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Yasuko Saitō-Murakami | A Biography (V2)


Level 37

Note: I've been told that the black on red color scheme makes this biography difficult to read, and I apologize for that. If you have any difficulty, try turning your brightness up <3
Yasuko Saito-Murakami (4).png

Yasuko Saito-Murakami (6).png
Yasuko Saito-Murakami (6) copy.png
Yasuko Saito-Murakami (6) copy 2.png
Yasuko Saito-Murakami (10) copy.png
Relationships and backstory sections coming in the (hopefully) near future! <3 I've been working on this biography for way too long and I figured posting it may give me the motivation to finish it. Feel free to critique any major flaws in the replies, I still have the files and such for all these photos so if there's any major issues I can go back and fix them.

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