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Typhoon event (tropical cyclone)


Level 0
What's your Minecraft Username?: Novoleaf
What's the title of your suggestion?: Typhoon event (tropical cyclone)

What's your suggestion?:
Japan is a country that gets lots of typhoons, but I believe SRP has never had a typhoon event. I believe this to be unrealistic, or at least weird. I know the server doesn't use japans real history, but in 2019 Karakura should have been hit by 2 major typhoons, but it wasn't. So I think this year a event should be made where a tropical storm or typhoon hits Karakura. It is typhoon season currently, so it would be a good time for a event like this. (we could do next year, too, or in a few months).

Ideally, it would be a weak tropical storm that hits around august-september. It would be warned a few days prior ooc, and the city will be prepared. Players would have to get indoors and the medical and police factions would set up shelters and give supplies (like water). I don't know how you would add wind, but maybe some particles can imitate it. It could cause school to close for the day. The beach would flood, causing it to be evacuated. Rain would be everywhere. It would last around 2 ic days (the second being the strongest, the first just having rain) and the typhoon would end calmly with no major effects to the landscape. Afterwards, the population of karakura could clean up the beach, (it would be filled with trash or something) and make sure everyone is okay.

Karakura doesn't have much weather events, so this would be cool to see. I've seen this suggested in replies here, but nothing came out of it. So I am suggesting a typhoon event.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
It would be a great RP experience for anyone experiencing it. It would be something for characters to talk about for the coming weeks. It would be a unique but realistic event. it would make players team up to help eachother.


Level 169
Community Team
Lore Team
If you have any events or flash events, direct them to Event Team Members or the Event Team Coordinator! We already had a type of Tropical Storm Flash Event and we have a lot of weather events!!


Level 63
Community Team
Event Team
As dark said, feel free to suggest event ideas to event team members via dm or messaging on the forums (if that's a thing)! That or you can apply to event team too!


Level 11
YAUURRR what they said, we have had a few eventsss like in November/December there was the monsoon weather event!

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