Level 2
IGN: (Please also list any of your alternate accounts)
WhiteNinjaCFC (Main account/account used for the gang)
BlackNinjaCFC (Alternative account)
List any applications that you have created on the forums:
Denied - BlackNinjaCFC | Priest Application
SHINSEI SEINARU MONASTERY APPLICATION ─────────────────────────────────────── Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IN-GAME NAME (IGN): WhiteNinjaCFC (most of my time roleplaying has been on this account, as I got my sports character and rank here) BlackNinjaCFC (this is the account I'm...
Describe your activity on the server:
I am active on a plethora of bases and am also a part of a variety of SRP communities. These communities range from deep inside gang rp, all the way over to Jock rp and sports rp.
Gang roleplay is the activity I arguably do the most on the server, I also enjoy this activity the most out of all of them. It has been a part of my SRP career and has always kept me invested in the server.
Jock roleplay is one of the first activities I did on the server. After 2-3 weeks of actively playing the server, I got accepted into the volleyball team. This enhanced my SRP experience and made me dabble with a plethora of detailed roleplay altercations ranging from romance roleplay to gang roleplay.
A lot of my time also gets spent in different events, both gang roleplay, but also events for my Jock character. I have also dabbled in my fair share of weddings and funerals throughout my career on SRP.
Right now most of my time is spent managing my gang and in general gang roleplay. It is my passion for SRP so I spend most of my time dedicated to it.
Specify your Discord name:
Specify the link to your gang's Discord: (This link must be permanent and have unlimited uses)

Discord - Group Chat That’s All Fun & Games
Discord is great for playing games and chilling with friends, or even building a worldwide community. Customize your own space to talk, play, and hang out.
Specify the number of members currently in your gang:
At the time we are posting this application our gang’s member count is 35/35
Specify one (1) idea for an event your gang would do:
The start
Due to an unfortunate situation an important figure in the well-known gang known as “Woodson Syndicate” would get imprisoned. This would enrage many of the gang’s thugs. Would they let someone so important to them get jailed? This is what most of the thugs thought about all the time. They wouldn’t, they weren’t only a gang, they were a family and no one was left behind. Upon realizing that they couldn’t let this go, the gang’s best and most experienced members would gather to make a plan that would either set their fellow gang members free or send a warning to the organizations that their gang shouldn’t be messed with. After having a long discussion, the group would agree upon a set of events that would make the city of Karakura tremble as if it were hit by an earthquake. They decided they should kidnap multiple government workers, such as workers like judges and lawyers to hopefully ask for an exchange where they would get their important member back, followed by some items.
It was a dark and stormy night in the city of Karakura, nights like these were hand-made for an organization like Woodson Syndicate. This would be the day everything would happen, either they lost everything or won the hearts of every criminal in Karakura as they freed their brother from prison. The syndicate decided to split into groups of 5-7 members and attack the government workers. They kidnapped them one after the other and they brought them to a secret place. Once they arrived they would tie them to a chair before releasing a picture of the beaten-up workers letting all of Karakura see. No major injuries would have been dealt, but the syndicate made a video stating that every hour the Karakura police department toon to answer, one of their hostages would be hurt as they said their wants.
There would be a couple of possible endings, firstly it could end in triumph for Woodson as they got the items and achieved the prisoner’s freedom and the hostages would be able to escape freely.
The second possible ending would be them doing a prisoner swap but somehow losing the exchange ending with a lot of them in prison and the organization weaker than ever, making themselves looking like fools to the rest of the criminal underworld.
The third and last possible ending would be the Karakura Police Department not agreeing to the terms, and refusing to help their government workers, ending in the workers receiving several wounds and possibly ending in them passing away.
What is the name of your gang?:
Woodson Syndicate
What are the themes/morals/beliefs/motives of your gang?:
Our gang is built around a single theme rather than grabbing several aspects from different gang themes or cultures. Our main focus is creating and playing characters making them truly believable gang members from an unprivileged upbringing. Our morals consist of having a high ego and lacking tolerance for disrespect as we tend to despise other people who insult without courage being what we’d call “cowards”. Although we don’t like taking disrespect from other people we tend to try to keep a calm mind and a smart point of view, as we are also businessmen attempting to make money by other means rather than just the criminal underworld. The motive and lore behind our gang is that we are a failed syndicate that moved from the States and picked up our roots in Karakura as we returned to our origins as street thugs.
What differs your gang from the rest of the unverified gang roster and other applicants?:
I believe that we are the first actual American street gang. Which separates us from the traditional yakuza, cults, and mafia. We are actively playing as people who form part of marginal neighborhoods (hoods) and portraying it in how our characters act. Our gang also integrates some traditions or rituals that make it unique. First, in our initiation process, each new member that is assigned to the thug position receives a beating by their fellow gang member, this is known commonly as "getting jumped in" which I have not seen on SRP during my playtime. The members that compose our gang normally have a tattoo obsession, as they cover their bodies with several different tattoos showing off gang affiliation or traits of their personality. Our gang possesses a plethora of attires that represent the theme of the gang as these also help define the gang's main color representing the gangs main color, which is blue. Most of our member wear these attires proudly as they go on with their day. We are planning to get custom vehicles to make our characters more fitting to their origins as they do this in an attempt to show off or be unique amongst the gang. Another great difference between the Syndicate and the rest of Karakura’s gangs is it’s mentorships. Usually gangs host trainings in order to see how their members enroll in combat. Woodson Syndicate takes this to another level. Our new and unexperienced members are placed into mentorship groups where they get an assigned mentor (one of our best and most experienced members) in order to help them develop their combat and general gang roleplay experience and abilities. They are also assigned a certain member of “teammates” who will also get mentored alongside them. The main objective of this system is to help players get a better start and gangRP and help them detailRP better.
What reputation does the gang uphold in-character at the moment? Where are they most actively present?:
Woodson syndicate is a quite well-known gang, most people have heard something about the gang. This could vary from our hang-out spot to our well-renowned attires. Some may not know who we are, but they will see that we exist due to the attires being worn so often. Behind the bowling alley a lot of our members hang out and chill, we also decided to tag the whole alleyway kind of claiming it as our own.
Write a paragraph describing your gang and showcasing what they are capable of: (This is for the unverified gang roster. This section must have under or a maximum of 250 words and cannot go over this number; otherwise, your application will be denied)
Although the gang’s name is Woodson Syndicate, this group of individuals does not act as your traditional syndicate. This organization is rooted deep in the American underworld. They remained there until a challenging year came and they got driven out of the country by opposing factions and hatred towards the organization and the family that runs it. As they landed on the shores of Karakura the syndicate decided to return to their usual ways and roots hoodlums rather than an organized crime Syndicate. This gang has proven they are fearless towards the authorities. They usually can be seen representing the gang's colors and parading the city as if it were their own. Most of the members in the so-called “Syndicate” are street thugs who know how to act when they want to achieve something. These thugs don’t fear roaming the city while thinking they are superior to everyone and everything.

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