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Accepted VelvetZaddik || Receptionist application || (Third attempt)


Level 12

What is your Minecraft username?:
VelveetTorah (alt)

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your Discord username?):


How old are you? (Optional):


What is your time zone?:


Describe your activity on the server:

I was playing the server since around the end of 2021, but I didn't start playing more regularly until the mid of 2022. Because of my time zone, I have a big time difference from most of the players (GMT+3 - Israel) but I'm usually online on weekdays (Sunday-Thursday) from 11 AM to 3 PM and from 12 AM to 3 AM. On 'weekends (Friday-Saturday), I'm available most of the day. I usually RPing around 5 to 6 hours a day and have been playing the se for a total of over 14 weeks. On a scale of 1 to 10 I'd have to rate my activity, I'd rate myself a solid 7. I always make my best efforts to be active every day, and if I'm gone for more than 3 days fill it up in the inactivity log.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
For erotetic RP, on the 10\21\23 for a week

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I understand this and I will acknowledge this if I am accepted.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:


In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:

A receptionist’s job is to greet and assist students, faculty members and even visitors in the school. A receptionist is a person who can be seen as approachable and helpful. The main job of a receptionist is to assist other people when trying to locate or communicate with someone. And just like any other faculty member, a receptionist can go on patrol, preferably when there is more than one receptionist at the desk. Receptionists are also required to issue detentions and make sure that the front lobby of the school entrance remains calm and in order. Receptionists can also assist students when they wish to cash out prizes from their academic reward points. Receptionists are also required to attend detentions just like any other faculty member if they’d issued a detention. Receptionists are required to greet the students and faculty members politely, they can be posted at either front or back reception. When on patrol, the receptionist must have a watchful eye out for the students around them while continuing to be active on the radio. After their petrol, the receptionist is able to go back to their desk and continue their desk duty. When visitors such as KPD arrive at the school, the receptionists issue them visitation passes so they may enter. This is the same with visiting EMS or Town hall residents.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:

I've been actively engaged in roleplaying for over a year. I have explored various RP types to increase my experience. Let me provide a detailed overview of my roleplaying journey:

Student RP:
In the realm of Karakura High School, I have explored the complex realm of student life, embodying both the virtues of an upstanding student and the rebellious spirit of a delinquent and all there is to offer, still learning more every day. This journey has involved making meaningful connections, attending classes, participating in team sports like swimming, and even immersing myself in the dynamic world of Jock RP. As a member of the swim team, I have strengthened my ability to roleplay collaboratively, searching into the nuances of sportsmanship, and dedicating time to understand and realistically portray swimming actions. My exploration of Jock RP has provided insights into adopting the mindset of a stereotypical high school bully, creating and shaping a character with an inflated ego and a competitive spirit. Additionally, my push into delinquent RP has allowed me to embrace a confident personality, challenging the norms and occasionally finding myself in detention, creating a seamless connection with the world of Jock RP.

Work RP:
I've held roles as a cashier in several Karakura restaurants and stores before leaving school. This has allowed me to see the interactions and challenges that people working in different environments face daily from a different angle. Through this type of role-playing, I've been able to better understand financial transactions, customer service, and the responsibilities involved.
/me After the customer interacts with her, she responds with a charming and endearing smile that emits friendliness and charm. "Welcome to Sayonara Gift Shop!" she says in a friendly and receptive tone. She then asks, "How may I assist you today?" Once she learns about the customer's request, she promptly heads to the back of the store to retrieve the item. With a keen eye, she finds it and ensures that it is in perfect condition before bringing it out. Carrying the desired item, she returns to the checkout area and warmly greets the customer, making sure that he feels important and cared for. At the register, she rings up the purchase with well-honed quickness. Her fingers skip over the keys with deft precision as she enters the transaction amount. Throughout the transaction, she maintains eye contact to show genuine gratitude and collects the money with a courteous nod of thanks from the customer. If there are any issues with the transaction, she precisely counts the money and confirms the total. Throughout the entire process, she maintains a cheerful and appealing demeanor, making the customer's buying experience enjoyable. She always strives to provide outstanding service and sincere concern with every encounter, emulating the welcoming vibe that is characteristic of Sayonara Gift Shop.

