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Denied Tutor Application || S4mB34ni310


Level 10
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:
S4mB34ni310 [Applying]
R4ndomBurg3rM4n [Alt Account]
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
How old are you? (Optional):
What is your time zone?:
Describe your activity on the server:
I’m active on SRP between the times of 1am up until 5pm everyday, playing anywhere from 5 hours to more on a day to day basis. Yes, I am active during odd hours during my time zone, which is weird, but yay to the night owl life style! Sometimes when I log in, and for how long, during the day can change due to work. Which implies that I can be available at all hours of the day for two days out of a week.

As to the types of roleplay that I do whilst active; I do combatrp, crimerp, familyrp, and animalrp, as well as detailrp amongst all of my (high school and animal) characters. In general, I do detailrp whenever I get the chance to. I play two human characters that I switch between within the day. I don't play my third character -who is under the expelled tag- due to them being jailed for a long time. I play the raccoon character every second day just to maintain activity amongst all playable characters (also to keep the variety of roleplay I do within the week interesting). If someone has perms on a certain character that I play, I do make sure to play that specific character more often than my other characters while those perms are active to ensure that they have a chance to act on perms. Many people know me as my 'main character' James Pretzel, who is often involved with goofy scenarios to keep roleplay lighthearted and funny whilst causing chaos around Karakura; tormenting any poor victims who happen to come across him. And more often than not, he's the one who gets majored or minored, making him my most played character due to the perms that tend to get passed on him. I've blind roleplayed with that character -and it was a fun experience- which helped me to hone my skills into detail roleplay. However I do more serious, less comedic roleplay with my other characters; Seth Midges, and Rigbee and Tingas.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
I've been banned once, and it lasted a week because of gorerp around October 20th, 2023. It’s a mistake that I've learned from and that I don’t plan on repeating ever again since I want to keep my record as clean as possible.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I understand that if I were to become inactive that it will lead to being demoted. However, I do think it'd be highly unlikely that I'd become inactive if I were accepted into this faction.
School Employee Role you are applying for?:
In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
Being a tutor holds very similar responsibilities as a teacher, however tutors tend to focus on one student at a time (or even smaller groups) to aid in the learning process, while accommodating to their specific learning needs. Tutors are also expected to help maintain a safe learning space by de-escalating situations and disciplining students when required. Discipline can range from verbal warnings up to handing out detention slips, or SLT referrals. Which involves going around the school, looking out for misbehaviour or students who are acting dangerously as you're making your way around the school (or where ever you're needed to supervise) and stopping those types of situations before it gets worse.
What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
For the past year that I’ve been on SRP, I am experienced in the following roleplay; detailrp, gangrp, crimerp, familyrp, romancerp, animalrp, painrp, skateboardrp, and blindrp.
Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
I’ve always wanted to branch out and try other factions on the server, especially when I had first joined SRP. Now that I have more experience in roleplay I'd like to try a faction that is not gangrp, that engages with the SRP community and requires active people; who don't mind detail roleplaying while also setting a good example of the roleplaying community (which can include helping out greenies in roleplay situations). I also don't see many tutors online, and would love to try join the School Employee Faction as one. I know the school faculty can be stressful (especially with some greenies who may failrp or others who may not remember to fearrp), but I am able to handle a stressful and more of a chaotic environment and am able to react calmly occly when needed. In a silly way the chaotic factions sounds appealing to me cause it's more engaging, in regards to interacting with the community, which has inspired me to apply to the school faction.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Denied; <----(First application that I had removed cause I was still fresh to the server)

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
On my S4mB34ni310 account I have the following roles; [Expelled], [Grade 11], [Grade 12] and [Raccoon]
On my R4ndomBurg3rM4n account my played roles are; [Grade 11] and [Grade 7]


