What is your Minecraft username?:
What is your time zone?:
GMT +8
What is your discord username?:
Link all previous applications you made on the server:
https://schoolrp.net/threads/x4miyaas-language-application.77147/ Chinese lang, approved
https://schoolrp.net/threads/miyasucccs-language-application.75459/ Spanish lang, approved
https://schoolrp.net/threads/x4miyaas-art-teacher-application.78367/ Teacher application, Denied
Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
Despite my horrible timezone which sets me ahead of the majority of the server by at least 12 hours, I would say that I am still relatively active. As I am currently on my semester break, I am on every day between 5pm to 5am.
Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
SRP is currently the only server that play on for RP, on SRP I would say that my main roleplays has always revolved around Gang and Criminal RP, but I have since slowly branched out. I love having rich lore based stories, but I can also appreciate a simple back and forth conversation roleplay. I would not say that I am that amazing at roleplaying as I have seen some really amazing roleplayers around the server but I would guess that I am somewhat decent?
What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
I currently one [College] tag, four [Grade-12] tags and one [Grade-8] tag
What is the subject you want to teach?:
Video Production
What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:
Recently, due to school, I’ve been logging on at times when the server is essentially ‘dead’ . I realized that applying for a professor role would allow those in a timezone similar to mine to have an experience just like everyone else. As I am also a film student, I would love to share some of my knowledge with fellow SRP players and this would be a good opportunity for me to brush up on my own skills as well as share my knowledge with others who might be interested in this topic! Of course I would love to be able to expand on my roleplay skills and I think the professor faction would definitely allow me to build and better my roleplay skills.
Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
1. I would host a script writing lesson, students would be given a book and a genre. (Eg, Action thriller) And everyone would have to come up with a script for a 3 to 4 minute short film. The story can be completely up to them, as long as it is related to the genre given. After everyone is done, they would have to individually present their stories to the class to ‘pitch’ it. Which would lead to the next class.
2. I would host a storyboarding lesson. After a few scripts are chosen for this class, the students would be grouped into sets of 3 or 4. They would have to come up with the storyboard of the script, figuring out the shot sizes and how the film would end up looking. They would have to draw out their storyboard into books.
Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
For the field trip, it would also tie together with the previous two lessons. After the script and storyboard are prepared, the students would be brought outside to film. To contain them from running around, I would choose a simple location. One that allows all the students to be in my line of sight. I would take them to the park that is directly across complex K. They would have to assign someone to be the talent, reading out the script as the crew would focus on keeping the camera and audio levels steady.
Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
From the corner of her eyes, Kanae would notice a group of college students. Tilting her head slightly, she’d walk over. “Everything al-” She’d cut herself off as she finally noticed the cornered student. Crossing her arms, she’d clear her throat. “Back away from the student please.” She spoke calmly, watching as the college jocks slowly backed away. “Why are you cornering him?” She asked, taking a step closer as she stood in front of the bobcat jock.
As the college students struggled to give an explanation, Kanae would sigh softly. “Please refrain from cornering other students from now on, alright? This will be your one and only warning. If I catch you cornering another student, it’ll be detention. Understood? Good. Now go about your day.” She would then turn around, inspecting the bobcat jock for any injuries. After ensuring that the jock was alright, she would ask them if they had any friends around. If they did, she would then personally walk them over to their friends before going about her day.
Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
As Kanae walked around the room, checking to make sure everyone was doing their tasks, a student would raise his hand for the nth time. Sighing softly, she’d walk over. “Can I not do this? I wasn’t even in the wrong.” The student would ask. Kanae would shake her head, offering him a sympathetic smile. “I’m sorry dear, but you have to do the task that has been given to you. The faster you finish your task, the faster you’d be able to go do your business and head home.” She explained, picking up the student's pen from the table and handing it to him.
“I understand that you may have some questions but let's keep it to ourselves. If you have any other questions, you can stay back after detention is done and I’ll be happy to answer any of them. But for now let's put a stop to the questions, alright?” And with that, she’d walk back to the front of the class. Watching over the rest of the students.
Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
Turning around, Kanae would notice the same group of cheerleaders. “Girls, could we please turn off the music? I understand that you want to share some good songs with your friends but it is really interfering with my class.” She explained, placing her marker down on her desk. As the cheerleaders rebutted, she’d glance over to the door.
“If you still insist on playing your music and being disruptive, the door is right there. You are free to leave. I have other students here who are interested in learning and I’m sure they don’t appreciate the disruption.” And with that, the students finally put the phones on silent and kept it away. A smile would tug on her lips as she nodded. “Thank you, now! Back to our lesson.”
Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
As Kanae walked past the side of the school, she’d overhear some distant yelling. Narrowing her eyes, she would notice a group of students throwing punches at each other. She’d quicken her pace, rushing over as she’d step between the crowd. “Please disperse.” She’d speak, her voice stern with authority. As the students simply ignored her and continued throwing punches, she’d take a step back. Reaching into her pocket, she’d pull out her radio.
“Could I please get some assistance at the side of the school? There is a fight happening here and they are refusing to disperse.” She’d whisper into the radio before walking back to the group. “Please disperse or this could lead to expulsion.” She said, raising her voice ever so slightly. “I said DISPERSE.” She finally raised her voice, causing the students to pause just as another staff member approached the scene. The fight would finally be stopped and she would check over all the students. Checking them for any injuries, if they had any injuries, she would send them to the nurses to ensure they had their wounds checked out.
Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

Kanae Klein Kageyama. She stands at 5’3, not too tall nor too short. Her heterochromic eyes would be the first thing you notice. She definitely seemed youthful with that charming smile of hers. No one would believe that this stunning lady was actually 39. She carries herself with grace, her voice soft and comforting. With her signature smile, she definitely exudes a warm and welcoming aura. Her personality would remind you of a mother, nurturing, kind, understanding, patient and calm.
When it comes to students, she sees them as her own children. She doesn’t believe that there is a ‘bad’ student. Instead, she believes that if they were acting out, there must be a reason underneath it. She is willing to guide any student who has gone astray, and lead them onto the right path. She simply wants to nurture and guide her students so that they would be able to grow up and become contributing members of society.
As for her fellow colleagues, she views them with respect. After all, it isn’t easy to be a professor or anyone in this industry. She would do her best to maintain good relationships with her colleagues.
Her plans for the future would be relatively simple, sharing her knowledge on film productions, making some new friends in Karakura and getting to know others.
Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.
Kanae grew up in America with her adopted sister Marceline. From a young age, she had always been interested in arts. People would often see her with a sketchbook in her hands, doodling away. Her original plan was to be an artist, but as she grew up and got introduced to the world of films, her love slowly shifted onto film production. She’d write scripts for her and her sister to act out, filming them on an old camera her parents had laying around. Her love for art never changed of course, it just simply died down a little as her love for film grew. She had always aspired to be part of a production crew. She wanted to see her name at the very end of a movie in the credits.
It was only natural that she studied film after completing her high school. She enrolled herself into a film school in Toronto and she blossomed there. She topped her class in every single module, and soon she landed herself a job at a major production house as a Director of Photography (DOP). She loved every moment of that job, despite it being so tiring. She moved to japan at the age of 30, a few years after landing that job, she was sent there to scout out potential locations for a film as well as research on the japanese folklore. She didn’t complain about the move, instead, she was ecstatic. It was her first time abroad. However, during that trip, she would find herself in a car accident. One that unfortunately damaged her spine. This injury meant that she would not be able to carry the giant cameras needed to film. She was absolutely crushed. Years of hard work, gone. All because she was rushing to a shrine at midnight during a thunderstorm to get a shot of the fireworks.
She couldn’t get herself out of bed for months. She wanted to return to the film industry. She wanted to be back on set. But she couldn’t. Her spine would hurt so bad to a point where she couldn’t walk after carrying something heavy. This injury destroyed her. Her husband had to watch her go from this lively and cheerful woman to someone who couldn’t get out of bed without sobbing uncontrollably. That was when he got the idea to suggest that she could still be contributing to the industry. Her skills were amazing, too good to pass up. Instead of just letting it all go to waste, why not have her teach aspiring filmmakers?
He’d set up a website for her, helping her gain customers. And slowly, the light had returned to her eyes. Yes, she couldn’t film anymore but she could still teach. She could share her knowledge. With this newfound confidence, she applied to a film school in japan. And that would be the beginning of her teaching journey.
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)
Full Name:
Kanae K. Kageyama
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Given Name(s):
Preferred Name:
Gender & pronouns:
Female, she/her
Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:
Current Location:
Karakura, Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Teaching Experience (# of years):
Working Experience (# of years):
Academic Degree:
Bachelor’s in Film and Media Studies
Year of Graduation:
Film Production, Cinematography, Film Editing
Cinematic Arts
Native Languages:
Japanese and English
Other Languages:
Spanish and Chinese
Preferred Teaching Subject:
Video Production
Additional notes about your application (if any):
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