Athletics RP:
I have participated actively in the high school track team. My physical roleplaying skills have improved, but this experience has also improved my teamwork and time management ability. Being a member of the track team has taught me how to work well with others, establish and accomplish shared objectives, and support the team's success as a whole. I can work in an environment surrounded by other people with different views and personalities, as they would do with me.
In summary, my extensive journey in roleplaying represents a rich tapestry of experiences, ranging from the intricacies of student life, the thrilling narratives of Crime RP, and the dynamics of work environments, to the challenges and companionship of athletic pursuits. This diverse background equips me with a versatile skill set and a deep
understanding of various role playing scenarios, making me an asset to the vibrant community of Karakura.
/me She displayed her dedication in her form-fitting workout attire. Her sculpted physique was highlighted by her snug tank top and leggings, and her sneakers nearby indicated her meticulous approach to her workout. Next to a wall, she prepared herself for calf stretches. One leg was extended behind her while the other remained planted firmly. Her calf muscles stretched and flexed, revealing her hidden strength. Her deliberate, controlled movements were accompanied by focused determination in her dark eyes. As she deepened each stretch, breathing in sync with her actions, the ambiance of the fitness studio faded away. In the quiet studio, this short but resolute athlete emphasized the importance of calf stretches for leg strength and injury prevention. Her unwavering commitment to excellence was evident as she executed each stretch with precision, proving that height was no obstacle to her pursuit of athletic prowess.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
I am looking for a new experience and a fresh perspective within the server, hoping to explore untapped opportunities. After being an active member of the community and a student for a long time, I feel the need for a change of environment and a different point of view that comes with it.

I am interested in playing the role of a friendly receptionist, similar to the welcoming face one encounters in school every morning. I enjoy creating characters and interacting with others, and I believe joining a faction that aligns with the server's central theme and has a prominent position within its structure would be the best move for me. The School Faction seems to be the most socially and functionally enriching faction, and I genuinely enjoy helping others, so this would be a perfect fit for me. I am committed to this role for the long term, as I find it both respectable and a valuable contribution to the server. Additionally, being part of this faction would significantly increase my chances of joining other factions in the future.

I am eager to embrace new challenges and grow personally, and I believe trying something entirely different on the server would be an excellent opportunity for me. I am not just interested in maintaining a position but also in showcasing my capabilities and commitment to excellence. Being a receptionist in the School Employee faction would allow me to channel my creativity into roleplay scenarios without limiting my imagination. I believe this role offers numerous opportunities in both the present and future versions of the server. If my application is successful, it would not only establish my position within the faction but also demonstrate my competence in fulfilling role play scenarios. This would significantly enhance my chances of joining other factions by showing that I am capable of meeting the demands of diverse roleplay scenarios.


Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
OMEGA+ [Collage][B][Trackl] VelvetZaddik
OMEGA+[Grade-12] VelvetZaddik
OMEGA+[Grade-10] VelvetZaddik
OMEGA+ [Fox] VelvetZaddik
OMEGA+ [Bird] VelvetZaddik
OMEGA+ [Bear] VelvetZaddik
OMEGA+ [Frog] VelvetZaddik
OMEGA+ [Cat] VelvetZaddik
OMEGA+ [Duck] VelvetZaddik
OMEGA+ [Dog] VelvetZaddik
OMEGA+ [Racoon] VelvetZaddik
OMEGA+ [Snail] VelvetZaddik
OMEGA+ [Rabbit] VelvetZaddik
OMEGA+ [Rat] VelvetZaddik
OMEGA+ [Goat] VelvetZaddik
OMEGA+ [Bee] VelvetZaddik
OMEGA+ [Dolphin] VelvetZaddik
OMEGA+ [Fish] VelvetZaddik



