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Denied vibingmusic's Event Team Application


Level 3

IGN: vibingmusic

Explain your activity on the Server:
I am very active on the server. I spend about 5-7 hours on the server per day during summers and during quarantine. When the school year starts up again, I’ll be on the server for 3-4 hours per day depending on my schedule, but this does not change my activity on discord.

What previous experience do you have working in a team?:

I have helped people work on their towers and be on a build team for a different server. I have also done teamwork with others OOCLY due to being on my school’s Stage Crew and Technology team. I have also been on the Student Council as Secretary in my school for the past 2 years. I have also played on various sports teams such as softball and volleyball. Being on a team that requires a lot of communication and teamwork, has taught me a lot. I know I can be on a more serious-type team. I can become more active with the other current team members and help come up with ideas for future events.

What makes you different from other applicants:

I am different from other applicants because I am fairly active and have taken part in most of the events that the event team has planned and genuinely have enjoyed them. I would like to be a part of the team so I can help plan these events and see the true planning and hard work that goes into all of these events. I am 100 percent dedicated to working on the team. I am willing to put my time and dedication into the team. I have always enjoyed going to the events that the SRP-Event team has planned and I have wanted to be apart and help plan fun events for the players of SRP.

Another thing that separates me from other applicants is that I am willing to listen to others ideas and maybe put input on them if needed. I am always open to accept constructive criticism from others. I can come up with ideas ranging from a fun school event to a natural disaster event. I am pretty decent at creative writing and I can write out an entire event and show it to the other members for their opinions.
Since we are in quarantine, I can dedicate my full time into working with the current members for new events.​

Provide a detailed event proposal that would be seen by the Event-Team

#1 Flash Flood Event

The event would start like this…

[!] A few dark clouds would begin to come over Karakura, looking pretty dark like the usual storms that happen. It would not look like the storm would pass over quickly.

[BREAKING NEWS] Attention citizens of Karakura, there is a very heavy storm on the way to our town. We recommend you stay inside and off the roads and sidewalks. The beach is also very recommended to stay away from due to the sea level. This is for your own safety and the safety of others. Thank you for your cooperation during this time.

Everyone would rush to find their friends and family, running to find shelter and stay indoors. As time passes, the rain would begin to start raining

/event [!] The crashing of heavy waves would be heard and echoed throughout the city. As the rain would begin to pour harder, the sea level would rise, starting to farther onto the sand of the beach.

[BREAKING NEWS] The sea level has risen and the streets are beginning to flood with the rain and sea water. Please get to higher ground the Hospital and top of the school will be available to the citizens and those who live in the homes along the roads and c****.

The results depending on what the player chooses to go to, would decide their fate about the future of the event.

Those who chose the School- their fate would be that they would be safe and not really that many consequences. The boiler room may have something to do with the storm, causing the heat to go out and students freezing from the rain. So they would have to run out and around the school to find blankets and such to stay warm, staying about the main floor due to flooding.

Those who chose Hospital- Having so many people inside of the hospital, will wake up patients who are staying there, especially mental patients and screaming would be heard and echoed throughout the entire hospital. All of the people who are most likely yelling would cause this.

To wrap up this event, the flooding would calm down, still rushing throughout the streets and the map can look like a few things have been destroyed. Players will begin to slowly leave the hospital and school and return to normal lives with another thing to talk about at school and around school for the following days.

#2 School Game Day
This proposed event is made to include the sports teams in something further than usual practice. Not only this, but the majority of the server can be involved. Although SchoolRP is set in Japan, there are plenty of American High School stereotypes; I came up with said event from a usual occurrence there- 'Game Days.' These centre around the football game, (the match could be played Bobcats VS Spartans) leaving space to incorporate the cheerleaders for each team. This gives all 4 of these teams to prepare for something. The audience can eat food, watch the game and take part in a 'raffle.' Yes, it's Minecraft and there won't be any physical tickets, but a winner can be drawn at random. This gives players a spicy new social opportunity, and a chance to dress up and have fun. Characters can dress up in their team colors and sit help cheer their team on from the sidelines.