/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

Ben was crouched down beside Isaac, quietly tapping the desk with one hand while he helped to teach Isaac a simpler way to solve his math problems. Quiet chattering could be heard, but it wasn’t a riot of noise like the hallways on the first floor. “Like, oh mah gawd! Shut the fuck up Carrie! Tyson totally likes me more..” Ben’s ears perked up hearing the high pitched girls conversation. A sharp glare was suddenly locked onto the offending student, Britney, who was carrying on her conversation with her bestie. Not only did they fail to notice how annoying their conversation sounded but they had also yet to realize that they’d got themselves into trouble due to their choice of words. “AHEM!” The room immediately silenced, and all eyes were now on Ben, who was still staring at Britney. Who was now a deer caught in the headlights. He leaned forward onto the desk, clasping his hands as he maintained a stern poker face “The rules are very clear on swearing, Britney. There is no excuse for that type of language since we’re not on our first day of school. Don’t let it happen again cause it won’t be a simple warning kiddo.” Ben snapped his attention over to Carrie “That goes to you too Carrie. No potty words of any kind. Is that understood?”

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:

“Fight! Fight! Fight!” A huge, rowdy crowd was clogging up the hallway as they unanimously chanted and encouraged the brawl to continue. “Stop this right now! Move out of the way and head to class or you’ll be dealt with accordingly!!” Benjamin urgently navigated his way through the crowd of sweaty, unruly teenagers until he finally spotted the two stars of the show. “What do you think you’re doing?!” His bald head had turned into a shiny red tomato as Aiki and Hidemi persisted to throw punches. Benjamin got in between the two assailants, who were far too engaged in their fight rather than their surroundings, “I SAID STOP!” Both brawlers glared at each other while Ben acted as a barrier, “Now why were you two fighting?” He saw that both were battered up and bruised, as if the messed up clothes and ruffled up hair wasn’t enough proof that they’d been brawling with each other. He’d wait until both elaborated and gave their answers before doing a more in depth inspection for other injuries prior to giving them their tickets to detention.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:

“What do you think you’re doing?! Do you realize the negative outcomes that could come about from doing what you’re doing?” Benjamin gently pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes after getting the attention of his fellow coworker, “I’m going to have to tell SLT about this unless you plan to tell them what you’ve done.” His colleague was clearly at a loss of words, with their mouth gaping open from Ben’s blunt words. After a few minutes of nothing being said, Ben stared at his coworker as he slowly brought the radio up to his lips. Ben hadn’t pushed the button to say anything over the radio yet, “Looks like I’ll be telling the SLT about your actions instead of you taking ownership. Brace yourself.” Ben would keep his coworker in his line of sight to ensure that nothing dangerous continued, at least until a higher up showed up to deal with the situation after radioing for help.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?

Benjamin leaned back into his chair, neglecting the steaming cup of coffee that sat in front of him. The crisp sound of pages turning accompanied by chuckles could be heard as you entered the break room. Ben would look up from his novel, nodding with a smile of approval as he noticed his fellow colleagues who were entering the break room. Whoever sat closer to Benjamin would be the one who’d be tested on trivia facts that ranged from Harry Potter all the way to Star Trek. Whether or not the conversation continued would depend on the person Ben was conversing with.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

pulls out a clothe from his pocket to wipe the sweat trickling down his bald, shiny head. He'd then proceed to scribble on a detention slip with a Lord of The Rings collectors pen. “The dark side isn’t what it’s cracked up to be. Have you ever seen what happened to Anakin when he followed Palpatine, who's known as Darth Sidious, onto the path of destruction?” He’d fold the detention slip and place it into the student’s pocket. “How does this relate to you? Well, doing bad things will always give you bad consequences. If you want rewards you have to be good."

/me began to inspect the student’s elbows and knuckles, looking for any bruises, cuts and injuries. "Do you have any other injuries elsewhere that I need to know about?" With a nonchalant face he’d briefly look back up at the student and with solicitude he’d kneel to check their knees for any other injuries. “Hm,” as he stood back up he brushed off the dirt from his pants and adjusted his Simpsons themed tie.

