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Denied TrisTheWarrior |Teacher Application!


Level 14
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):TrisTheWarrior#2747

Do you have a microphone?:Yes, and I am able to speak to anyone.

How old are you? (Optional):N/A

What is your time zone?:GMT+2

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:I do acknowledge that if I am inactive without a good reason or a reason that has been told to a higher up I will be demoted.

Describe your activity on the server: I could say around 8/10 since i mostly spend all my free time on it

Do you have any previous bans?:I do not have any previous bans.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):


What subject are you applying to teach?:
I can teach any subject but i would prefer English/History

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:I've looked around the server and the life of a teacher,it looks fun to be honest and as im taking a long break him gangrp i thought it would be a fun positions.I also have friends as teachers and faculty that i can hang out with when im not hosting classes or walk trough the school to find trouble makers with.Overall i want to become a teacher for the fun of hosting classes and learning along with the class!

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT & If your application is accepted, you may have to undergo teacher training?:Yes I do understand that I am applying for the Unqualified Teacher role and if my application is accepted I will have to undergo training.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:From what I know teacher class logs is a system that record the ign,class number,class duration and those that attended the class.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:As much as I would like to not enforce many rules there are some that matter a lot in my class.But I will not list them all as some are common sense or at least I hope they are.

Mr. Ōtsutsuki's Class Rules!

1.No Phones/Electronics In class!

I hope this is common sense for everyone as I would not like to have to give detention because of it!(I will ask SLT if I can have a box in which students can itemrp to have their phones/electronics there!)

2.Raise a hand to ask a question!
I do not want to be interrupted or for your classmates to be interrupted when presenting something,so I might be a bit rough about this rule.I want everyone to raise a hand and be named before speaking.

3.If you think I should change something in how I teach, contact me!
I don't want to be a stressful teacher!Anything I can improve I want to improve!Just remain after class ends and im sure you can tell me about it!

4.No Bullying!
Any type of insult or attack against ANY of your classmates is gonna be a warning and the 2nd time is gonna be detention.I do not want ANY bullying in my class so I will not TOLERATE any.

5.No Slepping!
Please just don't fall asleep, I find it a bit annoying and rude!

6.No Yelling!
I hate yelling, I don't want anyone to scream neither me or other teachers that are in my class.So please keep it down!

7.No Talking To Those Next To You!
I find it disrespectful so please don't speak with your classmates while I teacher!Thank you!

8.Act Respectfully to everyone!
It doesn't matter if its me or a classmate or any other faculty!Respect each other!

9.Whenever I Give You Freetime Whisper!
If i give Freetime in class for lets say a project a maybe something else please whisper and don't yell or speak loudly!We need everyone to be able to understand each other so we don't do mistakes!

10.Don't be afraid to ask questions!
If you don't know something you can ask me!I will surely try to answer with what my knowledge is!If im wrong we can learn together!

These are my rules at the moment,if I think theres something I should add I will notify it in the class!

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:I was a gangrper in Bonten, I know how to detail rp and rp normally!Icly I am a teacher's assistant and help them by making previews of lessons!Being a teacher will put my skills to trial so I hope I will become better at all types of roleplay!

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:

- HD
↳ Meaning:Head Of Department
↳ Description:The lead that Oversee's all the teachers in their department!Its best to report to them if you have a problem or a question!Apart from that their the highest Teacher role which has to be listened to and have the biggest experience as a teacher!

- QT
↳ Meaning:
Qualified Teacher!
↳ Description:A promotion from NQT, it happends when you reach a milestone of teaching. It means you are experienced in what you do!Hope I will get here in a short amount of time!

↳ Meaning:
Newly Qualified Teacher!
↳ Description:Are the teachers that proven theyr ability in training and can now host their own classes unlike UT!

- UT
↳ Meaning:
Unqualified Teacher!
↳ Description:Ut's are newly accepted teachers!They need to prove their skills to become a NQT!Until then they are gonna assist other Faculty!

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Teachers are present to aid their students in being excellent role models & expanding their knowledge, whether ICly or OOCly. They help create a safe and efficient environment to help their students learn to the best of their ability.
A teacher's salary usually consists of ¥350,000 for the required class amount, and if chosen, they can earn an extra ¥50,000 if they do five full additional classes.
Teachers should spend a teacher's free time however they'd like; socializing, eating lunch, taking a break, and more. However, there should be a set amount of time to make lesson plans, grade, and set up your schedule for the following days or weeks.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:As the name has its a server about school.Without teachers there is no school.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:Teachers on a SchoolRP server are the server's foundation; if there were no teachers, there'd be no SchoolRP. As well as teachers being the school's base, having classes and lessons planned is a crucial part of the roleplay itself.

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What are their plan for the future?

