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Xiao Leung Biography


Level 17



Table of contents:
- [Chapter 1] Basic Informations
- [Chapter 2] Other Informations
[Chapter 3] Backstory
- [Chapter 4] Phases in his childhood

- [Chapter 5] Family & the relationships


[Chapter 1] Basic Informations
Name: Xiao
Last Name (Family Name): Leung
Age: 16
Gender: Male

Height: 5'2'' (157,5 cm)
Weight: 120 lbs (55 kg)
Build: Lean but very muscular for his age
Skin Color: Tan
Eye Color: Goldish-amber
Natural hair Color: Black
Hair style: Messy, longer in the front
Race: Mixed (Chinese-Caribbean)
Sexuality: Straight

Date of birth: April 17th
Place of birth: Was born at his home
Languages: Japanese, Chinese, Russian


[Chapter 2] Other Informations
A lean but very muscular boy with smooth, lightly tanned skin, and eyes that resemble Gold, and a somewhat feminine body shape would have caught your attention. His hair is messy from constant movement, but it still shines from great care. It is longer in the front, and is dyed around his forehead and face a greenish blue.

Character Voice:
His voice sounds like a soothing boyish voice, no voice cracking, yet you can tell he is a male, it sounds rather trustworthy and kind, filled with a hint of innocence. When he is grumpy it sounds cute, like a pup barking.

Xiao always has his spear with him, which he has built himself out of material he could find in the Caribbean when he grew up. He also has a phone with him.

He would wear clothing comfortable for him, mostly baggy but also sometimes rather tight clothing, he has a very tight tank top, a comfy warm jacket, comfortable PJ's and a nice swimwear which he ofcourse uses for swimming.

He loves hanging out with people he trusts and are positive, he likes taking walks at the beach, just like climbing palm trees, rocks and many other things. When he is alone, he likes to play Genshin Impact, which he is a fan of. One more hobby of his is drawing sketches of the Caribbeans wilderness and sea life.


[Chapter 3] Backstory
Around 16 years ago, a beautiful baby boy was born between a Chinese mother and native Caribbean father. He lived originally in quite the tropical village which was teeming with life. It was always simple for him, as he was lovingly spoiled by his parents while also being taught good morals. Xiao eventually by the age of 14 has stumbled across an image of a character who appeared rather similar to him. He had many phases in his life, he is outside a lot, which explains his build. Out of curiosity, he searched the character online, and discovered Genshin impact. Having been enthralled by the series, he dedicated his time and money towards the game, wanting to be more and more like his favorite character. Due to sharing the same name and face, this made it easy. Xiao inevitably dyed his hair thanks to the help of his two sisters, and eventually moved to Karakura at the age of 16 for a new exciting start.


[Chapter 4] Phases in his childhood
Around age 4, he had the phase of a food strike due to his parents not feeding him exactly what he wanted during a Monday morning. He quickly learned that a day without food is miserable.
Xiao at around the age of 6 thoroughly enjoyed climbing, and sight seeing. He underwent a phase of being hyper curious of all things around him.
Around age 7, he would take stones from the shores and stack them into high towers. Of course, he eventually became bored as the towers never really did much, and never worked well as a wall.
At the age of 8, he went through a phase of wanting to nonstop swim. Quickly realized that was a bad idea after trying to spend a night in water.
After spending most of his time climbing as a small child, he had a rock climbing phase where he enjoyed watching his muscles grow. Albeit the calluses on his hands grossed him out, but he enjoyed it nonetheless.
At the age of 10 he had gone through a phase of wanting to become a professional sand castle builder, and even wanted to become a professional soccer player, of course he stopped after being hit in the face with a soccer ball.
Around age 11, Xiao liked to shake a palm trees to force coconuts to fall, he would use a dull knife to carve faces into the coconuts for fun. He stopped when a coconut fell on his head when he didn't pay attention.
At the age of 13, Xiao had discovered a gift of his in the art of crafting weaponry from sticks and stones. He began to build his own using twine from the trees to hold it all together, using other stones to sharpen whichever one he wanted to use for a spear head or arrow tips. Using a small knife, he would whittle away at a large stick to form a spear for spear fishing. He still enjoys to create weapons to this day.
Around age 14 he became obsessed with Genshin Impact, wanting to always play and never be bothered during his playtime. He is still stuck in that phase.
Around age 15, he began to read romance novels in the form of manga thanks to the beautiful images the authors would make.


[Chapter 5] Family & the relationships
Mother (40 years old):
Xiao has quite the pleasant relationship with his mother and has usually always been referred to as a 'mamas boy' for always wanting to stay around her.

Father (42 years old):

His relationship with his father is a bit complex, but in a good way. He and his father always get along in comfortable silence, enjoying each other's presences without needing to speak much.

Older Sister (19 years old):
His older sister can sometimes be overbearing as she is protective of him, coming across as mean at times.

Younger Sister (14 years old):
His little sister can be quite bossy and irritating at times towards him, but they get along well.

Grandparents (Grandpa: 65 years old, Grandma: 63 years old):

His relationship with his grandparents is precious as the three of them love each other very much. They have always spoiled him with love and gifts. He started rock climbing as a sport only after his grandparents had given him too much food.


Red_Chinese_Dragon.svg.pngI hope you enjoyed the Biography, thank you for reading! Red_Chinese_Dragon.svg - Kopie.png
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