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TypicalPhantom02 | KPD Application


Level 0

Out-Of-Character Information

IGN (In-Game Name):

TypicalPhantom02 (Alt/Would be the KPD account)
TypicalPhantom (Main account)

Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?


List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

TypicalPhantom / Professor application: Accepted

Describe your activity on the server:

I'd say I'm pretty active compared to the average SRP player. I tend to spend about 5 hours a day (give or take) during the weekdays as I work a 9-5 Monday-Friday. Outside of my work schedule I am available whenever. That being said, I tend to spend double to time I do from weekdays. During my time on SRP I've spent most of it jockrping. I am currently on the college males volleyball team, and have been for a year now. Before this I was on the team for two plus years and during that time I was captain for about a year or so. I also took sometime in the school faction, I don't remember exactly how long I was a professor but it was for a decent amount of time.

What is your motivation for applying?:

My motivation for applying really came from a couple reasons. One of those being one of the reasons I quit about 2 years ago and in the past few months I've really ramped up how I look at SRP. Before I felt I didn't really take Roleplaying and SRP in general very ‘serious’ But as I have come back and started to fully get into it, I've seen how much I truly enjoy getting involved in this community. I want to continue to improve my roleplay ability and I believe KPD is where I can do that! I also have a general interest in KPD as a whole and want to experience it for myself. I have also been tasked with making a new character for a preexisting family! So really it will boost me into many new role play experiences and allow me to meet many new people.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?

Police work is a very wide range of tasks and responsibilities, These can range from every day tasks to full on planned 'events'. These can truly be anything and vary from day to day. Most days will be sitting at the front desk or going on patrol. A sense of community and teamwork is needed to be involved in this faction. KPD is generally just the same as real police work.

My Knowledge
Daily responsibilitiesThis section involves a number of things, most likely more than I'm gonna list here. Each day their are two main things going on, patrol and front desk work. Officers will participate in both of these activities. Front desk work being just being their for anyone coming into the building. Patrols are used as many things, They help provide a sense of peace and knowledge that the police are around to help. Also help the officers general know how of the city. Crime can be anywhere! Knowing how to get to a place and sometimes already being close by can save lives!
Prosecuting/Arrests/FinesThese are used to punish and hopefully get the criminals to rectify their actions. Without these their would be not punishment for minor or extreme things. Justice must be served! These three things are what are used to serve that justice!
CCTVThese are cameras used to keep an eye out for things when officers cant physically be there. They are one of, if not the most, used evidence against criminals in their prosecution. It is truly the best information gathering device for officers.
TrainingsThese are mandatory, using them to bring cadets to full fledged officers. It also allows each level of officer to level up to the next ranks. Trainings are done by the higher-ups.

I have also made sure to take a look through the Official Forums for things that could relate to KPD work and anything I might be using if accepted! I am very open to learning anything I don't and am excited to get into something new!

Why are Police important to SchoolRP?

In my eyes the Police are one of the most important factions! The Police are important to SchoolRP because of a multitude of reasons. Police bring in a straight opposition to all gangs/the black market and work to combat/take them down for the illegal actions they cause. If police didn't do this both of these factions would run rampant and wouldn't have to take any ‘risk’ in what they do. Police are also there to add a sense of realism to SRP. They also provide security to civilians, as a force to protect and serve them. Giving everyone a sense of safety and reliance. The KPD also not only help with ICLY interactions they can be a figure head for situations that get taken OOCLY. As a lot of gangrp can involve situations where one party isn't happy with the other, KPD often ends up fore fronting this and having to help resolve the situation or present it to staff

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?

I understand that while I am online I am required to attend any training and if I do not I can expect to be punished.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:

Akinori Uemara

How old is your character (if accepted)?:

Forty-Three (43)

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:

The character is a male and uses He/Him pronouns

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

My highest academic role is a Masters degree.

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:

JSL - Need to apply!

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

Akinori would stand at the height of 6’2” (187.96) and weigh roughly 183 lbs (83 kilos). His build is average, healthy and muscular. Coming from Japanese descent, his eyes would be narrow and his brows always seemed to be furrowed. Some unique features to him would include his green eyes and dirty blonde hair. Which typically aren’t found in Asiatic people. His hair was short and always styled neatly, never a strand out of place or in his face. He’d typically be found wearing a suit or some type of formal wear. Akinori always seems to be serious, there's rarely public moments of him coming out of that persona. Akinori Uemara would stand roughly at 6 '1". His physical features felt clean and well taken care of,

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?

Akinori truly attempts to adapt in whichever situation he may find himself in. He tends to be the one to streamline most of his professional experiences, typically taking them to the utmost seriousness. As he was raised to act as professional as he can during any situation. He takes pride in his ability to never crack under the pressure during difficult situations and his ability to discipline himself until perfection is met.

However, in a more casual setting Akinori's life tends to get tainted by his constant professional and all around serious personality. This causes him to get into quite the predicament when people attempt to ‘joke’ around with him. His family tends to always lead in seriousness mindsets and being the head of the family means he must always follow it. His casual day to day life is filled witha routine, following it to a tea. Planning is always apart of any activity or event he participates in.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?

Akinori believes with the right team and co-workers beside you no task is too small to tackle. His constantly professional personality causes him to consistently ‘size up’ the people around him, wanting to always optimize the workplace and bring everyone to their utmost efficiency. There is truly only one kind of person he can't stand, slackers. They are the bane of his existence and tend to tick him off regardless of what they do.

What's your character's backstory?

