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VortexRP's Shop Owner Application (Shop 2)

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Level 41
IGN: VortexRP

Previous applications: Council Secretary [Accepted] Japanese Language [Accepted] Chef/Sous-Chef [Denied] Shop-Owner [Denied]

Previous warns/kicks/bans: Ive been banned once but i don't know what for but it was a long time ago, it was a long time ago now but i have learned my lesson since then.

Shop wanted:
Shop 2

Why do you want to own a shop?: I would like to own a shop because i feel like it will help me with rp experiences, and real life experiences when im older, and it will give me a chance to hang out with friends and make more friends on the server, and i will be interacting with the customers in a kind and gentle way. I think exploring how to be a Store owner and how you operate would be a fun thing to do, I've seen it from afar but have never actually tried it myself, I feel as if its one of the small areas of roleplay I haven't ever touched or been near.

What do you plan to do with the shop?: I plan to work hard to make the shop friendly, open most of the time I'm online, improve other user's role-playing skills, and experience. I'll make the shop relevant and active, restock when needed, become friendly work space, and selling all types of food essentials. And i will be restocking loads of times to make sure we won't run out of anything.

How will your shop be unique?: My shop will be a family friendly pharmacy place where i can sell products for any ages and up to 3-4 employee's. I also want to have a very good customer service. As I have previously stated, I am a very good listener, and I will listen to the customers suggestions.

How many employees are you planning to have?
2 managers: to organise everything.
3 janitors: to clean the shop 2-4 times a week.
6 cashiers: to help with other customers etc.

I added some of my own questions HERE

How should a Shop Owner treat his/her employees?
Taking time to listen to your employees regarding their concerns and needs for performing their jobs. Discuss various issues with each employee individually, such as conflicts they may have with you or other employees. Rectify conflicts right away by coming up with viable solutions.

Why are Shop Owners so important to the SchoolRP server: Shop Owners make up a very small portion of the SchoolRP community but many of them are the reason we have interactive fields of shopping around the city. Having this sense of roleplay makes SchoolRP what it is and allows there to be real roleplaying experiences that contribute to what the server runs and strives for
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Level 119
-Do not put your application in hard to read fonts.
-You spaced out your application.
-You did not format neatly.
-Bad and improper grammar.
-Too short. A decent application would be around 800-1000 words minimum.

-I like that you included your own questions.

You may re-apply in 7 days.
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