players online

Wolffe Weatherington | Officer Application


Level 7

IGN (In-Game Name):
My alternate accounts are:
- Lovepaw
- PAW2

Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?
My timezone is GMT, soon to be GMT+1 as we move into the summer.

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

Describe your activity on the server:
Currently, I am online everyday for at least 4-5 hours to actively engage with the community and those who I tend to RP with the most. My main activities are within the Tachitsu family and their allies, though I also have recently began to branch out and experience different families, such as the Weatherington family. When I'm not RPing, recently I've been looking towards a faction that appeals to me to apply for after I unfortunately missed the opportunity to gain the rank of lawyer, and I wanted to contribute to the community more. I have created a table of activity which can be viewed below, which shows my basic schedule of when I am busy / free, though this changes depending on what I'm up to, as I both attend college and volunteer in my free time; though this doesn't take long.
College (9:30-4:15)
Every other week
College (9:30-11:30)​
College (12:45-4:15)​

Though despite this, despite having my own IRL responsibilities, my discord notifications are always ON, meaning I can reply to DMs, concerns or anything regarding the faction and its ongoings if I am to be accepted.

What is your motivation for applying?:
I am someone that's very passionate about policing. From participating in the KPD from 2019-2020 to doing real-life policing, it is one of my favorite things to do: paid or unpaid. I have had previous experience within the KPD and also local policing, where I specialise in first response and fast-paced descision-making. While other factions have drawn my interest, I've been highly interested in the changes made to the lawmaking and enforcement on SRP as it has been years since my last true experience with it, as I do not gangRP or engage in criminalRP myself. As someone who is neurodivergent, I have had a special interest in policing for about 7 years now, with my childhood being particularly interested in the work and what responsibilities are involved in police work, this has since followed me into adulthood and I have now moved on to joining in real life, which has been such a big confidence boost, and also exciting opportunity for me. I wanted to bring this knowledge to SRP, and see what other people's experiences with policing, and that in SRP to further observe the relationship between enforcement and the community: even if it is in a fictional scenario.

As for my motivation applying for this wave; I wanted to give myself time and allow myself to come to understand the server more before I put my application in, as I know there are limited spots. I wanted to have a long term RP opportunity to do alongside my day-to-day life which combines my enjoyment of the server, character building with my love for policing and encouraging others to see the realities of keeping people safe, and helping people understand the importance of policing: whether it be paid, unpaid or fictional. To be able to contribute to the KPD in a way that stems from my own enjoyment of policing and wishing to share knowledge and even learn myself would be an amazing opportunity, as It will give me a long-term project to develop both my character Wolffe, but engage with the SRP community and provide the KPD with a different perspective and hopefully eventually contribute to the training of officers in an engaging way that can make things a special experience that people strive to have.

My goal is to commit to the role and climb the ranks higher than I did previously, as I previously was one of both informational & physical trainers, and designing the way I trained my cadets was one of my favorite things, I loved creating and doing OOC things to support the KPD: such as designing rooms, documents, training in an engaging way and participating in events. To be able to do so for years to come would be an honor once more, as I always talk about it as being some of my favorite experiences and especially favorite faction, even if it was almost 5 years ago now. I hope to create intriguing dynamic RP experiences, fun and enjoyable VCs and experiencing events from a new perspective that not many players are able to experience themselves.

Even though this goal will take a while, I am still hoping to stay long-term within a faction, and have that faction be the one that I'm most passionate about. I hope to be able to surpass my previous rank of Sergeant, and maybe delve into the Detective route, as I was always most interested in the main division prior. Being able to go down a different route would be an amazing opportunity if granted as I will be able to finally use the various training areas I was never able to before, even if I had overseen detective training.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
As someone that contributes to policing in real life, and have been on and off over the years since I was first a police Cadet at 14, I believe that I hold the required knowledge from both real life and SRP experience to be able to contribute significantly to the factions. I have experience of the main division and it's training, though it will be outdated as that was years ago now. I understand the main duties of being an officer, and understand that training is moreso an in-faction and confidential process so I will not know anything, which is why I am looking forward to training and always willing to learn more; especially as I will never know everything, even with my past experiences.
I will list some of the responsibilities that I know off the back of my hand:

- Arresting Criminals
The basic thing most people expect from an officer. Patrol officers+ will be able to independently seek out and arrest people with a warrant or if they have committed a felony which would result in an arrest.

