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Tutor Application


Level 2
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):
I personally am not comfortable with displaying this information.

What is your time zone?:
PST (Pacific Time Zone)

Describe your activity on the server:
I am very active, as when I am in SRP I involve myself in roleplaying. I usually make outgoing characters that love to go out and talk to anyone, I try to apply for many factions as I want to be a part of the SRP factions that are provided within SRP... I usually spend up to 5-6 hours on SRP if it's a work day. But if it's a Non-work day I usually stay up to 11-10 hours on SRP. It all depends on what is occurring in SRP that can decide my playtime. But I usually try to get on every single day.

[!] The schedule of my times is below [!]
It's a rough schedule of what my times are and these can vary.

8pm -12am

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
No, I have never been banned from SRP.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I do understand that this job involves being active and that If I do end up being inactive for a long period of time WITHOUT an inactivity log I can be demoted.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:
I am currently applying for the role of Tutor.

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
Being a tutor is like a private teacher, they are there to help students who need assistance with anything that is school related. For example a student can need help with math or some type of college class. A tutor is to sit down with that student during hours that are set up and help the student learn the subject. As the tutor is supposed to go step by step to help and to make sure the student can understand the material that is being taught in that class… As tutors don't need to just teach one single student, they can teach a small group of students that can be struggling for the same subject.
All tutors should have a strong understanding of all the subjects only because they will be assisting kids with those subjects and for them to know and understand the subject themselves they cannot do their job.

For SRP tutors they are also able to go around and help patrol, as they have the type of ability to watch out for fighting and or activities on school grounds that are forbidden.
Tutors in SRP are to work a minimum of 10 hours a month as they can reach the minimum pay of 150k as if they do wish to receive a bit more of pay they can work 6 OOC hours which can be transferred to 50k the MAXIMUM pay a Tutor can get is 250K

Tutors are expected to behave professionally and to make sure that the students come first during school. They should never let a student be put on hold or tell a student they will do a session and that session never occurs.

I provide a small list of what tutors should and shouldn't do. This can depend on the school of course.

Tutor DO’s
Tutor DON’T
  • BE on time to the session
  • ASSIST any student that needs help
  • Help students in session when needed
  • Let the students ask questions
  • Make sure students UNDERSTAND what they are being taught.
  • Shouldn't NOT do students homework
  • Should NOT be afraid to tell the student they are wrong, and or to explain to the student why they are wrong
  • Ignore Students who are in need of help
  • Rush Students
  • Talk down/Badly about students.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I do have a lot of experience with roleplay, mainly it being SRP roleplay. But I did use to go before then roleplaying on Roblox playing games such as. Royal High, BloxBurg, BrookHaven, all that. Single-player Minecraft by sitting in a world and just roleplaying by myself or with my IRL friends. and all that. but once I joined SRP that was where I took off into my roleplay world. as I learned a lot of new ways of roleplaying, such as exploring different Factions. understanding certain things that are and aren't allowed. It has changed my roleplay experience on a whole new level. and I think SRP will always be the server that made my experience advance in ways.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
What is my motivation for joining the Employee faction and Tutor in general? Well, for the faction itself It's a faction I have tried to apply for in the past when there were old leads. I soon only went to the professor and stayed with the professor. I have several OOC friends in the employee faction who inspire me. They seem to enjoy it a lot and it makes me want to join the school faculty. that and the fact that some of the employee roles are getting more to do within the faction. allowing them to do more stuff during school hours!

For tutors it's a bit short, but I think my OOC motivation for being a tutor is more of wanting to see more tutors around. I rarely see any tutors in school. as I feel like they should be implemented more and I want to make sure people know there is a tutor! During the past like 4 months I have never seen a tutor. That's why i am motivated because I am determined to make the Tutor role more seen and to actually have the role do the provided job that it has..

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:


What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
I currently only have all high school characters and along three animals whitelists, rabbit, bear and a bird.

High Schoolx6


/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
She would first look at the student with a smile, her eyes narrowed a bit as she was fixing her bonnet.. "Why say such things?" tilting her head to the side before fixing her posture. awaiting the student's response depending on the student's response if they give a valid reason or not. she would speak in more of a soft tone "Let's not call people those mean words hm?.. It can hurt people's feelings" Keeping her nice demeanor... she would walk away... If the student does continue to call her these insults and or more. she would tell them to quit it. Again , re-addressing is rude. If they do not stop at all she would take out a small pad of detention slips and write up the student handing them the Detention slip "I'll see you at detention! Maybe we can have a long talk about why it's rude" She would just smile before walking away from the student, continuing whatever she was doing.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
She’d quickly approach the two students, firstly announcing her presence “You two, stop immediately!” in hope that they both stop, once they do, she’d step in between the two with a huff and her hands on her hips. Asking each one by one, their stories of the situation that caused this to happen, once explained, she’d ask them to follow her to the nurses for them to get patched up. After the nurse treats the two students, Latte would hand both of them detention slips, “Both of you fought physically in school, so I will see both of you after school during detention.” then lets them out of the nurses office but before they can disperse, she’d say with a stern voice “I don’t want either of you fighting like that again or a more serious consequence will happen.” hopefully that’ll do the trick, Latte just watched them walk away.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
Upon seeing such a sight in the corner of her eyes, Latte would walk up to her coworker, asking if she could speak with them in the break room. Hoping that they would comply, they’d soon arrive into the break room, shutting the door behind her, looking around in the room to see if any other faculty are in ears reach. She’d make eye contact with the employee with a stern voice, “I saw that you were doing something that a school employee shouldn’t be doing and setting a bad example for our students.. Could you explain why would you be doing such a thing, during school no less.” awaiting for their response. If they apologize for their actions, Latte would simply just smile at them and holds out her hand for a handshake, “Just as long as you won’t do it again or anything similar, you’re fine!” as they shook hands. After all that they both say their byes and both go along with their day.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
When Latte is in the break room she will give employees a gentle wave as in greeting them before soon sitting down at a table pulling out some lunch, while eating she would be going through her organizer checking dates, writing dates. All the above. If an employee does come by and talk with her she will gladly engage into conversation as she isn't bothered by putting her work aside to talk to some faculty while lunch is occurring. Once the time is ending she would put her items away and clean her spot up. Once she is done she would wave bye to all the other employees before leaving the break room. Returning to work.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:
/me moved herself into the chair soon crossing her right leg over her left she smiled towards the student who had been settling themselves into their seat. Once the student has situated themselves she would look down at her small black bag that had a silver star on it. Reaching down, opening it letting the fabric fold over she moved her left hand into the bag grabbing a few books. Soon neatly placing them onto the desk she moved so she was facing the student making eye contact with the student.. her lips soon turned into a sly smile and her eyes narrowed a bit as they showed empathy.. "What do you need help with today dear?" she would have said with a soft spoken voice. Her hand moved onto the hard book cover flipping to a page with her thumb, her sage green nail stopped the page. Her eyes ever so slightly watched as the student pulled out papers... Perking up she leans forward to look at the student's work.. soon helping through some problems and allowing them to do the problems on their own..