/*Do not mention the use of FearRP*/

During a work shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

In case of an argument or a small-scale fight amongst students, my character, Shendo, will step in quickly and physically separate the involved students while maintaining a cool and collected attitude. If necessary, he will request support from other faculty members and determine the extent of any injuries. For minor injuries, he will assist in resolving the issue by helping students apologize to each other, and for severe injuries, he will accompany the students to the nurse's office and issue the appropriate detention slips.

Shendo remains composed and professional in case of an altercation and promptly intervenes between the students to quell the fight. If physical separation is not enough, he will contact other available faculty members for assistance. Following the cessation of the altercation, he will assess the extent of any injuries and direct severely injured students to the nurse's office. To gather a comprehensive understanding of the situation, my character will interview both parties separately, seek additional perspectives from witnesses, and review CCTV footage if available. Based on the collected information, he will issue detention slips appropriately.

In case of a serious fight, Shendo will react strongly and demand an immediate end to the brawl, making it clear that any further involvement will result in an immediate detention, with the possibility of SLT being involved. He will physically divide the students, only if needed otherwise, prompting them to stop. He'd ask each one of them about what had happened to learn more about the altercation's origin. Speaking to both students, he will convey his displeasure with their actions and highlight how immature it was to use violence on school property. My character will hand out detention slips, emphasizing the value of resolving disputes amicably rather than violently and promoting personal development. He will then return to his desk and carry out his responsibilities, giving the students individualized detention assignments afterward to help them reflect on their actions and learn from them.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:

Shendo would quickly step in and try to physically separate students, if they ignored previous warnings prompting them to stop. Otherwise, he’d verbally stop the students involved in the argument while maintaining a calm and collected attitude. If successful, he would assess the extent of any injuries and request support from other faculty members if necessary. In small-scale fights with no serious injuries, my persona would help the students apologize to each other before letting them move on. If the injuries are more severe, he would accompany the students to the nurse's office and issue appropriate detention slips. If felt needed, he would also contact SLT (Senior Leadership Team) for any further action.

To intervene effectively, my persona would maintain a composed demeanor and immediately break up the altercation between the students. If the distance between them was too great, he would seek help from other faculty members as soon as possible. After the fight ended, he would determine the number of students injured and send the most seriously injured ones to the nurse's office. To gain a comprehensive understanding of the situation, my character would question each party separately, seek additional perspectives from witnesses, and review CCTV footage if available. He would then issue detention slips based on the information gathered.

Decisively, my character would use a serious tone to command an immediate halt to the fight, making it clear that further continuation would result in detention. After separating the students, he would question each of them individually to gain insights into the cause of the altercation. Addressing both students, he would express disapproval of their behavior and emphasize the immaturity of resorting to violence on school grounds. My character would then issue detention slips, stress the importance of resolving conflicts with words instead of fists, and encourage personal growth. Returning to his desk, he would continue with his duties and later assign personalized detention tasks to help the students reflect on and learn from their actions.

Another school employee is acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:

Shendo, with a firm yet compassionate approach, would address the situation by initially pulling the person aside for a private conversation. In a manner reminiscent of a fatherly figure, he would deliver a scolding to emphasize the gravity of their actions. During this conversation, Shendo takes the opportunity to explain the potential dangers and consequences associated with their behavior. At this stage, his primary goal is to make the individual aware of the severity of the situation without immediately involving higher-ups.

If the person persists in their inappropriate actions, Shendo would proactively collect evidence discreetly, With a heavy heart and a downcast tone, he would then report the situation to a higher-up. Despite not wishing to get his co-workers in trouble, Shendo recognizes the necessity of taking such actions for the greater good. Following the report, he would extend a light apology to the individual who violated the rules, providing a clear explanation for his actions while reiterating that their behavior is unacceptable.