Take Reports
From being a cadet, as long as you are trained; all officers are able to take reports. This involved patting the person down before enterring the station, to prevent the risk of someone getting in with illegal weaponry or with ulterior motives. This will be recorded and submitted to be investigated. ( Previously this was in a book & quill, though I'm unsure if the report process has been changed since my last involvement )

- Patrol
Public patrols are integral for policing, as even having a police presence and having the public understand that the officers are patrolling at random given times can prevent crime itself, as it means that there is an underrstanding that committing crimes in public can very easily result in being caught, especially during the night, when crime is more commonly committed. Officers can support others who are out on patrol through using CCTV. ( This is another updated system, we used to not have plugins so I'd be interested to learn how to do it now, instead of calling staff! )

- Guarding events
This is commonly seen in real life settings at protests, but during events ( Such as last night's, 16/03/2024 as of writing) when things happen, crowd management and dispersal is best done by officers who are equipped with their vests, batons, tazers and protective gear to keep both their fellow officers and the community safe.
In a less intensive environment, this can be seen with officers being stationed outside and within the town hall during court proceedings to ensure that there is no fighting or violent intrusions upon the court of law.

- Raids
One of the most iconic things the KPD do, using battering rams to annihilate the doors of unsuspecting gang members. While I'm not sure of the current proceedings, it used to involve riot armor, a plan, and a lot of panicking in police comms.

( and one time a volleyball game while we were in pauseRP )

There's quite a lot more within the inner workings, but this is just a few examples of my knowledge, as I do not want to make this section too long. I have an overall of the training procedures for both informational and physical from my previous training experience and will be able to use that to help the other cadets learn once I understand the material given during our trainings. As stated previously I'd love to be able to develop a new understanding of the policing system of SRP from a completely fresh point of view, as it would be just exciting as the first time I did it.

There is also the many ranks of the KPD, which are split up into 2 divisions: the main division, cadet-lieutenant; and the detective division, which branches off after around reaching the corporal / sergeant rank. Please note that this is from my own general knowledge and I am writing this with the understanding that it may be old/outdated! I at least want to review the knowledge I do have and am more than happy to be educated and update my knowledge in the future.
From highest to lowest, the ranking for the KPD is as follows:

Commissioner | REQUIREMENTS: staff member. (There has only been one exception to this) | Tag: [Commissioner]
The commissioner oversees and commands all lower ranks and has the power to control the outlook of the department as a whole. Being a staff member they are in contact with other staff and departments to be able to change the rules and protocols that the officers below follow. The commissioner has the power to override descisions made by higherups and promote/demote lower ranking officers.
Captain | REQUIREMENTS: be Ecocide. (Or an experienced officer that is a detective-higherup or Lieutenant.) | Tag: [Officer]
The captain acts as another governing body within the department, or to be a right-hand man. Promotion to captain requires the utmost dedication to the officer role with a range of experience, and will allow the captain to have significant control over the training protocols and usually covers the more administrative side of the department. Both will heavily weigh in on the intake of cadets and promotion of other officers.
Lieutenant | REQUIREMENTS: Sergeant rank, highly experienceed and trustworthy. | Tag: [Officer]
Lieutenant is the highest rank a non-staff member can reach within the KPD. Lieutenants can become the heads of informational or physical training and help the Captain & Commissioner design the training protocol if they opt in to head the training team.
Sergeant | REQUIREMENTS: Corporal rank, shown dedication to the force and deemed experienced. | Tag: [Officer]
Once an officer reaches the role of sergeant, they are permitted to opt in to become trainers under the watchful eye of the Lieutenant overseeing the training program. The first few training sessions may involve a newly promoted Sergeant standing in or overseeing the training of another more qualified Sergeant / Lieutenant, and creating their own training document which may be reviewed by a higherup before permissed to begin their own training sessions. (Though this may have changed since I last saw). Can give orders to >=Corporal Officers. At this stage, if desired, Sergeants can undergo detective training to begin their transition into the secondary division, usually in smaller groups of 4-5.​
Corporal | REQUIREMENTS: Patrol-Officer rank, shown dedication to the force, usually at least a month of being a PO before promotion. | Tag: [Officer]
Once a patrol officer is used to the requirements of the department and has shown significant independence and knowledge of the KPD, they will typically be promoted through a month - month and a half of their promotion to Patrol officer. They can give orders to Patrol Officers and cadets, and are responsible enough to be the one to go to when there is no higher ranks on duty. Corporals are usually at the point where they are ready to decide if they want to remain in the main division, or begin detective training in the future.​
Patrol Officer | REQUIREMENTS: Cadet rank, pass Cadet physical & informational examinations. | Tag: [Officer]
The first true indepdendent rank in the KPD, Patrol Officers are no longer bound to remaining with their higherups and have permission to leave the station if granted by the highest ranking officer on duty at the time. Patrol Officers before promotion should be supporting the higher-ranks and helping cadets who may not have passed yet gain the knowledge that they will need to pass their exams and rise to the same rank as them. Some less experienced Patrol officers may still require extra officers with them on patrol to ensure they are safe. Can go off duty.​
Cadet | REQUIREMENTS: Accepted application. | Tag: [Officer]
Fresh Officers in need of training. They must respond positively to all ranks above their own and attend training as much as they can to give them the best chance to pass their informational and physical training. Cannot leave the station unaccompanied and must have permission to do so.​

