IGN: Gregrp
EVIDENCE: So aparently theres 2 of my car around, i dont know exactly how i was banned for about a month and when i got back i didnt have it, so i made a forum request for it back, i got the car back a little while ago but just recently saw a second version of my car in the server, its possible before i got banned i had it in an apartment or somthing, so would it be possible to get that duplicate removed i dont know who exactly has it but if possible it would be greatly appreciated if it could be removed. the car was gone before i could ss
EVIDENCE: So aparently theres 2 of my car around, i dont know exactly how i was banned for about a month and when i got back i didnt have it, so i made a forum request for it back, i got the car back a little while ago but just recently saw a second version of my car in the server, its possible before i got banned i had it in an apartment or somthing, so would it be possible to get that duplicate removed i dont know who exactly has it but if possible it would be greatly appreciated if it could be removed. the car was gone before i could ss