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WarkDolfs | KPD Application


Level 2
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

Discord Name & Tag:
WarkDolf | @WarkDolf

Which timezone are you in?

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

Describe your activity on the server:
Im pretty active on SRP on weekdays im usually online for 6-8 hours and on holidays and weekends im online for about 10-12 hours or longer, if i get accepted into KPD i will try to be online even more if needed to attend to training sessions/meetings.

What is your motivation for applying?:
Recently Karakura has been really dangerous and a lot of crimes have been happening. There just arent enough cops to handle all of the gang wars and crimes that have been happening recently, i love helping people that are being assaulted or overall harassed. Most of Karakura are criminals and the KPD is just to small to handle all of them. Thats why i wanted to apply for the KPD so they could have 1 more loyal member in their faction willing to help them with anything.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
If i see someone walking around with a ballistic mask i have to search them for illegal weapons or illegal stuff overall, if they have a bat i will have to spray it down for blood stains/dents, same with ballistic masks, if the bat or ballistic has blood stains i will have to take the bat and ballistic mask and detain the person,
if they are acting suspicious about the bloodstains or dents i will have to ask them more questions until i can be sure that they are either clear or if they are lying. If the items dont have any suspicious signs i will ask the person for their ID, if they dont have an ID i will fine 5k from them, if they have an ID i will call the KPD over the radio and ask them for the persons criminal record. CCTV is very important too, over CCTV you can see people commiting crimes, if i would see someone fighting or assaulting someone over CCTV i would instantly rush to the situation and clear it up. If the person knocked the other person out i will detain the person that knocked out the victim and ask them questions about why they did that, most of the time they will get arrested for assault. If the person fighting has a metal baseball bat or any weapon i will tell them to get on the wall and if they dont i will threaten them with the taser, if they dont get on the wall after i threatened them i would taser them and disarm them. Then i would arrest them for not listening to an officer and assault with a blund weapon.

KPD Items:

[Police Baton] (The police baton does 2 ko points like a metal baseball bat so it can knock out criminals with 2 hits to the head, every officer can use one. It can be mugged with the right mugperms and has a range of 2 blocks and its used for events only.)

[Handcuffs] (Handcuffs are used to cuff criminals wrists, every officer can use Handcuffs, it cant be mugged and it has a range of 1 block. The person is able to resist against getting cuffed by rolling.)

[Stun Blaster] (Its used to stun the target to prevent it from moving or doing anything, the target will have to painrp after getting stunned and its accesible to all officers. The officers have to roll to take it out in range of the target, it cant be mugged and it only requires nice a hit on the target without rolling to stun the target for 60 seconds. It has a range of 8 blocks.)

[Police Radio] (Its used to communicate between officers, its every officer can use it and it cant be mugged. You would need a sharp weapon to destroy it.)

[Breathalyzer] (Its used to check how drunk a person is, every offcer can use it and it cant be mugged.)

[Pepper Spray] (Every officer can access it, its a 3 time use to temporarily blind a target. Officers have to roll to take it out in range of the target, it cant be mugged and has a range of 2 blocks. You have to hit the target and it will blind the target for 60 seconds no rolls required, you dont need to roll.)

[Tranquilizer] (Its used to neutralize targets, only Police Seargeants and Detectives can use it. Like with the taser and pepper spray it only requires a hit on the body without a roll to make the target unconsious for 2 minutes, it cant be mugged, you need to roll to take it out in the range of a target. It requires an action and a roll to reload. It has a range of stunning 30 blocks,.)

[Riot Shield] (Its used to protect officers, every officer can use it. if its equipped in the main hand its used defensively so the officer wont be able to do any offensive actions, but if its used in the offhand the officer is able to push people out of the way with the shield as an offensive action but it wont provide the officer with any protection. It has a range of one block, it can only be stolen if an officer is knocked out with the right perms, it takes an action to swap it in between your hands if youre in range of the target.)

[Crowbar] (Its used to break down doors or containers, only Police Corporals can use it and it can be mugged with proper mugperms and an action and roll.)