Please note I was never involved in the detective division, and only oversaw minimal training sessions in 2020.
Detective-Superintendent | REQUIREMENTS: Chief-Inspector rank, highly experienced | Tag: [Detective]
The Superintendent is the 'Captain' of the Detective branch. Oversees Detective training protocols and manages cases.
Chief-Inspector | REQUIREMENTS: Inspector rank, highly experienced | Tag: [Detective]
Similarly to a lead-Lieutenant, a Chief-Inspector will oversee Inspectors and ensure that they are performing their duties correctly.
Inspector | REQUIREMENTS: Detective-Sergeant rank, experienced | Tag: [Detective]
Adjacent to the Lieutenant role in main division for Detectives.
Sergeant | REQUIREMENTS: Detective-Constable rank, considered capable | Tag: [Detective]
Adjacent to the Sergeant role in main division for Detectives, though Detectives appear to skip the Corporal rank.
Constable | REQUIREMENTS: Pass Detective exams & training | Tag: [Detective]
Adjacent to the Patrol Officer role in main division for Detectives, though Detectives appear to skip the Corporal rank.

Why are Police important to SchoolRP?
Previously, I would have stated to combat gangRP, though due to the recent decline: I believe the most important role of the KPD nowadays is to protect against DelinquentRP, which has become more apparentl in recent years. Being able to manage crowds, fights and the occassional lone criminal is one of the most common responsibilities I've observed as of recent. Though, their importance shines during events, as they protect people from losing their characters over small mistakes such as being in an area that could mean their character getting hurt (Such as events where spirits are able to minor/major your character). They are here to keep things in order, and prevent havoc from breaking out: as seen during the kage remnant days. Having them creates an interesting dynamic with the public, but also tests the KPD in their organising and planning abilities, which is fun and engaging for all parties involved.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Training is one of the most integral parts of being a cadet, and as a previous trainer for both informational & physical, I understand the importance and will uphold myself to attending as many training sessions as possible. While I may not be able to attend all, due to possible timezone differences, I will always put my foot forward to engage with any training opportunities given to me within reasonable hours, as well as being willing to take up extra or 1 on 1 training sessions to further expand on my current knowledge and my experiences that I will gain if I am able to join as a cadet.

What's your character's full name?:
Wolffe Weatherington

The male sat opposite the interview with a stoic expression, though his lips twitched to a smile as he relaxed into the chair, his posture open. " I am Wolffe Weatherington. You can simply call me Wolffe. It is an honor to meet you, and I will attempt to answer your questions as best as I can. There is no detail that I will be afraid to go into, as I wish to hold this opportunity tightly. "

How old is your character:

The male hummed, coughing into his sleeve. He took out a handkerchief from his suit pocket. " I am not a young man by any means, though I hope this does not discredit me. I am 45 years of age, but I am still able to meet the required fitness examples and tests that will be integral to me serving the force. Afterall, it is apart of our responsibilities to be fit enough to protect others in the first place. "

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Male ( he/him )

" I am a man. " He stated simply.

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
( OOC: I wanted to keep it realistic and have an experienced character apply to the KPD, as the age progression is quite large. )

The male shifted in his seat, reaching down to a black suitcase beside him, he reached inside and brought out a paper filing; within it were many dishevelled looking certifications.. " Ah, my qualifications... I have provided them here for you, dear interviewer. I assume you had access to my previous digital application, but to put it simply; I have a bachellor degree in Professional Policing, alongside a valid apprenticeship, of which I completed work experience alongside this when I lived within America. Once I moved to Japan.. say... late 20s-30s, I underwent training to be able to transition my career towards the Japanese style of policing... as they are highly different from what I'm used to. This included another 2 years of academics and work experience in Osaka, which helped aid my knowledge greatly. " He reached into the paper file, bringing out an old certificate. " It is then that I returned to university to delve into the beauty of forensics. I reached out to the Police Department I worked with in hopes of attaining work experience within the Forensic Investigation Unit, and I was lucky to get in alongside some of my fellow students. Being allowed to specialise in a particular area... I chose to specialise in the entomological investigation, which is quite a niche area; though it means I can understand the various insect presence, and be able to infer information about a crime scene such as the age and what illicit substances may be involved simply from the insects. Interesting, is it not? " He showed off his masters certificates and bachellors certificate with pride.

