Level 2
IGN: printsess300
Item lost: white cat backpack (I don't know if it is the items exact name, but it is the item next to the frog/green umbrella).
Evidence: Screenshot (this is an older screenshot of my inventory as I don't have any recent ones but I have had that backpack for a long time).
Additional notes: I had the backpack in my off hand while i clicked the school planner to look at how many stickers I had and then it turned into a school planner and then I just had two school planners. When i tried throwing the second school planner out of my inventory it disappeared.
Item lost: white cat backpack (I don't know if it is the items exact name, but it is the item next to the frog/green umbrella).
Evidence: Screenshot (this is an older screenshot of my inventory as I don't have any recent ones but I have had that backpack for a long time).

Additional notes: I had the backpack in my off hand while i clicked the school planner to look at how many stickers I had and then it turned into a school planner and then I just had two school planners. When i tried throwing the second school planner out of my inventory it disappeared.