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Accepted UnmadeArt | Media & Cultural Studies Professor Application!


Level 1
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What is your Minecraft username?:


What is your time zone?:

What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)

Link all previous applications you made on the server:

[Accepted] Icelandic Language Application: Here (ACCEPTED)
[Accepted] Russian Language Application: Here (ACCEPTED)
[Accepted] Greek Language Application: Here (ACCEPTED)

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:

I play almost every day for hours at a time. Sometimes I don’t play as much when I have no one to roleplay with so that’s why I want to be a professor for more role-play opportunities and to play more.

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:

I have been playing SRP for a year and a half now and have met some of my closest friends on this server. When I first started playing SRP I didn’t really know how to roleplay until I met this family called the ‘Oni’ where they showed me how to roleplay and play the game. I am very grateful for them because without them I wouldn’t have met the people I know now. I have also been a part of a few families and in the past 5 months, I have focused a lot on lore and planning things out which makes me really happy. I mainly involve myself in FamilyRP and GangRP.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:

Iris Aiuchi-Kamizuki: Iris is a college student that has gone through a lot in her life. She was raised by two parents who were in a gang. They always brought the kids around the gang. The kids were constantly put in situations that children should never be apart of. Iris was also a triplet. Her sister Eden and her always got into arguments because Eden would always copy her. Iris's parents thought it was fine at first but then Eden started to get violent. Her parents eventually set Iris to Karakura because she had been wanting to get away from her parents and from her siblings. Iris was living in Karakura for a few years and made her life there. She was apart of a family called The Oni and made a name for herself there. After a few years Eden came to Karakura and knocked Iris out and drugged her. Iris didn't wake up until she was in the middle of a forest in Russia in the winter time. Eden told Iris that if she were to ever go back to Karakura she would kill Maya and Neal which were the people she was closest to. Iris then had to fight her way out of Russia. She walked for 50 miles before she found a house where a nice Russian family let her stay with them. For the next two year she trained to get stronger so she could find Eden and put her away for good. When Iris finally returned to Karakura Eden was dead. Iris was finally able to live her life again and started a family with Maya called the Kamizuki's.

Mika Astley: I havent played Mika much yet since they were just born but Mika has a lot of the traits her father does and acts a lot like him but she's closer to her mom. She loves her uncle toby because he loves animals like her. Mika is a grade-7 and she is a feisty 13 year old. She wants to grow up to be strong like her mom.

What is the subject you want to teach?:

Media and cultural studies (Humanities)

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What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

For a number of reasons, choosing to become a professor is a very rewarding professional option. Fundamentally, the drive comes from a love of learning and a desire to impart that information to others. interest is not only welcomed but encouraged in the academic setting, and it is a professor's honor to help students develop this interest. Exploration of concepts, testing of presumptions, and the improvement of critical thinking abilities are all made possible by the educational process. In addition, educators have the exceptional chance to mold and guide their pupils' intellectual development by guiding them through challenging material and motivating them to accomplish their own scholastic and career objectives. The fact that this mentorship advances the professional and personal growth of the next generations makes it very fulfilling. A professor's job description also includes ongoing study and research. Being at the vanguard of one's area brings the exhilaration of invention and discovery, and knowledge acquisition is an endless endeavor. This facet of higher education not only fulfills an individual's intellectual curiosity but also advances the field. Professors may solve practical issues, come up with fresh concepts, and advance society via research. It is a privilege and a duty to be able to publish research and interact with a worldwide academic community, making sure that information is shared and put to good use. The independence and adaptability that come with becoming a professor are important additional motivators. In contrast to many other professions, academia gives students a great deal of freedom when it comes to selecting research subjects, creating courses, and organizing their schedules. Professors may design their professions to fit their interests and talents thanks to this independence, which promotes a fruitful and fulfilling career. Additionally, working with colleagues from different backgrounds and fields is made possible by the collaborative character of academia, which enhances one's own viewpoint and method of teaching and research. Lastly, the principles of service and lifelong learning are intrinsically linked to the position of a professor. Professors have a special opportunity to make a positive impact on their local communities and society as a whole, whether it is via public conversation, important research, or teaching the next generation. Two powerful motivators are the influence of one's job and this sense of purpose. Essentially, the enthusiasm for study, the love of learning, the joy of teaching, and the dedication to changing the world are what motivate people to pursue careers as professors.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:

1. A word association game where someone will say a common dish or items from their country/background and the other students will have to try to guess what it's from. Then the student who guesses correctly goes next!
Student 1: “A dish from my country is Köttbullar!”
Student 2: “Switzerland!”
Student 1: “No, close though! Another thing from my country is IKEA”
Student 2: “Oh!! It’s Sweden!”
Student 1: “Yes! Good job!”
Student 2: “oooo! My turn!!”