This approach combines the elements of discrete communication, an empathetic but firm stance, evidence collection, and involvement of higher-ups when necessary. Óxido's commitment to maintaining a positive work environment is evident in his approach to addressing and resolving the issue.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?

Shendo is a person who embodies a quiet and friendly presence in the break room. During his break, he usually sits down to enjoy a snack, listens to music, and subtly contributes to ongoing conversations. Shendo is well-known for his charismatic and kind nature, which makes him stand out among his co-workers. Whether in casual or professional situations, he actively seeks to make others smile and laugh. Shendo engages his colleagues by sharing his interests and working towards establishing a positive reputation among them.

Shendo approaches his break time with a more contemplative mindset. He refrains from taking any drastic actions that might disturb others and often uses the time to reflect on both life and ways to improve his work. Being sociable, he actively interacts with his co-workers, and his tall stature takes him around the room as he strives to build strong bonds with others. During breaks, he enjoys snacks and coffee to maintain energy. Unlike working during breaks, he uses this time to de-stress and have fun. His conversations often revolve around personal stories and planning after-school events, showcasing his talkative and outgoing nature. Overall, Shendo aims to create a positive and enjoyable atmosphere within the lounge, prioritizing camaraderie and relaxation during his breaks.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst in your chosen role:
/me After taking a small sip of his morning coffee, Shendo sits in his chair by the desk, exuding a bright and friendly smile. With a straightened stance that indicates his unwavering dedication, he begins working on his daily responsibilities. Shendo maintains a calm mood throughout the day, always willing to help colleagues and contribute to team achievement. Despite his hectic schedule, he always remembers to take breaks and consume snacks and coffee to refuel his energy and ponder on how to better his work. During his break time, Shendo approaches it with a more contemplative mindset. He refrains from taking any drastic actions that might disturb others and often uses the time to reflect on life and ways to improve his work. Being sociable, he actively interacts with his co-workers, and his tall stature takes him around the room as he strives to build strong bonds with others. Unlike working hours, he uses this time to de-stress and have fun. His conversations often revolve around personal stories and planning after-school events, showcasing his talkative and outgoing nature. Overall, Shendo aims to create a positive and enjoyable atmosphere within the lounge, prioritizing friendship and relaxation during his breaks.
/me Sitting at his desk, idly rolling his pen up and down in a way reminiscent of a child, Shendo was bored. A student suddenly stepped up to his desk and caught his attention. He smiled and said, "What might you need?" as he looked up to greet the pupil. The student quickly conveyed information about an ongoing fight, prompting Shendoto to spring into action. He swiftly got up, exited the room, and inquired about the fight's location. Upon learning the details, he rushed to the scene and, with a commanding tone, ordered, "BOTH OF YOU SEPARATE AT THIS INSTANT!" Scowling at the troublemakers, Shendo expressed his disappointment and questioned, "You are keeping me from my work; do you two have anything to say for yourselves?" He patiently listened to their responses before pulling out a detention sheet and declaring, "Well, a fight just won't do. You will both have detention. See you after school." He scribbled the necessary details onto the paper and handed a copy to each student. After resolving the issue, Shendogave a casual yawn and returned to his desk, awaiting any further developments.
/me Approached the student with an inviting demeanor, asking, "What is it you need?" and maintaining an attentive gaze. Upon learning about the student's academic credits, shared information about the available prizes and their corresponding values. After the student made a selection, extended a hand to receive the credits and expressed gratitude, saying, "Thank you very much! I'll go get your prize!" Rose from the chair with enthusiasm, exploring the back area to locate the prizes. Discovered a blue lightsaber and returned to the student, showing the childlike wonder and humorously suggesting, "Becoming a Jedi-knight are we?" Handed over the prize with a smile and shared a personal connection to Star Wars, mentioning his collection of lightsabers in the past. Nostalgically recalled being told to part with them due to growing older, adding, "You stay good, alright? I hope to see you again with more credits to redeem, you can do that for me, Óxido?" Ended the interaction with a clever smile, feeling a connection with the younger generation. Approached the locked door to the front desk, retrieved a golden key from the trench coat pocket, and unlocked the door with a soft turn. Stepped inside, closed the door gently, and organized my belongings on an accessory hanger. Settled into a chair, clasping hands while waiting.


