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VOLATILE | Leo Volante


Level 76
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Leo Volante

Chapter 1: Concrete Jungle

Walking through the streets of Tokyo, Leo found himself deep within uncharted territories. The purpose of his venture? A little sightseeing for a particular organization that’s putting his family at risk, The Inagawa-Kai.

Back in Karakura, he’s at home, in here? The Wolf’s den. Treading lightly through the concrete jungle, eyes sharp and scanning the surrounding constantly, He made his way into a Speakeasy who he has been tracking. Looking around before knocking on the door.

The little hatch that’s head level opens, as someone peeks through, In Japanese they would ask him. “Who the fuck are you?” The speakeasy bodyguard said. Leo calmly lifts his head up to look at the man, before replying to him in Japanese. “Nobody.” Leo immediately kicked the door open, pushing the Bodyguard down against the wall of the small hallway to the opening. Inside the Speakeasy a Fast Beat Music is playing. Leo invites himself in and quickly and immediately rushes to the downed Bodyguard before kicking him square in the head against the wall, knocking him out. Afterwards he checks the bodyguard for any keycard or something useful, before finding a Stolen Police Nambu M60 revolver.

Leo stored it between his pants on his back. Concealing it before walking deeper into the speakeasy. Stumbling upon a bigger room he peeks over and sees a living room, with about 4 People sitting around listening to music, smoking and drinking.

Leo assessed the situation and pulled out the revolver he took and hid it inside his jacket instead, before going out of cover and walking into the room. The people don't seem to notice him at first, Knowing they won’t notice him unless he does something he looks around for something to use. Spotting an empty bottle he goes over and picks it up before throwing it at the Stereo that’s playing the music, smashing it with the bottle. Instantly the men jumped up and looked at Leo.

Who the hell is this guy?” One of the men said in Japanese, replied by the other. “I don’t know, How did he get in?

Leo then proceeds to speak Japanese to them. “Now you four listen, and listen good.” He paused for a second. “I got in through sheer brute force and in good faith that you all choose your moves carefully.

The Inagawa-Kai people looked at each other in disbelief and gave each other a doubtful look that commented on Leo’s capability.

Now we can do this the easy way, or the way I like it.” Leo said, waiting to see their reaction.

Instead of choosing the easy way, The four men got into a fighting stance, distancing themselves a bit. “We’ll have the way where we beat your ass.

With that, silence followed. Leo said to them. “Have it your way.” followed by him quickly grabbing an empty mug and throwing it at the closest person in front of him dead center in the face putting him out of commission for a brief moment.
The others immediately charged at Leo with the second closest man trying to get a right hook at him. Leo ducked down as the third guy came closer to him and in a quick motion he launched his fist right at the third guy’s guts, wasting no time to turn around to the second guy who just turned around to hit Leo with a backhand. Leo got ahold of the man’s arm and pulled him closer and sent his knee into their stomach. However the 4th guy got to Leo sooner than expected as the man launched a jab at Leo’s cheek. Leo staggered a little and regained his footing and faced the other guy as they launched their foot at Leo’s stomach in which Leo stopped by shoving the leg away before it reached him. Leo took a defensive approach and dashed to a more open space as the 4th guy followed him. However the 1st guy who he threw an empty mug at got up and immediately grabbed Leo by the waist from behind to try and stop him from moving. Leo struggled as the 4th guy came closer to hit him while he’s trapped, but as they did Leo launched his whole weight to spin him and the guy grabbing him around, causing the 4th guy’s kick to hit the 1st guy's back. With that he immediately took the opportunity to hit the face of the guy that’s holding him with the back of his head, making him let go.

He turns around quickly to assess as all 4 have regrouped and are ready to continue. Leo nodded slowly. “Alright, let’s do it again.” He said before rushing forward at the same time of the 1st guy, kicking him back towards the 4th guy before jumping over the couch closer to the bar counter, grabbing an empty glass cup and throwing it at the 3rd guy who blocked it with their hand, however Leo wastes no time and rushed at him launches a straight punch at their nose, breaking it and knocking the guy down in pain. The 2nd guy as well as the 3rd and 4th surrounded him against the bar counter, in which the 2nd guy immediately tries to grab ahold of Leo’s arm so that the rest can rush him. Leo immediately launched multiple jabs at the man’s face as they got ahold of his arm but barely.

The punches were enough to knock him out for good, However the other 2 got too close to him, of which the 3rd guy launched another hit but to his gut, landing it. Leo grunted before returning to his fighting position quickly for the next attack. The 3rd Guy rushed him and Leo dodged him and pushed them past him towards the wall. Leo immediately goes to attack the 4th guy, landing a cheeky right hook before sending the guy over the couch and landing on the coffee table, breaking it. Leo turned around to look at the last guy that was still up.

The last guy regained his footing before reaching into their pocket, pulling out a Switchblade. Leo commented on it. “Oh you really don’t want to play that way with me.”, However the last guy staggers towards Leo slowly. “I will fucking kill you.” the man said as he got closer.
Leo sighed before reaching to his back, pulling out the Revolver that he had, and immediately aimed at the last guy and without waiting.
BANG, Leo put one into him. Stopping the guy immediately as he falls to the floor. Leo looks around before seeing the 4th guy trying to crawl away from being slammed into the coffee table. Leo walked over to him and rolled him over with his leg, aiming at their head.

Now you listen and listen closely.” The guy nodded in fear, Leo then continued. “You’re gonna crawl back to whoever it is you’re working for and you’re gonna tell them to suck dick and to not pursue someone by the name of Sky Edgeworth.

He paused for a second.

And If I ever hear or notice that you guys still do, I will come back here and tear everything you guys have and then burn all of it along with your dead bodies. Got it?

The man nodded. Leo, having succeeded with his objective, kicked the guy off. “Alright, don’t make me come back and put one into you.” He said before walking over to the exit, leaving the scene.

With this action, Leo had made it clear to the Inagawa-Kai that they’ll have to go through him before they can even get to his Wife.

His Volatile actions speak for itself, holding that promise shall they ever continue to go after his family. Despite sharing it to his good friend and getting an earful. Leo bears no guilt or shame in returning to the life he returned. Unfortunately it did bring some unwanted attention from elsewhere.

To be continued.

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