2. Bring in guest speakers like reporters to talk about their jobs and how they use media and culture in their occupations. I would ask people with jobs around the city if they could come and speak to the kids about the job that they do and how they got into it. They would talk to the kids about their passions. I’d have them show the kids some of the cool things they get to use everyday in their jobs like cameras and other things like that.

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:

A field trip that I thought could be fun for students would be a trip to the Shrine to talk about the history and the culture that came to be with that and talk to one of the maidens. They could take us on a tour around the Shrine and talk about the history within it. Another place we could go is the reporter station and talk to some reporters about how they do their jobs or what they do on the days they send papers out. They could show us how they work and what they do to get information about what goes on around Karakura. We could also go to one of the popular restaurants or shops and they could tell us about their passions for opening up their stores/restaurants. If we go to a restaurant they could show us how they make the food or how they choose what type of things to sell and the same with the shop owners.


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

Atticus browsed the vicinity on his daily route to the school to make his way to his classroom. Spotted near the male bathrooms stood a group of college jocks surrounding a singular bobcat jock, shouting out in a stern tone. “HEY, BOYS! GET AWAY FROM EACH OTHER!” He approached the group, trying to weave his way into the group, breaking the situation up as it was rather suspicious for a scenario like that to be happening. “Hey, I got a group of jocks near the male’s bathroom on the second floor. Can someone come over to assist me?” He whispered into his faculty radio as he watched the boy making sure they didn’t do any hasty actions. “Please step away from each other unless yall want detention” Eyeing each of the boys and taking note to see if their knuckles were bruised, hair was wet, etc to see if any fighting was occurring, whilst then asking, “Last time i’m going to ask you to step away from each other. So, does anyone care to tell me what happened here, boys?” He then listened to the college boy's stories. From there, he would then ask the bobcat jock their story. Trying to gain real insight as to what was happening from their detention would be given a verbal warning to the college jocks.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?

Atticus overlooked the running of detention, overlooking each student as they sat doing their tasks. He paced the room waiting for finished tasks but then a student raised their hand, walking over to the student. “What is it?” He crossed his arms as he spoke. The student spoke noting an inappropriate question on their counterpart, “That is not appropriate, sit down and do your task.” He turned away from the student but then the student piped up with another inappropriate question. “What did I say about asking inappropriate questions? Please sit down and do your task” Atticus walked back up to the front of the room to continue watching over the class. The student once again spoke out of turn and said a curse word “This is your last warning before I contact SLT. Finish your task,” He sighed as he raised his eyebrows.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?

Carrying on with his scheduled lesson, Atticus heard a noise come out of someone’s phone whilst he etched notes onto the blackboard in front of him. Pivoting around to view what the ruckus was about, he saw that it was from a cheerleader’s phone. “Put your phone on silent please.” He gestured over to the young cheerleader, turning back around. Sighing as he heard the same student calling out to other students in the class, disrupting other’s learning. “Stop shouting across the class, if you need to talk to them. Go sit next to them.” He was getting irritated by the student by this point as they kept on continuing their behavior, “Continue being disruptive… I will have to give you a detention.” He beckoned over to them. If they continued despite all of his warnings, he would slap a detention slip onto the cheerleader’s desk and escort the student out of the class.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?

Atticus saw a disturbance in progress as he strolled around the school grounds. Shouts from the two pupils fighting could be heard all around the school. With a sense of urgency, Atticus picked up his speed. Trying to diffuse the argument, he stepped between the kids as he calmly but firmly approached them. "Hey, let's break it up!" With a strong yet controlled tone, he remarked, "This isn't the way to solve your problems." The pupils disregarded him and carried on struggling in spite of his assistance. “I said break it up now!” As soon as Atticus realized that words alone would not defuse the situation, he considered his choices. He chose a different course of action since he was aware that using physical force to intervene may make things worse. Maintaining a steady tone, he took out his radio and radioed it. He called out, "I need backup! Two students are fighting near the Bobcat's side of the cafeteria!" In the meantime, he positioned himself such that neither student could hurt the other anymore by avoiding direct physical contact and utilizing his body as a barrier. “Now calm down. This is your last warning!” Just when things seemed to be calming down a bit, a teacher's call came over on the radio. They divided the students and brought the situation under control by cooperating. Atticus stayed to give the instructor some context so they might understand what had transpired in its entirety. He would then issue detention slips to both students since fighting on school property is prohibited.