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
English N/A

" Languages, I have only been studying Japanese as of late as I am American-Japanese, though I'm hoping to learn JSL in the near future alongside my Japanese classes so I am able to support the deaf and hard of hearing individuals I come across, as it will allow everyone to feel more included and supported. " He smiled softly at that.

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

Wolffe is a well-aged male standing at 5'4". While not the tallest, he has a slender appearance with a toned chest and stomach from his workout routine. He is well gr0omed despite having rather unkempt stubble with brown fluffy hair, which has began graying in streaks and at the roots. His face is rather slim with sharp features and a strong, piercing gaze. His forehead wrinkled, with crows feet beside his tired eyes and smile lines beside his slim cheeks, leading down to a stubbled chin and jaw, unshaven.

The male stands to be rather average, with no clearly visible tattoos or many scars at all, bar the bullet wounds he has sustained on his calves, leaving small circular damaged circles of skin, with only one bullet remaining lodged inside. Due to his spastic diplegia (cerebral palsy of both legs), he has had some surgical screws implanted to aid taking pressure off of his legs, enabling him to move as anyone else would be able to.

" I... am a rather average man for my age, though I admit I am shorter than most, I assure you this does not affect my performance to a point that would concern you, dear interviewer. " He chuckled.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
On duty, Wolffe is a charismatic talker with a southern twang to his accent. He enjoys joking with his coworkers, despite his serious demeanour. He is open and friendly and prides himself in being open to train his fellow officers or detectives in any areas they may feel they are lacking in, to Wolffe the most important thing is being transparent and professional with everyone you work with to maintain a good relation, as being an officer is one of the most social roles one could be apart of; you need to have a positive relationship with those who you may be protecting or be protected by should it come down to it in the future.
As he is older, he enjoys taking his time to relax when not out on patrol or filing paperwork: in doing so he often cooks nice warm lunches for his co-workers as to keep them warm and full, especially in the winter.

Off duty, Wolffe enjoys the basics: reading and a cup of coffee, alongside reminiscing on the past and future. He doesn't go out partying, and instead prides himself on his fishing skill, something he worked on relentlessly when he previously lived in the United States. He collects taxidermies of various insects from different taxas and even pins them himself when he has the time.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Wolffe's beliefs lie in the idea that co-workers are the most important things you can have in a police force, and that teamwork is one of the most important things you can provide to your workers to maintain their positive relationship, so that they can understand and rely on one another when it's needed. Especially when you work within such a role where such things are sometimes required for survival.

( dd/mm/yy )

A new bundle of joy is brought into this world, the autumn air is mild, and the cold winds lapped against the hospital window.
From within, a radio played. " Today we're going to see mild weathers of fourty-six point four at the lowest! Winter is fast approaching so make sure to get those old clothes out of the storage! " It spoke from the far corner of the hospital room, amongst the cries of a new baby boy. Born admist the cold war to his mother and father in the room to a smooth southern radio... They pondered.

" Are we still going with my name, dear? " John Weatherington, the new baby's father pondered, knowing that she hadn't ever considered using one of his names, she thought they were too out there.

" Hm.. what do you think, Johnny? " His partner, Estelle Weatherington, responded with a laugh. Such laugh shut John's hopes down immediately, and he let out a deep sigh. " Come on, Essie... You can name the next child we have, can't we name him Wolffe? Please? " He jokingly put his hands together to try convince her.

There was silence throughout the room, as she pondered this important choice over only a matter of seconds.
" Wolffe is such a rediculous name.. though... if you insist that I can name the next one.. and it shuts you up... then fine. Wolffe, our firstborn boy.. " Estelle sighed, cradling the small baby in her arms, swaddled in a rustic-styled blanket as he cried. She glanced over at the birth certificate, which was left blank as they had been pondering... " Wolffe.. " She uttered.

Although there was a new addition to the family, Wolffe's new beloved parents had always had a rocky history, and it didn't help that soon after Wolffe was brought home. A fierce hurricane had struck the town they were residing in: the lover's first true home together, leaving it damaged and costing thousands of dollars to repair. Having a new baby in the home as well as now needing to do repairs to stop the rain from leaking in from the tropical storm, a rift began to form between the two new parents.

" It's always like this with you! " A new argument broke out over the dinner table, John had his palms planted flat on the ornate oak table, while at the other end Estelle was desperately trying to soothe Wolffe from crying.

