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Who is the most important person in your characters' lives and why?


Level 5
I'll go first!

Fiametta Tsuchiya -> Yamato, her father, because he was kind enough to adopt her after she moved to Karakura.
Lilac Calderon -> Ezio, Her father as well, because he has been a leading male figure in her life, and all she has left.
Kilomie 'Tails' Powell -> Sonic! He saved him when he was younger.
Kishi Shu -> Her brother, who she moved to Karakura for!
Touji Huxley-Kennedy -> His father on the Huxley side, who has been there through thick and thin.
Tokko Scarlet-Zennix -> His sister! She's the reason he's still in Karakura.
Uzimaki Arya-Aiuchi -> No one. He's alone.
Ban Bixbie -> Montgomery!
Tsukaimon Ichiyama -> There's no one specific, but his family. They helped him heal after he lost his wife!

I think I'm forgetting a few characters but oh well. Your turn! :D


Level 12
Ooo okay
Hiromi Vermillion - she has a few. Currently her partner and Bestfriend Niibu and her Siblings.
Atsui Heddo - Her dad, Although he’s not chief judge anymore sue still rocks his old title. Sort of a fan .
Jira Watanabe - Siblings
Mizyu Vermillion - Her dad aswell, bro saved her and did the best as like a father and sort of older brother figure.


Level 63
Marcus Rogers - Has a few, Nicholei Popovich, Alex Ironside Koji, April K. Roselie, His football team, His parents, The friends he made along the way basically :3

April - Is marcus' first relationship that loved him for him and not his body, she is now his fiancée and he loves her with all his heart.

Nicholei Popovich and Alex Ironside Koji - Not around anymore but both of them were father figures to him and taught him about business so he could become rich and provide for his family

Football team - Marcus was a College football captain and his team was like his family and they all saw him like a father.

All his friends - Who doesn't love their friends?

His parents - Marcus doesn't have any tragic backstory so he comes from a loving home and his parents are the reason he has the certain values he does.


Level 46
Zentarō Saiky - His little sister’s Tori and Ren Saiky are the most important people in his lives, no one else comes close.

Takaji Heddo - His mother, Randamu Heddo.

Lukas Martinez - His father Sebastian Martinez and grandfather Ernesto Martinez.

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