/me reached out towards the student, waiting for them to hand their task to him. As Ben nodded whilst flipping through the task, you’d notice the light from the ceiling reflecting off of the man’s bald yet luminous head. “As Shawn Spencer wisely said, ‘Just because you put syrup on something doesn’t make it pancakes’,” Ben maintained eye contact with the student as he cracked a sly grin, “The same thing goes for your task. Just because you added a few fancy words doesn’t immediately make it 5 pages long. Please redo it again and let me know if you have any questions about this.”

/me slid his finger down through the drawer that was neatly organized, alphabetically; 'Algebra, Calculus...Functions.. Statistics, Trigonometry.... Quadratics..'. The file was packed. His eyes wandered until his finger stopped, picking up a sheet from the drawer, "Ah HAH! I found it. You said you needed help on this specific topic?" Ben smiled as he gazed up at the student, handing the math worksheet to them. Ben smiled as his pointed to the directions of the worksheet, from the gist of the instructions, the worksheet was a game! "Hope you're a better spy than James Bond! Cause this code needs an expert to crack it! Or a good mathematician... I'll show you some methods to solve the equations so you can crack the code easily!"

In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only): Benjamin Pretzel
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mister
Preferred Name: Ben Pretzel

Age (Minimum is 25): 33
Gender: Male

Academic Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration
Major(s): Accounting
Minors: Mathematics and Literature

Nationality: American
Known Languages: Japanese


I grew up in Stuart, Florida with my brother, and stayed in Florida to study at the University of Central Florida. My first job was a minimum wage job as a stocker at a grocery store. After gaining my degree in Accounting and minoring both Mathematics and Literature I decided to travel abroad for a few years. I'd pick up jobs in between the times that I wasn't busy traveling with my wife. For the longest time I was a bookkeeper for a local store up in Tennessee. Up until I decided that I wanted to start working with individuals to help them with their money. So I became a personal financial advisor to do exactly that. Eventually my brother, who had began their own bakery business back in Florida, offered me a gig in his company to help them manage it and to help it to grow. I accepted it since it was great opportunity due to how successful he had been with it. In the end I mainly dealt with the finical side of the business, but also helped them with whatever else they need, whether it was dealing with customers or trying to figure out how to improve the business as a whole. One of the biggest improvements we made was expanding the menu in the bakery. Anyways, when we were expanding Bake 'N' Pretzel, opening stores in other countries, that's when I decided to move over here to Japan. I saw a lot of potential in Japan. And it wasn't just business. I saw a lot of potential in the culture and the attitudes of people. Anyways the job at my brother's company lasted many, many years until about a year ago, where I let the business go. After that I had picked up a job as a budget ****yst just outside of Karakura. It wasn't that bad of a job, but I do want a permanent career somewhere in town. When I saw that Karakura High School was hiring I just had to apply. I really do think tutoring would be a great fit and change of pace in my life. Especially since I already tutor a ton of kids outside of school privately. Being able to help students with homework and just making an impact on their life. Now that's special.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):

For years, I’ve only ever dealt with adults with every job that I’ve had; some grouchy, others were just plain stubborn. And to put it plainly, I needed a change of pace. I love working with kids. Playing educational games with them, working through mathematical problems with them to help them to learn the subject better. It's rewarding to watch that lightbulb go off in their head when they finally... Get it. I realize that there are many students who struggle in mathematics, and that I can help by teaching different strategies. Math is extremely important in our day to day life, and it would make a lot of kid’s lives easier if we made it simpler or offered help with such an important aspect of life. And not just help, but if we made the learning process more engaging for the students to remember. The only way to engage student when learning is to understand how each, and every, individual student learns best and how to adapt to those needs.

