Ace Winters
Level 6
IGN (In Game Name): XNestoria
Previous bans: None
Describe your activity on the server: Since I joined ive been on every day for atleast like a few hours (exept 1 day which i was doing some family things so)
Do you have Discord? yes its: I Know Shaq Fu#4616
Do you have a microphone? yes but it is currently broken (i do have a laptop that has a mic if i need to be in discord calls or something though aswell as my phone) (i would prefer not to use my mic if i have the option though)
List your current and past applications:
What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation is a man named David Goggins (Actual dude go look him up he is honestly the best dude ive ever encountered) and I believe this will make me a better person in the role play and would help me encounter more opertunities
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
pretty well yes although not officially and I would like to improve on it as i'm not that confident in that sense.
What are the Police ranks?
Head Lieutenant
Vice Lieutenant
Patrol Officer
What knowledge do you have of Police Work.
not much (but my character was in the military including Military Police)
Why are Police important to SchoolRP?
Police are important to keep everything in order they pretty much do the stuff for the server to keep it in line (well the stuff that the admins and staff dont do)
Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes I acknowledge this but i'm hopeful it will never happen as i intend to put as much effort as possible into the police force.
In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
my characters description:
A young looking man yet a tough one, He is Israeli,Good posture, Smells like cheap yet good cologne, Standing at 6'9 this male has hair as white as snow and looks very muscular and caring with a bright smile.
What he's like on the and off the job?
on the job he would be serious, motivated, and make an attempt to be inspirational to the other task members, off the job he would be joking and caring
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
My character would always look out for his co-workers, he would put them before himself and he plans to climb the ranks and become a better man.
is an Israeli ultramarathon runner, ultra-distance cyclist, triathlete, motivational speaker and author. He is a retired Matkal operator. Also known as "Unit 269," Israel's Sayeret Matkal is a highly secretive special-operations. and former member of the Oketz Unit, aswell as the Commando Brigade & the Yalkam Unit who served in the War in Afghanistan and the Iraq War. He came to Japan in order to get better education, aswell as a more safe enviorment, he wishes to do more, although his achievements as a Military Man was something very special he wishes to prove himself after all the racism from his childhood he had finally snapped and wanted to prove himself where ever he went.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: David V. Goggins
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Lt (because of my character's history in Israeli military)
Given Name(s): dont understand the question?
Preferred Name: Lt. J or just J
Age: currently 18 but when i join 25
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Jewish (Israel)
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: Israeli and Japanese (i'm asuming Japanese cuz we kinda live in japan so yeah)
Current Location: if you mean house i have none if you mean where I am rn I am next to the police station
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: None currently
Working Experience: 3 yrs in the military
Academic Degree: University Of Cambridge to become a doctor
Year of Graduation:
Major(s): Economics, aswell as History
Minor(s): Russian***, Statistics minor, physics
Native Languages: technically Israeli but i didnt apply for it yet aswell as Japanese cuz everyone in the damn roleplay speaks that
Other Languages: nope
Previous bans: None
Describe your activity on the server: Since I joined ive been on every day for atleast like a few hours (exept 1 day which i was doing some family things so)
Do you have Discord? yes its: I Know Shaq Fu#4616
Do you have a microphone? yes but it is currently broken (i do have a laptop that has a mic if i need to be in discord calls or something though aswell as my phone) (i would prefer not to use my mic if i have the option though)
List your current and past applications:
What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation is a man named David Goggins (Actual dude go look him up he is honestly the best dude ive ever encountered) and I believe this will make me a better person in the role play and would help me encounter more opertunities
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
pretty well yes although not officially and I would like to improve on it as i'm not that confident in that sense.
What are the Police ranks?
Head Lieutenant
Vice Lieutenant
Patrol Officer
What knowledge do you have of Police Work.
not much (but my character was in the military including Military Police)
Why are Police important to SchoolRP?
Police are important to keep everything in order they pretty much do the stuff for the server to keep it in line (well the stuff that the admins and staff dont do)
Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes I acknowledge this but i'm hopeful it will never happen as i intend to put as much effort as possible into the police force.

In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
my characters description:
A young looking man yet a tough one, He is Israeli,Good posture, Smells like cheap yet good cologne, Standing at 6'9 this male has hair as white as snow and looks very muscular and caring with a bright smile.
What he's like on the and off the job?
on the job he would be serious, motivated, and make an attempt to be inspirational to the other task members, off the job he would be joking and caring
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
My character would always look out for his co-workers, he would put them before himself and he plans to climb the ranks and become a better man.
is an Israeli ultramarathon runner, ultra-distance cyclist, triathlete, motivational speaker and author. He is a retired Matkal operator. Also known as "Unit 269," Israel's Sayeret Matkal is a highly secretive special-operations. and former member of the Oketz Unit, aswell as the Commando Brigade & the Yalkam Unit who served in the War in Afghanistan and the Iraq War. He came to Japan in order to get better education, aswell as a more safe enviorment, he wishes to do more, although his achievements as a Military Man was something very special he wishes to prove himself after all the racism from his childhood he had finally snapped and wanted to prove himself where ever he went.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: David V. Goggins
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Lt (because of my character's history in Israeli military)
Given Name(s): dont understand the question?
Preferred Name: Lt. J or just J
Age: currently 18 but when i join 25
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Jewish (Israel)
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: Israeli and Japanese (i'm asuming Japanese cuz we kinda live in japan so yeah)
Current Location: if you mean house i have none if you mean where I am rn I am next to the police station
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: None currently
Working Experience: 3 yrs in the military
Academic Degree: University Of Cambridge to become a doctor
Year of Graduation:
Major(s): Economics, aswell as History
Minor(s): Russian***, Statistics minor, physics
Native Languages: technically Israeli but i didnt apply for it yet aswell as Japanese cuz everyone in the damn roleplay speaks that
Other Languages: nope
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