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Accepted Tutor Application | ItzSliczy


Level 1
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
I spend around 4-15 hours a day on SRP, but that really depends on multiple factors. I'm starting college soon so my time, I'm sure, will be more limited. However, I plan on spending most of my free time on SRP, and work on improving my roleplay skills as much as I possibly can while active.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I fully acknowledge this.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
The job of a tutor is to make sure students that need your assistance are helped with understanding and remembering the subject they're having trouble with. Tutors hold the same responsibilities as every other school employee role, to insure a safe environment for every student and assist in preventing any and all inappropriate behavior within the school's gates. For being an English tutor, which is what Noskov would be, he'd be expected to know how to explain and demonstrate his knowledge to the students he assisted, not only being able to teach it to them, but be able to present the content in a way the student could really learn and retain the information. Some of these methods could be: playing memory games for vocabulary and grammar, having an in-depth conversation about an essay topic, and creating easy-to-understand essay outlines, in addition to many other writing, language, and general learning devices to help the students succeed.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I got into Minecraft when I was around 7-9, where I roleplayed on the PlayStation 3, with multiple different friends and themes. I also watched many roleplay series on YouTube growing up, getting really into the stories and ways they expressed their characters in the moment. Once I got a computer, I instantly got Minecraft and looked for good roleplay servers, which is how I found SRP. That was about a year and a half ago, or the end of spring 2023, and I instantly grew attached. I have experienced a wide variety of roleplay scenarios within SRP since then, including StudentRP, CrimeRP, GangRP, and just general, exciting storytelling.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
Being a tutor sounds like an exciting roleplay opportunity and an interesting experience overall. Writing and storytelling are things I have a passion for, so I hope to use this opportunity to do both of those things while also expanding the story of my character. The people I surround myself with and I value a good story, and I think that bringing my character into this faction is the best step for him. Aside from that, I've heard many good things about the faction itself and how it works and am genuinely interested in the roleplay mechanics it introduces. If that wasn't enough, I'm also majoring in Writing and English in college and would get to share the lessons and knowledge I gain from that, through roleplay.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
French Application [Accepted]
Russian Application [Accepted]
JSL Application [Accepted]

Judge Application [Denied]

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):


During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
Noskov wouldn't take any of it to heart, knowing that they're just kids, and most of the time, you getting upset is what they want. I imagine he'd give them a warning and ask them to kindly, not be disrespectful, in an attempt to show them compassion. If the student continued however, Noskov will give a more firm tone of voice and promptly hand them a detention slip.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
When a physically altercation eventually takes place, Noskov will immediately command the students to break it up and distance themselves, working on getting between the two to stop any further violence between the students. Once a decent few steps back, he'd quickly radio in help from the other faculty members before asking for the two's story and what was happening before he witnessed their fight. Explained or not, he'd give the two detention slips out of diligence, not knowing the full verbatim of the story, as he was not there for the beginning of their fight.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
This situation is very dependent on what exactly the school employee is doing, but for this example I'd imagine they are just making inappropriate remarks or comments. Noskov would quickly raise a brow and swiftly confront his fellow faculty member, attempting to warn them and help them realize that their words might not be very appropriate. He'd then watch their following actions while around them, surveying to see if they continue their behavior. If so, then he'd look into reporting them to a higher-up(SLT) in the school system.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
During Noskov's breaks, he'd rest up in the break room, engaging in conversation and friendly interactions with his fellow school employees. He'd get a drink to refresh himself and look for a snack to keep his stomach from distracting him while the day purged on. If he got closer with the fellow faculty members, he'd take the opportunity to catch up with them and ask how things are doing in their lives. On some days, when his teaching methods began to grow stale, Noskov might use this break time to come up with, or maybe practice new games or lessons he could introduce to students in the future.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

Looking out his office window, Noskov took the beautiful day in, a warm smile placed upon his face. He thought how he'd spend his free time, being stuck at his desk all work hours, taking a seat in his comfy office chair, spinning in circles slowly while he pondered. He kept his radio close by to listen for any conversation happening, curious to audibly observe what was occurring around elsewhere.

