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Level 0

Club Leader IGN -

Club Leader RP Name - Yuuji Itadouri

Permanent Invite to the Club Discord -
The Paranormal Occult Discord Club

Why should you become a club leader over other applicants, what abilities or ideas do you have that could benefit the club you'll be in charge of?

The occult is a topic that are often left unexplored within this server, which is something I find needed to be improved on. My role within this server is not big as of right now, but believe I should take that step forward with the creative thoughts that I have thoroughly gone over within my head among my other associates within this application. This club is my ultimate push forward to get school members involved in a new and unique experience that hasn't been expanded upon, putting my foot forward to do what none have and become part of something greater with this club. A passion project, the Paranormal Occult Club will be a place to welcome those who have a passion for this topic yet haven't had the chance to explore it within the extent of the roleplay yet.

In all honesty, I feel as if the inactivity that takes place within the club community of the school is an immense shame, such an integral part of school that i'd grown up with is largely unexplored and some clubs are not built to last. What I want to do is give people a fun and fresh experience with this club that is extensive and allows for team-building, and I am THOROUGHLY determined to see this through both OOC and IC. I strive to explore topics that haven't been thus yet, and this fuels me to see through my club in a way that I think would put me ahead of others that see clubs as merely a hobby and then drop them when they get bored.

I find myself active and in the mix with many plotlines inside of this server, I want to do my part to be something within this server and this is a way I see fit.


Official Club Title -
Paranormal Occult Club

Current Members, RPName and IGN -

Yuuji Itadouri - Papitaku [Club Leader]

Ichiya Kaisen - ToTony980 [Assistant Lead]

Elward Edric - HonoraryHumann
Nabi Y. Kim-Yun - RikkaCrescent
Nekoshi Karakumi - The_Mildfox

Club Supervisor's IGN & RPName -

Andy Adachi Arya - the_twnk_dragon

What is your motivation for making this club? -

The occult is a topic that are often left unexplored within this server, which is something I find needed to be improved on. My role within this server is not big as of right now, but believe I should take that step forward with the creative thoughts that I have thoroughly gone over within my head among my other associates within this application. This club is my ultimate push forward to get school members involved in a new and unique experience that hasn't been expanded upon, putting my foot forward to do what none have and become part of something greater with this club. A passion project, the Paranormal Occult Club will be a place to welcome those who have a passion for this topic yet haven't had the chance to explore it within the extent of the roleplay yet. I find this as a great way to link up even further into a server that i've cared to take part in even further and spread ways to communicate with folks that want to take part in a fun supernatural setting without interrupting or being lore unfriendly.

What activities and events will your club do? -


The Paranormal Occult Club would do their best to look into local legend across the city, then pursue these tales together. These club practices would expand across the entire land, whether it be whispers of a ghost in the forest or a demon in the sewers, the Paranormal Occult Club will schedule their times to gather one another and pursue these myths to find out if they are true or false.

"Cafe of the Creatures Beyond" would include renovating either the club room or the cafeteria into a large, occult-themed cafe where the club members would make various foods and drinks themed around these myths and the paranormal. The club members would dress up as various occult creatures and do their best to serve any amount of food to the entire school as fast as they could.

Spiritual activities do not just include scary local tales, they also include communion with spirits and your OWN spirit. The Zen Garden will have visits at LEAST once a month among the entire club to come to terms with their own spirit as well as commune or pray to the dead in a respectful manner.

The Paranormal Occult would take part in play theatre, scripting out their own sort of live movie and then acting to the entire school through this script. The Paranormal Theater would be welcome walk-in for any student and would take part upon the gymnasium stage and include both the club members and anybody that would like to do volunteer work.

How could your club benefit the school? -

The Occult Club is a place where weird odd ones like us would belong, in a school environment the comfort and trust of the students involved within it. With such a wide variety of interests within such a big school, the Occult Club has a right to establish itself as an interest that the more social outcasts can find comfort within and group for their own comfort. This clubs benefit to the school would be a place to belong for those that feel as if they don't, and make friends with those they think they never would through a mutual interest.

How would your club use the club room the club will be assigned?

The Club room would have a large bookshelf where all club members could jot down their ideas for events, share their interests and put down anything they'd like to share with the rest of the club. The design of the room would change upon majority vote of the club, however the theme would always consist of the rough idea that is paranormality, the supernatural and the occult. Assortments of folklore books would line the walls and they'd also have computers at their disposal to find out the latest news on occurrences around town.

What will be the requirements for future members, if any? -

Activity is strongly recommended within our club, we do not want this club to die as many have. Participation and attendance to every other club event at least is required, and all people involved should put their best foot forward to participate in good and healthy ways throughout the club. It also must be a healthy environment, and all club members should operate under a strict no drama rule. Three strikes will be given to those who do not follow these rules, however exceptions can be made on attendance if informed beforehand that you won't be showing up for a good and fair reason.


Level 144
School Clubs Lead
Media Team

Thank you for taking the time to apply, I have decided to accept your application:

- Your application is shorter than most but I believe it up to standard, we haven't had an occult club in quite a while, at least, not since the occult club disappearance; perhaps it is time for a new chapter of occult club to appear. You will receive your roles shortly.


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