(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only):

Shendo Jökull Sidorov

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):


Preferred Name:
Mr. Sidorov[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]
(if good friends with him then he allows Shen)[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]

Age (Minimum is 25):

25 years old



Academic Degree:



Communication, Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Marketing, Criminology


Science, Math, Litrature, History, Culinary, Physics



Known Languages:

Spanish, Russian, Icelandic



24/08, 5:34AM. A boy named Shendo was born into the Gonzãlez family, adding a new precious soul to the picturesque town of Ronda, Spain. Shendo’s life was full of challenges and victories, with his early years that were caused marred by his father’s domestic abuse.

At the age of five, financial struggles forced his family to relocate to Toledo, Spain, in search of better opportunities. There, Shendo met Lily, a compassionate teacher from the Solas family, who recognized his potential. The Solas family adopted Shendo, providing him with a stable, loving home where Lily nurtured his curiosity and intelligence, fostering a love for learning and reading.

When Shendo turned seven, Lily's responsibilities necessitated a move to Karakura, Japan, leading to Shendo's move to Russia, where he settled in a foster home in Moscow. Despite the upheaval, he remained passionate about learning, attended school regularly, and expanded his horizons through diverse friendships and the study of Russian.

At the age of twelve, the Ukizumi family from Huangyao, China, adopted Shendo, marking the start of a new adventure. In Huangyao, he lived with his loving grandparents, embraced the Mandarin language, and immersed himself in the local culture. His life experiences across Russia, Spain, and China allowed him to master multiple languages and appreciate diverse cultures. In Huangyao, Shendo discovered a passion for art, channeling his experiences into painting, which reflected the blend of cultures shaping his identity. His insatiable curiosity led him to delve into literature, philosophy, and history, continuously seeking answers to profound questions.

At sixteen, driven by a sense of adventure, Shendo traveled solo to Seoul, South Korea. For two years, he lived in his car, embracing challenges and independence. In Seoul, he got a dragon tattoo symbolizing his resilience and fiery spirit. Despite the tumultuous journey, Shendo transformed, overcoming his mental health challenges and channeling his energy into positive pursuits.

At 18, he dyed half his hair purple to signify his departure from a life of crime and his journey toward becoming a good person. A fierce fight left Shendo with a life-altering injury, losing his left eye and acquiring a large scar, a testament to his past struggles. His love for music, particularly playing the guitar and singing, remained a vital part of his life, though stage fright kept him from sharing his talent widely.

At 20, Shendo pursued his passion for driving, starting "TurboCab Taxi," offering VIP taxi services. His exceptional driving skills earned him a reputation for excellence. One day, distracted by a TikTok video, he had an accident on his Harley Davidson, resulting in a scar on his forehead, reminding him to stay focused on the road.

A lighthearted mishap with a vending machine left Shendo with a cut, emphasizing his adventurous and persistent nature. Tragedy struck with the passing of Lily, who had secretly battled cancer. Overwhelmed by grief, Shendo struggled to visit her grave, fearing his emotions would consume him.

As he got further in his 20th year, tensions with Biyu, his adoptive mother in the Yao family, escalated into a storm of conflict. In a fit of anger, Biyu expelled Shendo, severing the cherished bonds of love and stability he once knew.

After his expulsion from the Yao family, Shendo found solace in the Arya family. They welcomed him with open arms, providing the love and stability he desperately needed. The Aryas supported his continued education and artistic pursuits, helping him regain his sense of belonging.