" Always like this with me?! " She retorted. " I work around the clock to try make up the funds to repair the roof, and now I've been laid off because my place of work was badly damaged during the storm! It's not my fault that I can't do anything but stay around the house; you and this... ranch! Why do you want to maintain some old, run down ranch so badly while it's only draining a hole in our pockets! We don't even have any cattle! " Estelle's voice was harsh, yet full of the pain of a new mother, just trying to defend herself, when in reality; both sides were flawed.

" This could save our finances! " John grew increasingly more irate then, standing up at the dinner table to bring more impact to his words. " You just can never be patient and let me work on things, it's going to ruin you one day! " Not even caring to finish his dinner anymore, he stepped away from the table, lighting up a cigarette.

Estelle shielded Wolffe as he raised his voice slightly, beginning to raise her own. " We have a gosh darn baby, Johnny! This isn't a way to live while we're taking care of something! " She grew even more defensive and emotional, already tired from a lack of sleep over the last week from becoming a new mother, she was irritated and exhausted.

" Then leave. " John said.

The room became silent.

" Leave... maybe... maybe I will.. " Estelle cried softly. " And I'll find someone who actually cares to look after a child, someone who could be more of a father than YOU ever COULD! "

That cut deep for John, who had always dreamed of living the basic American dream, a family on a ranch with plenty of cattle, to teach his sons how to care for them, to go hunting... everything he never had with his own father. John slammed his hand down on the wall. " GO ON THEN! " He yelled, before leaving the kitchen in a depressing silence, the same tune from their favorite radio growing ironic with it's happy jingles contrasting that of the worn down house.​

Despite the split between Wolffe's parents, the young boy began developing quickly, his babbling turned to sentences, and his waddling turned to firmer steps as he developed. After just turning 4 years old, his mother had a crucial descision to make: the form of education she wanted to submit her son into. After the split she had moved away to Florida, staying in a small home with whatever work she could find. After consulting with friends and family, she decided Wolffe should go into the public education system, just to take some payments off her back and prevent herself from owing money to any more people.

On his first day at school, Wolffe was bewildered; a small boy with the classic bowlcut and suspenders... all dressed up to go to kindergarten. His mother snapped a picture before she dropped him off, leaving him with the caretakers. His first impression was good: He had become a quiet boy with not a lot to say, and generally stayed in line with little outbursts or cries, though he refused to share... a critique often held by most of his caretakers.

Wolffe grew quicker than his mother had expected, though despite her hopes.. he remained one of the shortest boys in his class. With no special grades, he was an exceptionally average student. He was not one to talk back, never fought... but he wasn't the smartest either. He wouldn't be the talk of all the moms, nor someone to compare to: as he was just a background figure to basically everyone. Especially now, to his own mother. Estelle had found the young boy a step father, who whilst treated Estelle well, which Wolffe was happy with... he was hardly given the light of day anymore, and alongside his general lack of a social life, it caused him to become a hermit.

Outside of the Cs and Bs he recieved as grades through his rocky start to highschool, Wolffe spent his time out of the house in the forest nearby, searching for insects to play with. It was a strange interest he picked up, and he wouldn't talk about anything else. Though his mother paid no mind, as he was a growing boy... " Boys will be boys, he'll come home covered in mud with some creepy spider! " Estelle would say to all his friends in a joking manner, but Wolffe really desperately wished she'd share his enthusiasm for these small creatures, at least a little bit. Though, his wish would never be granted.


Exceptionally average, but still. He worked. As Wolffe grew closer and closer to graduation, he'd found himself a social reject. He'd never had a girlfriend, never a friendgroup and even less someone he could confide in at all. When he got home, apart from studying he'd either find himself lost in the forest for hours, using a small booklet to identify different insects, or be at home watching detective shows, finding himself invested in the stories they told throughout it. Maybe, just maybe if he had become such an amazing detective his mother and step-father would include him more, and maybe they could go on a family holiday together; so he hoped.

Finals were a mess, stress eating: binging coffees and pulling all nighters just to get his grades up for a final time to be good enough to get into college. All the while his mother and step-father were out clubbing and having fun. In the end, he finally did it. A single A+ and multiple As for his finals, landing him a good GPA. As he pretended it to Estelle and his step-father, he was met with all he could ever need at the time. A smile and a pat on the back. That was all, it should've felt grand to him: but it still didn't feel like love to Wolffe.

By then he had decided, he would do something to become something.. become someone at last, and hopefully it would help him make more friends, and finally be popular... maybe even become the perfect child a parent could ever ask for; but he knew that was a bit of a stretch.
A policing bachellors, a stepping stone to becoming an officer, it was his chance to become some sort of change. To himself, or his community.


