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You9974's Librarian Application attempt #4(I think)

Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:
My minecraft username is You9974

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
Yes, it's dummy_test1

How old are you? (Optional):
I'm 16 years old.

What is your time zone?:
My time zone is Central European Time (CET)

Describe your activity on the server:
During weekdays I usually play from 14:00(2:00pm) to 21:20(9:00pm).

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
I have been banned once, for ERP, I do not remember when, but in my defense, I did not know the thing I did was considered ERP.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I acknowledge that I will be demoted if I'm inactive.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:
I'm applying for school Librarian.

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
Librarians help people find and use information. They organize books and digital resources, teach people how to search for information and make sure library materials stay in good condition. Their job is all about sharing knowledge and encouraging learning.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I'm really good at doing DetailRP, and RP in general. I try to avoid FailRP as much as possible.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
I am interested in joining the School Employee faction because I was interested in what school faculty does, specifically the Librarian

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
[Grade 12] You9974


During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
My character would try to calm them down and make them stop cursing.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
My character would try to deescalate the situation and find out caused it in the first place.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
My character would tell them to stop as we are adults and should act appropriately.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
My character would get work done or chat with other school faculty about recent situations that happened in school, like fights, discussions and similar.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

would get out of her chair and walked over to the arguing students and tried calming them down and to deescalate the situation.

/me would scan the student's librarian card and hands over the desired book they were asking for.

/me "If you want a library card, you will have to pay 2000 Yen." She takes the money, and says "Alright. Here is your card!" She says, handing the card to the student.


In-Character Section

Full Name (First & Last only):
Chloe Thornberry
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Preferred Name:
Age (Minimum is 25):


Academic Degree:
Master of Library and Information Science degree

Library Science

Information Studies


Known Languages:
Japanese, German, JSL

Chloe Thornberry was born into a life of fame, where she was raised by a music producer in america, far from her real family.
Her real career as a popstar began at 6, making her one of the youngest, if not THE youngest pop-singers to ever live. As she grew older, she hosted concerts all over the world. with 13, she went to germany to a concert. She had even learned the local language for better communication. But the more fame she got, the more haters appeared as well. She was being actively bullied for how she grew up with no childhood, and being a spoiled brat. At 14, the bullying intensified, with many fans of her trying to protect her from the bullying, but it didn't work that well. During her second concert in germany, which was one of the biggest ones she had ever hosted, a hater snuck up to the stage with a katana, where he attacked her with it, and in the end, chopped off her left arm. Security quickly dealt with the man and the man got arrested. Chloe never heard from him again. Soon after the tragedy, she was rushed to the hospital, many people thinking her career was over. But Chloe did not give up. A fan, who was also a very experienced technician, had made her a prosthetic arm that looked so realistic, one could mistake it for a normal arm. The hospital agreed to surgically connect the prosthetic to her brain, basically giving her back the arm she had lost. Her 15th year of life, she spent with producing more music, and hosting more concerts all over the world. At the peak of her career, where she was one of the most popular popstars in the world, the bullying and hate she recieved was too much for her, and she hosted a last concert, as a goodbye message to all her fans. After her last concert, she left her homeland and the person who raised her, to start a new life in Karakura, Japan. After she had ended her career and disappeared from the internet, she was quickly forgotten by most of the world, barely anybody remembered her. When she was 16 years old, and had been living in Karakura for about a year, she finally reunited with her brother, John Tin Thornberry, who was very happy to know that he still had family left from his earlier life. They had a lot of catching up to do, and did exactly that, they told eachother about their lifes and about their tragedies. Chloe also found out that she had two nieces, Nadine E. Thornberry and Anna Thornberry. As she continued her life in Karakura, she had found out that she really liked the job as a librarian, which she later on decided to become. At 25 years of age, she finally got accepted as a librarian in the Karakura High School.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):
"Being a librarian was always interesting to me. I am interested in the job for many reasons. One of those reasons is that I enjoy talking to people, especially people who are interested in reading books like me."

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I should be accepted over other applicants because I worked very hard for this application, I know how to roleplay very well, my character fits the job nicely, and I know a lot about librarians and their job. In addition, if I make mistakes, I will go to my colleagues for help.



Additional notes about your application:

In case there are any mistakes in spelling or just how I wrote my sentences, it is probably because of the fact that I am not english or american, but actually german. That means I tend to think of a sentence in german and then translate it, which can result in a weird sentence structure.
Please point out any spelling mistakes I did.

Do you have any questions?:

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