To elaborate more on the raffle part, 3 students will be picked at random. To enter the raffle, you must register your name into a certain booth with your name. Winners will be picked either through a Wheel Decide or Discussed ICLY. To get a better chance at winning, participating in as many events as you can will help boost your chances at winning. Winning the raffle not only gets you a prize, but a little extra something to boast about to other people.

The winning team of the Game Day would earn a lot of boasting rights and a plaque on their designated advertisement area in front of the school.

/event The Spartan VS Bobcat football game will begin shortly! If you are willing to attend, please head to the football pitch. Feel free to pick up some popcorn, water, and other snacks along with drinks at our Snack Bar! Located by the pool.

The Track Teams can host relay races against each other and include the other students as well into it. Ex: 3-Legged Race around the track.

The Volleyball Teams can do matches against each other and play the classic volleyball game: Nuke ‘Em.

Other sports teams can come up with fun ideas for their team to do and host for the other students to participate in.

#3 Earthquake Event

I came up with the idea that there should also be an earthquake event in Karakura. This would take place during school hours.

/event [!] You would feel the ground below you begin to shake. As time passes, the shaking would become more and more noticeable. Various things inside the classroom, such as books, papers, etc would fall off the shelves

During this time, buildings would begin to break and holes will be formed into the streets, sidewalks, etc. Trees in the forest will fall down, making the aftershock of the earthquake worse.

[BREAKING NEWS] Please stay off the roads and take the emergency Earthquake safety precautionary measures. Stay away from anything that may fall over and hurt you during this time. Thank you and stay safe, Karakura.

/event On your way outside of the classrooms, avoid any damage that the earthquake may have caused. This includes holes, fallen lockers, and broken stairs.

Students will be brought out into the hallways from their assigned classrooms and the courtyard and be lined up against the lockers. Teachers will be monitoring the students and making sure everyone is in the safety position.

After the earthquake and aftershock…

[NEWS] The earthquake has come to a stop, students and adults are now allowed to leave their Earthquake Emergency positions and return to their normal school schedules. Please refrain from driving on the roads until further notice. Be cautious of any broken and/or damaged buildings, staircases, and more.

#4 Summer Carnival

This event would be kind of like the Summer Solstice Fair, except on the beach. There would be a dock filled with plenty of food stands and activities hosted by the sports teams! The restaurants can have their own booth and sell their most bought food in stock, or even introduce a new food that they added to their menu. The dock would be placed on the beach water. It would also be a very nice place for couples to get their classic High School Movie date on the boardwalks. The school teams can host certain carnival games. If possible, there could be a ferris wheel for people to ride- though this may not be possible.

/event Be sure to check out the Dunk Tank hosted by the High School Baseball Team. Along with Kurasu’s food booth! Both are located by the front of the boardwalk! Go support.

Other shops can also sell some of their items and advertise their shop by doing an event to the attendees of the fair. An example could be Suu~Itobea hosts a runway show with a few of their models to advertise their amazing tailoring service.

Similar to the Game Day, some shops can do a raffle. The prize could be of their choice. This can range from a simple item (or multiple) from their store or a jackpot of money.

To end the night of the fun and games that have taken place, everyone will be gathered at the beach sitting down on the sand and sitting on lounge chairs and towels. A firework show would be shown to end off the beautiful night. As everyone is leaving, music would be playing on the way out until it can’t be heard anymore.

OOC Writing Event
Personally, I believe we should have more events oocly. The writing event that happened a while back was a success. Since there are a lot of drawing events, I believe we should branch out to the other popular hobbies on SRP. People may not be able to draw really well, so maybe they are very skillful at creative writing. The head of the writing club can pick the topic to write about. The prizes may vary for the winners, but here are my ideas for prizes.

First Place: 300,000 Yen and a certain Nerf Gun of their choosing
Second Place: 200,000 Yen and a Nintendo Switch
Third Place: 100,000 Yen and a Toy Sword

The deadline will be about 2 weeks after the announcement is made for it to begin. Submissions would be DM’D to the head of the Writing Club and so the writing club can decide who the winner of the contest is.

Thank you for taking the time to read this! If you have any questions, my discord is vibe#0450.
- vibingmusic
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Level 143

- Your application was quite short. Although your event proposals were detailed the ideas have already been done or you did not take into account what we can actually PHYSICALLY do on MC or on the Server in general.​

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