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Yoshida Biography


Level 15
Hunter Yoshida. Drakos-Senova
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Basic Information

First Name:
Surname: Yoshida. Drakos-Senova

Aliases: Hercules

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Height: 6'1ft

Weight: 185Ibs

Build: Muscular, sleeper build

Eye Color: Red

Hair Style: Mid-length, messy type styled

Hair Color: White (Biological)

Fashion: He tends to wear a jacket with a white shirt underneath and pants to cover up his insecurity which is his prosthetic leg (Right leg)

Abnormalities: He has a scar over his right eye. Albino, that is why he as red eyes and white hair. Missing right leg (chopped off by masked figures)

Date of Birth: November 26th

Place of Birth: Brisbane, Australia

Nationality: Korean-Australian Heritage

Race: ^ (Use that same nationality as the race)

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Religious Beliefs: Christianity (Converted by his friend, Ricardo Hernandez)

Political Beliefs: "Fuck no, the government has done nothing for me..."

General Appearance

Appearance: Hunter would have vibrant white hair that would always be messy, never really styled as such. His eyes are bright red hue, he seemed to always have a quite dark stare... perhaps hiding his pure intentions? His eyebrows would be pretty normal except for the massive gash of a scar over his eye that he has. His build would be a muscular, sleeper build as such, where he looked lanky but yet he has toned abs underneath. His arm would have a trailing tattoo of a snake and then his back would have a carving of a dragon, a testimony of his adoptive family, the Drakos family.

Personality: Hunter's personality would differ with each interaction he was in, bipolar at most. Mainly he would be airheaded, considerate and friendly but deep down was something malicious like a ticking time-bomb waiting to burst. Hunter would keep all of his feelings to himself not sharing much unless he had to share them. However, despite this he would fight for the ones he deemed fit to care about such as his girlfriend and his friends, and his family, which he held close to him.

Diseases/Illness: Albino? Undiagnosed ADHD for sure

Character Voice: Hunter would talk with a clear Australian accent, with a few korean flares in there.

Equipment: He can be seen wearing 'Senova Gold Shades' on the top of his head.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: He never opens up with people and never shares his deep feelings. He can be very manipulative in a sense that he wears a mask as such.

Family: He is a biological member of the Senova Family which was started by his brother, Senjo and various of his brothers/sisters. He holds them close and would effectively die for them. He was also adopted by the Drakos family, getting a carving in testimony to the Drakos Pride. Then taking on the Yoshida last name in co-response to his Mother and his heritage.

Backstory: Hunter Yoshida was born into a very toxic house, his biological mother, Audrey Yoshida, often hitting him if he wasn't a model child, forcing him into things he didn't want to do. Though as much as he hurt him, Hunter knew that he wouldn't stop loving her and that was his downfall. She used all of his love for his mother and used it against him. Hunter eventually saw straight past this and moved out to live with his biological father in Korea... Often being there for him, but then he saw him for who he really was a 'Dropkick' like his brothers, Nassy and Ethan said he was... He would get drunk, beat Hunter up and then drink some more. He was a flat out alcoholic and would take his problems onto Hunter. Often days, Hunter would go to school with bruises and lashes from his father's beating. But, he knew he had to leave somewhere when he came home... finding out he wanted to flee from sources, his father beat him up to the point he was bleeding on his floor, and his father broke a beer bottle over his head, using the glass to leave a deep slash over his eye in spite. After gaining composure, Hunter fled his father's home, becoming homeless and eventually dropping out of school to work at a local shop for very little pay, all at the age of 10. Not seeing his siblings for a number of years, he decided to try and get in contact with them. The only one he could manage to find or get contact with was his adoptive brother, Jaide. His brother offered him a place to stay over in Japan, so he obliged his offer moving to Karakura, Japan. Not knowing the language, it was a massive language barrier. Though with persistence, he learnt how to communicate. Jaide helped him through all the rough times whilst they were in a club, "Book Club" as they would call it... It was fun and shit, but then we didn't agree with some stuff so we fled. We sorted to make our own gang... one full of promise but then... it went down the drain when it got merged with a gang called Onryo. It was good at the start, until Jaide got into some bad stuff and mistakes that lead him to a bad place. Hunter following his behaviour got his leg chopped off, though no matter Jaide was the only one there for him.. Though, Hunter was walking past the family store to then get knocked out by some masked guys and had to watch as masked figures cleaved the neck of his brother... His own best friend... This was a pivotal moment for Hunter, that he had to get over with the help of his brother/roommate Ezra and best friend Ricardo/girlfriend's brother... He holds Ezra a close brother of his... But he cares about all of his Senova siblings.. Additionally, he cares about his girlfriend Guadalupe Hernandez deeply.

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