/me Took out a sheet of loose leaf paper and placed it on his desk, swiftly writing various words that rhythmed with 'Levitate'. After writing down around eight to ten good words that rhythmed and shared some similar meanings that could be tied together in a poem well, he'd turn the paper to the student and point the end of his pencil down each word, listing them off patiently. "Do any of those spark any ideas for where your poem could lead, or lean towards?"

/me Tapped his foot passively as he began hyper-focusing on the school's faculty meeting. He listened intently at the speaker's words and tried not to get distracted by his own thoughts, things like what he'd be having for diner later in the evening and the such. Once they were done, he looked around to see if anyone else would raise their hand to ask any following questions.

In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only):
Noskov Nikulin.

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Mister, works fine.

Preferred Name:
Most people call me 'Nos'.

Age (Minimum is 25):
I am 27.

I'm Male.

Academic Degree:
I received my Bachelor's degree in English and Literature at the University of Novi Sad.

I double-majored in English Language Studies and Historical Literature.

I didn't take on Minor Studies, having double-majored.

I was born in the city of Pančevo, Serbia. So I'm of proud Russian nationality.

Known Languages:
Russian, and Japanese.


In my youth, I lived an easy life, with wealthy parents and a name to uphold. I went to private school throughout my youth, holding a strong title from my father's legacy. I found a love for books, and once the time came to go to college and pick a major, I had my mind set. I finished my degrees after my four years of studies were complete, and was fully ready to grow my portfolio further, however life had other unfortunate plans.

I arrived in Karakura after a devastating attack that ended up destroying my homestead back in Serbia. A ruthless band of marauders had invaded my family's estates, driven by greed and violence. The night, filled with chaos, ended in tragedy, leaving only myself and few other strangers to survive. Upon escape, my heart was heavy with the desire to quickly return and rebuild what had been lost, but fate had other plans for me. During the invasion and my attempts of escape, I encountered a lost and foreign young girl amidst the chaos.

Though my heart longed to return home, the girl's desperate pleas for me to stay tugged at my conscience. She had no one else after the invasion, having lost her father, I couldn't bear to abandon her. So, surely enough, I began to see Karakura not just as a temporary refuge, but as a place where I could rebuild my own life, with her under my care. I decided to stay, to settle in the foreign city, and to create a new foundation for the most unlikely of friends and someone I now see as my daughter.

With my degree, I knew I could make a difference here for her and the rest of the city's youth. I sought to use my experience in English and Literature to help guide the youth, including my newfound daughter, who'd become my reason for staying. So I applied at Karakura Highschool as a tutor, hoping to get my foot in the door to one day being able to lead a classroom of my own.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):
I've always wondered what my purpose was, in life. I guess I'm not really sure if this was written in the books for me, but, I feel this was meant for me, being a tutor. I want to inspire people and teach them new ways that can help them really understand things, sometimes you just need a new perspective for information to click. After experiencing the attack on my home, and helping my daughter survive, I've realized how much I enjoy helping those who require assistance. I also, would like to become a teacher in the future, and I believe this could be a great first step down that road.

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
If accepted, I'd try to be very accessible when needed, and attempt to appear anytime I'm asked to, if possible. I plan on staying in the school faculty field for a while, and I'd like to take the opportunity to befriend other school employees as well. I'd like to think I'm very empathetic too, and find a lot of enjoyment in helping and collaborating with other team mates, and would jump at the chance to help other faculty members, if needed. Almost all of my current friends are really invested in SRP, and we consistently talk about roleplay and writing our character's stories more in-depth then they already are, so helping people with writing is something I do very frequently, and find much joy in. I'm also studying Writing in college, and I feel confident in my ability to help change perspectives for people who might be having trouble seeing or understanding a concept or subject. I've also been roleplaying on Minecraft for many years, since I was still in the single digits, so I have a lot of experience that others may lack.


Additional notes about your application:

I wrote the backstory part in the icly point of view, and the "Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?" in my oocly point of view. I'm sorry if that is confusing.

Do you have any questions?:
No, I don't.


Level 202
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thanks for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction! Please send me a DM on discord for the next steps!

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