As Shendo grew older, he felt the need to assert his independence and stand on his own. With the Arya family's blessings, he left their home to carve out his own path, determined to face the world on his terms.

In college, Shendo joined the track team, discovering a new passion for running. The discipline and the membership of the team helped him channel his energy positively, providing a purpose and achievement to his life . During his college years, Shendo became close friends with the Sidorov family. They saw his potential and offered him a place in their home, where he found another source of support and encouragement. The Sidorovs helped him navigate the challenges of college life and pursue his goals.

Shendo's best friend Saeko had always been like a brother to him. The Jökull family, seeing the bond between the two, decided to adopt Shendo, making him an official part of their family. This new home provided a strong sense of unity and belonging, reinforcing the brotherly bond he shared with Saeko.

Shendo underwent a groundbreaking surgery to regain his lost eye. The procedure was successful, restoring his full vision. This medical procedure was a turning point, allowing him to pursue his passions with renewed vigor.

Having lived in diverse cultures and been part of multiple families, Shendo reflected on his journey. His experiences enriched his understanding of people and their customs, making him a true global citizen. His artistic expression continued to thrive, showcasing the amalgamation of cultures that shaped his identity.

With a newfound sense of purpose and resilience, Shendo embraced the future. His journey, marked by constant change and adaptation, had made him strong and resourceful. He looked forward to new opportunities, ready to face whatever challenges life would bring.

Motivation for Joining KHS:

I am thrilled to submit my application to KHS, a place that has held a special place in my heart since my youth. I am highly motivated to support the institution in achieving continuous success and inspired by the innovative achievements I have witnessed while being here.

One of the primary reasons I am drawn to KHS is the opportunity to work with its renowned faculty. Their commitment to creating an engaging and lively learning environment aligns with my educational principles, and I'm thrilled to join a community that prioritizes both individual development and scholarly achievement.

Having been a student before, I am excited to help the school and assist in the educational progress of present and future Karakura students. I am very passionate about creating a nurturing environment for education where every child can thrive and succeed, drawing from my experiences of overcoming obstacles. The insights gained from my personal experiences have emphasized to me the significance of establishing a secure, supportive, and anti-bullying setting, motivating me to work towards a favorable school environment for everyone.

My connection to KHS demonstrates not only my background but also my belief in its potential and commitment to enhancing its long-standing legacy. I feel that my dedication, values, and upbringing fit nicely with the dynamic atmosphere of KHS, and I am excited about the opportunity to continue my studies at this esteemed school.

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"):


Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:

I am truly motivated to create a major influence on both the school and the neighboring community. That is why I am committed to securing this role. I aim to assist all those in need while fostering a supportive and inclusive environment. I value helpful feedback since it is crucial for advancing in both my personal and professional life. I think that all feedback can assist in my improvement, and I recognize the significance of refining my skills to have a greater influence.

I have a friendly and professional communication style that fosters a peaceful environment, ensuring that people feel listened to and comprehended, ultimately decreasing the likelihood of conflict while promoting teamwork.

I have a reputation for my diligent work ethic, excelling in high-pressure situations, and persisting with determination through challenges. My strong moral compass naturally drives me to help create a school environment that is transparent and free of obscurity and bullying. My mental capability, motivation, and discipline make me a competitive individual capable of managing the challenges of contemporary society.

In addition to my commitment to the responsibilities of the role, my unique background separates me from others. I am recognized for my skillful acting abilities, but I aim to be acknowledged for bringing depth and intricacy to every situation. This app demonstrates my dedication to enhancing my role-playing abilities and positively impacting the community. I am excited about the opportunities provided by the server and prepared to bring an engaging perspective to the position, ultimately enhancing everyone's experience.



/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application:

Thanks for reviewing it!

Do you have any questions?:

Last edited:


Level 202
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thanks for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction! Please send me a DM on discord for the next steps!

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