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Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What do they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?
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Atticus Chloros is an intriguing character in any novel because of his complicated nature and rich past. Atticus has a remarkable yet understandable look, standing a modest 6’3” with a slender physique. His vivid dark chocolate brown eyes stand out the most since they appear to be filled with both a touch of mischief and a depth of knowledge. His brown hair, with some gray areas, will be maintained short and neat, reflecting his pragmatist disposition. Atticus’s collection of well-worn wool coats and relaxed trousers gives off an impression of classic elegance and intellectual appeal. A pair of circular glasses perched on his nose completes his ensemble and contributes to his impression of intelligence. Atticus is different from other people because of his distinct outlook on life and education. He is a scholar with an insatiable curiosity who is constantly willing to investigate new ideas and question accepted wisdom. His constant interest in everything makes him a super teacher who delivers knowledge and encourages his students to think critically and on their own. Atticus is renowned for his unique teaching strategies, which frequently include media and cultural studies in his classes to create stimulating and thought-provoking learning environments. According to him, education should cultivate a profound awareness of the world and one’s role in it rather than focusing only on data memorization.

Atticus has high standards for and a deep regard for his students. Since he believes that every child is a person with potential, he encourages them to follow their hobbies and ambitions. In addition to being kind and empathetic and always ready to offer advice and encouragement, he pushes his pupils to go beyond their comfort zones and pursue greatness. Atticus is a mentor who values support and constructive criticism. His classroom provides a secure environment for learning and development on a personal level. Atticus enjoys a friendly but rather aloof connection with his colleagues. Although he values and respects the experience of his fellow educators, he frequently disagrees with those who rigorously follow conventional teaching techniques. Atticus values his independence and the ability to try out new ideas, hence he likes to work alone. Despite this, he welcomes cooperation and takes pleasure in stimulating discussions with his peers. He views these exchanges as chances to question his preconceptions and deepen his understanding.

Atticus has a personality that combines kindness with independence. He is kind and generous, always ready to listen or give guidance but he still retains a certain distance that makes him seem a little mysterious. He has a dry sense of humor that is sometimes tinged with sarcasm, and he has a talent for delivering perceptive remarks that go to the core of any issue. Atticus is motivated by a strong sense of purpose and a desire to use knowledge to improve the world. Holding oneself to a high standard and anticipating the same from others, he is a principled and ethical person. With an eye on the future, Atticus has big ideas. His goal is to develop a new educational paradigm that prioritizes critical thinking and holistic learning. He aims to open a school where pupils are inspired to discover their passions and nurture their special gifts in a nurturing and energizing atmosphere. In addition, Atticus is dedicated to never stopping learning and experiencing new things in order to improve both his life and his teaching. Ultimately, he wants to have a lasting impact that changes people’s perspectives on learning and education and raises a new generation of inquisitive, perceptive, and capable people.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.

Atticus has always had a strong passion for education and a strong desire to assist people. He was well-known in his little town of upbringing for his kind disposition and boundless curiosity. His parents were both teachers, so they provided an atmosphere that valued inquiry and had plenty of literature. In addition to his academic prowess, Atticus was a peer mentor who frequently assisted students with their homework and resolved disputes. His professors were aware of his talent and urged him to think about becoming a teacher. Atticus went to a famous institution after high school, where he majored in Cultural Studies & Media and Culture and minored in Public Relations, Journalism, and Cultural Heritage. He worked as a teaching assistant and volunteered as a tutor throughout his undergraduate years, which confirmed his dream of becoming a teacher. His instructors' influence on him—not just in terms of information transfer, but also in terms of molding his beliefs and viewpoints—inspired him. Atticus aspired to benefit future generations in the same way.

After graduation, Atticus made the decision to work in the real world for a while before returning to school full-time. He worked as a youth counselor and as a community outreach coordinator for a non-profit organization for several years. He was able to engage directly with young people from a variety of backgrounds in these jobs, which helped him understand their goals and problems. He developed his problem-solving, empathy, and communication abilities during this period, all of which would be quite useful in his future teaching profession. Atticus eventually sensed the attraction of the classroom again. He worked for a master's degree in education, specializing in inclusive teaching methods and curriculum building. His academic experience has also given him the skills and information needed to provide a stimulating and encouraging learning environment. Atticus took a lot of knowledge and a strong dedication to helping his pupils develop a love of learning with him when he eventually decided to become a teacher. In his view, education should also foster critical thinking, empathy, and resilience in addition to providing information. His classroom developed into a secure refuge where pupils were motivated to realize their full potential and felt appreciated. Atticus's lifelong love of studying and his unrelenting commitment to improving the lives of young people influenced his path toward becoming a teacher.

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(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)


Full Name:

Atticus Chloros

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):


Given Name(s):


Preferred Name:




Gender & pronouns:

Male He/Him

Religious Denomination:


Marital Status:




Current Location:


SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):


Working Experience (# of years):


Academic Degree:


Year of Graduation:



Cultural Studies & Media and culture


Journalism, public relations, cultural heritage

Native Languages:


Other Languages:


Preferred Teaching Subject:

Media and Cultural studies


Additional notes about your application (if any):

I made a new account for the professor which is unmadeart but my main account is aubreyl! I didn't want you to think I'm a real greenie:3
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Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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