[Body Camera] (The body camera is ItemRP so it doesnt actually exist but you roleplay it like it exists, its accesable to all officers. Its always recording, its waterproof. It cant be removed but it can be destroyed with a stab from a sharp weapon, it works like CCTV cameras.)

[Luminol Spray] (Accesable to all officers, its used to spray down weapons or masks and check for blood stains or dents (ItemRP) and it cant be stolen.)

[Disposable Latex Gloves] (Accesible to all officers, they're worn by every officer and its non fingerprint proof. (ItemRP) It cant be stolen.)

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Without Police SRP would be a place full of crimes, the people would commit even more crimes and you would get scammed/assaulted daily. The Police is really important for Karakura since like i said way more crimes would be happening and criminals wouldnt be punished for their missbehavior. The criminals are always disrespecting and breaking the rules of Karakura, and without the police they would get away with it without even being punished a little, without police they could really just do anything they want since no one would or even could do anything about it. Thats why i think KPD is important for SRP

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, i know totally understand that you have to attend to trainings or you will be punished, since you would probably miss important lessons about how to properly search, arrest or detain someone and many other things, i can understand if i get punished for not attending to a training and i wont ever complain about getting punished.


In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:
Max Fushiguro

How old is your character (if accepted)?:
right now Max is 18 if i get accepted he will be 35 years old and he will age by one year every 2 ooc weeks before he will retire and his son/younger brother will take his place
(other character).

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Male He/Him.

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

Grade-12, HS.

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
My character knows german

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Max is a 6'1 Japanese male with a slim but muscular physique, he has gray-ish eyes along with dirty blonde hair and a pale skin, his taste in clothes was rather boring. he has a scar under his left eye that looked pretty old, his hair are pretty messy.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Max is a rather calm person, he would try to stay calm and prevent the situation from escalating. Max will always protect people in situations like that and he would try to be on no ones side like a neutral person and he would wait until someone would take the upper hand and start harassing or assautling the other person, he would then try to intervene and clear it up before telling them to calm down but not threatening them to not provoke them to doing more dangerous things, like actually trying to attack or knock someone out. If the situation would escalate into a fight he would yell at the people and tell them to clear it up or he will it will result in an arrest for both, he wouldnt threaten them with weapons like a taser if they wouldnt pull out weapons or if they wouldnt stop fighting, if they would start fighting back against the officer he would try to tase them before disarming them and detaining both of them, probably resulting in an arrest for assault, assault against and officer and disrespect against officers.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Max is more like a person to work alone but if he has to he is ready to always help his co-workers or work together with them to clear up a situation. Max always worked alone in not intense situations, but if it gets down to a really dangerous or intense situation he will always help his co-workers and cover their backs from attacks, he will always help his co-workers but like i said if he isnt forced or if the situation isnt that intense he will always work alone. But overall he is neutral at the thought of teamwork.

What's your character's backstory?
Max grew up in Tokyo Japan, at the age of 3 he would always play with his little brother Pierre. Pierre has always been on Max's side, Their parents died at the age of 31, they were send to an Orphanage and they grew up in there, Pierre always has been the stronger and taller brother even tho he was younger. Thats why Pierre always teased Max and told him he was weak, one day Max had enough from it and ran from the Orphanage since he took the words Pierre said personally. Max ran towards a old subway that was full with moss and vines, the people there looked pissed and depressed Max walked up to an old man called "Akira" he slightly pulled on the mans shirt trying to make him notice Max, after the old man noticed Max he asked him how old he was and what he was doing here at this time, Max answered that he was 7 years old and he ran away from someone. The old man then introduced himself to Max, so Max would feel more comfortable around him. After Max had introduced himself to the old man bought them a ticket to a mysterious city called "Karakura", they had a 1 hour drive to the city before arriving, the man instantly bought them a room and got the poor child some food and water since he looked like he was starving. That day Max realized what it really means if a person cared for you. After a few years Max was a teenager at the age of 14! The old man always cared about Max and this day like always he got him food and water, Max was thankful for the man's kindness and he really liked him and saw him as a father. One day they were strolling around the streets of Karakura, just like every other day the blossom leaves would be falling down the trees and the birds would be singing beautiful songs, but suddenly the weather changed to a more rainy and stormy weather so they decided to head home, before they could arrive home 4 people would surround them. The people wore black jackets with white dragons on them, Max and Akira knew this wasnt a good sign so Max quietly dialed the number of the KPD into his phone before quickly taking his phone out and yelling into the mic of the phone that they need help at the park, the people would slam Max phone into the ground and break it, Max and Akira were just hoping that the KPD still received their messages. The people would pull out metal bats and slam them against Akira's head, after a bit Akira was knocked out and Max quickly yelled for help before one of them held his hand over Max mouth, they would start threatening him with the bats and trying to get money from him. After a while Max gave them all he had, but suddenly you could hear sirens that sounded like police cars, the KPD actually arrived at the situation and arrested all 4 of the people and gave Max his money back before bringing Akira to the hospital. Max got inspired, and applied for the KPD he is still waiting for the results while living a happy life with his "dad" Akira.