He usually stays calm and collected despite his slightly intimidating appearance. He tries to remain composed in stressful situations and keep his students out of harm's way. He works very hard on every project he does and believes all students should be given a chance no matter the circumstances. Forgiveness plays a big part in his teaching and everyday situations. He can be a very blunt person, but he is very proud to be able to make accommodations for anyone who needs them. He would like to be respected by everyone, the same way he would show respect to every other student and faculty member. Although blunt, he is very patient and hears everyone out about a situation before making any decision.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:

Firstly i will walk up to them and break up all the problem they had between them. Ill then give them both a warning and if they two warnings they will get detention after school!

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
The first thing would be asking calmly for the students to settle down; if they don't settle down, I will go to ask the specific people who are talking over me to quiet down. If they still don't listen, I would call a more qualified teacher or vice-principal to come down and pull them out of class since they're being a disruption or administer detentions as needed.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
Mr. War would act respectfully against any other faculty that is taking a break in the room discussing about the lesson hes planning or maybe asking teachers to maybe have a class together while drinking his morning coffee and scrolling down on Onrain to see any new posts about the school .Apart from that he would try to become friends with most teachers, maybe failing to do so maybe not!We can not know what will happen until we try don't we?

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me would walk up to the board as he picked up a piece of Green colored chalk from the table,he would type "Good Morning Students. I am Mr. Otsutsuki or Mr. War! I hope we can get along well." Tris would then put the chalk piece back down onto the table turning back to the class with a warm smile!

/me would swiftly walk up to the deposite room picking up a board titled "Adjective" He would then walk up to the board pinning it up in a corner as he turned back to the class sitting down in his char followed by a sentence "Does anyone know what an adjective is?"

/me would walk up to the first bench on the window side as he looked down at the kid softly speaking. "No phone in class!First warning,I really don't want to give someone detention today so please put it away." After that he would walk back to his chair turning back at the class as he smiled again sitting down in his chair.

/me would get up from his chair as he walked in front of his table speaking a bit more loudly than normal to get the kids attention. "I want to announce an upcoming project that will 20% of your grade!The following project will be a story FULLY written by yourself.It can be anything you want to write!"After that he would walk up to his table getting out a few papers as he spoke again "Line up for a paper!" Mr. War would then wait for the class to line up in the middle.


[Birth-9 Months]

Tris was born in the city of Athens, the capital city of Greece.He didn't live there for much even tho it could have been better than how he ended up before becoming a teacher.At the age of 9 Months Tris's parents made a decision which in the future they regretted and cause their death.They decided to move from Athens to another country!They move to Romania,Suceava when Tris was just 9 months... I wonder how different his life could have been if they didn't,but how about we move on to what happened in Romania?To his parents death?Lets see...
[9 Months-14 Years old]
As he and his family arrived here in Romania his life was decent,lovely parents and a lovely brother.Lets speak about his brother for a bit,it's gonna be important later.Mark was a bit younger than Tris,they were close to each other hanging out almost everyday.
Now let's get to the subject,I suppose everyone knows that 'shady' kid around the place they live in,right?Well they had that little kid that no one hanged out with...Always lonely on the side of the road,there were stories of that kid setting houses on fire!But who would believe that a kid...Well a 14 year old could set houses on fire and kill people?Surely maybe the deaths were on accident but it was still his fault wasn't it?Well Tris's parents didnt believe any of it...They forced the brother to befriend the kid,at the start everything went well until in a monday afternoon when the brothers were returning from school guess what they found?The house was on fire with the kid in front of it laughing psychotically while looking at the red flames...As fireman arrived it was too late,the parents were found dead their bodies burn almost unrecognizable...Tris burst out in rage attacking the kid as they both got separated by the fireman.The kid was took away,Tris had to move away at 14.Him and Mark were took away and brought to their grandparents.Thats how they ended up in Karakura!His life didn't get any better as not shortly after his grandparents died leaving only him and his brother to take care of each other…
[14 Years Old-28 Years Old]
Ah.. Karakura… This city is a whole new thing to their life...At first it was fun! Tris turning 18 along with his brother… finding the love of his life, but happy things don't last forever do they?Tris was the normal rebel kid of his age with a thing turning his life completely.In a normal day there was a package coming to his door!As he opened the package, guess what he found!A bloody hand along with a note with hair on it… The hair was of the person he loved most..Same with the hand!And not a few days later his own brother tried to stab him.But the most recet thing would be losing his leg!He wanted it off so the guy did him a favor.His life changed so fast… You could say it's what changed his whole personality leading him to becoming a teacher and other things in his life..Karakura changes people,dosent matter who you are or what you are,Human or not human…

In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):
Nathen Otsutsuki
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):Mr.
Given Name(s):Tris
Preferred Name:Mr. War or Mr. Otsutsuki

Age (Minimum is 27):28
Religious Denomination:Atheist
Marital Status:Not Married

Current Location:
Karakura Japan

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):

Academic Degree:Bachelor’s Degree
Year of Graduation:2015

Native Languages:Greek
Other Languages:Japanese

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:No.

Washu Top G,Kiyoshi, my father.

Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?:N/A
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