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Denied Unowned shop #1 app


Level 4
IGN: solorizesfemboy
Discord: Krono#2060
Describe your activity on the server: Im on about everyday, on week days im on for about 3-5 hours, weekends i play freely, for hours.
Previous applications: Lang apps
Previous warns/kicks/bans: I have gotten a 24 hour ban for accidentally spamming keybinds, i no longer have those keybinds and will not use them for useless reasons.

Shop wanted: UNOWNED SHOP #1
Why do you want to own a shop?: I want a shop because it will benefit my roleplay experience, rather than being an 18 year old high schooler, i would get to socialize as a shopkeeper, and it is also a good way of making currency, im also looking for ways to make currency in the game and this is one of the reasons i want to become a shopkeeper.
What do you plan to do with the shop?: I plant to manage the shop, and keep it active.
How will your shop be unique?: I feel my shop will be unique because i would make somewhat frequent updates to the shop.
How many employees are you planning to have?: I plan to have at least 4 employees.
Does your character have any college degrees? If so, list it: My character is an 18 year old higher schooler, no college degrees.


Level 110

Shop applications are currently not open. The format and rules have not been updated as of recent.
- In addition to this, your application lacks a great amount of detail. Please do not apply until the format has been updated and please refer to the Karakura Town Discord for information regarding such.​

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