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[UNOFFICIAL] SPORTS | Basketball Information, Rules & More


Level 113

Given that the current official basketball rules are unbelievably outdated (it’s still the old plugin), I’ve decided to do us all a favor and create an unofficial, more up-to-date guide to basketball on SchoolRP!


This guide serves as an informational portal for new basketball players to understand the plugin. Rather than covering the fundamentals of playing basketball, this will cover the basic functions of the plugin itself, as well as the rules followed by the basketball community on the server.


Though there are set rules for each position, there are many different ways of playing them, and developing your own style of playing them. Everyone has a different technique or preference to how they play, so don’t stress if you play differently than someone else!

A normal 5v5 game in basketball should consist of TWO offensive players. The offense players prioritize scoring the points on the opponent. As an offense player, you start at the midline and cross when the ball goes into play. After you cross the midline, you are no longer allowed to return to your own team’s side (which means no crossing the midline!)

With uneven players, such as in a 4v4, a team can either choose to have two offense players or one offense player.

In 3v3s, 4v4s, and 5v5s, there should be ONE center on each team. The center acts as a path of the ball and essentially controls where the ball goes. As a center, you start the game in the center circle and roll 20 for starting. When the ball is in play, the center is allowed on both sides of the court. However, it’s usually recommended for the center to hover around the midline, though that is up to the strategic decisions of the team.

A normal 5v5 game in basketball should consist of TWO defensive players. The defensive players prioritize keeping the opponents from scoring on their basket. As a defense player, you stay on your own team’s side of the court. At no time during the game, should the defense players be crossing the midline, unless it is unintended.

With uneven players, such as in a 4v4, a team can either choose to have two defense players or one defense player.


These are the general game functions required to actually know how to PLAY the game. Without these, it’ll be quite difficult to even know where to begin.

Grabbing the Ball
To grab the ball, you may either use left click, or right click, whichever feels more comfortable for you. Many players have different preferences, however, both work.

Shooting the Ball
To shoot the ball, you hold your right click button, which results in a shooting animation. The shooting mechanism is reliant on using a minecraft bow, meaning if you understand how to use a minecraft bow, it should be self-explanatory!

The gravity of the ball is NOT the same as the gravity of a normal arrow! There is usually a feel for shooting that everyone has, which develops as you play the plugin more. There is no set guideline for shooting the ball, however, there is a basic way of shooting that many beginners use (you will likely be able to learn shooting, just by asking any intermediate basketball players to teach you).

Catching/Blocking the Ball
To catch/block the ball requires you to understand how to grab the ball (which should be pretty easy) and to have decent tracking. This skill is useful for both offense and defense players in both catching passes and blocking shots.

Passing the Ball
In order to pass the ball, you should be using LEFT SHIFT + LEFT CLICK. Passing the ball allows for you to send the ball in the direction you’re facing at a relatively fast speed. The pass will not go very high if you attempt to ‘pass’ the ball up, however, it may still prove to be useful in a game! This skill is very versatile, and very useful to master!

The ‘Q-Drop’ is the name of the shot made by jumping towards the basket and pressing Q, allowing you to ‘drop’ the ball into the hoop. Pressing Q allows for you to drop the ball in front of you. This skill is used by many basketball players and is proven to be very useful. The one limitation to the ‘Q-Drop’ is the requirement of 100% in acrobatics (Jump Boost II) in order to perform it. Though it is possible to Q-Drop with only 50% acrobatics (Jump Boost I), it is very difficult and not recommended.

Stealing the Ball
To steal the ball, you left click the player holding the ball. (This will not work if you are on the same team as the player you’re trying to steal from!) Stealing is based on luck, meaning you may have to click people several times in order to get the ball.

“You tried to steal the ball, but failed.” indicates that your steal attempt was unsuccessful. Hit them again!

“You stole the ball!” indicates exactly what it says, that you stole the ball! The ball is now in the first slot of your inventory and you can do whatever you want with it.


These rules are the OFFICIAL rules followed by the official basketball teams on the server. You may choose to play using these sets of rules, or you may create your own rules, as long as the other players agree with it.

Starting the Play
At the start of every game, the center of each team should roll out of 20. Whoever gets the higher number will start with the ball. In every match, there should only be one roll done. Once the first point is scored, the team that LOST the point will be the one to pick up the ball to start.

Staying in Position
Offense and defense should adhere to the aforementioned rules (staying on their own side of the court). This is further elaborated in the section GAME POSITIONS.

Crossing the Line
In the event that someone crosses the line, it is allowed given that it was an ACCIDENT. This rule applies to the offense and defense players. Crossing the line should not be abused to an advantage. If a player is consistently crossing the line, it should be counted as a penalty, depending on the referee’s decision.

Disallowed Shots
These are the types of shots that are banned from being used in official basketball games. Disallowed shots include, but are not limited to:
Crouch shots, where the player uses the passing function to ‘pass’ the ball into the basket, resulting in an instant point.
Wall shots, where the player uses the invisible barriers of the basketball court to shoot a bounce the ball from the wall into the basket.
Running charged shots, where the player uses a bug to run at full speed while charging up the ball for a fully charged shot.
Floor shots (for free throws), where the player lines up the ball to bounce from the ground into the basket. This mainly only applies to free throws.
Passing backwards for full courts (during the start of a play), when the center starts the ball by passing it back to the defense to do a full court shot. This is considered undefendable at the start of a play.

Feel free to use these for fun, however, they are disallowed during official games such as school tournaments.

This, by far, is the most important thing that every basketball player should have. It’s pretty self explanatory. Basketball is played to have fun. Do not discourage anyone from playing, or make fun of them for being worse than you.


Joining an Official School Team

Teams generally look for intermediately experienced players to join their teams, however, everyone is free to try out for the team, when announced. Normally, the decision is made by the team as a whole, rather than the captain himself, contrary to popular belief.

School teams generally like to fill the roster with just the right amount of offense, defense, and center players, so if you’re interested in joining a team, it’s recommended to be aware of what positions that they’re looking for.

The ability to roleplay is a big aspect of trying out, even if you are not the best at the plugin! Captains generally give players a chance to improve if shown to have potential. You will not necessarily be denied for not understanding everything, though it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you do. JockRP plays a huge role in being a part of a team, meaning your roleplay skills will also be considered!

The Best Position
Everyone plays differently and excels at different aspects of the game. Being more experienced at one game function over another may make you better at a certain position.

Offense Players
Offensive players are generally more skilled when it comes to reaction time, faking, shooting, and catching passes, though that is not what makes up the entire position.

Defense Players
Defensive players are generally better with passing, blocking, reaction time, tracking, and stealing, though that is not what makes up the entire position.

Center Players
The best centers are generally the ones that are the best with crowd control and ball control. They tend to be the ones to regulate the passage of the ball as well as the crowding around the ball.

There’s no requirement on what position you have to play, based on what you’re good at. Play the position that brings you the most joy out of the plugin. It’s not necessarily what you’re good at, but what you like. You can always improve, even if you are not the best at your position.​

(for an inspiration through the original basketball guide)
NolanOrSomething (for an inspiration through his own volleyball guide)
TOURNAMENT RULES Document (I do not know who made the original document, but credits to whoever made it! If you did, let me know so I can update the credits.)
(couldn't @ them, for some reason, but their posts are linked!)
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