/me Soon walking into the room her shoes can be heard clicking and clacking along the floor, looking around the room she exhales. a sly smile went across her face as she knew it was the beginning of the day. Once again clicking her shoes as she went to the books organizing certain ones she would need for the day, her index finger stopped on a blue book with red threading through the book using her nails she pulled it out and looked at the cover. The cover would Have read "Science" with pictures of a dummy skeleton in the front. She moved her lips thinking to herself for a few moments before she spoke out loud "Today.. I think I only need Science and Mathematics for the three students" she placed the book neatly onto the table going to her back and bending down pulling out a white organizer that was decorated in Sakura flowers. she placed it on the desk and flipped through it finding the day's date.. her nail pressed against the paper as she speaks "Monday... Monday... Ah! Science and History!" leaving the organizer open on the desk she returns to the bookshelf her finger lightly hovering across the spines of the books her lips move slightly as she is muttering to herself of what to grab.. pushing her body forward into her tippy toes she reached up and made a excited sound 'Ah Ha!" Sliding the book from the shelf allows a gap between the books. "There it is.. This should be everything they need for today" She smiled, lips curling a bit as she picked up the other book. her heels click against the floor once again as her hand goes into a claw closing and picking up her organizer. Once doing so she used a free hand to open the book bag, placing the three items into the book bag neatly thinking for a moment before closing the book back, latching the star so it's secure.. hoisting the book bag over her shoulder and adjusting it she leaves the library with a smile of joy…

/me Once entering school grounds she would walk to the teacher lounge, grabbing her radio from her purse placing her purse into a small cubby she would push her radio into her strap that lines the middle torso of her dress, she turns the radio on letting the radio volume be at a low level. looking around the room greeting other employees that she sees she would leave the teacher lounge, her heels click onto the ground as she walks through the school. Firstly she would walk through the front to see the students come in. greeting many of the students who enter school, she would begin her premises walk. making sure students aren't doing anything that isn't allowed on school grounds, a few times once she is stopped by students she would help them the best they can with any questions. as these questions can vary from subjects to jobs. to even simple 'how are you' looking at the time. realizing she has a session to attend within thirty minutes she would begin to make her way to the library. gathering necessary books needed to help the student who asked for a one on one tutoring session, once she is done she would sit in the library and wait for the student once the student arrived she would begin to help the student using various of tips and tricks on how to solve certain problems once she is done she would ask the student to give her a reflection on what they learned. Hearing the bell soon ringing as it reminds her that the day has flown by so fast, she cleaned up the session area making sure to leave it nice and clean, placing books back making sure that if there was accidental drawing onto the table she would have wiped it. returning to the lounge she turns her radio off, grabbing her bag and placing it into the bag. neatly placing the bag over her shoulder she would begin to wave by to all the employees that were leaving she would leave as well...


In-Character Section

Full Name (First & Last only):

“My full name is, Latte Finch”

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
“The title that I go by is Miss.”

Preferred Name:
“I don’t have a preference name, so Latte works perfectly fine with me.”

Age (Minimum is 25):
“I turned 34 early February this year.”

“I was born a female and I continue to identify as a female”

Academic Degree:
“I’m a Bachelors degree.”

“I have both majors in Education and Literature.”

“Sociology and Communications, are what my minors are.”

“I am a japanese woman”

Known Languages:
“I know Japanese fluently, including JSL and a bit of Russian that I picked up from my adoptive family.”


Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):
“I feel like I'm more motivated to just help students be successful.. I wish to have students grow up and to pass classes with success. No student will be left behind without knowledge! And I would like to actually make a name for the tutors in karakura.. As I see that many tutors when I was in school here have left but in general I think it's more of just wanting to make kids and adults happy.. And proud of what they have become..”

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I think I should be accepted only due to the soul fact I am really active, in SRP and I am not scared to go out of my way to talk to people. Its not a really good factor as there is so many more applicants who can be really active. But I have pretty much devoted my whole life to SRP for 4-5 years with knowing how SRP work. From Professor faction to simply criminal gangs outside of school I understand SRP quite well.


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Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?:

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