Accepted, and learning at last; Wolffe was finally comfortable in his education and coming out of his shell. Despite needing to complete an introductory year within the college to be able to qualify for the course, he had finally began to make friends: A woman called Shirly, who was about a year younger htan him, and a man called Isaac, who was the same age. Their small friend group had grown from an online forum, which was local and quite popular at the time for those who were attending the college. People would post club meetings, social groups and others would come to them. It was during a football club meeting that Wolffe met Shirly and Isaac.

They were quite popular in the college, Shirly being reknowned for her strength and powerlifting, and Isaac... for being one of the few openly queer men within the college. Similarly to Wolffe, Isaac was previously a shy man with no confidence in himself; before being practically adopted by Shirly. It was later that he took in Wolffe to be their friend as well, and he was often dragged along to their out-of-cirriculum advenetures.

When required to get work experience for their chosen courses, Isaac and Wolffe went together, as Isaac had mentioned. " If you've got me, nothing can go wrong, right? " and of course Wolffe trusted him. It was a stroke of luck they managed to be stationed within the same department, firstly doing office work before they were transferred to first response to gain experience once a week. Each callout would be something new, and they would always meet back in the old, tattered break room to discuss what happened over the course of the days and hours, laughing the whole time. Isaac buying them both a coffee, their favorite brews each time.

Though one day the atmosphere became different, as they came in from patrol in the early afternoon, Isaac getting them a coffee and... for once the air was quiet.
" Wolffe, I have to tell you something. " Isaac began to smile, he was clearly anxious, though it appeared to be good news.

" Yeah, Isaac? " Wolffe hummed, adjusting his uniform slightly, as it was slightly too small for him... of course he had the spares.

" I got a boyfriend! " Isaac exclaimed, he was clearly estatic, but instead of being happy for him... Wolffe felt something stirring within him. He sat quietly for a moment as he tried to understand it, Isaac had been his best friend for a few years at this point, and yet he wasn't happy for him? Instead there was some sort of.. jealousy, even though he'd never once imagined them both being romantic, Wolffe realised he was jealous of Isaac, and that he wished... that it had been him.

" It... won't mean that you will hang out with me less though, right? " He responded in a hushed tone, trying to mask the growing discomfort as he tried to push it back down. He couldn't like men, after all he'd seen how people treated them on TV and online.

" Well.. I mean .. I'm going to be meeting up with him on breaks instead of coming here, but I'm sure you'll find someone else to hang out with! " Isaac's words shattered at Wolffe's feet.
Surely not.
Wolffe looked up at him with a poorly disguised astonishment, afterall it'd be cruel of him to tell him that he wasn't happy for him.

" Right " Was the only reponse Isaac would hear.


As Isaac had said, each lunch time from there on, Wolffe sat in the run-down break room, alone with his special brew of coffee, and an empty seat beside him where his friend once was. Even during classes, he'd sit with his new lover, and Shirly was never around anymore either; so his short lived popularity and confidence was vacuumed away from him almost as quickly as it had began. Up to his finals, College and work became a chored cycle of work, homework, volunteering and going back to his dorm to sleep the night off, Wolffe ended up picking up smoking to cope, which only further deteriorated him.

He fell behind physically, the affects of smoking over just a month had caused his lung capacity to falter, and he couldn't stop himself from buying a pack a day just to have some sort of crutch to rely on to get him through college. After more sleepless nights, just the same as highschool finished, so too did College finish. Exceptionally average. Just as he had always been. The only thankfulness he had was that the station he had worked within for work experience had offered him a role for his hard work, though they'd done the same for both Isaac... and his new boyfriend too.

Wolffe was filled with dread.


As it turned out, working alongside Isaac was just as dreadful as he imagined, despite once being his friend; Wolffe had newfound contempt for the man. Each day Isaac would be praised for his hard-work and exceptional abilities, and Wolffe? Exceptionally average.

They'd be on patrol together; file reports together, do everything together... until one day, Wolffe was paired with Isaac. First response, a cool spring morning. There was still snow on the ground as their patrol vehicle moved across the still morning streets. Just as the last day they spent together, there was a tension in the air that neither of them dared break for the first hour, not until they were forced to talk.

A call came in.

A violent armed robbery in a nearby hourse, and the pair of them would be the first to respond.
" Wolffe... "

Just drive Isaac. " Wolffe spoke sternly, he hadn't meant to be but the jealousy was still boiling within him.
The patrol car hit speeds, and rushed to the location, with Wolffe ready to jump out, his hand on his holster. It wasn't often he had an adrenaline spike, not until he'd manage to complete his training and move onto much more severe jobs, but this was serious, an innocent person harmed by someone who is armed and dangerous, it was too high stakes for him to not get a boost of adrenaline.