Family Backstory

The Uemara family, hailing from Tokyo, Japan, has a storied lineage steeped in wealth and tradition. Generations of successful entrepreneurs in the technology and finance sectors have established the Uemaras as a prominent and influential family. The patriarch, Hiroshi Uemara, founded a groundbreaking tech company in the 1980s, laying the foundation for the family's prosperity. His wife, Ayako Uemara, is known for her philanthropic endeavors, contributing to various cultural and educational projects. Together, they raised three accomplished children, Akinori, Haruto, and Jirō Uemara. Akinori would continue on to become a Law enforcement officer, his first born, would take on their grandfather's business acumen, expanding the family's wealth through strategic investments and global business ventures. Haruto, the middle sibling, chose a different path, becoming a renowned art curator and contributing to the family's cultural legacy. Jirō would continue on to become a world renowned shortstop for the Hanshin Tigers. The Uemaras host elaborate gatherings at their opulent estate, showcasing a seamless blend of traditional Japanese aesthetics and modern luxury. Despite their wealth, the Uemara family values humility and community, actively supporting local charities and initiatives. The family's legacy is not only defined by financial success but also by their commitment to fostering cultural enrichment and societal well-being.

Akinori Backstory


Akinori was born into the privileged and high expectations lifestyle of the Uemara family. His parents, being founders of a groundbreaking tech company, surrounded Akinori with joy and adventure, exploring the many wonders of his childhood home and any gadgets his parents were more than willing to provide to him.

As Akinori progressed through elementary school, his father began to see him as the next head of their family's tech empire. Determined to see that vision come to life, he wanted him to prepare him for a future of success and great leadership. He’d be enrolled in extensive tutoring programs, learning advanced mathematics, science, and business management. While other children his age were playing and socializing, Akinori was buried in books. This rigorous lifestyle left no room for a typical childhood, causing akinori to gain a sense of duty and seriousness that would shape his future personality.

A Change

When Akinori turned 16 his life outlook and overall expectations of his life would take a dramatic turn. One night, his parents were working late at the company's headquarters, a violent armed robbery took place. Despite the state of the art security systems his parents had in place, the robbers managed to get inside, targeting valuable research from the family's company. In this chaos, Akinori’s life was put in imminent danger. Thankfully the Tokyo police force managed to swiftly and courageously take action, apprehending the robbers and saving Akinori in the process.

New Desire

Akinori’s entire mindset changed, Driven by a new desire to make a difference. Being inspired by the police officers that saved him and his families, he had a talk with his parents, hoping they would both hear him out in his endeavors. Through these talks a shift in his family affairs occurred, his father proposed that Akinori’s first born child will become the next heir to the family business. This thought would give his parents reassurance, knowing the Uemara business and name would go on, also giving his parents the confidence in him to proceed with his Police Force endeavors.

Path Forward

With his new found goal, Akinori pursued a career in law enforcement. Going to college at Tokyo University, Majoring in criminal justice. His dedication and attention to detail quickly earned him top marks and allowed him to soar to great heights. During these formative years he also met his future wife, Misaki, a fellow student studying political communication. Misaki’s determination and compassion for her own career and life goals, causing the two to quickly form a deep bond. Their relationship flourished, supporting each other through the challenges they each faced in the rigorous programs.


Akinori continued on to pursue his career in law enforcement. Eventually joined and stayed in the Tokyo Police Department for 18 consecutive years. His career was marked by a series of notable achievements and commendations. As a patrol officer, he distinguished himself with his keen observational skills and unwavering commitment to justice. Despite the pressures and dangers of his job, Akinori was fulfilled in knowing that he was making a difference.


After their many years in Tokyo a job offer landed in front of Misaki, a governing job in Karakura. With the offering of a new kind of lifestyle for their now 5 kids, they took it. The move was motivated by a want for change in their kids' environment. As Well as the new career for Misaki, However this left Akinori retired at the age of 42. Leaving him for a year to figure out how to tame his work work work personality.

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?

“No, you cannot legally own a pocket knife in Karakura. The only two ‘weapons’ you can legally own are a metal bat and pipe wrench. And If found with illegal weaponry it can land you with a Felony charge with 3 months jail time”

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription

Iron Supplements,
Cough Syrup,
Unbranded Bandages.

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?

“That kind of act is absolutely unacceptable. If a co-worker was abusing an inmate I would first radio it in, just in case any backup is needed. I would then make an attempt to separate the two before any more harm was caused, using a verbal warning before taking it physically. Once they are separated the co-worker should be placed under custody and the inmate should be moved to a secure location. Medical should be called if needed. Once the situation is under control, their actions will then be reviewed and questioning would begin. If the co-worker is found guilty of assault they will be punished accordingly. An assault charge is the most likely charge unless it was taken further. Their job as an officer is also taken into consideration.”

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?

“If I'm witnessing a co-worker being assaulted I would start by radioing for backup informing them of the location and the situation. As I began to approach I would verbalize to separate and stop what they were doing. If I managed to reach them without any of my commands being followed I would proceed to take physical action to separate them. Once the situation is under control, they would both be placed in secure positions and medical would be called for whoever was in need of it. The assaulter would be brought to be prosecuted and jail time would be given in accordance to the actions”

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?

“A corrupt co-worker? The first reasonable thing that comes to mind would be to gather any evidence I had on them. If I found it to be enough to bring someone higher up then me to deal with, that's where I'd go next, then continue with whatever proceedings they decide on.”

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?

“I'm sorry, Are these people even real? Who in their right mind thinks an officer would take something like that? Even for an idiot trying to get away with some stupid crime, I would throw a fine their way. They deserve nothing but and need to be taught a lesson to hopefully knock some sense into them.”


Level 343
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to give you a chance at becoming part of our faction!

What now?
In order to proceed, you will need to join the discord server that house
the faction you have applied for. To find it, go to the SchoolRP discord
server (CLICK HERE) and search for our discord server!

We will also need you to be online to receive your introductions and
the necessary equipment to carry out your duties as part of the faction!

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (@Hirathex) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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