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Tsukiko Usagi | Quiet & Calm


Level 48

Thank you @BaldOnYT @ZekeEnvy @SIMPL3Z and Whoever else has helped me grow my Character over the time he has been on SRP as a whole, I appreciate what you have done to help me grow my character's lore and what he has done on his time on SchoolRP and in Karakura as a whole. I will take the time to explain his Backstory, Lore, Personality, and all the Little Details that may be important.
A child born into this world in Berlin Germany 1992 in a small Hospital located throughout his town. A knowledgeable child with many different skills in things however he did not know this quite yet, representing a Black Flame or ブラックフレイム in Japanese, the male had shiny unique eyes with many different features that made him stand out in the crowd among many different people throughout the town's he has been through in his life. Usagi holds many secrets that people or the public do not know and he wishes to keep it this way to avoid many different things that may come upon him in the future whether it be someone trying to gain intel on him or his relatives, Usagi goes by the saying "See No Truth" which he stands by in his time in this world.

Usagi received a PhD in College throughout his time in school, graduating from the Karakura Community College without the town and a PhD in Communication & Criminal Justice, Usagi had attended the college back in his early days as he has grown quite old in his current timeline, being a straight A student and having the teachers recommend him to many other colleges to help his profession in the future. Usagi was a good student however he was different than the rest of his classmates as he never really spoke up unless needed to and people often were scared of him.

Many people question rather he is mentally alright as he is often seen away from people and trying to stay away from the government rather than have them protect him, Usagi was very into Criminal Justice as he wanted to teach it in his hopefully future but after a situation, he just Stopped . Usagi had a passion for teaching people yet he never had the opportunity to as he was very busy with doing many other things throughout his town.

. Mr Usagi
. Fucking Idiot
. Gatekeeper of the Usagi's

BIRTHDAY: October 7th 1992

AGE: 32

- Bounty Hunter
- Fight Club Security
- Protector of the Usagi's


- Japanese
- German

He's Special, Juwon.

Usagi was born in a small hospital within the vast of Berlin Germany with many different caretakers watching over him to make sure the labor went successful, the male was born into the world at 10pm exactly in Germany's timezone with his mother Christina watching over him, the doctor's taking care of him, checking his vitals to make sure he was safe and he did not have any issues after he was born, As soon as he was born his father Juwon protected him, knowing he would be the next member of his time to protect the Usagi's and help them grow further in the future. His Father took a photo of him before he printed it out carefully placing it into a photo frame, handing it to his mother saying "He's So Pretty"

Tsukiko was his mother's first child, as he knew he was going to grow up as the protector of his family line and the protector of his siblings in the future, Raised in a small home in Berlin he was taken care of and watched carefully by both his mother and father as he began to grow and grow over time, At the time, Tsukiko was the Oldest after being born weighing in at 40 pounds which was normal for his age, Tsukiko was always taught by his parents how to be polite correctly, have good manners, and just calm in general while being nice to people or talking with them.

Tsukiko lived in a small home in Berlin, it had brick walls, it was dark on the outside and inside often projecting shadows away from it, There were a few rooms within his house in which he had to live with, he had a kitchen, a living room, his parents room, his room, and an extra room that was yet to be used. Tsukiko liked his home as he grew up in it however he didn't think it was an expensive house compared to other people in his neighborhood, Tsukiko had to often learn to do things by himself while also asking for advice or help from his parents, classmates, or other people in his life.

Tsukiko never had the best childhood with his parents often arguing about money, or Tsukiko himself in many situations, Tsukiko never enjoyed his parents arguing however he tried to step in and get them to stop fighting, bickering back and forth, over and over, the sounds echoing off of the walls as they repeatedly argued, over time their relationship broke apart as they didn't enjoy being with each other anymore however they still tried to work through it and take care of Tsukiko to ensure he would be successful, and one night, it just snapped, they went psycho, his father rushed out of the house, leaving ▇▇▇▇ Tsukiko was mad, yet he knew he could not do anything to stop him, he tried to calm him down while trying to save their relationship as a whole to further what would happen in the future.

While his parents were still arguing, Tsukiko had to do something to get his mind off of what was going on in their relationship and trying to calm himself down, Tsukiko decided to try to find a mentor to hopefully help him in what he was going to do in his future, he eventually found a mentor named Mr Ukaro who taught him more about Criminal Justice and what he could do to get his mind off of his parents arguing repeatedly ever night, they met every day, chatting about their lives and what they could try to do to help each other in different situations in his life.

Welcome Beautiful Inscription on Black Background Banner (72 x 20 in) (5).png
Usagi currently is under the profession as a Security member for the Karakura Black Market's Fight Club, he has grown quite fond of what they do, fighting in an arena, getting money, and much more. Usagi has wanted to be a fighter for a while now as he found his skills more unique than others, rather it be speed, agility, strength, or any other attributes in that area. Tsukiko even attended the most recent Fight Club where someone was killed in the arena, watching carefully but not intervening with what was going on. Usagi has had a goal which he hopes to accomplish while working for the Black Market, He wishes to become an Associate for any of the dealers really but if anyone, it would probably be his boss who owns Fight Club as of now.

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"A man with many skill's, Yet not used."

Tsukiko has a few different personalities that people think of him as, however there are people who see him differently, he is often seen showing little to no emotions whether it be if he was injured, mentally hurt, or anything really, he just was different with his emotions than a lot of other people which would be shown in many different ways, he is often seen hidden or in the shadows away from people and not often in public as he chooses to watch things happen from further away rather than approaching the situation and stepping in.

Tsukiko has a few weaknesses which are not very much shown, but some people know what they are when they dig deep into things.

- STRENGTH: ★★★★☆
- LOYALTY: ★★★★☆
- LUCK: ★★☆☆☆
- LOGIC: ★★★☆☆

At a height of 6’2, 145lbs, Tsukiko presents dark brown eyes, hair, and skin tone, Usagi has unique eyes that follow him around wherever he goes whether it be the public, home, or another location. Usagi has many tattoos all along his arms, back, and front of his body with a “S” carved into arm, On both of his shoulders there are previous wounds from a stab that occurred in another situation where he could not do anything. Usagi has a smell of vanilla & lavender often following him around wherever he goes.

  • Swimming, Tsukiko has has a passion for swimming as he swam a lot in Highschool to get his mind off of things such as his parents, homework, tests, and much more, although he was never on the official swim team he was one of fastest swimmers in his school at the time and he still is very fast at swimming to this day.

  • Criminal Justice, Tsukiko has always been interested in learning about Criminal Justice as he took it in College gaining extra credit as it was something he really enjoyed. Tsukiko always wanted to teach it to students but he never saw the open chance to so he never actually became a teacher. Tsukiko has a PhD in Criminal Justice which he gained at the Karakura Community College.

  • Journalism, Tsukiko has always had a passion for writing but he never joined the Journalism club as a whole, he enjoys reading complex books, writing them, and even writing for people if they request him to.



This is a W.I.P, I will be adding more over time once I develop the character more in-depth.



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