He didn't even wait for the car to stop moving before he hopped out, Isaac still rolling the car to a stop. Wolffe rushed to the boot and grabbed out a riot shield, beginning to approach the residence, which had become dead silent. It wasn't long before Isaac followed.

The two made a quiet entry as other units pulled up, they'd been granted permission to lead the retrieval of the offenders.
Still, nothing moved. No noise came within the house except for the creaking of floorboards as their heavy boots brought them deeper within the abode. Despite being kitted in protective gear, Wolffe was scared. To make more ground the two split up, Wolffe took the topside, Isaac the bottom and garage. But the crime scene seemed silent.

Until gunshots rang out in the garage.

He shot down the stairs as he heard his name, skipping steps while his heart skipped a beat, not even caring for the doors in his way; kicking them off his hinges to reach Isaac. The sheer fear of losing him again powered through him as he stopped in his tracks in the garage.
" Don't move a muscle or your little buddy gets it. " A pale skinned man with plenty of tattoos and a balaclava upon his face spoke, Isaac was his hostage now.

Wolffe felt his blood run cold at the males words, he had subconsciously raised his pistol but he knew that the powerful rifle the attacker had was all too much stronger than his, and he was not afraid to use it.

He couldn't move, not an inch; and the officers outside were itching to get in. But if they did, Isaac would get it. But he didn't even have time to think as the garage door flung open as the heavily armored back-up had arrived. Wolffe screamed, because he knew what was about to happen.


The movement had scared the attacker. Wolffe watched as Isaac collapsed. The sheer shock, with the adrenaline.. he shot his own pistol, into the attackers leg, and before he knew it he was disarming the man and throwing him to the floor, his eyes red with sheer adrenaline and fighting back tears. He single handedly gripped the man, who had been taller than him and used his adrenaline to get him onto the floor, slamming the cuffs onto his wrist with ragged, uneven breathing. He couldn't contain his fear anymore.

" Wolffe.. come on.. Get off, he's detained, we'll take him. calm down. " His superiors voice snapped him out of it, he felt the offender be snatched away from him, and saw two others rush to Isaac. He wasn't brave enough to look.

An arm was placed around him comfortingly, but he couldn't see who anymore; tears had clogged up his vision as he resorted to sobbing. Just as he was born, he lived, he cried. He couldn't be the perfect child, the perfect officer. He couldn't even save his friend, he blamed himself; even if there was nothing he could've done to change it.


Medical leave didn't make it any easier, Wolffe was forced to quit to attend regular therapy and recouperate what was lost, even if Isaac had survived, and he was given an award for bravery, even that didn't soothe what he had seen. He spent his days in his home, taking up insect pinning to cope with what he'd seen, and through the combination of external support and therapy, he slowly regained what he had had before and felt... like he wasn't missing pieces. He'd described all of his past issues, loneliness and had been put forward to a social group to cope with the loneliness he had subject himself to by being too afraid to reach out previously.

On the first day he arrived, he saw a familiar face. Isaac. He was in a wheelchair, partially paralysed from his injuries, and he immediately brought himself over to Wolffe.

" Wolffe! " He cried out, almost as loudly as the day of his accident, which caused Wolffe's blood to run cold. But this time, a warmer pair of arms wrapped around him. Isaac was hugging him, for the first time since they'd last shared coffees together on break.

" Isaac.. " Wolffe's tone was still sombre, but held the warm memories that they had shared, and slowly.. his arms wrapped back around Isaac. A gentle embrace that shared years of unspoken thoughts and feelings.

" Why are you here, Isaac? have plenty of friends, don't you? " He was genuinely confused, Wolffe thought he had plenty of people to go to, why come to a social group now of all times?

" Well.. Wolffe, I never got to telling you but... most of my friends were my boyfriends, and.. ever since I became injured I've been paralysed and needed a carer, since I wasn't fit and put on weight from my medication.. he began to go on about how my care is disgusting, and that he can't do any of it, so he left. Started spreading rumors about me and I ended up just.. in a care home.. " Isaac spoke with sincerity, looking down in utter shame that he had to admit such a thing to someone he hadn't spoken to in so long..

" I'm sorry Isaac... " Wolffe was delicate with his touch but still hugged him back.

A smile tugged at Isaac's lips. " You've always been too good for me, Wolffe. "

Wolffe's eyes shot open. He'd never expected to hear those words from anyone; let alone Isaac.

" You always just.. get on with things, you know? Never complain, just keep your head down and work.. and there I am, being loud and proud about everything. " He chuckled, still leaning himself on Wolffe for support.