General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
No it is not legal to carry a pocket knife in Karakura and it will get taken away, and will result in a detain for further questioning maybe even in an arrest.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Cough syrup
Surgical mask
Unbranded Bandage

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
I would ask if the inmate wants what the co-worker is doing and if the inmate doesnt want it, i would report the co-worker to higherups and watch the co-worker carefully until the higher ups got the information, if the co-worker goes to far i would tell him to wait here before privately calling a higher up and informing them about the situation, i would keep the co-worker at the situation until the higher ups arrive and do something, if the higher ups are busy i would tell the co-worker to let the inmate alone and i would watch the two for a bit longer to see if the co-worker would do something again after i told him to stop, if he wont stop i will tell him to get on the wall and threaten him with a taser, then i would quickly take his officer gear and detain him to ask him why he did it, if he gives me a good reason of why he did it i will still inform higher ups and if he doesnt have a good reason i would put him in a cell and decide with the higher ups on what to do with the co-worker.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
1. I would rush in to clear it up and yell at the person to get on the wall, if the person doesnt get on the wall i wont waste time and instantly taser the person before disarming them and patting them down, i would take their illegal items and cuff their wrists to arrest them for assault of an officer.
2. I would rush in and look around if there are more people, if there are more people i would quickly send a message through the radio to get more officers to the situation for backup, if its only one person and they would be armed i would instantly tase them and disarm the before patting them down and taking their illegal items, then i would place cuffs around their wrists again before arresting them for assault of an officer. If the other people from the situation would rush towards us with weapons i would keep the back of the other officer free and tase all of them before sending another message through the radio, i would tase them 1 by 1 and arrest all of them for attempted assault on an officer.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
I would follow the situation for longer to make sure that im not mistaken before informing higher ups about it, i wouldnt ask the officer about it at first to not make the officer suspicous, i would probably follow the situation for even longer and spy on him to maybe even find the secret hideout of the criminal organization. After i got enough information i would catch the officer off guard and keep him on the wall until higher ups arrive, again if they're busy i would detain the officer to then ask him out about it, since its to late for the officer to inform the gang anyways, i would then put the officer into a cell and wait for the higher ups and decide what to do with the corrupt officer with them.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
At first i would pretend to go along with it and see if the person actually means it, if the person gives me the money i will give it back and tell them to get on the wall, after that i would search them for illegal weapons and spray down bats/ballistic masks. I would then cuff their wrists and detain them and ask them about the situation and why they would try to bribe an officer. I would then arrest them no matter what they say, their prison time will be calculated from the crime they tried to bribe away from.
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Level 331
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.​

We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but
we have made this decision based on the following reason(s)

- A decisive factor that influences our decision is server reputation. We tend
to pick players who have been in the server for a while, and that have a
relatively clean history. We suggest applying for other factions / community
teams to improve how other players see you and boost your chances at
becoming part of our faction!

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (@Yonio) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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