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'Yamanaka' Mayabashi | 「山中」


Level 10
X-'Yamanaka Mayabashi'-X

- X - Basic Information - X -
First Name




Given Names





News Reporter

- X - Physical Attributes - X -



165 Pounds

Physical Description

Yamanaka would stand a slightly tall individual, standing at 5'10. He'd have dark brown eyes, going well with his skin tone. Yamanaka would have a stern expression on his face, seeming to look angry. He'd speak in a soft, but serious tone. He'd appear to be wearing an 'OFFWHITE' two different colored shirt, with blue ripped jeans. Yamanaka would have extrememly curly black hair and his face would seem 'unenergetic.'

- X - Personality - X -

Yamanaka seems to be a quiet individual, always focused on himself other than others. He always feels as if he does too much, so he chooses to do too little. Yamanaka is a non-energetic person, and can seem a bit lazy sometimes. When it comes to something he enjoys, such as journalism, he'll go the extra mile.

Yamanaka has a raspy, but soft voice. Whenever he speaks, it always sounds like he gives little to no effort when speaking to people.

- X - Relationships - X -
Akaashi S. Fawcett
Akaashi is one of Yamanaka's closest family members. Akaashi has been there for Yamanaka and both of them are amazing friends. Akaashi is the only person Yamanaka would feel comfortable getting drunk with. The two are related by Silva adoption.

Theo 'TJ' Silva
TJ is Yamanaka's older brother. The two speak to each other a lot, but Yamanaka isn't as close to him as he is his brother Akaashi. TJ is Yamanaka's step brother, but they are still close to each other and both have much in common.

Giann Loughty
Giann is Yamanaka's older brother and the both are very close friends. They grew up together and have always stuck by each other's side no matter the situation. Giann is Yamanaka's closest sibling and would do anything for him as he has done anything for Yamanaka.
- More to be added


Hajiro 'King' I. Kaiho
Hajiro Is a good friend of Yamanakas and the two have done many things together. Yamanaka met Hajiro when he was 20 in college and the two have stayed friends ever since.

K. 'Ironside' Koroner
Ironside met Yamanaka at the age of 20. The two had met through a business partnership due to the Silva family business. They have been friends since that day and have spoken to each other very frequently as long as they have known each other.

Yamanaka has been friends with Dean since he was 18 years old. When they first met, it was under 'unspoken' circumstances. The two have kept in touch since then and to this day are still close friends.

- X - Backstory - X -
- To be edited

Thank you for reading the Toshinori 'Yamanaka' Mayabashi biography!

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