Wolffe simply hummed, he couldn't respond to these words, it wasn't something he'd ever expected. Without thinking, the bumbling man uttered. " I was just jealous of you, Isaac. "
Isaac appeared surprised.

" Isaac, you always got the praise, the attention, you had a boyfriend and the day you told me I was so distraught because I thought you'd stop liking me.. " Wolffe was cut off.

" I never stopped, you could've just reached out...! " Isaac spoke, this realisation deeply embarassed Wolffe.

" I was too embarassed, because I was in love with you. " Wolffe admitted. Isaac began to stammer. He looked around for a moment, checking no one was around before he whispered.
" Me too, Wolffe. I just thought you were straight. "
The male looked down to his former crush, and was met with watery eyes and a large smile, it was as if it had all finally come together, he felt better; even moreso now he knew that the whole time, Isaac had loved him but chose to stay quiet. He couldn't find the words to express this joy, and leaned down and kissed him. It felt like it had taken an eternity to get to this point, but at last, he was happy.

" Wolffe but.. I just.. I can't be with you.. "

His heart sunk once more.

" I need to rely on my carers to get anything done, and it's just too much money and work for you, it'd be cruel for me to date you now, when I'm in such a position.. " Isaac explained with heartfelt sadness, which brought on a nod from Wolffe.

" That makes sense. I'm just glad we could... wrap this up at least, and.. thank you Isaac, for everything. We'll still be friends, right? " Wolffe whispered.

" Best friends. " Isaac replied.


And so the two remained friends. With Wolffe feeling like moving his life forward past 25, he began taking Japanese courses alongside his detective course, as he had chosen to move past first response for now. Once he was qualified, he promised Isaac to stay in contact for however long it took for him to recover, and set forward to move to Osaka, Japan, where he studied and worked as a Forensics investigator once he qualified, specialising in entomological links to forensics. He made new friends and found new beginnings; and began finding himself, even if it began later than he had desired. He set forth on a new journey.
More information on Wolffe can be found HERE! I may rework his backstory but this is the basic outline!

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
There is no circumstance where a pocket knife would be able to be owned by an individual or business in Karakura, being found in possession of one will result in the arrest of the offender.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
A low teir painkiller with minimal side affects, safe for consumption for most teens and adults, no prescription required.

Suppliments / multivitamins
Generally sold over the counter at most retail stores, safe for consumption depending on dose with minimal side effects, no prescription required.

Wooden Cane
A basic wooden cane used to support the weight of a person through the arm rather than on one leg, no prescription required.

Eye Glasses
Helps the user see and read from a distance / up close, no prescription required.

An over the counter sleep aid, with no side affects at lower doses, no prescription required.

Other examples of non-prescribed items include: Cough Syrup, eye bandages, and basic non-branded bandages for minor injuries, though these items do have purchase limits. Previously the offense of having a prescriptioned item without a valid prescription would result in a short arrest, though this may have changed.

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
It should be reported to higherups with required evidence, this can be from the individual witness' bodycam or nearby CCTV camera, to prevent possible coverups, report to a higher authority than the officers you witnessed committing the offense, and if it is a high-ranking officer then it should be reported to the governing body for the Police Department under the guise of corruption.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
Always follow protocol when faced with such situations, if possible, using force via pulling the offender away; or in more dire situations using a tazer if a clear target is available. Though this shouldn't be done in the circumstance that you could accidently taze your co-worker. Never taze when individuals are damp or wet.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
Immediately report the individual to the highest on duty officer possible; more importantly a higher rank than them to prevent cover-ups. In the case of a high-ranking officer being found to be corrupted, you should report to the governing body for the Police Department to be able to have an external investigation, which would allow a fair investigation and a higher chance of them being convicted for their offenses. This should be supplied with evidence where possible to ensure that the case will have good grounds to be able to prosecute the individual.

The male furrowed his brows. " You should report it as soon as possible, though attempt to be discreet and report it to a higher power than those who are being corrupt, doing this will prevent any attempts at coverups being made. Bodycam footage can be used alongside valid witnesses and CCTV footage to prove the crime. If your highest power is being corrupt, then it is best to go to the Police Department's governing body to make a report. Should your report be found credible, the arrest and punishment of the individual will go through, and they will face from 6 - 20 months in prison time, according to the Karakura Law regulations and legislature documentation. "

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
You should add this to their list of offenses as an attempt to bribe an officer.

" As seen within the finable offenses of the Karakura Law regulations and legislature documentation, it is an additional offense to attempt to bribe an officer or senior government official, the individual should be either fined the localised appropriate amount, or the fine should be added to the individuals bail upon their arrest, though the officer should communicate this to the detainee upon addition. "

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