the future and other clubs. Nevermind, on the Icon part. I heard WiffyBanter does that himself. Also you can watch Students try to wack a sword out of peoples hand or chase them around the school like idiots for amusement.

What Events could your Club do?:

A charity event selling all sorts of toys. Teaming up with the Performance arts club battling it out in a scene in a background. A sleepover with mini events such as a ghost, wacking children with a toy weapon when messing with a Ouji board. Also, a Festival with mini games.

How could your Club benefit the School?:

Yes, most of my club members right now are people that are normally shy. The high school members are still kids, some of us still like to play with Toys and this gives us a chance to be our true selves. Not only that, but we could teach them the dangerous world of why weapons are dangerous and what they could do to a person's life outside of the school also into medieval history and history of weapons. Such as world war one, and when the gun was first invented and more. Oocly it will work as 4 hits you are not knocked unconscious during the events but knocked to the ground and you are out of the fight.

Could your Club benefit from a club room or space on school grounds? If so, how?:

Yes, it would give us a place to practice and an area to learn. Also an area for meetings in the future. If not, we would have to do it at a different location like the park.

Does your club have a supervising Professor/Teacher? If so, who?:

ProblematicRP I Oscar corbin.

M. L. Rousseau | Aiylana

Is your club global, or only open to specific students?:

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Level 143
Community Team
Content Team

- Application is quite short and I don't totally get the idea of the Clubs purpose or really what they do on a day to day bases​

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