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:

I have a minor in mathematics, and have some experience in tutoring many kids with mathematics by being interactive and making it easier for them to remember what I teach them. Teaching different ways to solve certain equations when one strategy may not be as straightforward as other methods, and I am knowledgeable to help teach these other methods to make it more concrete to students. I can also help any college students who are trying to get their degree in Business Administration. I also know when to be serious and when to be laid back, especially when it comes to work. I believe it's important to understand that we're dealing with kids and that some kids need a more personal, chilled out approach when it comes to teaching, while others may need a more rigid routine. Which is important when you're dealing with kids everyday, when to be chill and when to be stern with them. And I, for one, can be relatable and stern; yet also hip and cool with the current pop culture.

I'd also like to note that while I specialize in mathematics and accounting, I do have knowledge about writing, grammar, and tips on how to study that are useful to pass onto students for other courses that they may need help with.



[OOC Backstory]
Bake ‘N’ Pretzel was a hit ever since they originally opened it in John and Pam’s town. After gaining popularity and being quite profitable, Pam and John decided to ask Benjamin for his help in running the business. He’d happily agreed that day during their luncheon, when his brother offered him the job at their company. For years he’d help them with managing the business in whatever the business needed.

“Come on John, you know it could expand our potential by opening more Bake ‘N’ Pretzels in other countries! Think of the people you’d be reaching with your business, you’re limiting your potential every time you refuse to expand your business,” Ben softly gazed into John’s eyes. Waiting for a reply. He’d already been trying to convince his brother to branch out the business into other countries but John had always refused.
“I just don’t think the timing is right,” paper thin eyebrows rose on John’s face, as if to make a point. A firm thump of the hand making contact with John, as Ben placed it onto John’s shoulder, “You’ve been saying this for a long time now. And you’ve seen how successful we’ve been. You may not feel ready, but the business is ready. Pam and I are with-” “But what if it is too soon Ben? Then what? There’s a risk of this flopping in other countries,” John turned his attention to the fly on the pot as he protested. “I know,” a sigh left Ben’s lips, “And we can start slowly. It doesn’t have to be fast. We can just try to open one bakery in one town in a new country to start. How does that sound?” Silence filled the room, as Ben waited for John to respond. Tap. Tap tap tap. Tap. John’s foot started to drum against the tiles of the kitchen floor as he considered it. “Alright Benny, but you’re handling the headache of this expansion,” furrowing his brows as he pleadingly looked at Ben, who was now beaming with joy. “Tsk, isn’t that what you and Pam hired me for? What use am I if I’m not doing the numbers?” “Yeah, okay Benny,” a chuckle slipped through John’s teeth as he began to relax again.

He did exactly as he promised to John. He started the business in Matsue, Japan to see how successful it’d be. As expected Benjamin was right. Bake ‘N’ Pretzel was a hit in Matsue. He’d sent emails and kept in touch with John to update them on the success of the expansion. Bake ‘N’ Pretzels were slowly popping up in more towns as Ben continued to push for the company to grow.

One tragic day, Ben received a phone call from his father, Terry, notifying him of Pam and John’s untimely death. As per Pam and John’s will, Benjamin would receive complete ownership of Bake ‘N’ Pretzel as well as gain custody of his nieces and nephews. He had nine months to prepare for the arrival of his nieces and nephews, as promised by his mother and father at the funeral.

Ben struggled with managing Bake ‘N’ Pretzel whilst dealing with the tension that came from his wife and kids. Which eventually led to Ben making the hard decision of dropping the beloved family business for the sake of his family. When the family finally started to settle down, Ben found a job as a budget ****yst outside of Karakura. However he soon grew tired of dealing with grouchy adults in his line of work. After spending lots of time helping his nieces and nephews with their math homework, he realized that math wasn’t a strong suit for a ton of people like himself who found it to be as easy as he did. Benjamin did some digging for tutoring jobs, discovering that the High School in Karakura was hiring. As you can imagine he jumped at the opportunity and applied. Sending in his resume and qualifications in hopes of getting hired to help out students despite his lack of experience in a High School setting.

Additional notes about your application: Thank you for your time and consideration.
Do you have any questions?:
Last edited:


Level 202
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thanks for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction! Unfortunately your application was denied. You're welcome to re-apply in the future.

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